Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 37 Gather the wool and place an order

Chapter 37 Gather the wool and place an order
There are also three auxiliary spells, the invisible body, the sound transmission technique, and the wind control technique.

Among them, the Wind Control Technique makes one's body as light as a swallow. With just a tap of the toes, one can easily jump several feet away without any effort.

Ji Changqing took a look at his attributes.

Taoist couple: Mo Yuzhu, Mo Fengwu, Mo Caihuan, Wang Jiaoyan.

Cultivation realm: fifth level of Qi training

True Qi: 99 years

Age: 18
Lifespan: 100
Spiritual Root: Gold (Heavenly Spiritual Root)
Talent: Traveler (soul strength +100%, charm +10)

Charisma: 44 (+18) Unparalleled

Constitution: 110
It was one hundred and five before, but it increased by five points after the cultivation level was improved.

Ji Changqing's physical fitness was already high, so he added less.

At the same level as Yu'er, her physical fitness has improved at least two to three times.

Therefore, even if a cultivator does not practice physical training, his level of improvement alone is still much higher than that of ordinary people.

Eleven times the physical fitness of ordinary people, and then use the Wind Control Technique!

Ji Changqing hasn't tried running with all his strength yet, he is afraid of knocking Ji's house away.

Life span also increases.

The biggest change is the charm.


Even the basic appearance has increased, and the skin has become as warm and moist as jade after cultivating immortality.

In brackets, the charm talent is increased by ten points. After taking six charm pills, the temperament will be increased after cultivating immortality.

The total adds up to an astonishing 62 points, which is two points higher than Han Yunzhi.

He had also struggled with whether to take Charming Pill before.

Later, when I looked at the bubbles, I saw that even if I didn’t eat, there were still 56 points.

More than twice as much as the average person.

It makes no difference whether you eat or not. You'll be fine all the way to the end.

Maximize your advantage and taunting!
Charming Dan finished eating.

Ji Changqing silently bought more than 100 masks.

Just kidding, he looks like this now.

To be honest.

At least half of the men will fall in love with him.

You still need to protect yourself when you go out.

After feeding the goldfish with Caihuan.

Ji Changqing picked a jade-faced fox from the fairy ring and silently took it with him.

Then he walked out of Ji Mansion.

Along the way, I met many homeless people who looked like food and were begging along the streets.

Many people are talking about this matter, saying that there are more outside the gate of Jiayuan City, and the city lord is under pressure and can only let them in batch by batch.

As for the arrangements for letting them in, the city lord seems to have no regard at all. He blames all the mess on the gang.

He couldn't control the gang anyway, so why should he control these refugees.

Ji Changqing observed carefully.

There are also many more carriages escorting escorts on the road.

His consciousness scanned the cargo box, which contained some dry food and dried meat.

And most of these employers don't look like locals.

He immediately realized that someone was preparing to divert water from the South to the North.

Jiayuan City has good weather almost every year. It is originally a big grain-producing city. It is rich in products and the grain is of high quality and low price.

There is a famine in Jingzhou.

Some businessmen discovered business opportunities and hired escorts to transport grain and go to Jingzhou to sell it.

This is naked wool-picking behavior.

Since there is always a cart of food to be driven over, why doesn’t the escort buy a cart themselves and then drive it there to sell it?
You have to work for others.

There is a famine in Jingzhou now. It was not easy to sell in the past, but things are different now.

Seeing these carriages, Ji Changqing suddenly thought of many things.

Because of his Jingjiao Society, he is the main escort agency.

His escort agency accounts for [-]% of the entire Jiayuan City!

There have even been a few opened recently.

Some of the escorts on the carriages are from the Golden Lion Escort Agency. You can tell by looking at their clothes.

I've been ripped off.

Ji Changqing still has business to do, and the affairs of the escort agency are not urgent.

According to his memory when he was welcoming his bride, he walked five or six kilometers north along the Xianglu Grand Canal and came to a blacksmith shop.

In this area, brick houses with yellow mud walls are connected together.

Most houses have only one floor.

Most of the people living here are ordinary people who make a living by farming.

As for this blacksmith shop, under the eaves are a bunch of messy farm tools, pots and pans, knives, forks and sticks, everything.

A man in sackcloth passed by and picked up a four-pronged dung fork.

I made a few fork-and-pick movements, weighed it, and felt it felt the right weight. I nodded and walked to the door of the blacksmith shop.

The owner of the blacksmith shop is a middle-aged man with a dry towel hanging around his neck, bronze skin, medium height, thick arms, and unusually broad palms.

When he saw the man coming, he stopped banging the red-hot kitchen knife, put it horizontally on the anvil, walked to the door, and greeted him with a smile.

The man in yellow raised his dung fork and asked, "Boss, how much does this one cost?" "Fifteen cents."

The man nodded and felt that the dung fork was pretty good, so he took out a cloth bag from his waist and counted fifteen copper coins.


"Walk slowly."

After the man left with the dung fork on his shoulders, Ji Changqing observed for a while and then came to the door of the blacksmith shop.

The owner of the blacksmith shop saw that he was wearing a mask and felt the spiritual energy fluctuations. His expression was as usual and he greeted him with a smile.

"What do you want?"

Ji Changqing glanced at him without saying anything, and glanced inside the store.

The half-exposed iron-smelling furnace located in the corner was filled with black lumps of coal. The fire was burning brightly, illuminating the surrounding walls in red. Standing at the door, you could feel waves of heat.

The temperature inside is probably like a sauna.

No wonder no one wants to do blacksmithing. Ordinary people really can’t stand this working environment.

There are some finished products hanging on the walls inside the house, including swords.

There's even a turtle shell the size of a bathtub.

They seemed to be ordinary objects, and no aura reaction was detected.

The purpose of Ji Changqing's visit was naturally not to buy manure forks.

Because the other party was a casual cultivator, I came over with a Taobao mentality to see if there were any magic weapons or anything like that.

Ji Changqing's spiritual consciousness scanned the opponent's cultivation state and reached the third level of Qi training.

Just came over to have some contact.

"Boss, how many years has your store been open?"

The middle-aged man picked up the hammer and hammered hard. He probably didn't care about the things in his shop, so he just recalled while hammering.

"It must have been about twenty years ago. At that time, I was the only blacksmith shop on this street."

"There are several of them now, but they are all my apprentices."

He caught a piece of hot red iron in his tongs, which was knocked until sparks erupted. He then put it into the water tank next to it to be quenched. With a sizzling sound, the water surface rolled and white smoke and bubbles emitted.

Ji Changqing looked at it interestingly and asked: "You are so good at craftsmanship, have you never thought of joining a gang?"

"With my skills, which can only make shit forks, no gang can want me."

"And I'm used to the peaceful life now. I can't adapt to the fighting between gangs."

Ji Changqing tried to win over him, but he obviously declined, so he directly sent a message: "Fellow Taoist, to be honest, I came to you to trade one or two sleight-of-hand tools."

The owner of the blacksmith shop smiled bitterly: "Senior, I'm just kidding. I'm just a small casual cultivator at the third level of Qi training."

"Fellow Taoist, haven't these decades of hard work been in vain?"


"Senior, it's not like you don't know the difficulties faced by us casual cultivators. We can't defeat the monsters, and there's nothing we can do without materials."

Ji Changqing didn't believe his nonsense at all: "I know that some low-grade magic weapons can be made with special ores. Fellow Taoist has been working here for so many years, it's impossible that the ores have not been recycled, right?"

Some special ores can also become extremely tough if extracted over many years.

It is suitable for making some low-grade or even mid-grade magic weapons, depending on the materials.

He has read and memorized the tips on refining weapons given by Han Yunzhi, so he knows a thing or two about them.

"Senior really doesn't have..."

Ji Changqing took out a bottle of pills, which contained only two Huanglong Pills. People like him who had been stuck on the third level of Qi training for decades needed this kind of thing the most.

With just one grain, even pseudo-spiritual roots can easily break through.

It can be said that cultivating sacred objects, let alone the fourth level of Qi training, is a qualitative improvement for immortal cultivators.

Two Huanglong Pills can buy a low-grade magic weapon in the secular world.

Looking at the medicine bottle on the anvil, a lot of reasons and excuses in his mind were swallowed up. He picked it up, opened the bottle cap and smelled it, his eyes suddenly widened like bells.

Ji Changqing took it back and covered it: "Since it's not there, forget it."

"Senior! Wait! Yes, you can have this." The middle-aged man lost the hammer he used to eat, so he spared a glance and hurried to him.

Any hesitation for even a second is disrespectful to the elixir.

"Seven days, no no, three days, I guarantee it can be built. I have saved some materials over the years."

He is not stupid either. If he doesn't have the strength to create a magic weapon, he will die in a wise way. Immortal cultivators can easily sense it, so he has only saved the materials for so many years.

Now that the elixir he had dreamed of appeared in front of him, his cultivation had not improved for decades. No matter how good his concentration was, he could not resist the temptation.


Not in vain.

Ji Changqing smiled and said: "What I need is the best defensive type."

"Senior, please see, I have a thousand-year-old turtle shell here. It is a rare material. I and the fishermen collected it with great difficulty a few years ago."

"Don't think it's just an ordinary turtle shell. In fact, if you add some copper mother, it can definitely become a good defensive weapon."


Wearing a tortoise shell would look a bit unsightly.

But for life-saving things, it seems to be okay if they look ugly.

"Then I'll pick it up in three days."

"Senior, don't worry, I will build it even if I don't eat or sleep."

"That's not the case. I still need to maintain my spirit. What I need is quality. It's okay to be a day or two late."

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief: "Five days later! Senior will pick it up."

"Okay, then it's settled."

 Thank you very much to Crystal Winged Dragon for the reward, as well as all the monthly votes and recommendation votes.

(End of this chapter)

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