Chapter 45
After Tianbamen, Dubashanzhuang, Wusemen and other big gangs came out, they immediately sent people to block the four directions in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

They have spies on every side street.

After small and medium-sized gangs come out, you will encounter them no matter where you go.

To the east of the restaurant, Pan Laifu from the Iron Fist Club came out and wanted to sneak back in the dark. He immediately set off towards the alley, where there were still men to help him.

They carried the gold and came to the alley where they had agreed.

"Come out." Pan Laifu called towards the alley.


Waited a while.

What responded to him was deathly silence, and a strong smell of blood forced its way into their nostrils. This smell of blood was very familiar to them.

There was a fight here, and many people died. Pan Laifu began to pant.

"Be careful."

The group of people drew their weapons and emboldened themselves.

Someone discovered that there were pools of water stains flowing on the ground, and a faint red light reflected in the moonlight.

How could there be water if it hadn't rained? Someone stepped on it and found that the sole of the foot was unusually sticky. He squatted down and touched it, and there was blood!He screamed in fright and rolled and crawled.

"Boss, blood! The ground is full of blood!"

He lay on the ground, his bloody hands pulling on Pan Laifu's trouser legs, and was kicked away: "Come out, I know you are hiding behind the wall!"

"As expected of a first-rate master, he really can't hide it."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone jumped up the wall and appeared in front of everyone in the Iron Fist Club.

He is a little short and can only look taller when standing on the wall.

He waved his hand condescendingly, and four to five hundred people, armed with swords, guns and crossbows, rushed out and surrounded the Iron Fist Club.

Pan Laifu recognized this person at a glance: "Tianba, what do you mean?"

"Nothing. If you don't want to die, leave the gold and the medicine box!"

Pan Laifu's face was filled with uncertainty. How could he give up the gold he had obtained, let alone so many brothers who had died!
"I don't want to waste time. I count to three. Either die or get out. Three..." Tianbamen suddenly became murderous, with swords drawn and ready to kill at any time.

"Here's the gold for you, this time we admit defeat."

Pan Laifu was very sensible and fled in despair with his men, not even daring to say a harsh word.

Tianba walked to the iron box and opened it.

The gold and the pillbox are both there.

He laughed.

It's easier to talk to smart people who know what's going on.

Effortlessly, I got 1000 taels of gold. What else can get money faster than this?

The reason why he didn't kill them was because he didn't want to lose his men. The other party also had hundreds of men.

And, now time is money.

"Go, go to the next house!"

A game of big fish eating small fish is constantly being played near the Grand Hotel.

The way Tianbamen behaves, they care more about money. They can kill or not. If there is resistance, they don't mind sending them on their way.

Most of them are smart people, but there are also some who are stubborn.

Wusemen, whose style of conduct is completely different from that of Tianbamen, is famous for being cruel and ruthless.
This part of the west.

As soon as Wang Yi and the young man left the restaurant, they began to gather their men.

There are more than 500 people in total.

The young man looked at Wang Yi and said calmly: "Our troops are divided into two groups. I will wait for the Tsing Yi Gang and the Jingang Sect here, while you lead people to block the other gangs."

"Is it okay to be alone? I'll leave 200 people?"

Wang Yi was a little worried. Although he knew that he was an immortal cultivator, he wouldn't be willing to challenge hundreds of people at a time, right?

"My battle cannot be seen by mortals, and I don't trust your people either." The young man sent a message.

"Okay, as long as you have confidence." Wang Yi shrugged and left with five hundred elites.

He deliberately left hundreds of informants near the restaurant.

When Ji Changqing comes back.

There were 500 people from the Tsing Yi Gang and the Vajra Sect, and they surrounded the young people.

At first, Zhang Yuwen and Song Changlong were startled when they saw a figure walking out of the dark alley, thinking there was an ambush.

After waiting for a while and searching all around, I found that he was indeed the only one.

They all know the young man, and it is difficult for them not to remember that Wang Yi of the Five Colors Sect is together.

Zhang Yuwen knew that he might be a master, but it didn't matter, he had a numerical advantage, and even the top masters would have to lose here. "Stop looking for it, let's go together, I don't want to waste time."

Being targeted by a crossbow and facing each other with swords, the young man's face remained unchanged as he pulled out a green light sword from his storage bag, which was four feet and two inches long.

Look at this cyan aura, is it at least a mid-grade magic weapon?

And there is not only a storage bag on his waist, but also an animal skin bag.

Zhang Yuwen twisted his neck and smiled ferociously: "Arrogant, come on, kill him for me."

Following his order, a group of masters rushed forward with swords in hand.

The crossbowmen who stepped on the roofs on both sides took the lead in attacking.

Whoosh, whoosh, dozens of arrows roared towards him.

The young man used the wind control technique, jumped back a few times, and all the arrows sank into the ground.

The people who were rushing forward were startled and stopped. This movement was so fast that before they could react, the young man turned back and came to the front, and a cold light flashed continuously in the crowd.

More than a dozen people, as if they had been cast a restraining spell, were motionless with their weapons raised.

The young man's figure reappeared, and the crowd behind him fell to the ground one after another.

When the others saw the cause of death, they were all split into two. The bodies fell in a pool of blood, and none of them was complete.

Hundreds of people were frightened and backed away.

Song Changlong yelled: "Give it to me, whoever kills him will get a reward of a hundred taels."

Under the reward, there must be a brave man!

Upon hearing this, the Tsing Yi Gang and the Jingang Sect surrounded him again.

Only Song Changlong and Zhang Yuwen saw something was wrong and retreated silently.

The young man smiled slightly, he was afraid that these people would run away.

The shouts of killing suddenly started again.

Hundreds of people surrounded his path from all directions at the same time.

The young man didn't panic at all. He exerted force on his feet, and his figure suddenly became blurry. The long sword in his hand danced like an airtight scythe, moving through the crowd like a scythe of death. A mortal body would die if it touched it. Even the hard spine was like foam. Generally, it breaks when touched.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of corpses were laid out in front of the restaurant, like a slaughterhouse. The corpses were soaked in blood and stained the ground red, without even a place to stand.

Seeing the young man unscathed, holding his sword and walking towards him with a smile.

Zhang Yuwen and Song Changlong were immediately frightened. Their hands and feet were cold. Without saying a word, they abandoned their men and ran away without even looking at the two boxes of gold.

"Run now, don't you think it's too late?" The voice of the King of Hell calling for life came from behind. Zhang Yuwen had just climbed over the wall and paused slightly. As soon as a blue light passed through his chest, he lowered his head and saw that his heart was empty.

The young man came over, stood side by side, gently took out the two medicine boxes from his hands, and chased Song Changlong without looking back.

This was Zhang Yuwen's last thought before his death.

"Run, the faster I run, the more excited I am." The young man shook off the blood stains on the sword blade. He planned to play a game of cat and mouse.

First kill all the mortals around you, and then go after Song Changlong.

The direction in which he ran was noted.

There is no escape.

During a cup of tea, it was confirmed that there were no living creatures around the restaurant. Even the passing wild cat was cut into pieces with a sword.

The young man chased Song Changlong, his speed was lightning fast.

Song Changlong was running desperately for his life, his chest breathing loudly like a bellows in [-]. Now he only hated his mother for not giving birth to more legs when she gave birth to him.

Immortal cultivators are really unlucky, how could they be targeted by immortal cultivators!
Song Changlong ran to the courtyard where there were people, jumped up, and crossed the several-foot-high wall. As soon as his feet landed, his neck was severely injured.


His eyes were dark, and he didn't know anything about personnel.

The shadow picked up two medicine boxes on the ground, lifted the person up, and threw them into a cowshed, covering them completely with thatch.

The young man's face was as dark as ink. He searched for several cups of tea in this direction, but Song Changlong was nowhere to be seen.

It's like the world has evaporated.

The duck with its mouth full, flew?

The young man returned the same route with a sullen face. When he came to an uninhabited land, a golden light fell from the sky.

The young man raised his head, his face changed suddenly, and he flew towards the tree trunk in a panic, narrowly escaping it. Before he could breathe, the flying sword turned at a sharp angle, cutting off the tree trunk and a section of his clothes.

Hundreds of arrows were fired from the roof, and the young man rolled and crawled. There was no chance to breathe in this series of attacks.

He quickly took out an intermediate defensive talisman, the Diamond Talisman.

My cheeks twitched and felt a bit painful, so I slapped it on my body after activating it.

Although it was difficult for mortal arrows to hurt him, he had to guard against this flying sword.

(End of this chapter)

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