Chapter 59 Leaving Home, Change

Because things were going too smoothly, after lunch, Ji Changqing took Han Xiaomei and Fatty Han and got up to go back to Jiayuan City.

At the door, Han Tiansheng and his wife saw them off. Although they were happy for Miss Han, they were inevitably a little sad. They had gone so far away and didn't know when they would see each other again.

Mother Han rummaged through the cabinets and found two new clothes for Little Sister Han to put on. Before leaving, she braided her hair for the last time.

"This is sewn by my mother. It is thicker than the ones sold in the city. I originally planned to wear it for you during the Chinese New Year, but it seems that I won't use it now." Mother Han's voice was choked, and she touched her children's cheeks. In the blink of an eye, the younger sister was already thicker than her. It's high, and now you have to get married.

"Mom!" Xiaomei Han said with tears in her eyes, "You come with us."

"Silly boy, even fallen leaves know how to return to one's roots. Your father and I have lived here for most of our lives. How can we just abandon you?"

"With your third uncle by my side, I feel relieved."

"Changqing treats you well. He has you in his eyes. Mom is someone who has been through this before, so you can tell."

"He left us so much money, it's enough for us and your brother Zhu to live for a lifetime, so we don't have to worry about food."

"There's nothing to worry about. Mom just misses you. Come back and visit often when you have time."

Miss Han wanted to say goodbye with a smile, but tears moistened her eyes and kept dripping from her eyelashes.

Before leaving, Miss Han and her mother hugged each other. Both of them had tears in their eyes and were reluctant to leave.

Ji Changqing helped her fulfill her wish.

Let parents have no worries about food and clothing.

Han Tiansheng was hunched and silent, just smoking a dry cigarette under the willow tree.

The three of them got on the bullock cart.

Seeing that the immortal was about to leave, Han Zhu, who had been hiding behind the door and was uncertain, panicked.

He ran out like crazy, knelt at Ji Changqing's feet, and pulled his trouser legs: "Take me away, I beg you, for the sake of my little sister, take me away, I don't want to stay in this shabby place all my life." I also want to stand out like Han Li!"

Even if he has endless money to spend and endless food to eat, he doesn't want to be an ordinary person.

"Zhu'er." Han Tiansheng lost his voice, his lips were dry, and he wanted to say something, but it seemed to be stuck in his throat.

Let's go, let's go.

He lowered his head and stopped smoking. His thin figure was even more rickety under the tree. Mother Han came over to support him.

Ji Changqing looked down at Han Zhu. He kowtowed and prayed desperately, all for himself, but he never looked back and took a look at his parents who had given birth to him for many years.

"Look back at them."

Han Zhu looked up, his forehead was red and swollen, and he turned around numbly.

Han Tiansheng had gray hair on his temples. He was trying to smile, hiding his loneliness, and was pleased that he had grown up and was motivated.

It turns out that they are already so old.

"You can come to Jiayuan City at any time after you figure it out."

The wheels rolled, the carriages swayed, and the bullock carts moved further and further away.

Han Zhu bowed to the distance. He straightened up and stood up, feeling relieved: "Dad, you used to run very fast carrying two bundles of firewood, but now you can't even compare to me."

Han Tian blew his beard angrily and glared: "You brat, let's compete this afternoon."

Han Zhu shook his head: "Dad, I want to get a wife."

Mother Han burst into tears and smiled: "It's good to have a wife. Cuihua next door is very good."

The Han family was filled with laughter and laughter again.

Fatty Han drove the carriage with a smile on his face. He was happy for his eldest brother and his family. Their hardships were finally over.

"Sir, should we go back to Jiayuan City directly?"

A voice came from the carriage: "What else do you have to do in Qingniu Town?"

Fatty Han hesitated for a while: "It's all trivial matters."

There are actually a lot of things that need to be handed over in the restaurant.

Moreover, he also wanted to take away some things and people, including his wife. Although they did not have children, they still had feelings for each other, otherwise they would have married another woman long ago.

Ji Changqing also heard what he meant: "Then let's go there. There's no rush. You can arrange things properly and we'll set off again."

"Thank you sir."

In the carriage, Miss Han was lying flat on her back, her eyelashes glistening and moist. She fell asleep when she was tired from crying.

Ji Changqing pursed her lips and covered her with a quilt.

He suddenly felt a little emotional. He went back to Jingzhou without doing anything.

I originally wanted to get the elixir recipe, but now I’ve seen it.

There is no need.

Once I have the Palm Heaven Vase, I won’t be able to finish the Huanglong Pill, but it’s actually enough.

With the speed at which he can cultivate his Heavenly Spiritual Root, he won't need this kind of elixir once he develops resistance to it.

It is the three spiritual roots and the four spiritual roots that may be a bit troublesome.

Now with Xiaomei Han, for the sake of her safety, I would not take any risks.

Miss Han slept deeply, and the carriage shook violently, but she did not wake up.

Ji Changqing's mind moved and he opened the bubble space.

There are five Heaven-Building Pills left in it.

Three tricolor pills.

Metal, wood and earth, metal, wood and fire, wood, water and earth.A four-color elixir.

Gold, wood, water and soil.

A five-color elixir.

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

The best is only the three spiritual roots.

In fact, Han Xiaomei’s Tianlinggen or Double Spiritual Root is the best.

The Heaven Palm Vase is so important.

Ji Changqing will feel relieved if he practices faster.

But there is no way, it is still early for Caihuan, and the reward may not be a good spiritual root.

So you can only choose one of the three spiritual roots.

Ji Changqing held his chin and thought, it seemed that they were almost the same, so Jin, Wood, and Earth would be better.

You can practice Changchun Gong.

Miss Han has a small mouth, but fortunately the Tian Mending Pill melts in her mouth.

Xiaomei Han had a sweet dream. She felt something cold entering her body.

into the night.

The sky darkened.

The snow seems to have stopped outside.

But the cold wind still stirred the ends of my hair.

Fatty Han set up a fire on the roadside.

Ji Changqing took out a few skewers of sausages from the storage bag and grilled them until the surface was sizzling with oil, and the white aroma was rich and fragrant.

Xiaomei Han sat in his arms to keep warm, while Ji Changqing passed two exams, one per person.

Fatty Han started working on it and grilled five or six skewers in a row. He wanted to give it to Ji Changqing, but he was rejected and didn't want it from him.

His mouth was full of oil, and he sat on a stone pillar, his belly feeling like he was pregnant in ten months.

He repeatedly lamented that the storage method was amazing and so convenient.

You can eat meat wherever you go.

After eating, shovel the snow and put out the sparks.

The rear compartment was cleared out.

Fatty Han climbed into the back compartment, covered himself with a quilt, and fell asleep. After driving a bullock cart for a day, he snored from exhaustion.

After Han Xiaomei finished eating, Ji Changqing presented the secret book of Changchun Gong, but when he opened it, he found that she was illiterate.

Although there are some surprises, it doesn't matter. I will teach you slowly and slowly, and you don't need to know all the words in the formula.

Ji Changqing thought of the sound transmission technique. The sound appears in the ear without being interfered by the outside world, and the effect should be better.

Miss Han remembered it much faster.

On the third day, before dawn, I returned to Chunxiang Restaurant.

Miss Han crossed her legs and started practicing.

Ji Changqing has been teaching very patiently these days, but fortunately she learns quickly.

Several people stayed at Chunxiang Restaurant for one night and met Mrs. Fatty Han.

All I can say is that they look like a couple, and their smiles are exactly the same.

Like two Maitreya Buddhas.

Because he had to bring his wife with him, Fatty Han bought a good carriage so that he could follow the bighorn cattle.

The sun just came up the next day.

The four people sat in an ox cart and came out of the East Street of Qingniu Town and headed southeast towards Jiayuan City.

Going back should be faster than coming here.

But it also takes about a month.

This comes and goes for about three months.

By the time we arrived in Jiayuan City, it was almost Chinese New Year.

Ji Changqing happened to be able to have a bridal chamber with Han Xiaomei during the Chinese New Year.

As for this month, let’s take good care of Xiaomei Han’s body first.

She had frostbite on her body, but Ji Changqing used magic and internal power to treat her to every possible extent.

Huanglongdan also has the effect of cleansing menstruation and cutting marrow. After practice, the skin has obviously become much better.

In addition, I went to Qingniu Town, bought a few sets of clothes, and dressed up.

Miss Han: Charm 31 (Outstanding)
Taoist Companion Reward: Heaven Palm Bottle*1
Every time a descendant is born, one fragment of the Sky Palm Bottle will be rewarded.

The appearance in the bubbles has improved a lot.

She is already a little girl, a little beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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