Chapter 42 Gathering
Under the night, except for the five of them, this area was eerily quiet.

Not even a trace of insect chirping or bird chirping.

Less than ten steps in front of me, only the outline of a small tree could be seen, and there was a thick shadow under the tree.

"Like smoke."

Ji Changqing shouted softly as if talking to himself.

Under the originally empty tree, the shadow began to squirm and twist, and finally stood up.

Shadow jumped towards him a few times and knelt down on one knee in front of Ji Changqing.


Caihuan was a little surprised. This man in black spoke without any emotion, like a puppet on strings, but he could still tell that he was a woman through his voice.

Ji Changqing looked at her and ordered: "Send 200 people to protect them with all our strength."

"Yes, Lord." After Ruyan finished speaking, his body gradually disappeared from sight and slowly merged into the darkness, as if it had never appeared before.

These people, codenamed Ruyan, originally belonged to Chunyu Tower. They had trained dead soldiers for decades and were the best at assassination missions.

Before the wedding, Wang Jiaoyan gave them to Ji Changqing as dowry.

That Kuai Token is Ruyan's highest command.

Now he has become Ruyan's new owner.

They were even sent out on a mission when welcoming the bride, and each one of them made a clean move.

"Mr. Lang, are Ruyan already top-notch masters? I see that their skills have improved greatly. If I don't use my spiritual sense, it will be difficult for me to spot them."

Wang Jiaoyan was a little confused. It was clear that a month ago, some of them were considered elite masters at best.

Ji Changqing shook his head. Hundreds of top-notch experts, that's not bad, could even push Jiayuan City.

"Currently there are only four of them, and they all rely on medicinal materials to assist cultivation."

Ji Changqing focused on cultivating several of the most promising players.

Now, hundreds of acres of medicinal materials in Xianjie have been planted for more than three months.

The drug age almost doubled.

It has begun to take effect, but the age of refining the Huanglong Pill is still far away.

It is quite effective to assist in practicing internal and external skills.

The medicinal materials of the Immortal Ring absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, not the moisture of chemical fertilizers.

It is no exaggeration to say that one bite of the century-old ginseng that has been grown by absorbing spiritual energy can save your life.

It is already a fairy medicine for mortals.

Therefore, the box of medicinal materials brought by Mr. Li is a great temptation not only for the immortal cultivators, but also for the major gang leaders.

After Ji Changqing opened his spiritual consciousness, he took Yu'er and the others and set off towards the Junyue Restaurant.

The five men in black did not take ordinary routes at night, climbed over walls, and chose uninhabited places.

If you use your spiritual sense to explore, you will find that there are hundreds of men in black, like locusts, surrounding them in the middle of the night.

While rushing on the road, Ji Changqing sent a message to Yu'er and the others: "Tell me, you guys, who is the mastermind of this plan."

In this matter, they must have known in advance what Ji Changqing was going to do, otherwise it would not have been such a coincidence, as if they were waiting for him.

Even the words to persuade him were ready.

Wang Jiaoyan took the initiative to admit: "I asked Ruyan. I saw a few sets of night clothes piled in the fairy ring. They said they had just prepared them, so I guessed that Lang Jun would be going out in the next few days."

Ji Changqing smiled and praised: "You are quite smart. Look back and see how I will reward you."

"And I am the one who suggested that we all act together. Brother Ji will punish me as well." Yu'er raised her chest and raised her head, looking like she was generous in her sacrifice.

He is worthy of being the master of the harem, taking the lead in the rebellion, right?

"Brother, I saw Ye Xingyi first and told Sister Jiaoyan." Feng Wu weakly raised her hand.

Good guy, it turns out you were the culprit.

Ji Changqing was speechless, then turned to look at Caihuan.

"I don't agree with this plan. If we encounter a powerful enemy, we will only hold back Changqing." Caihuan said very rationally as his chest heaved as he ran.

"Then why did you still come?" Ji Changqing looked at her curiously. Caihuan should not have such an impulsive personality.

"Because I'm afraid of being a widow like my mother. My father is gone and never comes back. I don't want my children and I to lose you again, and my mother also went to the banquet."

They knew that there were immortal cultivators in Jiayuan City, so they wanted to fight with Ji Changqing.


Ji Changqing's face darkened. He started planting flags before it even started?
wait this time...

Forget it.

It was he who ultimately made the decision on this operation.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a few people took a shortcut and arrived near the Jun Yue Restaurant faster than a carriage.

There was an undercurrent surging along the way, and I encountered more than a dozen waves of members from major gangs, each with their own gangsters and full of murderous intent.

Ji Changqing and others hid on the eaves and beams of a wealthy family named Li, but did not approach.

It was a hundred feet away from the Jun Yue Restaurant, and he could just observe all the conditions inside.

This is Ji Changqing's biggest reliance now.

Far more than twice their spiritual consciousness detection range.

What is the concept of Baizhang?A hundred-story skyscraper towering into the sky, with the flat ground drawing a circle around him.

The circle is his exploration range, which can usually only be achieved during the foundation building stage.

Ji Changqing and Han Yunping fought in the bamboo forest, but he actually suffered a loss.

He failed to use his greatest strength.

That is the detection range and attack range.

As the saying goes, the truth is only within the attack range of the flying sword.

If it happened at night and Ji Changqing hid a hundred feet away and attacked Han Yunping with a flying sword, the situation would change instantly.

It would be good if he had defensive means, otherwise with Ji Changqing's speed, he would not be able to escape and he would not be able to find anyone.

The battle will become a passive defense and a random attack.

It’s already a bit like a foundation-building and qi-training monk.

The attack ranges of the two are no longer on the same level.

Of course, it will not be that easy to win. His magic weapon is not good enough, and it is difficult for his sword to kill monks who are higher than him. However, harassment is still possible.

Killing is hard, but hiding is safe.

One is bright, one is dark.

He can easily dodge out of sight of all enemies.

This is also the reason why Ji Changqing thought twice and agreed to them coming out.

It is precisely because of the super wide range of spiritual consciousness that he can avoid various potential enemies along the way.

Ji Changqing realized that tonight might be a sleepless night.

Elites from major gangs gathered together, and the restaurant was not only full of people.

Even on the outer streets, at this time, there are many vendors and passers-by near the restaurant.

Now, don’t talk about people on the streets.

The cool breeze blew the leaves across the alley, and dozens of pairs of eyes stared at them.

Deathly silence.

Du Mao was in the dark, the cold light of the weapon in his arms flashing, ready to go off.

Ji Changqing found at least thousands of members of major gangs within a hundred feet.

There is a restaurant 100 meters to the northeast. It is dark, not a single oil lamp is lit, and it looks like it has closed.

But in fact, even the stairs on the first to third floors were full of people.

Not to mention the number of two hundred, listening to the conversations of their leaders, it turned out that they were all from the Five Colors Sect.

Ji Changqing really wanted to fire a few fire bombs at the restaurant's doors and windows.

If anyone tries to escape, they will all die.

Although I was itching and unbearable, I still endured it. A small impatience will ruin the big plan.

At this time, inside the Grand Hotel, all the major gangs and elite members of the elite came.

The [-]-gold bodyguard Yan brought was actually the least. I hope nothing unexpected happens tonight.

Because Ji Changqing didn't come, they could only stay on the sixth floor.

At the top of the stairs on the seventh floor is Tianba's Tianba Gate, with about 300 people. This time he didn't bring his daughter.

Next to Tianba is the Five Color Gate, which also has more than 300 gang members.

The leader was Wang Yi, who had a sly eyebrow. He was leaning on the railing alone, looking down at Mrs. Yan. The smile on his lips had reached behind his ears. He liked the pleasure of a villain succeeding.

Someone doesn’t dare to come!

There was also a young man sitting behind him. Everyone present looked solemn, except for him who smiled gently, looking somewhat calm and at ease.

The moment Ji Changqing saw the young man, he felt inexplicably relaxed.

It really came.

There are also three hundred people in the group opposite Tianba Gate, which is Ouyang Feitian's dominating villa.

Recently, Ouyang Feitian Overlord Armor has been completed. Due to the reason of true energy, although he has not practiced it to perfection, he has activated the true energy shield.

But it was enough for him to become the top master in Jiayuan City.

Ordinary weapons are already invulnerable.

He has confidence.

Even facing a master-level expert, Ji Changqing.

At least he can take a hand knife.

He still has a shadow in his heart. Even if he becomes a top master, he doesn't dare to boast too much.

This time!

Outside the restaurant, from the direction of Plaza Avenue, three gold-encrusted luxury carriages drove up, each driven by four horses.

When the waiter at the front door saw it, he ran back to the restaurant in panic and shouted:

"The city owner is here!"

"Master Li is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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