Chapter 56

After paying two tolls into the city, the merchants who came out gathered together to drink tea and curse.

Most simply stayed in Jingzhou City and sold the grain.

They are all for sale anyway, no matter where you go.

On the contrary, Fatty Han was in front of him, pulling four carts of food out of the city.

Ji Changqing asked tentatively: "You won't stay?"

Fatty Han thought again and again, then raised his hands and said, "Master, have you ever heard of Qixuanmen?"

Ji Changqing was worried about how to ask him to take him to Qixuanmen.

"It once dominated Jingzhou for decades. The Qixuan Sect was also very famous in Lanzhou back then. Naturally, I have heard about it a little bit."

Fatty Han's face was bright: "To be honest, I am an outer disciple of Qixuan Sect. I am helping to manage Chunxiang Restaurant in Qingniu Town."

"My restaurant is short of these ingredients, so it's naturally impossible to sell them."

"Really?" Ji Changqing was a little surprised, "That's a coincidence."

"I have a father-in-law who is also in Qixuanmen. I heard it is called Caixia Mountain."

"He has extremely high medical skills. I came here this time to teach him medical skills."

"It's a pity that I'm not familiar with Jingzhou, and I don't know where to find it."

Fatty Han looked surprised after hearing this, "That's a coincidence. I have a nephew who joined the sect four years ago and became an inner disciple."

"I don't know what's going on now. Although in recent years, they have given me money every month and asked me to hand it over, I'm still a little worried."

"My nephew has a pure nature, is loyal, honest and polite."

"I'm just afraid that he will be bullied by evil people."

Fatty Han was a little worried.

Ji Changqing's eyes twitched after hearing this: "What is your nephew's name? My father-in-law, I heard, is in the Qixuan Sect and is a worshiper."

"When I see him, ask him to take good care of your nephew."

"Holy tribute!" Fatty Han was really surprised.

He was just an outer disciple, and in his eyes, he was already a huge figure.

Fatty Han was a little frightened: "This... Han Li is just an ordinary inner disciple, how dare he bother the Lord to take care of him."

"Han Li, I remember."

Ji Changqing nodded, indeed he was right.

"My father-in-law has been practicing medicine and saving people for many years. He is a kind-hearted person. He treats kind and loyal people very well."

"Then it's time for you, Mr. Han." Fatty Han bowed respectfully.

"Just a little thing."

"I've been to Caixia Mountain a few times, why don't I take the young master there?"

Fatty Han would naturally not miss such a good opportunity.

"That's fine."

Ji Changqing nodded a little absent-mindedly.

Han Li has been there for more than four years, certainly less than five years.

The Palm Heaven Bottle has been obtained a long time ago.

Han Li should be at the third level of Qi training now.

It seems that his cheap father-in-law is not in the valley?

In his fourth year on the mountain, Han Li encountered a bottleneck and was unable to break through.

Mo Juren could only go down the mountain to find herbs for him and help him make alchemy breakthroughs. It is true that he has a kind heart.

When he returned to the valley in the fifth year, Han Li was able to reach the fourth level of Qi training.

Now Han Li has not learned any magic, he is just a third-level novice.

Ji Changqing has practiced Qi at the sixth level and has no problem dealing with casual cultivators at the tenth level.

"Sir, I have a merciless request." Fatty Han's words brought him back to his senses.

"Tell me."

"Before going to Caixia Mountain, sir, can you accompany me to Wuligou?"

Fatty Han carefully explained: "My nephew's silver is still here with me. This year's harvest is not good. My eldest brother's family is living in a difficult situation. I want to send them some food."

Ji Changqing stared at his round face, looking harmless, and sighed slightly: "It's quite rare to see someone like you."

"When people become rich, they usually avoid their poor relatives."

Fatty Han smiled bitterly and said, "There's nothing I can do. I'm just a brother. The other brothers and sisters left early, so I can help as much as I can."

"But what's the problem on the road?"

Ji Changqing opened the curtain, and there were many people lying in the snowy woods on both sides of the road. When he saw the bodyguard, he never showed his head.

In this winter, I don’t feel too cold even if I lie on the snow.

After leaving Jingzhou City, there was a lot of excitement along the way.

Fatty Han nodded and said, "Since the decline of our Qixuan Sect, horse bandits have gradually become rampant in the surrounding area. They formed a gang called the Wild Wolf Gang, burning, killing, and looting everywhere. It is really hateful."

"I'm afraid of meeting them on the road. I'm not a person who is afraid of death, but..."

"Okay, okay, just go." Ji Changqing quickly interrupted his singing and drove him back.


He was also a little curious about what Han Li's family looked like.The next five days were basically spent practicing.

Arriving at Qingniu Town without any surprises.

Encountered three waves of robbers along the way.

They are all known as the Wild Wolf Gang. Ji Changqing was already busy, but he didn't expect anyone to come to play with him.

The two large iron hooks in the rear compartment finally came in handy.

Ji Changqing is like Li Yuanba, using no internal strength and relying solely on brute force. He dances with double hammers and treats people like baseballs, making a banging sound with the hammers.

Occasionally, he would also perform Galen's windmill, spinning in circles and hammering the Wild Wolf Gang, crying for father and mother.

Before running away, you can only say one harsh word and wait for me.

I did come two more times afterwards, with more and more people coming, but it turned out that no matter how many people came, it was useless.

Ji Changqing is like Kai Wushuang, hitting everyone he sees.

When they arrived at Qingniu Town, Ji Changqing still looked unsatisfied.

I haven't had enough fun at all. Don't be too excited to open the unparalleled Hammerman.

Yan Yong and his escorts acted as if they had seen a ghost, but Ji Changqing did not let them take action.

Hundreds of people surrounded, surrounded by one person, seven in and seven out.

This gave them the illusion that the Wild Wolf Gang was too weak and they could give it a try when they encountered it later.

Qingniu Town is indeed not big. There is only one main street, Qingniu Street, which runs east-west. There is also only one Qingniu Inn, which is located at the west end of the long town.

Yan Yong and others completed the escort mission and did not go back directly. They planned to stay at the inn for one night to see if they could pick up some escorts. However, they did not. If they went to Jingzhou City, they should be able to pick up a few escorts.

Ji Changqing parted ways with them.

The wheels of the five oxcarts were covered with mud, and a thick layer of snow accumulated on the sheds.

After more than a month, Chunxiang Restaurant finally arrived.

Down to earth, Ji Changqing stretched out as soon as he got out of the car, feeling as if he had finally landed.

Chunxiang Restaurant is not big, even a little old, but it has an antique charm.

It's lunch time now, but the restaurant seems empty.

The waiter was lying on the table, resting his head on his hands, and a puddle of scratches was left on the table.

"Ding Zhang Er." Fatty Han shouted, slapping his cheeks.

"Shopkeeper? You are finally back! I thought I would never see you again." Ding Zhanger knelt down, holding his thighs and crying.
Fatty Han's round face darkened: "Take the oxcart to the backyard and ask the cook to come out to work."

"Yes, shopkeeper, I'll go right away."

Fatty Han turned around and put on a smile: "Master, stay here for a meal and set off, or should you sleep in a small shop for the night?"

Ji Changqing pulled up a chair and sat down: "Let's go after eating."

"Then wait a moment, I'll go get ready, and we'll leave after eating."

Ji Changqing nodded.

After dinner.

The big-horned ox pulled them out of the west gate and set off toward Wuligou in the southwest direction.

There was no escort team, and with the power of the bighorn ox's feet, the two arrived at a remote place at noon on the third day.

It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, with only a small path leading to a quiet place.

The road is narrow, overgrown with weeds, and the carriages are shaking abnormally.

Most of the roadsides are fertile fields, almost filled in after heavy snowfall.

After driving for hundreds of steps, we saw a few scattered huts with bamboo fences and shallow houses with low walls.

Spotting a bullock cart, three children hid under the eaves to watch, sucking their fingers and not blinking.

After walking a few hundred steps, the bullock cart stopped and the two got off.

This family built three thatched huts, with a bamboo fence in front of the yard and poplars hanging outside the door.


The sun hides under the dark clouds.

Smoke billows from thatched roofs.

"Sister-in-law." Fatty Han shouted into the courtyard.

A middle-aged woman squatted in front of the stove. When she saw the sparks from the hay, she quickly blew air into it. After hearing the sound, she dropped the hay and stuck her head out.

"Uncle, why are you here?" The woman wiped her apron, looked happy, and hurried over to open the door for the two of them.

Fatty Han's face was full of joy: "What my sister-in-law said is that she doesn't welcome someone."

"What are you talking about? Come in quickly. This is" the woman then discovered that there was a young man next to her, wearing a half-white fox mask.


"Mom, we are back." Before Fatty Han could finish speaking, a clear female voice came from behind.

Ji Changqing looked for the voice and flicked it casually.

The wood is petrified!

The golden bubbles are so dazzling in this white, pure countryside.

Its appearance occupies the entire field of vision. Only this bubble is left in Ji Changqing's eyes, and there is no room for anything else.

Miss Han: Charm 22 (Normal)
Taoist Companion Reward: Heaven Palm Bottle*1
Every time a descendant is born, one fragment of the Sky Palm Bottle will be rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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