Chapter 57

Holding the sky bottle? ? ?
Ji Changqing's breathing stagnated, and his heart jumped out of his chest.

Calm down, calm down, calm down, the more he wanted to calm down, the more blood rushed in his body when he saw the bubbles, which made people panic.

Isn't it the same name?
Ji Changqing was a little worried about gains and losses.

But this is a golden bubble, an orange immortal weapon.

Gold should not have the same name.

Palm Heaven Vase, Han Li's plug-in!
The treasure of the Jiuyuan Temple in the Immortal Realm originated from the beginning of the way of heaven and the birth of chaos. Ability.

The greatest effect of the Sky Palm Bottle in the early stage is that it can condense a green liquid called Towering Fortune Dew.

One drop condenses approximately every seven days, and each drop can ripen 200-year-old plants.

But there are limitations. It can only be condensed at night, and only on sunny days.

So it is not necessarily one drop for seven days. If it is cloudy or rainy at night, it will take longer.

Later, there was a Zhangtian bottle.

For all elixirs, the age of the medicine will no longer be restricted.

With the cooperation of Xiantian, with only one seedling, even the elixir of heaven and earth can be reproduced infinitely.

Key bubbles, and posterity rewards.

The fragments can also be synthesized into Palm Heaven Bottle.

Coupled with the cultivation speed of Tianlinggen.

Just thinking about it is exciting.

His Ji family is about to take off!

But why is the charm normal? The bubbles are obviously golden.

Ji Changqing calmed down instantly after noticing that Charming was only 22 o'clock.

His charm is over 60, nearly three times the difference.

While he was in a daze, the girl walked from the river bank in the distance to the willow tree at the entrance of the courtyard.

The thin girl was carrying a large bundle of damp wood on her back, and her body was so compressed that she could not lift her head.

She has dark skin and is dressed in shabby earth-gray linen clothes.

There are many stitching marks on the knees and trouser legs, and they are plastered everywhere like dog skin plaster.

Xiaomei Han carried the wood into the timber room, bent over and bent her legs to put the wood down, then trotted out after stacking it.

"Mom, third uncle, why are you here?" She looked up.

Smile like a flower!

His body was as thin as a bamboo pole, and he fell over when the wind blew. His face was also sallow and thin, and his bangs were messy and messy in the wind.

She scratched the back of her hand as she came out.

Both small hands were red, swollen and itchy due to cold. If no ointment was applied, scars would easily be left.

Just like that, there is still 22 points of charm.

It's entirely because the face shape and facial features are okay.

It's just that some of the skin is darker and the skin is thinner.

Her smile was bright and innocent, as white as a piece of paper, without a trace of color.

This pure smile, it is easy to see the happiness on her face.

Although life is difficult, he is happier than most people.

Ji Changqing found that she still had advantages, and her voice was also very clear.

It's okay, just treat it as a good habit.

If you lose weight, your black spots can be saved, and bad skin can be cured.

In the future, when you become an immortal, these things will be easily improved.

It seems that I have to live here for a while and help Miss Han improve her physical condition.

"If you scratch her again, your appearance will be disfigured." Mother Han grabbed her right hand to prevent her from scratching it. "Where are your father and second brother?"

“Mom, it’s really itchy!”

"Dad and second brother are behind. They are not as fast as me, but I am better."

"You girl, talk to your third uncle. I'm going to cook." Mother Han turned and looked at Fatty Han: "His third uncle comes in and sits down. His father will be back in a while."

"Sister-in-law, please be busy and don't worry about me."

"Uncle Third! Did you bring something delicious?"

Miss Han is not afraid of strangers at all, and her personality is quite straightforward.

"Yes, yes, my little sister is getting more and more beautiful. After this year, it's time to get married."

"My mother said that I am a boy. I want to marry a bride in the future, so I don't want to marry someone else..." Han Xiaomei said before noticing what was behind him.

She looked in the direction of Ji Changqing.


"What a big green cow." Xiaomei Han was so happy that she squatted on the ground and grabbed a handful of grass and uprooted it. "Come, eat!" She likes cows very much, but it's a pity that her family can't afford them.

Bighorn Niu glanced at her, moved his mouth away, ran to Ji Changqing's side and cupped his palm.

"Ah! Why don't you eat it? This grass is very tender."

Xiaomei Han looked disappointed, but she still didn't give up and kept trying to persuade Bighorn Niu.

"No need to feed him. How could he care about this?" Fatty Han certainly knew the reason.

The food they fed all the way were medicinal leaves, so they took a fancy to the weeds on the roadside, and even picked them up in their mouths. Ordinary people couldn't afford to feed them, so it's no wonder that they grew so handsome.

"Feed this." Ji Changqing moved a bunch of medicinal leaves from the carriage.

"Hey, I don't think I've seen you before. Are you from our village?" Han Xiaomei looked a little surprised. He didn't speak, so she thought it was someone from the village who was standing there.

"That's it after today. It's not important. Don't you want to feed her?" Ji Changqing handed her the medicinal leaves.

Han Xiaomei stared at him doubtfully. There was no trace of timidity or inferiority in her eyes, but only curiosity.

"Your clothes are beautiful, but what's that on your face? Is it a fox? It's so cute. Can you let me touch it?" Little girl Han has never seen such beautiful clothes.

Ji Changqing smiled, this kind of innocence is only found in rural areas.

Fatty Han chuckled: "Sir, my niece is young and ignorant, don't blame her."

In fact, he had long noticed that Ji Changqing had been staring at Xiaomei Han.

I just can't grasp what his purpose is.

Is it just out of curiosity, or just like it.

That's why he tentatively said that it's time for Han Xiaomei to get married and see how Ji Changqing reacts.

If his niece can marry Ji Changqing, even if she becomes a concubine, she will be like a sparrow turning into a phoenix, and smoke rising from her ancestral graves.

In the future, I don’t know where to go compared to his third uncle.

This Mr. Niu is definitely not simple. My father-in-law is worshiped by Qixuan Sect.

There are hundreds of people with superb martial arts skills, seven in and seven out.

Moreover, Fatty Han also suspected that he was a legendary immortal.

The strange crow that night, and the mysterious man and woman who suddenly appeared and then disappeared.

He saw it all.

After all, the carriage is right next to him. As long as you pay attention, you can easily detect anything unusual.

However, Fatty Han never showed it.

If someone is really an immortal and just wants to hide his identity, once exposed, he might get into some trouble.

"It's okay." Ji Changqing showed her some herbs.

The bighorn cow rolled its tongue, pulled it into his mouth, chewed it from side to side, squinted, and showed enjoyment on its big face, completely different from the previous disdain.

"Look, before feeding grass, touch the horns first." Ji Changqing demonstrated it with his own hands.

"I'll give it a try too." Little girl Han grabbed the medicinal leaves and carefully touched the horns.

The bighorn cow glanced at her. Although the owner did not feed it, the herb leaves were still fragrant, so she gave her a face.

"I really ate it. Is this cow yours? What's its name?" Han Xiaomei was very happy.


"It's so high, can I sit on it?" Han Xiaomei touched the horns and stood on tiptoes to try, but she couldn't even see the back of the cow.

Ji Changqing nodded and took off the reins first.Separate the cattle and carts.

Then he walked to Xiaomei Han's side, put his right arm through her waist, pulled up her knees with his left hand, and lifted her up like a princess. She exclaimed and her buttocks were already sitting on the back of the cow.

So light, like a feather.

The weight on his arms made Ji Changqing sigh slightly.

There is no meat at all on the body.

Fatty Han's eyes lit up.

Why do I feel that Mr. Niu has a completely different attitude towards his eldest brother's little sister?

A rich man, seeing how dirty she looks, who would take advantage of her?
What kind of beauties have I never seen with people like him?

Could it be that she is a younger sister?

Xiaomei Han was so excited that she lay on the back of the cow and hugged its neck.

Since she was a child, she had hoped to have a cow at home that could one day lie like this.

This dream finally came true.

"Brother, what's your name?" Han Xiaomei looked at him sideways and asked abruptly.

Ji Changqing's lips moved: "Ji Changqing."

Xiaomei Han murmured to herself and recited it several times. She looked at him with a smile as bright as a flower: "I remember it."


(End of this chapter)

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