Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 44 The Lucky Tsing Yi Gang and the Diamond Gate

Chapter 44 The Lucky Tsing Yi Gang and the Diamond Gate
Zhongshan Mountain began to encounter difficulties. This was the most important multiple-choice question in his life.

Once the wrong choice.

His Shen family is full of people and it is difficult to escape.

If you can't give it to small gangs, why should you give it to big gangs?
He knew all the three major gangs on the seventh floor.

Tianba Gate, Duba Villa, Five Color Gate.

These three gangs have a notorious reputation in Jiayuan City.

It is often said that no matter which one of them is given, it will be a slap in the face to the other two families.

Moreover, with their greedy character, it is impossible for the Siping Gang to be protected, and they will only be eaten up to the dregs.

Zhongshan looked towards the sixth floor. When he saw Yan's Jingjiao Hui, he frowned and asked why their gang leader didn't come today.

Originally this was the best choice.

Because of that wedding, all the gangs in Jiayuan City knew that a master-level expert from the Jingjiao Club was in charge.

But that person didn't come!There's no way this situation can be suppressed.

"You haven't decided yet? Why don't you keep it first? No one can get along with gold. Think about your gang members. You still have a large group of people to eat. This all requires money." Mr. Li reminded kindly.

"I choose to give it to Jingjiao!" Zhongshanshan didn't listen to his monstrous words at all. He would definitely not want this thing tonight.

Everyone was in an uproar, not finding that he really planned to send him away.

And it's not given to the three major gangs on the seventh floor, but to the Jingjiao Society, which has been unusually low-key recently.

Yan was also a little surprised.

The Jingjiao Society has nothing to do with the Siping Gang.

When the heavy iron box was lifted up, she was immediately in trouble.

It might be said that it diverted misfortunes to the east, but these thousand taels of gold were real benefits.

The development of the Golden Dragon Society does require these.

But tonight's situation, Yan Shi clearly felt something strange.

Because she didn't think of robbing other gangs at all, she didn't know what other gangs were thinking at the moment.

Since they were all sent to her door, it was naturally impossible for Yan to refuse.

I don't dare to ask for anything that comes to my door. I don't even want to join a gang. I just go back to farming.

That Jingjiao meeting will only make people laugh out loud.

So even though Yan felt something was wrong, she really had no reason to refuse.

"Mrs. Yan, you have to be careful tonight. Your two boxes of gold are quite heavy. Why do you bring so few people? I don't know if they can be moved, but don't let anyone snatch them away." Wang Yi glanced at it first. Zhongshan Shan then leaned on the railing and reminded Yan kindly.

His words attracted some unclear looks, and they all looked at the two hundred gold escorts behind her.

Some gangs have already mentally assessed the gap in combat power between the two sides.

Yan didn't want to say a word to this scumbag and just ignored him.

This made the proud man angrily call him a bitch.

Master Li coughed: "Okay, the farce is over."

"The next step is to get to the point."

He opened a large wooden box at his feet, which contained more than 40 small wooden boxes.

The ones filled with Huang Jingzhi are all in the form of Huang Jingzhi, and the ones with the lowest age are all in their [-]s.

"I also brought a second small gift to various gang leaders today."

"I believe everyone is familiar with Huang Jingzhi."

"It is rumored that one bite of Huang Jingzhi, which is a century old, can extend the life of even a hundred-year-old man by ten years."

Before he finished blowing, a group of people started talking about it

"real or fake?"

"Shouldn't it be that exaggerated?"

"I feel it should be true. Last time I heard that someone was injured, and after eating a whisker, he became full of energy."

Mr. Li pressed his hand to signal for silence.

"For Huang Jingzhi that is decades old, it may not be so exaggerated, but for those that are more than a hundred years old, or even 200 years old, you will only know if you try it."

"This box of medicinal materials under my feet is a friendly gift from the major chambers of commerce in Yuejing to thank Jiayuan City for its support."

"Originally, every gang has one, but now that some people are not here, they have missed this great opportunity."

"Since I brought them all, I can't bring them back."

"This way, each gang will get two!"

"Master Li, you are so generous!"

"There are not many good people like Mr. Li these days."

"Thank you Mr. Li."

Mr. Li continued with a smile on his face: "To ensure fairness, the medicinal materials are all packed in boxes. I don't know how old they are. I will let people distribute them as they please."

After he finished speaking, the guards began to take it from top to bottom.

Start from the gang on the seventh floor and send them to the next one.

Each gang has two boxes.During the delivery process, Mr. Li walked downstairs, winked at the fat city lord and the old Taoist, and asked them to prepare the carriage and prepare to drive away.

Ji Changqing's consciousness clearly saw that this was not a random delivery.

The boxes on the upper and lower levels of the box contain medicines that are 60 or [-] years old.

Only the middle layer, with about ten boxes, is more than a hundred years old.

The medicinal materials are distributed from top to bottom.

Surprisingly, the major gangs on the sixth and seventh floors are all members of low-level drug addicts.

Only on the third, fourth and fifth floors, these medium-sized gangs can obtain medicines that are over a hundred years old.

A small gang with a thousand taels of gold.

Medium-sized gangs have hundred-year or even 200-year elixirs.

Everyone has a bright future.

There are only large gangs on the sixth or seventh floor, and they all have a dark face.

Mr. Li gave two "small profits" and escaped with an old man and a fat man.

Some people don’t even know when they left.

Following them were the Siping Gang from Chongshan Mountain, and he didn't ask for any medicinal materials or anything like that.

"Hahaha, it's crazy. My plant has all black leaves! It smells like medicine! Hiss!"

On the fourth floor, Zhang Yuwen from the Tsing Yi Gang took a sip and laughed like crazy.

On the seventh floor, the young man next to Wang Yi stood up with a smile, glanced at him and said, "Congratulations!"

"You only have one plant, and Labor and Capital have two plants. One is black, and the other is close to black. They are estimated to be a hundred years old." Song Changlong, the leader of the Vajra Sect, touched his bald head and smiled very proudly.

All his men were congratulating and congratulating the sect master.

The young man glanced at Song Changlong again, touched his cheek, found it interesting, and walked downstairs first.

Wang Yi called his men to follow him immediately.

It's different from the laughter in the restaurant.

On the sixth and seventh floors, the major gang leaders left first.

Mrs. Yan noticed something unusual and stayed where she was because of Ji Changqing's instructions.

After confirming that the five-color door had left the restaurant, Yan Shi came to the stairs and spoke in a clear voice.

"Don't be too happy too early. This iron box is extremely heavy, not to mention it contains gold."

"If you want to leave safely, I advise you to go together!"

Tsing Yi gang member Zhang Yuwen stood up with an uncertain expression on his face.

"What do you mean, Mrs. Yan? Is there anyone who dares to commit robbery openly?"

Song Changlong also answered: "These hundreds of brothers of mine are not vegetarians. They are just asking for death when they come here."

The two of them said this, not knowing whether they were lying to others or to embolden themselves.

Anyway, the outside world is definitely not aboveboard now.

But the night is dark and windy!

Maybe Yan's words had some effect.

When some gang members walked out of the restaurant, the surroundings were pitch black and they could not see their fingers.

There was not even a lantern to be seen on the road, and they were all taken away by kind-hearted Master Li.

Is this still the normally bustling Jiayuan City?

This weird atmosphere caused some small gangs to start traveling together, with two to three hundred people in groups.

Song Changlong and Zhang Yuwen, who were extremely tough-talking in the restaurant, saw this scene and silently chose to form a team.

Two medium-sized gangs came together, with a total of more than 400 people, which immediately made them feel safer.

And the direction they went back was the road to the Li family compound.

I don’t know if Ji Changqing has any intention of robbing his family.

However, the five-color door in the restaurant in the northeast must have an idea.

After Wang Yi and the young man came out, they led people straight to the restaurant.

Ji Changqing also took Yu'er and the others away silently. Without the Qi Condensation spell, this location might be discovered.

Withdrawing nearly a hundred feet, they chose a location close to the Beilu Grand Canal and let them hide in a restaurant, still called Beida Restaurant.

Ji Changqing found a way out.

Tell Yu'er and the others that if you encounter sudden danger, you can jump into the river immediately. The river is the safest.

Not only will his spiritual consciousness be affected, but the power of some spells will also be weakened. If he falls into the Beilu Grand Canal, it is basically safe in such deep water.

If you want to catch someone during the Qi training period, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Ji Changqing separated two hundred Ruyan to protect them.

He sneaked over with 200 people.

(End of this chapter)

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