Chapter 51 Fatty Han’s request
Ji Changqing walked out of the escort agency and followed him at the end of the team.

Yan Yong walked to the door and wanted to climb onto the bullock cart. He saw a certain figure and stopped again. When Ji Changqing came to his side, he casually said: "Have you prepared all your supplies?"

Ji Changqing was a little surprised when he heard this. He stared at his face carefully. He had an unkempt beard and looked a bit unruly. His facial features were acceptable, so he looked quite pleasing to the eye.

Regarding the supplies, I asked you about them before, and now I remind you again?
Ji Changqing pointed to the bighorn cattle: "Put them all in my cattle cart."

Yan Yong looked towards the corner he was pointing at. The oxen pulling the cart had a very different painting style. He stepped over curiously.

Patting the cow's back twice, you can feel the muscles under the fur are extremely strong, comparable to rocks.

The bighorn cow turned around, first confused, then widened its eyes, and was about to move its hind legs and hooves, but it stopped when it saw Ji Changqing approaching.

"This is the first time I've seen such a strong person!"

"There's no problem with your oxen pulling the cart, but its fur is a little short and it doesn't know whether it can withstand the cold or not."

Ji Changqing took out the thick carpet from the carriage, draped it on the back of the big horned bull, and glanced at him.

Yan Yong's eyes twitched, he nodded, silently walked to other merchants, and asked them what they were going to do.

After waiting for about a stick of incense to confirm that nothing was missing, the escort team started to set off.

Ji Changqing laid the carpet back, got on the bullock cart, and slowly followed the team at the end.

Pedestrians on the street gave way, and some stopped to watch.

Ji Changqing's bullock cart has a soft fur seat in the driver's seat. He rests his legs on the back of the bullock. The noise in his ears makes him yawn repeatedly, and his eyes stare blankly at the sky.

I don’t know how long we drove before we exited two huge city gates. The moat under the suspension bridge was nearly ten feet wide and the water was turbid.

There is no longer a busy street in front of you.

There are rolling green mountains on both sides, and only the yellow official road under the feet leads straight to the sky.

A different scenery. Ji Changqing sat up and watched for a moment. There were many carriages coming and going outside the city, and most of the pedestrians passing by were dusty.

At this speed, it would take at least a month to reach Qingniu Town.

In fact, he originally wanted to go to Nanwucheng by water transport, and the trip should be shortened to 20 days.

Thinking about it later, it was still a bit unsafe.

Nanwucheng is very close to Yuejing. The place is too dangerous. If you go to the casual cultivators, you will have to leave a lot of money at least.

To be on the safe side, just slow down.

Following the Escort Bureau, firstly, I don't know the way, and then during the Qi training period, I cannot fly with a sword for a long time.

Ji Changqing just went out for a trip.

Occasionally come out to look at the scenery along the way.

He spends most of his time practicing in the carriage.

During the day, except when the convoy stopped for meals, he rarely left the carriage, and there was no need for anyone to drive the bighorn cattle.

Ji Changqing just said to follow these cows. Not only did they understand in their eyes, but they also nodded.

They say cows are very smart, and this one has indeed become a sperm.

Ten days passed in a row, and I don’t know when the people in the team started wearing four or five pieces of clothing.

The rich kids wear colorful cloaks, and the bodyguards have special animal skin coats.

When Ji Changqing came out to eat, he realized that some people were staring at his thin clothes.

The sky was dark gray at this time, and the biting cold wind carried snowflakes, blocking most of the sight.

The green mountains on both sides have turned into hazy snow-capped mountains. Except for the exposed black rocks, the woods are already completely white.

Even the official roads were covered with snow, and the loess was muddy under the weight of the wheels.

Yan Yong walked over on the wet road and asked him again if he didn't bring any cold-proof clothes.

Ji Changqing opened the curtain, and Yan Yong found that the interior was decorated like a girl's boudoir, extremely luxurious, every inch of wood board was covered with gorgeous blankets, soft and comfortable, and even the desk and teapot were fully matched.

This was the result of a busy morning among his fellow Taoists. Ji Changqing didn't do anything at all, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen the pink blanket.

"It's a little warm inside and I didn't even notice the changes outside. Thank you for reminding me."

The corner of Yan Yong's mouth twitched again, and his cold toes were a little numb.It feels like this person is here for vacation, not an escort.

After he left, Ji Changqing also put on a big cloak to show his appreciation.

It's really not cold.

After Ji Changqing finished eating, he took a bundle of leaves from the back of the carriage and fed it to the bighorn cattle.

Soon, someone came crunching through the snow behind him.

"Could this be the leaves of Huang Jingzhi? The color and luster are quite old. This green cow is really lucky to have such a good owner." Ji Changqing was quite impressed by the slightly fat man in front of him.

"I didn't expect the shopkeeper to know about medicinal materials."

When the fat shopkeeper heard this, his little eyes narrowed to a slit, and a smile spread across his face: "Young Master has good eyesight, and you can tell who I am as the shopkeeper at a glance."

"The outfit you had before was usually worn by the shopkeeper, and the look and demeanor are very similar."

After all, he had stayed in a restaurant before.

Ji Changqing put the leaf to the mouth of the bighorn cow. It rolled its tongue, chewed the plate from side to side, and swayed its tail as it ate.

"What's the matter with the shopkeeper coming to see me?"

"As expected, I can't hide it from the young master. My surname is Han. I am the owner of Chunxiang Restaurant in Qingniu Town. Everyone calls me Fatty Han."

Before Fatty Han finished speaking, Ji Changqing raised his head, stared at his fat face and said calmly: "What did you say your last name was?"


"Which Han?"

Fatty Han picked up a small branch on the roadside and wrote the word "Han" in the snow.

"Does the young master have any connection with my surname Han?"

Most people would not ask such detailed questions.

It doesn't matter what word you choose, as long as the pronunciation is correct, Han and Han are the same, and there is no difference when you pronounce it.

"That's not true. I just think your last name is a bit special."

Ji Changqing couldn't help but take a second look at Fatty Han. With his dark skin and his identity as the shopkeeper, he was a match for him.

"Shopkeeper Han came to Jiayuan City and traveled thousands of miles just to buy food?"

Fatty Han gave a wry smile: "We had a snowstorm and the restaurant was about to close down. It was a helpless move."

"Aren't there officials and merchants transporting grain to Jingzhou?"

"Young master, you don't know. We, Qingniu Town, are in the most remote northwest of Yue country. Let's not talk about the price of food. When it will be our turn, it is still a problem."

Ji Changqing nodded: "You are so brave. You are not afraid of encountering robbers when passing by."

Fatty Han cupped his hands and said, "I'll tell you the truth. This is exactly why I came here."

"Twenty kilometers ahead, there is an active volcano. Everyone calls it Fire Crow Mountain. Rumor has it that this is a fairy mountain. Some people have seen immortals flying across the sky with swords, and crows that can breathe fire."

Ji Changqing's heart moved: "Immortal? You met him when you came here."

"That's not true. How could we have the chance to meet an immortal!" Fatty Han shook his head like a wave.

"It's just that in Huoya Mountain, there is a canyon not far away, and a group of robbers often rob houses there."

"So I'm here to remind you to be careful and not fall into the enemy's trap."

Ji Changqing was a little surprised, how did he know such details: "Didn't you meet me when you came here?"

"We encountered them, and many of our brothers died. Fortunately, the ox cart was out of cargo, so I managed to escape with my life."

Ji Changqing thought thoughtfully. The so-called brothers in his mouth were probably from some gang. Did he take over the task of the gang?

He happened to want to go to this gang station, and he couldn't help but ask him to lead the way in the future.

Just as he was thinking about it, Fatty Han quickly took out a heavy bag from his body and handed it over secretly: "Young master, please take care of me later."

Ji Changqing pursed his lips. Fatty Han was not only smooth in dealing with people, but also had a unique vision. He knew how to seek refuge from him.

"Why don't you ask our chief escort?"

"Uh!" Fatty Han rubbed the back of his head: "I've looked for him, but the old man doesn't like him. He always reassures me, don't worry, saying it's okay."

"Please, although I, Fatty Han, am not afraid of death, I still have no children. If I die here today, I will really have no face to see my ancestors."

Ji Changqing helped him up and didn't ask for the money bag: "I'm not short of money either. I can save your life. You owe me a favor. Just do something for me later."

"Thank you so much, Master!" Fatty Han's face spread like a chrysanthemum, and he patted his belly and said, "Don't mention one thing, just ten things. As long as Master tells me, I, Fatty Han, can do it, and I will definitely do it properly." when."

"That's good, just remember what you said today and go back."

"Good Le!"

"By the way, pull the bullock cart in front of me. It's too far and I can't take care of it."

Fatty Han laughed even more happily when he heard this, and quickly drove the bullock cart over.

(End of this chapter)

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