Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 40 Discussion, invitation to banquet

Chapter 40 Discussion, invitation to banquet
Knowing that he couldn't fight head-on, Ji Changqing relied on his soul to become more powerful and controlled the flying sword to avoid the yellow light while slashing the opponent's turtle shell.

Han Yunping was also slightly surprised that his flying sword could not catch up with his opponent's speed.

The art of dispelling objects is itself related to the strength of the soul. For the same magical weapon, the stronger the soul, the more advantageous it will be.

It would be a waste of mana to pursue him any further, so Han Yunping followed suit and used his flying sword to attack Ji Changqing.

His idea is that if he can run away from the monk, can he still run away from the temple?
If I don’t look for you, you have to come to me obediently.

Because Ji Changqing didn't have the defensive means like him, he had to use flying swords to intercept.

But what he didn't expect was that.

The temple really ran away!
He saw what it means to be as quiet as a virgin and as active as a stray rabbit.

Ji Changqing's speed in the wind-controlling state was really astonishing.

Every move of the opponent's flying sword is under his control.

Seeing Huang Mang approaching, he just dodged sideways and kicked his legs violently. The opponent's flying sword shook violently and spun rapidly in the air, starting to lose control.

Ji Changqing doesn't need to run at all. He can keep up with both his spiritual reaction speed and his body's reaction speed.

In his eyes, the opponent's flying sword is just a child playing house with a wooden stick.

Not the slightest threat.

Since the flying sword was useless against Guikezi, he did not waste his mana and turned to the fire bomb technique. Unexpectedly, the effect was much better than the flying sword.

The opponent needs to defend his whole body, which consumes significantly more mana than his fire bomb technique.

Moreover, the high temperature of the fire bomb technique caused the yellow mud to dry out, crack, and smoke. Even if it was maintained with mana, it would be even more difficult to assemble it.

Han Yunping was choked by the thick smoke and coughed inside.

The disadvantage of this earth shield technique is that it cannot move quickly. After it is activated, it is basically a living target, and it can only be won by long-range means.

But now the remote method has no effect.

There was no way to continue like this, Han Yunping was sweating slightly on his forehead.

The earth shield technique was cancelled, and without mana support, the yellow mud eggshells turned into pieces and scattered on the ground.

Then Han Yunping immediately started running, his body lit up with a yellow aura shield, and while avoiding the fire bullet technique, he began to use the giant force technique.

The flying sword that was kicked into the ground turned into a stream of light and returned to his hand.

It seems that he intends to win through close combat.

Ji Changqing also recalled the Xuantian Sword, bent his knees, and as soon as his feet exerted force, the person turned into an afterimage, disappeared in place with a whirlwind, and rushed towards him.

He is not afraid of close combat either.

The two fought together.

Han Yunping was a seven-foot tall man with a huge back and strong waist. As soon as the two sword blades came into contact, a huge force came and he was immediately shaken and flew backwards.

Fortunately, the giant power technique had been used, and his body began to glow with yellow light. His muscles all over his body exploded and bulged, and he turned somersault in the air. He kicked off the ground and stopped in the process of sliding.

Feeling the power brought to his whole body by the Giant Power Technique, he rushed back with a loud shout.

The two fought together again.

Every exchange of black iron swords was a duel of strength. The overbearing power made the ground beneath their feet create deep grooves one after another.

Han Yunping didn't know what spell he used, and his power became stronger than him.

Pure strength was not enough, so Ji Changqing added Qi.

His speed and strength skyrocketed again.

After a quarter of an hour, Han Yunping raised his hands and admitted defeat. His spiritual energy was almost exhausted, and the giant power technique also had a time limit and could not continue forever.

By this time, the bamboo forest had turned into farmland, and it looked as if two buffaloes were fighting over pears.

Fortunately, Yu'er is not here. If she saw the two of them causing harm to her bamboo forest...

"You are simply a monster. Your speed, strength, and soul strength are much stronger than those of ordinary tenth-level qi-training monks."

"There is no powerful magic weapon. As long as you are careful, you can deal with enemies below the tenth level of Qi training."

Han Yunping sat slumped on the ground, breathing heavily, evaluating his strength.

This is also the purpose of Ji Changqing inviting him to discuss.

With Han Yunping’s many years of practical experience.

Let Ji Changqing have a general understanding of his own strength.

In this battle, Ji Changqing's physical exertion was a bit terrifying. This was the most difficult battle since he became a grandmaster.

High-level monks have endless methods. Han Yunping is just a casual cultivator, and he is already very strong.

If you encounter a sect monk, you must be more careful in the future.

After listening to Han Yunping's words, Ji Changqing not only did not get carried away, but became more solemn.

He didn't win easily.Han Yunping does not have a good magic weapon, which is his biggest shortcoming.

"Brother, you actually lost." Han Yunzhi was a little worried about Ji Changqing's injury at first, but now the result is completely the opposite.

Han Yunping nodded and admitted frankly, feeling a little heavy. He had no confidence in the Ascension Conference.

"I'll meditate to recover, and then let's go back."

"Yeah." Han Yunzhi looked at his brother and then at Brother Ji, still feeling a little incredible.

Ji Changqing didn't say anything when he saw this, and continued to meditate to recover his mana and physical strength.

After an hour, they were sent out of Ji's mansion.

Ask them if they want to stay for a few days, or have a meal and wash up.

They were all rejected.

Come and go quickly.

When I asked them when they would come next, they were not sure. They were a bit free and uninhibited like those who cultivated immortality.

Ji Changqing didn't tell them that he was going to Jingzhou. The fewer people knew about his whereabouts, the better.

It would be best for people to think that he is always in Jiayuan City.

Unfortunately, Ji Changqing still couldn't find any good excuse and kept Han Yunzhi.

The two brothers and sisters depended on each other for life, and it was almost impossible for them to stay in the world.

Do we really have to wait until the foundation building period?

Ji Changqing sighed, feeling a little helpless. To be honest, he still wanted to get Han Yunzhi's Taoist Companion reward as soon as possible.

Since nothing can be done, the time has not come yet.

That's it.

After a hearty battle, Ji Changqing went back and took a comfortable bath.

After coming out, he found Qingmei waiting at the door, saying that Yan was looking for him
"Didn't you say anything?" Ji Changqing asked curiously on the way.

"It seems like someone is coming from the City Lord's Mansion."

"Really?" Ji Changqing guessed something.

There is a high probability that it is related to Mr. Li.

In the hall, several mistresses were there, waiting for him to come as the main seat was vacant.

As soon as Ji Changqing took his seat, Yan also got straight to the point.

"The city is going to hold a banquet at the Junyue Restaurant and invite all the gang leaders to attend."

"Oh?" Ji Changqing was a little surprised as to why the banquet was held in a restaurant. "Shouldn't the city lord's banquet be held in the city lord's mansion?"

"Maybe it's because no one will go. Who knows if it's the Hongmen Banquet." Mrs. Liu looked at him with her beautiful chin propped up.

"Third sister." Yan glared at her.

"Changqing is the leader of the gang now, and I'm not afraid of you." Ms. Liu muttered in a low voice. She had been upset for a long time because she had been pushed hard before.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Ji Changqing quickly stopped him. If the two women quarreled, it would be a headache. He was not here to watch a double act.

"Why did you suddenly have to hold a banquet? Didn't you tell me the specific reason?"

After calming down, Mrs. Yan said in an orderly manner: "There is a famine in Jingzhou now. In order to provide relief, Yue Jing wants to sell grain to the major gangs in Jingzhou."


Ji Changqing thought she was wrong. Shouldn't the warehouse be opened to distribute grain for free?

"Yes, sell!"

"Even our Jiayuan City is not under the jurisdiction of Yue Jing, let alone Jingzhou, which is even more chaotic. In order to prevent them from coming out to cause trouble, Yue Jing officials and merchants sell grain to them to kill two birds with one stone."

“We all benefit from each other and don’t interfere with each other.”

"So, our food does not need to be transported to Jingzhou, but only to Yuejing?"

Since the officials and merchants in Yuejing want to sell it, the grain cannot be shipped directly there.

Yan nodded: "Actually, it can be transported to Nanwu City nearby."

"Why don't the officials and merchants from Beijing send people to buy food, but instead ask us to send it there?"

"Yes, I tried it many years ago, and then one after another the grain transport ships disappeared inexplicably." Mrs. Liu snickered.

Ji Changqing nodded: "That's it."

Jiayuan City is dominated by gangs, and it is normal for some people to take risks and be robbed.

(End of this chapter)

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