Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 43 The Food Chain of Jiayuan City

Chapter 43 The Food Chain of Jiayuan City

Three luxury carriages stopped directly at the door of the restaurant, the curtains were opened, and three men stepped out one after another.

The leader was actually an old man, nearly seventy years old, wearing a green robe, holding a whisk, and a white beard longer than the whisk.

The old man stretched out as soon as he came out, and the bones in his neck were twisted at about 180 degrees.

"This shabby carriage, the Taoist sitting in it almost makes my bones fall apart."

The second carriage creaked under the pressure, and the person being helped out was a fat man with a shiny face.

He is as tall as a pumpkin, holding his big belly with both hands when walking. He is short and fat, and his clothes look more like a wealthy man. He has short fingers and a thick neck covered with gold and silver jewelry.

Hearing the old man's words, he quickly walked up to him and said with a smile: "Master Immortal, you are tired. Once these vulgar warriors are dealt with, we can continue drinking and having fun."

"City Lord, I like big guys."

"Yes, yes, hahaha."

The two looked at each other and smiled, showing a tacit understanding.

"Bring the boxes here." Mr. Li, who was full of energy and had no white beard on his face, ignored the two straw bags after getting off the carriage, and turned around to have more than forty iron boxes brought.

"I said, Mr. Li, why don't you give this box of medicinal materials to me, the old Taoist, and give it to those mortals? Isn't it a waste of natural resources?" When the old Taoist saw the box, he was not in the mood to talk about fasting, so he lay on the box and felt very sad.

These are all medicinal materials that are nearly a hundred years old!

"If Master Immortal can eliminate all the gangs in Jiayuan City, these medicinal materials will naturally belong to you." Mr. Li looked at him coldly and said righteously.

"Here." The old Taoist stood up, straightened his Taoist robe, and smiled a little reluctantly, "Of course I want to help Mr. Li share his worries. It is not difficult to kill these mortals, but in this world, it is not something we can do. Do whatever you want.”

"There is no need to say more about that. Immortal Master can also participate in this feast if he wants." After Master Li finished speaking, he walked directly towards the restaurant. The guards behind him were like ants moving, carrying boxes in pairs and following behind. .

"This guy doesn't take us seriously enough," the old Taoist complained to the fat city lord with his face red and thick neck after the others left.

"No matter what this ordinary person does, someone's safety tonight depends entirely on the immortal master, hahaha."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, hahaha."

"Let's continue talking about Bigu."

The two looked at each other and smiled, looking quite embarrassed.

Ji Changqing was standing on the beam in the distance, looking a little speechless.

Who are these people? How come there is no decent person?

This old immortal master, looking at the immortal spirit, is actually a real pervert.

As for his strength, he has reached the fourth level of Qi training.

In the secular world, he is indeed qualified to be called a immortal master.

His attention returned to the Grand Hotel.

As Mr. Li entered the scene, most people from the major gangs sat down quietly.

There were still some people standing up and pointing at the boxes on the stairs.

Everyone speculated about what would be inside if it took two people to move it.

Mr. Li smiled and silently counted how many gangs there were on each floor as he went upstairs.

When he reached the eighth floor, the smile disappeared from his face.

He sent out more than 40 invitations, but only 22 showed up.

Even Zhu Ganglie from the Brotherhood didn't come. Was it a premonition?

These people are quite smart.

Among the three of them, he was the only one who went upstairs. The old man and the fat man didn't want to climb the stairs. They just stood at the door of the restaurant and watched, not even wanting to go in, as if they were ready to run away at any time.

Mr. Li's eyes twitched when he saw it. It's no wonder these two losers could get together.

"I believe everyone already knows who I am and the purpose of coming here, so I won't talk nonsense."

"The people of Jingzhou are already in dire straits and we need everyone to contribute."

"Here, I have prepared two small gifts." Master Li clapped his hands, and the iron boxes on the spiral staircase were opened one after another.

The dazzling golden light dazzled people.


"So much?! Let's say tens of thousands taels at least, right?"

"The fat sheep from the capital are rich!"

Of more than 40 boxes, only 22 were opened and the rest were carried away.

"Everyone, be quiet. This first small gift, a thousand taels of gold, is available to every gang present."

As he finished speaking, the guards moved the gold to the gang leaders on each floor.

The major gang leaders were shocked and confused. A thousand taels of gold was not a small amount. Some small gangs could not earn so much in several years.

How can this calm them down.

Some have begun to bite with their teeth, confirming that it is real.

There were also some thoughtful people who suspected that there were bricks inside. When they opened it and checked, they found that every brick was real.Mr. Li is serious!

The atmosphere in the restaurant changed subtly.

Large gangs began to eye the gold in the hands of small and medium-sized gangs.

The medium-sized gang stared at the small gang downstairs.

A trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

What is the difference between this and free picking? Why should a small gang get the same amount of gold as them?Are they worthy?
A box is 1000 taels!Isn’t ten equal to 1 taels?

We only need to grab ten boxes, but what kind of food are we transporting?

This is much faster than robbing homes and houses to get money.

Some gangs began to feel lucky to have brought many brothers.

As time passed, they began to wonder if the other party had the same idea as them.

Want to grab your own gold.

The major gangs are already on silent guard against each other.

Some small gangs are still immersed in the joy of a thousand taels of gold. With this money, they can not only expand the gang, but also have more concubines.

It’s not that everyone is blinded by money.

The leader of the Siping Gang is Zhongshan Shan, with a pair of arms as long as an ape.

When he saw the gold being moved over, his face became heavy, he raised his head, and when he met the greedy eyes, his hands and feet began to feel cold.

This is not a small gift, this is clearly the coffin money to send them on their way.

Small gangs like theirs are like fish on the chopping block, and they are guilty of carrying a jade.

Zhongshan knew he couldn't wait any longer and had to do something.

He stepped forward in a hurry, ran to the central staircase, raised his hands and shouted loudly: "Guild leaders! This Master Li clearly has no good intentions."

"He wants to use gold to make the major gangs in Jiayuan City kill each other."

"Everyone, calm down and don't be fooled by him."

His roar did make the restaurant quiet for a short time.

After hearing this, Mr. Li remained calm and calm: "I, Yue Jing, care about the people of Jingzhou, why can't I be kind?"

"I'm giving you gold because I'm afraid that your little gang can't even afford food, so how can you help transport food?"

"Jiayuancheng is harmonious and united, how can it be sown by gold?"

"Master Li is right."

Wang Yi stood up and looked down at the major gangs at the bottom: "I think you are overthinking."

"Master Li is kind and kind, and gave us gold. What do you mean?"

"Because of your words, do you want us to return the gold?"

Wang Yi's last words instantly ignited all the anger. How could they send the duck back?

"Who is this kid? He really doesn't know how high the sky is."

"The heavy mountain of the Siping Gang." Pan Laifu, the leader of the Iron Fist Gang, immediately confessed the person. His two gangs would not deal with him in the first place.

"He looks like a monkey, and he pretends to be a human being. It's really funny." Zhang Zhaoping, a gang member of the Jieyi Society, also directly attacked him personally.


Zhongshan Shan suddenly turned pale. He didn't expect that he kindly reminded him that the man named Li did not attack him. Instead, it was these major gangs in Jiayuan City who criticized him verbally and writtenly.

Especially those large gangs, like the man named Li, had no good intentions from the beginning.

Zhongshan knew that there was nothing he could do, and now he could only protect himself: "Our Siping Gang doesn't need this gold, you can take it back."

"Oh?" Even Mr. Li was a little surprised now.

But he already had a countermeasure for this.

"I won't take the gold back. Why don't you give it to Gang Leader Shen, depending on which gang you like, and give it to them?"

This sentence that contained evil intentions instantly attracted countless greedy eyes.

He Zhongshan never thought that one day he would become the protagonist of Jiayuan City.

It's just lamb being put on the grill and everyone wants to tear off a bite.

Zhongshan knew that there was no way out and this hot potato must be sent away.

He immediately thought of his old friend, the leader of the Iron Fist Club, Pan Laifu.

It might be a good choice to give it to him.

But on the sixth and seventh floors, all the major gangs were staring at him.

Once it is given to the small gang, it may be safe today. After that, the Siping Gang will have no place in Jiayuan City.

(End of this chapter)

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