Chapter 50 Departure to Jingzhou
With trembling hands, Xiong Benhai took the elixir and smelled it. He looked intoxicated and confirmed that it was Huanglong Dan. He forced himself to calm down and clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, senior."

Ji Changqing smiled: "Everyone takes what he needs. I wish fellow Taoist friends an early breakthrough."

The deal is done and the shield is handy.

Ji Changqing was left to taste a few pieces of braised chicken.

When serving the food, the woman wiped her hands on her apron with a simple smile: "It is home-raised, very fragrant and tender."

His wife's craftsmanship is pretty good.

I had a drink with Kumamoto Kai, chatted for a while and left.

Everyone was happy. Xiong Er squatted alone by the well, sweeping his wet feathers.

Two more roosters that he raised with his own hands are missing!

Ji Changqing handed over two taels of silver before leaving. Xiong Er put it in his pocket and jumped up and down, forgetting about the rooster.

Children can be quite cute sometimes.

After going out, he confirmed that no one was around before putting the shield close to the storage bag.

Stash bags aren't exactly rare, but some people will wonder what's inside.

Killing people and grabbing treasures, storage bags are one of the root causes!

He is not very familiar with Kumamoto Hai, so some things should not be used to test people's hearts.

Things in Jiayuan City are basically done, and it’s time to set off for Jingzhou.

For the sake of family development, the sooner you get Danfang, the better.

It would be even better if we find a few Taoist companions on the way!

Once upon a time, he was also an innocent young man.

Bubbles are very harmful!
Ji Changqing walked around a few streets and bought some daily necessities that might be used on the road.

Involving clothing, food, housing, transportation, and all kinds of items.

Anyway, buy it if you think it is useful, there is no shortage of money at all!

Even blankets and quilts are needed.

After shopping, it was almost noon.

Ji Changqing found a restaurant and sat by the window.

One stay is one afternoon.

Watching the passing girls playing on the street, they are youthful and beautiful, but unfortunately most of them are white bubbles, with very little green.

Blue encounters two, one rewards dock stone, and the other rewards azure flower.

They all seem to be material types, and I don’t know what they can be used for.

I didn't take a fancy to it either.

When you really want to find something, you can't find it.

It's better to just go with the flow and go out and have a look, you can always meet them.

Ji Changqing stopped being persistent and gave him some extra money as a "window fee" when paying the bill.

Back at Ji's Mansion, only Yu'er, the others, and a few junior wives know about his going to Jingzhou.

"Changqing, we want to go with you." Caihuan knew that he was leaving tomorrow, so it was rare for him to give him a pat on the back.

Ji Changqing was quite happy and narrowed his eyes comfortably.

It's a good thing to want to go, at least there are people who care.

He thought of a poem that might be able to enlighten them, so he read it out loud: "If two feelings last for a long time, how can they be together day and night?"

"My husband can also compose poems?" Yu'er rested on his lap, Ji Changqing lowered his head and combed her hair around her ears, "I can memorize a lot."

"Brother is so awesome!" Feng Wu stretched out her arms and clapped like a seal.

Ji Changqing couldn't laugh or cry, and had no sense of accomplishment at all.

Cai Huan read it several times and understood what he meant, lowering her head and saying nothing.

Ji Changqing said with emotion: "We immortal cultivators have a long life span, it can be hundreds or thousands of years."

"This time I was only away for a few months, just a snap of the fingers."

"Besides, isn't there still room for a ring?"

This is the hidden function of the fairy ring. No matter how far apart, the soul can appear in the same space.

Unfortunately, there are only four sub-rings.

Perhaps his words had some effect, and Caihuan stopped mentioning the matter.

Ji Changqing breathed a sigh of relief.

The next morning.

Ji Changqing changed his outfit, wearing a half white fox mask on his head, an escort suit, and a Jingjiao lion head armband on his left arm.

Jingjiaohui's escort industry is divided into four types.

Golden Lion Escort Agency, Silver Wolf Escort Agency, Bronze Ox Escort Agency, Iron Turtle Escort Agency.

The biggest difference between the escorts of the four major escort agencies is their armbands, which have different patterns.

Ji Changqing took a pseudonym.


Transformed into a golden escort and took on an escort mission to Jingzhou.

Fake names are not chosen randomly, at least you have to respond when others call you.

Great!It's instantly recognizable upon hearing it.When someone calls out, Ji Changqing will at least look back.

Because he really has a cow.

Ji Changqing held an animal skin whip and drove a bighorn ox cart to the Golden Lion Escort Agency.

In front of the escort agency, there was a long queue on the street.

The bullock carts are connected end to end, next to the wall, ready to go.

These old cart-pulling cows are tall and have long black hair. They look a bit like yaks. At first glance, they are good cart-pullers in the snow.

The carriages were almost filled with food, and some were children from rich families.

Most of the people driving the cattle carts were dressed as businessmen, and there were only a few servants.

One of the middle-aged men couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the green ox cart under his feet. Judging from his outfit, he seemed to be an escort.

Ji Changqing turned to look at him. The middle-aged man was wearing satin clothes and a round hat covering most of his forehead. He had a fat round face, slightly dark skin, and a mustache.

When he noticed that the other party was sizing him up, the middle-aged man nodded towards him with a naive smile.

Ji Changqing nodded slightly, stopped paying attention, slid off the cart, and walked towards the door of the escort agency.

Lao Liu flew from the cow's back to his right shoulder and looked around.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a wide open space, a hundred square meters wide, without a single weed, and some carriages neatly stacked in the corners.

In the center of the open space stood a group of escorts, divided into three rows, with ten people in each row.

The person standing in front of him was lecturing, with his arms folded in front of his chest.

Seeing Ji Changqing, he hooked his hand expressionlessly and asked him to join the queue.

The young man's name is Yan Yong. He is only in his early thirties and is already a first-class master. He is the chief escort of this branch escort agency.

Other escort bureaus have been escorting merchant ships to Nanwu City by water transport in the past few days.

His was the only one that opened land transportation, and the escorts he received still went to Jingzhou.

I thought there wouldn't be much business, but I didn't expect there were so many customers. Anyway, I picked them up all along the way. This is why there was such a queue of bullock carts outside.

As for Ji Changqing's identity, he only knows his name as Niu Da.

The Ji Mansion specially arranged this, so he might be a relative of some important person.

He didn't want to be negligent, nor did he want to flatter, so he just let Ji Changqing join the list and ignored it.

Ji Changqing stood at the end, alone in a row.

"Everyone is here." Yan Yong said, walking back and forth, quite like a leader.

"Let me just say a few points."

"For this escort mission, we will start from Jiayuan City and take the official road."

"The final destination is Qingniu Town in Jingzhou."

"Passing through eleven small and large towns."

“These towns are also our sites.”

"We have 23 customers, and their destinations are these towns."

"To put it simply, this mission is a bit difficult."

"Jingzhou is now freezing cold and covered with heavy snow. What we need to prepare is not only sufficient food, but also cold-proof items."

Yan Yong walked to the right side of the team, looked at the last row and said.

"If any of you are not ready, raise your hands, I still have some supplies here."

His men were all ready.

No one raised their hands.

Yan Yong looked at Ji Changqing again.

Then continued.

"Snow will make our journey slower, but it will also avoid a lot of trouble."

"There are many horse bandits in Jingzhou. Originally, our manpower was not enough to undertake this escort mission."

"Fortunately, the mountains are blocked by heavy snow, so horses can't walk on the snow."

"So you don't have to worry too much. If nothing happens, you will be safe and sound along the way."

"And some escorts came back safely before, almost without encountering a large group of robbers."

"After this mission, everyone will have five taels of gold."

"So much! Long live Escort Yan. With this money, I can marry Qing'er when I get back." An escort in front of Ji Changqing shouted excitedly.

Yan Yong shook his head in amusement: "You deserve to be single for so long. Li Qing'er comes from a wealthy family. If you had married an ordinary woman earlier, now your child can be so good at it."


Everyone was laughing and joking, the atmosphere in this escort agency was pretty good!

It seems that Yan Yong still has leadership skills.

"Okay, I won't say any more nonsense."

Yan Yong raised his sword and shouted loudly.

"I wish you all immediate success and a safe return!"

"Immediate success!!!" Everyone shouted loudly in unison.

"Let's go!" Yan Yong gave the order, and the entire bodyguard army attacked.

(End of this chapter)

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