Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 55 Jingzhou City has simple folk customs

Chapter 55 Jingzhou City has simple folk customs

Late at night, the moon is as bright as a silver plate.

Not long after Xie Jin left, the escort convoy stopped. Yan Yong ordered the escort to rest where he was and continue on his way tomorrow morning.

After a long day's journey, not only are people tired from sitting, but the cattle also need a rest.

The merchants and escorts had fed their cattle and returned to the carriages to sleep.

Only a few bodyguards were left to take turns keeping watch.

Ji Changqing returned to the carriage, lay down on the mattress, and thought about his future plans.

Yan Qingqing is a disciple of the Jujian Sect. For her and the Foundation Establishment Pill, she has to come here again.

And Xie Jin, there is an ancestor of Jiedan in his family, but he pursues Yan Qingqing relentlessly.

It also feels like a problem.

However, this guy is too weak both in soul and willpower. With a charm technique, he might be able to help guard the door in the future.

The only harvest tonight is a companion spirit named Ling'er.

I exchanged it for Little Fire Crow and Yan Qingqing.

Adult Fire Crows are very rare and are second-level demonic beasts. Its demonic fire can not only refine elixirs, but also refine weapons.

If you are young, it is not that easy to cultivate it.

The second-level monster is equivalent to the foundation building stage. It is extremely difficult for a Qi Practitioner to advance to the foundation and build a foundation. What's more, it is a monster, which requires a lot of resources to cultivate.

Ji Changqing currently lacks resources, so it is naturally impossible to cultivate Little Fire Crow.

Yan Qingqing knew how to refine weapons, so he exchanged them with her.

And Linger is actually a little special.

The natural eye does not tell.

After the contract, you can also use the spiritual roots of human monks to gather spirits around the monks.

The better the spiritual root of the monk, the higher the level of the spiritual pet, and the better the spiritual gathering effect.

Pseudo spiritual roots, this kind of spiritual beast generally looks down upon
Because its lifespan is like floating, extremely short.

Only about two years.

Even if you are born with two spiritual roots, the probability of advancing to a low-grade spiritual beast is very low.

The lifespan is short and the soul-gathering effect is almost dispensable for monks. The reason why they can survive and reproduce to this day is more because of their appearance.

It's not the soul gathering talent, because soul gathering has a soul gathering array.

There are only some female cultivators from big families who will raise them as spiritual pets because they are cute.

Ji Changqing's current one is nearly one year old.

It has a lifespan of one year at most.Even low-grade spiritual beasts don’t know if there is any hope.

Ling'er practiced in his Dantian, and the effect of gathering spirits was just average. He still had Heavenly Spiritual Roots.

Without taking drugs, there is almost no improvement.

The same goes for drugs.

Just keep it as a pet.

better than nothing.

Ling'er is at least somewhat useful, while Lao Liu only eats, drinks, poops and sleeps. After the fire crow is gone, he is quite happy. He is whistling on the cow's back and can barely speak.

Early the next morning, the escort team continued on their way.

There are also three bottles of Huanglong Dan in the storage bag, hoping to reach the seventh level of Qi training.

Ji Changqing immersed himself in cultivation like an ascetic monk.

Indifferent to the outside world.

It was calm for more than ten days.

The injustice was settled.

The robbers were all unworthy, and Ji Changqing didn't even have a chance to take action.

"Sir, when we arrive at Jingzhou City, we are not far from Qingniu Town." Fatty Han brought a pot of Nuerhong and came to the car to chat with him.

Ji Changqing swung his legs, patted his knees with his hands, and drank some wine. The days were quite leisurely, but he was a little unaccustomed to the lack of beauties around him.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.

Another day of hard work.

"Is this your Jingzhou City?"

Ji Changqing opened the car curtain and stuck his head out. The huge black stone wall was in front of him.

"Yes. Although it is a prefectural city, it is far behind compared to Jiayuan City."

As soon as Fatty Han finished speaking, he heard a woman screaming outside the carriage.

In front of Jingzhou City Gate, the escort team was inspected.

The guard officer's eyes lit up. With so many ox carts, it looked like there were a lot of good things.

"Where did it come from?"

He threw a peanut kernel into his mouth, swung it from side to side, and approached the cart carelessly. He opened the curtain and looked around, and saw that it was full of grain.

What Jingzhou City is most lacking now is food, and the price of food has increased several times.

Don’t even look at how many gangsters are starving to death outside.

Yan Yong stepped forward and cupped his hands: "Jiayuan City, Jingjiaohui."

"Actually startled Jiaohui?!"

"My lord is indeed well-informed."

The guard officer suddenly made a serious face and threw another peanut: "I have never heard of it, gold horn, silver horn, I am the one with stinky feet in Jingzhou City."


The two rows of soldiers behind him laughed loudly and liked watching adults play tricks on others.

They must have heard of the Jingjiao Club, after all, their escort agency still comes to Jingzhou City occasionally.

However, no matter how powerful the Lanzhou Gang is, it will not work in Jingzhou. "I'm scared that Jiao knows how to escort the bodyguard, please let me go." Yan Yong approached and stuffed a few coins in the dark. He was also an old man in the world, and these vampires had no moral character.

The guard officer weighed the silver in his hand and sneered: "You are a beggar as a laborer, how can you just give away a few taels of silver?"

"I suspect there is a criminal hidden in your car. Get out of the car and get checked!"

"Sir, our Jingjiao Society is a serious gang, not some horse bandits or grassroots bandits, and these merchants are all from Jingzhou."

Yan Yong clenched his sword, his eyes filled with murderous intent, but his words were polite.

The guardian officer's face turned pale with fright and he backed away repeatedly. He glanced at the soldiers behind him before he raised his head and stood up.

"Trespassing into Jingzhou City without permission will be punished without mercy."

The guard soldiers drew their swords in unison and surrounded them. The sharp blades were shining brightly and the cold air was overwhelming. The women who were about to enter the city screamed in fear and retreated step by step.

"Sure enough, this is Jingzhou, a place with simple folk customs!" Ji Changqing put his hands on the car window and stuck his head out to watch the show.

Along the way, the robbers didn't grab a grain of rice. They were about to enter the city, but they were in trouble.

Ji Changqing was too lazy to come forward. It didn't make sense to reason with these people. Fighting was like bullying a child, which was boring.

Finally, it was handed over to Yan Yong.

Even if there is no fight, each merchant and each bullock cart will be charged ten silver coins for entering the city.

Fatty Han had already prepared it, so he said it was far from enough.

The bullock carts for paying money filed in through the city gate. When it was Ji Changqing's turn, a guard rapped on the carriage with the handle of a knife.

Fatty Han jogged over and said loudly: "Sir, I also gave you this bullock cart."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Sorry sorry."


After the soldiers left, a sentence came from the carriage.

"Young Master is out." Fatty Han then climbed back into the oxcart with a bright smile.

After entering the city, the streets were lively and noisy.

Ji Changqing also sat out and observed everything around him.

Compared with Jiayuan City, there are many civilians here. They all wear linen clothes and linen cloth. Their bodies are gray and gray. There are only two colors all over the body, gray and black, without adding any dye.

There are also very few snacks sold on the streets.

Most of them are flatbreads, steamed buns and the like.

More of them are farmers’ daily necessities.

Carrying pole, basket, coir raincoat.

The seller of coir raincoats was an old woman, huddled on the side of the road, kicking her arms with her hands, lowering her body. Her white hair was messy on her forehead, her face was as dry as tree bark, and her eyes were cloudy.

The raincoat on the ground in front of her was neatly woven and thick and tight.

Ji Changqing got out of the car: "Old man, how do you sell it?"

"Five...four cents." She squatted here for a whole day, but she didn't sell it, fearing that she wanted too much.

Such fine craftsmanship costs only four cents.

Making coir raincoats is a very troublesome thing.

Her stretched out fingers were also full of cracks.

Ji Changqing didn't want to be greedy for petty gains. Looking at the thin woman, he turned around and took out half a bag of rice from the trunk.

"I want all three."

After the transaction, he got on the bullock cart.

Fatty Han turned around and saw the woman bursting into tears, sighing slightly. This world is not easy for everyone.

Ji Changqing threw the three raincoats into the trunk.

This thing is not bad.

It always feels like riding a cow in the heavy snow with a raincoat on.

This picture is very artistic.

It has the feeling of being hidden in the city.

Then I bought three matching hats and it was perfect.

The streets are not only filled with innocent people, there are also hooligans.

Ji Changqing saw a sesame cake stall on the street, smelled the fragrance and went to buy one.

A thin black man came over: "Won't you buy one for me?"

Ji Changqing ignored him.

"Buy me one," he repeated several times, "Why don't you buy me one?"

"What's the reason?" Ji Changqing found it funny. His tone didn't sound like a request, but a matter-of-fact tone. The people were indeed simple and honest, and he acted confidently when begging for food.

"I think you're pretty, and I like you."


All the men have started, right?

Ji Changqing is a Buddha. This kind of person will not argue with you or make a move.

Just keep saying I like you and attract attention.

Ji Changqing finished buying the sesame seeds and didn't come out again.

An hour later, the escort team passed through the central street from the east gate to the west gate.

When they came out, they paid another five taels of silver for each carriage.

Jingzhou City.


(End of this chapter)

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