Chapter 46
The young man slapped the Vajra Talisman on his body, and the dazzling golden light lit up from his chest, gradually forming a light shield, spreading and wrapping around his whole body.

This golden light mask is translucent, appearing and disappearing, with spiritual energy flowing on it, like a golden eggshell, protecting the young man airtight.

The smoke-like arrows quickly hit the Vajra cover, and it was as strong as steel. There was a clanging sound of metal collisions.

The young man stood up and let the mortals shoot with their crossbows.

The arrows that lost power after the collision fell and piled up at his feet, but he was unscathed, except that the diamond talisman attached to his chest was dimmed.

The young man did not fight back immediately. He dodged the flying sword and ran around the street, but could not find the attacker.

In this case, either the opponent's realm is much higher and he can attack from a distance.

Either the other party has superb concealment methods and is difficult to detect even from nearby.

No matter what it is, you must draw the other person out first.

"Fellow Daoist, wait a minute." The young man shouted to the surroundings, trying to stop the flying sword attack, but Ji Changqing didn't listen to his nonsense at all.

There are too many cases where villains die because they talk too much.

No matter what Ji Changqing said, the flying sword attacks never stopped.

"Fellow Taoist, could it be that you are a monk from the Seven Sects?" The young man hid while speaking, unable to speak smoothly.

"Killing these mortals is also a helpless act. It is actually to protect ourselves."

What a helpless and self-protective thing!

If the cultivators want to run away, will the mortals stay here?


Ji Changqing is not here to do justice for heaven, he is not that boring yet.

He has only one purpose for coming tonight.

Cull this beast!

Ji Changqing was going to Jingzhou, thinking about it day and night, always feeling that leaving this person behind would bring endless disasters.

Once someone learns that Ji Changqing has left Jiayuan City.

There is a high probability that the Five Color Sect will take action, and this person is on good terms with the Five Color Sect.

Even if this probability is infinitely close to zero, as long as it happens.

It will be killed in the cradle.

He didn't want to regret it after an accident happened.

In this case, why not strike first.

Moreover, this person's behavior tonight is cruel and ruthless.

It made him even more determined.

Once he made up his mind, he no longer looked back.

The frequency of flying sword attacks became faster and faster.

"Senior, wait a minute, I have two plants here, the century-old Huang Jingzhi. If you want it, I can give it to you with both hands!"

The young man said it sincerely. Seeing that the Vajra Talisman was about to break, he really had no choice but to stay low and be small, and he could also lure the other party out.

The only thing that responded to him was the golden light that was as fast as lightning.

With a bang, the golden light shield broke, and dozens of hits from the flying sword finally took effect.

Ji Changqing thought this diamond talisman was invincible!

However, it is really hard.

With this continuous attack, the young man knew that he could not communicate, so he stopped talking nonsense.

After the diamond talisman broke, he began to fight back with the green light sword. No matter how fast the opponent's flying sword was, it was just a low-grade magic weapon.

It's a bit naive to rely on this to kill him.

This is one of the reasons why young people take their time.

The attacks of the flying swords were resolved one by one by the green light sword, and several gaps were made. However, it was difficult to cut off the flying swords.

The magic weapon is blessed with mana, so it is difficult to cut it directly unless there is a difference of several levels.

The young man wanted to use the art of controlling objects to seize the opponent's flying sword.

The other party is at such a long distance, and generally their realm is not much different. Even if they cannot capture it, they can still control it a little.

However, this flying sword was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it had no effect at all.

The crossbow arrows of nearby mortals also annoyed him and wasted a lot of mana.

This was not the way to go. Since he couldn't find the other party, he decided to kill these annoying ants first.

The young man's hand lit up with fire, and with a fire bomb technique, the roof was instantly burned to ashes like smoke that could not be avoided.

But these people were not afraid of death, and when their crossbow bolts were gone, they fired all kinds of hidden weapons.

The young man was completely annoyed and wanted to rush over with his sword and kill them all, but Feijian was watching eagerly from the side.

He suddenly calmed down. Other cultivators intervened, and it was obvious that nothing could be done tonight.

Continuing to consume it is not only meaningless, but also life-threatening.

After thinking about it, he no longer wanted to fight, turned around and ran in a certain direction.

Feijian tried to stop him, but it had no real effect. If this continued, he could only watch him run away.Feijian stopped attacking.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief and finally gave up, but the next second his face changed drastically, he turned around hastily and raised his sword to resist.


With just one blow, he was severely injured, vomiting blood and breaking his right arm.

After breaking through the wall, his body was still flying upside down in the air.

What followed was Ji Changqing's pursuit. This was not a turn-based game, and he had to wait for the opponent to land.

Ji Changqing's speed was as fast as lightning, and the young man was about to be cut in two before he hit the ground.

The young man quickly took a picture of the Ice Shield Talisman in the air, and his body was protected by four ice shields.

The golden sword light flashed and struck the ice shield, making a tooth-piercing collision sound.

The young man stood up in panic, with two ice shields on his body.

Seeing that the other party was about to attack again, he took out a pile of fire bullet talismans and threw them out as if they were free of charge.
I lost dozens of them in a row, and the Fire Bullet Talisman was instantaneous after activation.

He didn't see the effect and immediately summoned a spirit beast from the spirit beast bag.

As soon as the spirit beast came out, it let out a long roar and sprayed out a large amount of white smoke from its nostrils.

It turned out to be a big buffalo, with a body like a rhinoceros, unusually strong limbs, and big, piercing eyes like bells.

A pair of long horns are about two meters wide and have a texture like black iron steel bars.

As soon as the buffalo came out, it wanted to help its master fight, but the young man kicked it, jumped on it, pulled the reins, turned around and ran away.

Jumping out of the fire, Ji Changqing's face darkened, and the golden light around him gradually dimmed. If he hadn't learned the Diamond Technique, he would have been on guard at all times.

He had to suffer a big loss from the indiscriminate bombardment just now.

It is rare for casual cultivators to be as wealthy as young people.

Fortunately, Ji Changqing went all out from the beginning. Even if he could easily take advantage in close combat, he still had to test with his flying sword for a long time.

Ji Changqing used the Wind Control Technique to catch up.

His speed was extremely fast, even if the old cow was kicking its limbs and making smoke, it could not be faster than his Wind Control Technique.

Ji Changqing didn't rush to get closer, and followed behind him, using his flying sword to continue harassing him, fearing that he would throw out a bunch of talismans again.

The young man's face turned black, and the ice shield was chopped off, and the ice fragments fell straight off. His heart skipped a beat with each broken piece.

After several consecutive blows, the ice shield talisman finally failed.

The young man stood up immediately, holding his chest and coughing continuously. He turned his head anxiously and glanced in a certain direction.

His body's reaction speed was much slower. The green light sword could not block the flying sword attack, so he could only use the aura shield to consume mana to resist.

The opponent was at the fifth level of Qi training. If he persisted for a while, the young man coughed and gritted his teeth to persist.

"Senior, we have no grievances. Please let me go. I can give you the treasures in my storage bag." Seeing that he was about to reach his destination, the young man didn't care much and actually opened the storage bag. Throw it out hard.

Ji Changqing was attracted by the storage bag and took a look at it. What does it mean?
give up?
At this moment, he detected a long river at the outermost edge of his consciousness.

Xianglu Grand Canal.

Ji Changqing's face suddenly darkened.

You're so lucky to ride a buffalo and jump into the river, right?

Who taught you to run away like this!
When he was stunned, the other party was less than 200 meters away from the Grand Canal.

Ji Changqing immediately took out the flying sword, and at the same time took out a Xuantian sword, which turned into lightning and flashed, and rushed forward.

The young man showed a proud look and faced his direction, consuming all his mana to activate the aura shield.

The flying sword was deflected and returned in vain, and Ji Changqing's full-strength sword was also blocked.

"Goodbye! Today's enemy is me..."

Before the young man finished speaking, four Xuantian Swords pierced his chest, and the blades began to drip blood. The flood stopped at a Newton's hour. He turned around with difficulty. The Grand Canal, less than ten meters away, was like a natural chasm!

Ji Changqing added another blow and cut off his head.

"Really think you can run away?"

Picking up the spirit beast bag on his waist, he used a fire bullet to destroy the corpse and eliminate any traces.

His anxiety is just to act and attract the other person's attention.

"Hey, we seem to have killed an immortal cultivator?" Yu'er came out of the Peking University Restaurant when she saw Ji Changqing.

This is the only road nearby, the closest to the Xianglu Grand Canal.

"Why do you feel so weak? What's wrong with you, Lang Jun? Why are you unhappy?" Wang Jiaoyan walked over and smiled coquettishly against him, asking a question knowingly.

"Can I be happy if you are snatching heads?" Ji Changqing pinched her delicate face and said that the young man was weak. Didn't he slap him in the face?

"It seems to be quite weak, Changqing, is this the immortal cultivator you want to deal with?" Caihuan was also a little strange, not expecting it to go so smoothly.

Ji Changqing taught him a lesson with a straight face: "Don't think of immortal cultivators so easily. Being proud and complacent is a taboo for immortal cultivators! Look at him, he lets his guard down before he is safe. He can't die anymore."

"Got it!" Caihuan stuck out her tongue and made a face at him.

"I seem to have killed someone!" Feng Wu looked a little pale.

"Just get used to it." Yu'er comforted Feng Wu while touching her.

(End of this chapter)

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