Chapter 41 Team up and play together
Jingjiaohui, four major industries.

There is only one auction house currently open in a town.

It’s not like losing money, it’s basically idle because it’s not very popular.

There are several blacksmith shops, but the master blacksmiths are all hired, and few from the gang are willing to be apprentices.

There are more medicine shops in every town. Just like the blacksmith shops, you have to pay for a doctor. The monthly income is not enough to purchase the medicinal materials.

Ji Changqing cannot count on these three major industries at present. To put it bluntly, there is no core technology and no competitiveness.

This time I go to Jingzhou, if I can get the prescription.

It is only a matter of time before drug stores develop.

At present, the only thing that is expected to develop is the escort agency.

Ji Changqing is concerned about whether he can make money.

"Should we help transport the grain, or should we buy the grain and sell it there?"

Yan knew what he was concerned about: "We can't make much money transporting grain, and officials and merchants in Yuejing are also at risk of being robbed. Some gangs work in secret and cooperate inside and outside, and they disappear faster."

"Can I make money by buying grain?" After all, it's not shipped directly to Jingzhou.

Yan Shi nodded: "In Jiayuan City, we and the city lord hardly interfere with each other, and we rarely rob local farmers. After all, we also have to eat, so the city lord can collect a lot of food every year."

"Jiayuan City cannot digest all this food."

"A few years ago, Mr. Li came here and negotiated with the city lord, asking us to buy grain from the city lord and transport it to Nanwu City at [-]% of the market price."

"If it's [-]%, you can make at least [-]% of the profit. Moreover, the price of harvesting grain in Nanwucheng is usually higher than here, so you can basically make half the profit."

Ji Changqing lowered his head and thought thoughtfully. If it was a [-]-[-] profit, then the major gangs would indeed go all out to help deliver food.

The more you give away, the more you earn.

Wang reminded her in a clear voice: "It is actually very convenient for us to transport food to Nanwucheng. There is a port on the Beilu Grand Canal there, and a round trip of 20 days is enough."

Wang seemed to have dressed up specially today.

Ji Changqing held her chin up and looked at her for a while. She had clean, ear-length hair and a tight-fitting aqua slit cheongsam. The slit under the tabletop was a touch of snow-white, extending from the ribbon at the crotch down to the ankles.

Ji Changqing wanted to pull the ribbon and wonder if it could be used as a rubber band for a slingshot.

I have never seen her wear it like this before, but the cheongsam is slit on one side, and Ji Changqing can just see it from this angle.

Sensing someone's gaze, Wang glared at him without any trace and covered the gap with her fingers.

This is half-covered...

Mrs. Liu saw everything and thought deeply about the cheongsam worn by Mrs. Wang.

Ji Changqing looked away and returned to the right track.

"How many merchant ships does our Jingjiao Society have now?"

Mrs. Yan put down her tea cup and pretended not to know the whole process. Most of these sisters were married for family interests.

Someone has been missing for all these years and has not cared about their life or death. Even the company commander couldn't remember clearly.

"In Jiayuan City alone, there are more than 100 merchant ships of all sizes."

"So many?!" Ji Changqing was a little surprised. He thought it would be good to have dozens of bows.

Yan smiled and said: "During the Jingjiao Society, we mainly developed escort agencies. Lanzhou's water transportation is developed. Our largest investment is merchant ships."

"It just comes in handy this time, and I should be able to make a lot of money."

"This is all thanks to Changqing's plan." Liu Shi said and took the initiative to pour a cup of tea.

Just your sweet mouth!

Ji Changqing picked it up and took a sip.

He roughly understood the whole story.

"When is the banquet?"

"Tomorrow you time."

In Youshi, it was between five and seven in the afternoon. The sun had already set. It would be late at night after eating some food and drinking wine. Ji Changqing frowned and tapped the table, thinking deeply.

"Wusemen, has there been any movement recently?"

Yan was a little surprised why he paid so much attention to the Five Color Gate.

"Several medicine shops were opened during this period. Wang Yi should also be attending this banquet. Some people saw him entering and leaving the city lord's mansion."

"Really?" Ji Changqing's eyes became dark, which must be related to the box of medicinal materials!

After thinking about it, he turned to look at Mrs. Yan and said, "I will trouble my mother-in-law to attend this banquet on my behalf."

Yan nodded hesitantly and didn't ask any more questions.

Ji Changqing then warned: "Take more people with you tomorrow. After the banquet, try to stay in the restaurant for a while. This is not a wedding banquet, and there are huge interest disputes involved. Always pay attention to your own safety."

"Don't worry, we know how powerful it is." Yan could tell that he was concerned about their safety.

After the conversation, Ji Changqing lowered his head and walked out of the hall. Although he was concerned about transporting food, he could leave it to Yan and the others.

Just let nature take its course for the development of the Jingjiao Society. If you can make money, make money. If you can't make money, then think of a solution.The top priority is to improve one's strength, and wealth must have the power to match it.

Otherwise, it will be a crime to cherish a treasure.

Returning to the side room, Ji Changqing began to practice diamond arts.

The Xuantian swords traded with Han Yunping were taken out together, one for each woman.

They had already learned the art of controlling objects.

Ji Changqing's Xuantian Sword was almost covered in pulp by them.

Once they got the magic weapon, they were even more playful than Ji Changqing.

Know not to go out and show off.

They had no choice but to fly with their swords in various ways in the room. Although the time was not long, it was still fine for a short period of time.

The happiness of immortal cultivators is unimaginable to mortals.

The room was filled with lingering sounds and laughter.

You time the next day.

Mrs. Yan dressed up and took a carriage, setting off from Ji Mansion to Jun Yue Restaurant.

Behind him, followed hundreds of golden escorts who were armed to the teeth, with hidden weapons in their mouths. These were all experienced in battles, climbed up from the bottom, and were the elite among the elite.

On the second floor of the wing of Ji Mansion, Ji Changqing was not idle either. He quietly came to the bronze mirror. He changed into a set of pure black night clothes and wore a mask on his face. Even his eyes were not exposed.

I spun it around a few times and was quite satisfied with it. The quality of the clothes is also very good and they won’t break when I exercise.

Even if they were standing in front of Yu'er, they wouldn't be able to recognize her in this outfit.

When I opened the window, it was a dark and windy night. The waning moon had just risen and was obscured by dark clouds. The surrounding roofs and bricks were blurred, and the road was dimly illuminated by lanterns.

Ji Changqing stepped out of the window with his feet and jumped lightly.

Feet on mud.

bang bang bang~

Landing at the same time as him, there were four men in black of different heights, each with a Xuantian Sword in their hands.

Two of the chest muscles are bulging, and Ji Changqing has a black line on his head. You are not professional at all.

"What are you doing here?" Ji Changqing asked helplessly in a low voice.

Now that they have spiritual consciousness, they really can't hide some things.

The tallest man in black stepped forward, his ponytail sticking up high.

"Wherever Brother Ji goes, we will go."

Ji Changqing glared at her: "Nonsense, go back, this is not playing house."

"I know, it's killing people. Lang Jun, you underestimate us." The one with the biggest chest muscles stood up and did a sword show, which was neat and tidy.

"The other person is not an ordinary person! I may not be able to protect your safety. Be good and go back to the meeting first."

"Evergreen, we want to help you."

"Brother, we can protect ourselves."


The atmosphere was a bit heavy at this time.

Ji Changqing remained silent, with no expression visible on his mask.

After a long stalemate, several men in black began to feel uneasy.

"Let's make some military orders first."

"Husband, do you agree?!"

"Be quiet!"


Several people suddenly fell silent.

Ji Changqing really convinced them that she was going to be a mother in a few months, but she still came out to hang out.

Considering this he completely disagreed.

However, when I think about going to Jingzhou in a few days.

When he is not here, Yu'er and the others can only rely on themselves to protect themselves.

Ji Changqing thought twice and made an agreement with them.

Follow instructions in everything.

Be even more careful with your next actions.

Ji Changqing felt more nervous than coming out alone.

(End of this chapter)

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