Chapter 54 Yan Qingqing’s reward

Xie Jin became dull, with only Ji Changqing in his eyes.

He giggled, leaving saliva along the corners of his mouth and sucking it back.

He reached out to touch someone's cheek, but was knocked unconscious by a palm. His head hit the table and his arm knocked over the wine glass.

Ji Changqing quickly caught it with his eyes and held it steady, so that the wine would not dry on the blanket.

He was a little surprised. He was just experimenting a little. He didn't expect that the charm technique combined with his charm would be so powerful.

But think about it, someone who has reached the eighth level of Qi training after coming down the mountain can still be charmed by Liu.

Ji Changqing is not only more charming than Liu, but he is also completely different in spirit.

Xie Jin just glanced at him, not only was he hit, but also looked at his demented appearance. If he didn't take the initiative to untie him, it would be difficult for him to wake up in a while.

He suddenly had a bold idea.

To charm a few Nascent Soul Ancestors, wouldn’t it be like reaching the sky in one step?
Just thinking about it, a figure rushed towards him. He subconsciously wanted to block it with a kick, but found that it was Yan Qingqing.

He noticed that she was in an abnormal state, her eyes were unfocused, and she seemed to be under a charm spell.

Ji Changqing closed his eyes.

Without sight, Yan Qingqing's eyes gradually became clearer. Although her sanity had returned, her memory was still there, and her love for him lingered in her mind for a long time.

Ji Changqing is already ready for defense.

Sensing some swelling and pain in her chest, Yan Qingqing lowered her head. The two big gray footprints were extremely clear. She tugged at her collar angrily: "You bastard, I'm going to be crushed by you."

"Sorry, automatic defense, I couldn't hold it back."

Seeing his sincere apology, Yan Qingqing didn't catch him and said, "What did I just do? I just glanced at you, as if I was under an illusion."

Ji Changqing didn't hide anything: "It's just a charm technique of the Beast Control Art."

"Charm spell has such an effect?" Yan Qingqing was surprised: "Isn't it a magic spell targeting the soul?"

Ji Changqing just raised his eyebrows and didn't explain much.

Yan Qingqing stared at him for a while: "I thought that all the good-looking male cultivators in the world of immortality were in the Hierarchy of the Moon Sect. But now I realize that they are all vulgar and vulgar, nothing more than dead flowers and willows!"

"Senior Sister is overrated."

She described them as women, what could Ji Changqing say.

Xie Jin lay motionless on the table, with a grin on his lips, obviously not drunk.

"What did you do to him?"

"I just fainted, senior sister, don't worry."

"As long as he doesn't kill him, his ancestor left a soul lamp for him. If he dies, the soul lamp will go out and we may not be able to escape."

Ji Changqing nodded: "We have no grievances, so why should we kill him?"

Yan Qingqing hugged her chest tightly and vowed: "You are indeed Tianlinggen, right? I used the spell only after I told you that you were right. You were ridiculed before, and you didn't even take off your mask."

Ji Changqing explained: "If I have Tianlinggen, my senior sister must have heard of it."

"Junior brother doesn't join the sect, there must be some reason."

Yan Qingqing pointed at his belly: "The spiritual beast in your arms, I call it Ling'er."

"Ling'er has the ability to see the spiritual root qualifications with just his eyes."

"The higher the qualification, the more it likes it. This is the first time I am so excited to see it."

Ji Changqing scratched the little guy, and it turned out to be you.

Seeing that he still wanted to defend himself, Yan Qingqing used the Heavenly Eye Technique.

"I have both metal and wood spiritual roots. If you can leave me behind, it means you have better qualifications, and you cannot have a different spiritual root."

Ji Changqing no longer defended himself. He was surrounded by golden spiritual light and his clairvoyance skills. It was easy to tell that he had golden spiritual roots.

"Senior Sister, have you heard that great wisdom is like foolishness? The more you know, the more dangerous you are!"

Ji Changqing's voice was low, and he leaned over to push her into the corner. The road was uneven, and the oscillation of the cart caused their bodies to fit together and sway from side to side.

"Junior brother, do you want to kill someone and silence them?" Yan Qingqing resisted the feeling of friction on his body and raised his chin to look at him.

"Interesting." Ji Changqing sat back and said with a smile, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Yan Qingqing straightened her chest and raised her head like a proud white swan.

"Even if junior brother kills me, it won't do any good."

"I have a better proposal. Junior brother, how about you consider it."

Ji Changqing's eyes slid down from her collarbone: "Let's talk and listen."

"Junior brother is a casual cultivator. Although my Yan family is not a family of immortal cultivators, it still has a small reputation in the Jujian Sect."

"Senior sister, does she also have an ancestor of pill formation?"

Ji Changqing picked up the wine bottle and poured her a glass.

"If I had one, I would be the first to capture you and build a foundation to use as a cauldron."

"Senior sister, you must be an evil heretic to think this way."

"Who asked you to threaten me?"

Yan Qingqing took the wine glass with a suspicious look on her face. She drank it as water and poured it into her mouth.First there was a hint of fruity sweetness, and then the spicy astringency hit her mouth. Her eyebrows curled up, she opened her mouth, and the wine was mixed with saliva and poured back into the cup.

Ji Changqing even saw a crystalline silk thread connecting from the corner of her mouth to the rim of the cup.

"It's hard to drink."

Yan Qingqing frowned slightly, wiped the corners of her mouth, and put the wine glass back.


Yan Qingqing just tasted a little, and her cheeks turned red, "Jujianmenfang City has my Yan family's property, Tianji Hidden Sword Pavilion, have you heard of it?"

"Is it famous?"

Yan Qingqing said patiently: "I, the Yan family, have been running the Weapon Refining Pavilion for generations, and are quite good at refining weapons. Although my ancestor is not an alchemy monk, he has also studied a unique set of ritual training techniques that can improve the power of magical weapons. .”

"So, your Yan family is very good at refining weapons?" Ji Changqing was a little moved. What his Ji family lacked was talent in this area.

"It's okay, not that great."

If she is powerful, why should she be patient with Xie Jin?

"You want me to join your Yan family?"

Seeing his dull reaction, Yan Qingqing became a little anxious: "Don't you agree?"

Ji Changqing drank a drink alone.

"I don't want to join the sect now, and I don't want anyone to know about my spiritual roots."

Yan Qingqing explained: "There is no need to join the Giant Sword Sect, and when we visit the market, casual cultivators can also enter and exit and trade freely."

"What's in it for me?"

"I heard that there is no bottleneck in forming the Tianling Root Pill, but you still need the Foundation Establishment Pill to build the foundation. I can give you mine." Yan Qingqing said calmly, as if the Foundation Establishment Pill was just a boiled egg and insignificant.

How courageous is this? This is a bet on one's own path to immortality!
Ji Changqing tapped his fingers on the table irregularly, as if he was thinking, but in fact he was moved, very moved!
He has been thinking about how to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill without joining the sect.

"Why are you doing this?"

Yan Qingqing said calmly: "I have dual spiritual roots. My parents only got one for me, so there is little hope of a breakthrough."

"If it's you, one should be enough. After building the foundation, forming a pill will be a matter of course. After you form the pill, it should be easy to become my Taoist companion and help me build the foundation."

This is a smart person!
Ji Changqing had to sigh that her decision was very rational.

Everyone knows that the strength of Tianlinggen lies in the fact that there are no bottlenecks in forming pills.

But this is not the point. The pill formation period is nothing to Tianlinggen.

The greater potential lies in the fast cultivation speed. Before the life span is exhausted, there is hope to advance to the Nascent Soul!

This is the top combat power of the sect!

A foundation-building pill, in exchange for a Taoist companion who may become a Nascent Soul in the future.

To be honest, Ji Changqing was losing blood.

If he had no air bubbles and Tianlingen, it would be absolutely impossible for him to consider her, and at least he would have to find a Taoist companion.

It's different if there are bubbles.

It's a win-win.

She may have made a lot of money, but Ji Changqing didn't lose either.

"How about it." Yan Qingqing looked uneasy and continued: "After you build the foundation, my Yan family's property will naturally be yours."

Ji Changqing pushed out the wine glass and said calmly: "One more glass!"

After hearing this, Yan Qingqing's face turned pretty. She bit her red lips and drank a sip of wine. Ji Changqing didn't want to export it, so she tasted the imported one this time.

Ji Changqing stood on the roof of the shed, waving to the horizon and bidding farewell to the beautiful lady. Yan Qingqing walked away with her sword. It was not until her back turned into a black dot that she reluctantly looked back.


Ji Changqing failed in the end and did not get the Taoist Companion reward.

She was on guard.

It must be done after the foundation is established.

Ji Changqing had no choice but to let her go.

Yan Qingqing left a transmission talisman before she left. If she wants to find her later, just come here and activate the transmission talisman.

Xie Jin was still lying in the driver's seat, unconscious. Ji Changqing thought he was in the way and took him out early in the morning.

Ji Changqing squatted down and patted his cheek for a long time before he slowly woke up.

Xie Jin's eyes were blank, and he turned around to look around. It was pitch black. Then he sat up and asked Ji Changqing, "What's wrong with me?"

"Fellow Taoist, you don't have a good drinking capacity. You're drunk after just a few bottles."

"I remember, I seemed to be drinking before. Where is my Taoist companion?" Xie Jin opened the car curtain and did not see Yan Qingqing.

Ji Changqing's eyes were strange: "I took the fire crow back, and you slept like a dead pig. No matter how she screamed, you didn't hear her."

"I can't drink enough. Forget it. What are we talking about? I'm leaving." Xie Jin didn't know why, but he didn't doubt what the guy in front of him said. He felt a sense of intimacy for some reason.

He said hello and Yujian flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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