Chapter 38 The imperial envoy arrived.

The blacksmith boss’s name is Xiong Benhai.

Before leaving, Ji Changqing remembered to ask the other party's last name.

Ji Changqing took the elixir away without even paying the deposit.

The opponent can advance with just one pill. There is no difference between one pill and two pills.

He didn't want to cause trouble. If he really gave him a Huanglong Pill as a deposit, the probability of running away would be greater.

As long as he wants to improve his realm, this defensive weapon cannot escape.

Ji Changqing also made more preparations for the trip to Jingzhou.

After finishing the business, Ji Changqing returned along the original route of the Xianglu Grand Canal.

The merchant ships on the river are like crucian carp crossing the river. Thinking of the natural disaster in Jingzhou, it may be possible to transport food by water.

After all, the amount of food that can be transported by horse-drawn carriages alone is limited, and wheat and rice are extremely heavy and take up space.

A carriage passes through Lanzhou and goes to Jingzhou for at least a month. The time cost is too long. It is still possible to make a small amount of money. If you want to make a lot of money, you can only transport some precious meat.

However, most of those affected by the disaster who cannot afford to eat are ordinary people. Rich landowners may have surplus food.

If you want to transport a large amount of grain, water transport is more reliable.

After Ji Changqing made some calculations, suddenly a black two-masted warship appeared in the port 100 meters ahead, attracting his attention.

The hull of the ship, just above the waterline, is several feet high.
On the left and right of the bow of the ship are two huge wooden unicorns inlaid with gold.

The fence on the third deck was lined with guards armed with spears.

Where did this big shot come from?
Ji Changqing stopped to watch curiously. The warship was anchored and approaching the port. Its destination seemed to be Jiayuan City.

A quarter of an hour later, the sails were furled and the ship anchored to the shore. The soldiers on the warship finally lined up in two teams and ran down one by one.

When passers-by saw such a large formation, they all looked around curiously. At this time, the shore of the port was already crowded with people.

Ji Changqing changed into a half mask.

I found a restaurant and sat down, ordered a bottle of wine and two plates of beef. It was by the window on the third floor, with a good view.

"This is Mr. Li's boat." The waiter looked at him curiously and mentioned it when serving the food.


Ji Changqing turned to look at him and saw that he was only willing to say one sentence and then did not follow up, so he reached into his sleeves and took out a tael of broken silver and placed it on the table.

"Tell me."

When the waiter saw Bai Yin, his eyes rolled around. He looked around, but didn't find the shopkeeper, so he reached out and picked it up, buried it in his arms, and then started talking nonstop.

"Guest, speaking of this Mr. Li, that's really great."

"I heard that he is a high-ranking official in the capital. He often serves as an imperial envoy to inspect major states and counties."

"In the spring of the year before last, there was also a locust plague in Jingzhou. Mr. Li took this boat and came to our Jiayuan City."

Ji Changqing picked up a piece of beef and asked while eating, "What are you doing here?"

"We don't have much else in Jiayuan City. We only have enough food."

"I heard that the emperor sent Mr. Li to borrow food from the city lord in order to provide disaster relief. It is probably the same this time."

An emperor actually wanted to borrow grain from the local area!No wonder the Jiayuan City gang is in power.

"By the way, all the gangs in our city were mobilized last time, and the entire canal was packed with grain ships. That scene, wow! It was truly spectacular. I wonder if we can see it this year."

Ji Changqing nodded, probably understanding. Since a similar thing happened last year, Yan must be aware of it.

Mr. Li is dressed in official uniform and official hat, with a white face and no beard.

Under the observation of the state of consciousness, although he is an ordinary person, he exudes a kind of Confucian righteousness.

After he got on the official sedan, the guards in front played gongs and drums to clear the way for pedestrians to give way.

Afterwards, some officers and soldiers unloaded several large boxes from the warship.

Ji Changqing thought they were ordinary objects, but when he examined them with his spiritual sense, his eyes immediately widened.

There were five big boxes filled with gold, and one box actually contained medicinal materials.

There are several super-large yellow sesame plants with leaves that have turned black. They are at least 200 years old!


This is good stuff.

When ordinary people are about to die, a single bite can extend their lives.

You can't see anything like this on the market at all. They are kept as heirlooms by aristocratic families.This kind of thing is rare in the world of immortality.

How dare they bring it out without fear of being robbed?
By the time their team got out of the spiritual detection range, Ji Changqing had almost eaten.

Return to Ji Mansion.

A mother and her son knelt down at the gate in a prostrate posture, attracting many people to watch.

They had changed into clean clothes.

Ji Changqing glanced twice and walked around to the side door.

As soon as she entered the door, Qingmei greeted her with a smiling face, as if she had been waiting here.

"Master, you are back."

"Yeah." Ji Changqing nodded and walked towards the hall. Thinking of the two people at the door, he asked, "What's going on with the mother and son?"

"Master, I was just about to tell you."

"As you ordered, I took them into the house, washed and changed their clothes. After eating, I also explained your arrangements."

"But they were very stubborn. They said they wanted to pray for me and knelt at the door all day and night."

"I tried to persuade him, but he couldn't pull it up no matter what."

Ji Changqing fell silent after hearing this. To him, it was a trivial matter, but he was grateful.

In this world, there are very few people who know how to be grateful.

"The impact of kneeling at the door is not good. I thought something happened to our Ji Mansion."

"Go and tell them that I don't need to pray. Learning medical skills well is the best reward."

"Okay, sir." Qingmei replied briskly, and then continued: "By the way, sir, not long after you left, two guests came to the house, saying they were your friends."

"Where are you now?" Ji Changqing immediately thought of the Han brothers and sisters.

"I've been waiting in the lobby for a while."

"Well, I'll go there by myself. You go ahead." Ji Changqing said and walked towards the hall. He heard a loud laugh before he entered the door.

This laughter was as familiar as a bell. He knew he was right without even looking at it.

"You kid, you're finally back. You can make my brothers and sisters wait." Han Yunping crossed his legs and threw grapes into his mouth as he spoke. He ate so unapologetically that there was no expression on his face. It was so hard.

Han Yunzhi tried to persuade his brother to restrain himself, but it was useless.

Ji Changqing smiled heartily and held his hands towards the two of them: "Brother Han, long time no see."

Han Yunzhi looked at his face from time to time from the moment he came in, feeling that Brother Ji had become more beautiful again.

"Sister Yunzhi is here too."

"Brother Ji." Han Yunzhi's eyes flickered and she dared not look at him. However, when he was talking to his brother, he couldn't help but look up.

"Fifth level of Qi training!!"

Han Yunping's eyes suddenly widened, and the sound he shouted almost knocked over the roof tiles. You can imagine how much this shocked him.

"You kid! Didn't you practice Qi at the first level a month ago?" His hands were shaking. He had broken through the fourth level in a month.

"Brother Han, don't be surprised. I was just lucky and made a breakthrough by chance." Ji Changqing bared his teeth and smiled heartily.

"You fart, don't bother me, how did you do it?"

"Are you a spiritual root?" Han Yunping carefully confirmed this time with his Sky Eye Technique. He was clearly covered in golden spiritual light.

This shows that at least there is a golden spiritual root, and it cannot be a foreign spiritual root. The aura of the foreign spiritual root is not like this.

Could it be that this kid has Tianlinggen?
Han Yunping suddenly thought of this possibility, and his breathing began to quicken.

Otherwise, there is really no way to explain why I suddenly reached the fifth level of Qi training in a month.

He used it for several years back then.

The difference between the two is huge, so it's no wonder that even if he doesn't believe it, he still thinks about it.

"How could I have a foreign spirit root? Brother Han, please listen to my explanation." Ji Changqing said calmly.

"At my last wedding, a friend gave me a prescription for Gu Yuan Pei Ben, called Huang Long Dan."

"No, after emptying out my entire gang, I can only practice a few bottles. After knocking them all out, I can only reach the fifth level of Qi training."

"Huanglong Dan! No wonder, this kind of elixir has miraculous effects on people below the tenth level of Qi training. You have such a gang, and it is convenient to collect medicinal materials." Han Yunping completely forgot what he said before, there is a difference between immortals and mortals, and at this time there was actually something envious.

It is very difficult for casual cultivators like them to find medicinal materials.

(End of this chapter)

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