Chapter 36 Natural disasters and famine.

Ji Changqing looked amused, but when Cai Huan raised her hand, he noticed from the corner of his eye that her belly was slightly bulging.

"How many months?"

Ji Changqing reached out and touched the purple fur coat. It was no longer as flat as before.

"That's three too many. As a father, why don't you remember it?" Cai Huan glanced at him sideways.

Lately, all he has been thinking about is cultivation, so how can he keep track of time?

"Don't move your tires."

Caihuan took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling. After calming down, she said in a clear voice: "Sister Yuzhu is already four months old. Have you thought of a name yet?"

"It's not urgent."

Ji Changqing shifted his gaze and looked at the clouds on the horizon, as if it was time to consider this issue.

"By the way, Sister Jiaoyan, I seem to have it too. Changqing, you are quite capable."

This is also where Ji Changqing is troubled. For some reason, his body seems to be somewhat special, and he is always on target.

He thought that after cultivating immortality, the chance of winning the lottery would be greatly reduced, but the common sense in the world of immortality didn't seem to work for him.

It's just a perfect shot, completely unreasonable.

Even if one person is like this, if four of them are like this, it can only mean that the reason does appear to him.

Calculating, I should be born in five to six months.

If nothing else, there should be enough time, and it's time to tell them.

Ji Changqing lowered his head and sprinkled a handful of bait, and said casually: "I may go to Jingzhou in a few days."

"So suddenly?"

Mo Caihuan looked up in surprise and saw that he didn't look like he was joking.

"Jingzhou should be very far away."

"Well, it will take two to three months to go back and forth. Don't worry, I will definitely come back before the baby is born." Ji Changqing promised.

Mo Caihuan was still a little worried: "I heard from my mother that the place is very poor, very chaotic, horse bandits are rampant, and it's still winter.

"The horse bandits are also ordinary people. I'm not going to the world of immortality. Besides, I can't run away if I can't win. Don't worry."

Mo Caihuan clasped her fingers, knowing that she couldn't persuade him anymore: "Are you going alone?"

Ji Changqing nodded and then explained: "I don't feel comfortable taking you out. In fact, I wanted to go some time ago."

"Now Yu'er is on the fifth level of Qi training, and you have all reached the fourth level of Qi training. You have opened your spiritual consciousness and have the ability to protect yourself in the secular world."

The fourth level of Qi training is a qualitative improvement.

The body will become unusually light, and mentally it will be okay to go without sleep for three to five days.

The five senses of immortal cultivators will be enhanced to an incredible state.

Everything in your eyes will become brighter and clearer.

Some subtle things that were originally invisible will become magnified and clearly visible to the eyes.

Even the dragonflies chasing each other on the lotus pond, in the eyes of immortal cultivators, everything seems to be in slow motion.

Even if their wings are vibrating at high speed and are somewhat transparent, one can still count the number of black lines on them that are thinner than a human hair.

The hearing of the ears will also become extremely sensitive. When a goldfish swims out of the water in the lotus pond, it spits out bubbles when it opens its mouth to breathe, and you can hear the popping sound.

These are just improvements in the level of the five senses. The biggest improvement is that after the spiritual consciousness is turned on, even if you stay in place, you can understand the big and small things happening within a few dozen feet.

Just like a radar, it scans 360 degrees.

Ji Changqing's spiritual consciousness range is much larger than theirs, reaching a range of nearly a hundred feet.

Even if he is sitting here feeding the fish, he can still know the entire Ji Mansion, including everything that is happening in the streets outside.

On the street, a skinny mother and son, barely clothed, knelt down and kowtowed one after another, begging a man selling sesame seed cakes for alms, attracting many people to watch.

"Boss, please do a good job. We, mother and son, have not eaten for three days." Her voice was hoarse and broken.

"Guangguangguan, everyone is like you, do I still want to do this business?"

"Please, please, please."

"Uncle, I'm hungry."

"Don't delay labor and management's business, get out of here, it will be bad luck to see you."

"Begging for food must be paid to labor and management, what the hell, bah!"

Knowing that this family would not be able to get it, the disheveled woman grabbed her son and staggered to his feet in disappointment. There was a bunch of hair stuck to the dried black blood stains on her forehead. People around her just commented and pointed.

"Why are there so many beggars in Jiayuan City recently?"

"They all seem to be barbarians from Jingzhou."

"I have a cousin who works in the escort agency and told me that there was a drought in Jingzhou a few months ago, and now we are experiencing a snowstorm with heavy snow closing the mountains during the winter."

"So miserable? Isn't the farmland yielding nothing?"

"more or less."

"No wonder there are so many refugees." "It's so miserable. Our Jiayuan City is better. We have good weather all year round."

"Isn't that right? Our land has a bumper harvest. This is God's reward. Thank you God."

"Who is not? My ten acres of farmland are close to the canal. Even if there is a drought, we are not afraid. The food harvested this year is enough to last for several years."

Ji Changqing was just trying his spiritual sense, but he didn't expect to see such a scene, and his conversation was heard so deeply that it seemed as if it was happening right in front of his eyes.

"Changqing, they are so pitiful." Caihuan looked at him while chatting, and suddenly his mind wandered, so he opened his consciousness and noticed the scene on the street.

Ji Changqing looked a little panicked, seeing the indifference of the crowd and the desolation of human life as thin as paper.

If there was a famine in the entire Jingzhou, there would be countless mothers and children like them.

Ji Changqing sighed: "We can help them once, but not twice, and there are many like them."

"What should we do, Changqing!" Caihuan shook his arms with both hands, a little anxious. She was also a mother, and she despised this the most.

"Okay, okay, I get it." Ji Changqing was shaken to his core, and then shouted.


"Master, what's the matter?"

"Well, there is a mother and son begging at the door. Take them in to wash up. After eating, send them to the medicine shop opposite."

If there is a child, let him learn how to make medicine. If the opportunity is given, it depends on whether they can grasp it.

"Okay, sir." Qingmei nodded, called the two servants and left. She was talking about the drug store, and Qingmei also knew that the Xiang Lai Restaurant opposite the door had been changed into the current drug store.

Caihuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Changqing said earnestly: "Sooner or later we will go to the world of immortality. You must know that doing more is worse than doing less."

Caihuan was like a chicken pecking at rice: "I got it."


Didn't listen at all.

But these are little things.

The trip to Jingzhou was a big event, and he had to be fully prepared.


Currently he has the following attack spells.

The fire bomb technique can instantly melt the high temperature of steel, and can even burn in water.

Ordinary mortals, even warriors, will be instantly burned to ashes if they die.

This is why Ji Changqing goes to Jingzhou with confidence.

Because Caihuan and the others have learned the fire bomb technique and have spiritual awareness, let alone the top masters, they can't even find a trace when they come to the transformation state.

Ji Changqing tried it, and the Overlord Armor's Qi shield was able to prevent it, but the Qi consumption was extremely fast. With his hundred years of Qi, he could only withstand a few shots at most.

This is still the lowest level of magic.

Therefore, there is basically no use for using the zhenqi for defense.

It's better to strengthen the body and speed up the body's reaction speed. Running is also good.

The object-repelling technique can drive specific objects used by cultivators.

This can also be regarded as an attack spell, controlled by divine consciousness, flying with a sword, and killing people thousands of miles away.

This can be done with Xuantian Sword, Qianli is a bit exaggerated.

Ji Changqing's spiritual consciousness covers the area of ​​[-] feet, and no matter how many mortals come, they will be sent away, no matter what weapons the other party brings.

Although Xuantian Sword is a low-grade magical weapon, it doesn't even have aura.

However, after being marked with divine consciousness, it is easier to control than an ordinary wooden sword, because the magic weapon can be attached with mana, allowing it to cut iron like clay.

The other two are quicksand and freezing.
One is to let the magic power turn the soil into sand, and the other is to condense water into ice.

Ji Changqing has metallic spiritual roots and absorbs metallic spiritual energy.

But these two spells can also be released.

Just like Han Li can cast fire projectiles, what he absorbs is wood-attribute spiritual energy.

Is it related to spiritual roots?Spiritual roots cannot be used as mana to cast spells.

This is because the five elements are mutually reinforcing and interfering with each other.

His metallic aura can be converted into the required attributes when releasing spells to release spells.

However, the conversion process will consume mana, and the power will also be reduced.

Therefore, monks generally practice spells with the same attributes.

The reason why Ji Changqing learned these two spells.

It's all about having enough to eat and nothing to do, being free, having a photographic memory, and learning quickly.

And there’s no telling when it might come in handy.

(End of this chapter)

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