Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 52 The chain reaction caused by the fire crow

Chapter 52 The chain reaction caused by the fire crow

After lunch, the escorts shoveled the snow, extinguished the fire, and continued on their way.

Ji Changqing finished feeding the bighorn cattle and immediately returned to the carriage.

After taking drugs and practicing with concentration during this period, the Beast Control Art reached its bottleneck again. He started to meditate cross-legged, poured out two Yellow Dragon Pills in succession, and swallowed them in his mouth.

The surrounding wind noise gradually disappeared, and even the shaking of the carriage ceased to exist.

His soul sank into a state of breakthrough in cultivation.

For several hours, the sky darkened, the snow covered the sky and the sun suddenly began to blow violently.

Fatty Han was sitting on the bullock cart and felt his cheeks getting cold. Something seemed to be pouring in from around him, making him unable to breathe.

He closed his eyes and climbed back into the car. After a cup of tea, the whistling outside seemed to have stopped. He leaned out of the car window and looked back subconsciously.

There is a figure standing barefoot on the roof of the shed, stretching in the wind in the heavy snow. His posture is relaxed and free, and his temperament is otherworldly.

Fatty Han thought he had met an immortal, so he wiped his eyes and realized it was Ji Changqing.

"Come out and get some air." Ji Changqing said with a smile on his lips, his body floating down like a fallen leaf.

He relied on [-]% of his sweat and hard work to break through to the fifth level of the Beast Control Art!

Sure enough, Huang Tian lived up to his spiritual roots.

The realm has reached the sixth level of Qi refining.

Ji Changqing felt that his body was much lighter, like a feather, as if he could float away quietly with just one easy jump.

The consciousness obviously exceeds a hundred feet.

An hour later, the escort convoy suddenly stopped. There seemed to be a commotion in front of them. Fatty Han immediately got out of the ox cart and trotted towards him.

"Master Niu is right here, we have to be careful." He pointed with his thick finger at the cliff not far away that cut across the official road.

This time it seems that the road is blocked and if you want to get across, you can only climb over the mountains and ridges.

With his consciousness, Ji Changqing saw two mountains facing each other in front of him, and the road was narrow. People walking along it looked up at the sky, and there was only a thin line of blue sky left.

This is obviously a dangerous terrain for military strategists. It is no wonder that there are robbers in charge.

The strangest thing is that once we reached this area, the snow actually stopped.

The color of the mountain peaks is as dark as ink, as if the rocks are all minerals, and most of the trees have needle-like leaves.

deep in the mountains.

A group of rough men wearing animal skins were hunting, and the weapons they held were all giant axes.

The leader was a nine-foot tall man with a shiny bald head. He grinned at the newcomers and said, "Do you know why this mountain peak is called Jungfrau and not Beauty Peak?"

"Because both sides are very flat, hahahaha."

He was talking to himself and laughing loudly. The younger brothers around him were stiff-faced, but when they saw Juhan, they started to laugh, hey, hey, and giggled in agreement from time to time.

The mustache next to him shook his head and said nothing. This joke was almost finished by the boss. Every time he hired a new boy, he had to show off that this line of canyons was named after him.

This is probably one of the few joys he has.


At this moment, a huge black shadow appeared from behind the tree. As it passed by, it knocked over the two robbers and ran away.

One of the two robbers had a cracked forehead, gray and bloody tofu dripping down his face, and the other fell to the ground with sunken ribs and twitching limbs.

"Beast, court death!"

Juhan saw his younger brother's miserable condition, his face turned red, he roared angrily, pulled out his giant ax and chased after him.

The two figures chased each other and ran wildly down the mountain, breaking many tree trunks along the way.

The younger brother disappeared as he ran behind him, and only Ju Khan could barely keep up.

Only when he chased him halfway up the mountain did he realize that the black figure running awkwardly was a huge black bear. It was taller than him just on all fours.

Its back seemed to have been injured, with a large piece of black fur missing, exposing its bright red back, and the smell of burnt protein filled the air.

The black bear was injured from the beginning. It never looked back at Juhan. It ran away, fearing that the target was not him.

Seeing that he was approaching the bottom of the mountain, Juhan stopped. Even if he was injured, he might not be able to defeat such a big black bear, not to mention that there seemed to be a strong enemy chasing him.

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on his back. He looked back and saw that everything was pitch black. His little brother behind him was nowhere to be seen. He walked back in the dark.

Just as he turned around, silver light flashed before his eyes, and a man and a woman flew past him with swords.

He didn't even look up, but he could see the fairy's white thighs under her skirt and the silver full moon in the sky.

What a nice view!

His body fell to the ground quietly, and his head rolled around on the hillside and was stopped by a tree trunk.

"Who told you to look back? Since you saw it, you can't blame me. I can only blame you for being too careless." The man in the air lowered his eyebrows, had a big face, and looked honest.

The silver light in the air flickered, and when it returned to his hand, it turned out to be a small silver sword.

"Why bother causing trouble." The beautiful female cultivator next to him didn't even look at him as she spoke.

"It's okay, they are robbers anyway. I am doing harm to others. Shouldn't you praise me, Qing'er?"

The female cultivator said coldly: "Don't scream so disgustingly, it makes me feel sick."

"You are my Taoist companion, so it makes us appear close."


"When are we going to practice dual cultivation?"

"Go and ask the female monkey in the tree when she will agree." The female cultivator raised her delicate chin and glanced at him.

The man said to himself: "You are my Taoist companion, and you still won't let me touch you with your hands."

"Don't you know that it's more difficult to build a foundation without Yuan Yin? If you want to shake hands, aren't there four wild boars? They match you well."

The man replied with an indifferent expression: "What does it matter? My Yuanyang is gone."

The female cultivator frowned: "Your Yuanyang is gone, so you want to harm me? People like you are hopeless."

"Your brother agreed, and my mother gave him a top-notch magic weapon."

"My brother is my brother. He agreed. Why don't you marry him as a Taoist companion?"

"Your brother shouldn't like male cultivators, right?" The man thought for a while and came to this conclusion.

The nun shook her head, speechless.

"I know you must be concerned about the loss of my Yuanyang. You can't blame me for this. It was all my brother's fault. Last year he got me drunk and gave me a concubine in my bed. I couldn't control it."

"That's enough. I don't want to hear your filthy thoughts. What are you doing here today?"

"Isn't this helping you catch the fire crow? The adult fire crow is a second-level monster. Fortunately, this one is only a juvenile, a first-level monster. It can't run away. It has my mark on it."

"Hmph! Better so."

The reason why the car stopped was because of the sky.

The biggest reason was that a black bear suddenly ran out, scaring the herd of cattle into trembling fear and not daring to move forward.

Fortunately, the black bear didn't stop at all. After going down the mountain, it rushed up the official road and ran towards the forest on the opposite side.

Ji Changqing found that the black bear posed no threat to the team, so he ignored it.

If you want to kill this beast, you still need some strength, at least a first-rate master.

Taking action would easily reveal his identity.

But not long after the black bear ran away, a crow the size of a fist flew over with fluttering wings.

This kind of crow-bird is completely black, with two rice-sized eyes flashing red, making it look particularly strange in the dim sky below.

It has strong spiritual power fluctuations and flies extremely fast. It appears and disappears in almost the blink of an eye.

It should be a monster.

Ji Changqing was a little bit ready to catch him as a spiritual pet, but Fatty Han was by his side again.

What a waste of opportunity.

"Quack!" Lao Liu shouted twice when he saw the same kind.

Ji Changqing glared at it. As a crow, you have to keep a low profile. You are just an ordinary crow. Look at this person.

Just as he was thinking about it, the disappearing crow came back and landed on the back of the big horned bull in the blink of an eye, looking at Lao Liu.

This mysterious speed made Lao Liu jump three feet high in fright, and two of his feathers fell off.

Ji Changqing frowned and asked Fatty Han to go back to the carriage first.

The crow was quite proud of Lao Liu's reaction. It spread its wings and preened its feathers as if no one was watching.

Lao Liu reacted and was furious. With Ji Changqing supporting him, he jumped and jumped and croaked.

Not to be outdone, the little crow made a sharp and harsh call.

The dark bird's beak opened, revealing a set of sharp millet teeth, and there seemed to be a small flame on the tip of its blood-red tongue.

Two crows quarreling?

Although Ji Changqing was surprised, he was not slow in his attack. How could he let such a good opportunity pass?


He is close to the soul of the strength and weakness of the foundation.

The little fire crow was unprepared and easily fell into the trap. He regarded Ji Changqing as his master and held him in his arms.

Contract art.

"Fellow Daoist!"

(End of this chapter)

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