Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 60: Moisturize as soon as you get it

Chapter 60: Moisturize as soon as you get it
Twenty kilometers northwest of Huoya Mountain, there are continuous mountains reaching into the clouds.

One of the peaks rises from the ground like a sword and reaches into the sky. Halfway up the mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round.

The terrain here is steep and the cliffs are so steep that even monkeys, let alone ordinary people, find it difficult to climb up.

But somewhere in the clouds and mist on the mountainside, there is a lively town that looks like the residence of an immortal.

There were all monks coming and going, and in the sky over the town, colorful flying magic weapons were flying back and forth.

This is the market where Jujianmen is open to the outside world.

Even though it was night, the town was still brightly lit and bustling with activity.

The commercial street here is bustling, with various magic weapon shops, talisman shops, elixir shops, spiritual pet shops, and even auction houses.

As long as you have spiritual stones, you can buy all kinds of good things.

There is a three-story ancient building under a giant tree on the edge of the town. There are not many people here.

Occasionally, a monk comes over and looks up to see the Tianji Hidden Sword Pavilion.

Most of the items sold there are sword-type magic weapons, ranging from low-level magic weapons to high-level magic weapons.

Unfortunately, the price is on the high side, so there are not many customers.

A middle-aged couple lives in the east wing of the third floor.

The man is handsome and has a goatee on his chin.

The woman was extremely beautiful, with her chest rising and falling. At this moment, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, with the baby girl in her arms, her eyes closed and sucking.

"What is Qing'er doing recently? I haven't seen her going to the cave to practice these days." The man stood aside and asked, stroking his beard.

The woman straightened the baby's mouth and said, "I caught a little fire crow some time ago. I was quite happy."

"I started tinkering with wine after I came back."

The man's eyebrows were raised, a little surprised: "Don't she like drinking?"

"It's because she doesn't like it. She finds it hard to drink. She has been trying to add various things to the wine recently." The woman looked down at the corner of the baby's mouth with a strange look in her eyes.

"It's good to be interested in wine, but it shouldn't delay your cultivation." The man smiled and refused to drink no matter how much he was persuaded before.

It seems that I will have the opportunity to have a drink with Qing'er in the future.

"What about people now?"

"I was still here an hour ago. After receiving the transmission message, I left in a hurry, as if I was going down the mountain."

"Sound transmission symbol?"

Is there a message this late at night?And it went down the mountain, which means that the other party is not visiting the market. If you are an acquaintance, you can come and visit.

The man became even more curious: "Didn't you listen?"

"She took it away as soon as it flew in. She was on guard."

When the woman saw that the baby was full, she laid her flat on the bed and pulled up the collar on her chest.

"I think it's probably the right person."

The man was a little moved. If this was the case, he really wanted to see who the other party was.

"Which direction did you go?"

He knew Qing'er's character very well and was determined to follow the Tao. Logically speaking, it was impossible to find a Tao partner before establishing the foundation.

That boy from the Xie family refused. Although he was a bit ugly, he had a good family background.

But it's been really unusual lately, and I have no intention of practicing.

The woman was thinking with her eyebrows: "It should be in the direction of Fire Crow Mountain. Let me go with you."

To be honest, she was also a little curious.

With their foundation building skills, it should be easy to find them if they were nearby.

The man nodded in agreement and pulled out a red gourd from his storage bag. The light on it was bright, and it was clearly a top-level magic weapon.

The gourd flies out of the window and grows in the wind.
The two couples floated up and stood at both ends of the gourd. The man controlled the gourd to fly up, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a stream of red light and rushed down the mountain.

Half a month of boating and driving is tiring.

The oxcart went from Qingniu Town, through Jingzhou City, and arrived near Huoya Mountain.

Looking at the familiar sky.

Ji Changqing knew that he was on the right track.

It is said that an old horse knows the way, but I have never heard of an old cow knowing the way.

It just so happens that his bighorn cattle have this ability.

After leaving Qingniu Town, Ji Changqing thought Fatty Han knew the way at first.

As a result, he hadn't traveled far, and he didn't even know anyone when he went to Jingzhou City.

The last time we went to Jiayuan City, Qixuanmen Escort Agency led the way.

Ji Changqing was basically practicing, so he naturally didn't have time to memorize the route.

They thought they were getting lost, but the bighorn bull easily led them to Jingzhou City.

Only then did he realize that his old cow had something.

To be on the safe side, Ji Changqing bought a detailed map at a high price from the Jingzhou City Escort Bureau.

There is only the road to Jiayuan City on it, but it is very detailed.

The four of them successfully arrived at Fire Crow Mountain.

It is said that seeing things and thinking about others.

Seeing the familiar scenery reminded him of Yan Qingqing.

Her family is visiting the market, so it should be easy to buy the prescription.

Xiaomei Han has three spiritual roots, so Huanglong Pill alone may not be enough.

What's more, Tianbu Dan also has four spiritual roots and five spiritual roots.

Now there is a Zhangtian bottle.Ji Changqingtian's spiritual root cultivation speed was much faster than theirs.

Will always maintain the highest combat power of the family.

With the extra training resources, he decided to give priority to cultivating fellow Taoists.

Once the family becomes stronger, it will be easier to do anything in the future, and he does not need to do many things personally.

After careful consideration, Ji Changqing decided to activate the power transmission talisman.

You're all here, let's meet up.

To be on the safe side, Xiaomei Han and the others were placed before inputting their mana and voice. After letting go of the transmission talisman, they flew towards Jianfeng.

Ji Changqing glanced and remembered the general direction.

In the past half month of practice, Han Xiaomei has also reached the second level of Qi training.

Ji Changqing practiced the sixth level of Qi more than a month ago, and now he has successfully broken through.

Seven layers of Qi training.

There are not many elixirs left.

Fortunately, we are arriving in Jiayuan City soon, and it’s not long before the New Year.

Ji Chang stood on the treetop, looking at the sky, with his hands behind his back.

About a quarter of an hour.

In the direction of Jianfeng, a red line came through the sky.

The flying sword girl noticed him, jumped up, and was caught in the air by Ji Changqing's hands around her waist. The two looked at each other, spinning in circles in the air, and slowly landed on the ground.

Feeling the girl's enthusiasm, Ji Changqing raised the corners of his mouth: "You miss me so much?"

"The mask is off." Yan Qingqing said coldly.

Ji Changqing raised his head, took off his mask, and flicked his hair. Yan Qingqing couldn't stand it any longer, so she forced him to the side of the tree and held his cheek.

Ji Changqing tilted his head and hid; "I want to taste wine."

Yan Qingqing was already prepared, her cheeks were slightly red, and when she stretched out her hand, the jade pot appeared in her palm.

She was extremely skilled and raised her head to lift the jade pot. White jade liquid flowed from the spout into her mouth.


After Ji Changqing finished drinking, he frowned slightly. He felt that the taste was not right. It was a bit bland. He blinked and it seemed to have a milky and sweet taste.

But the wine tastes pretty good.

"Did you bring something?"

Yan Qingqing's body had already become weak. After hearing this, he took out several pill prescriptions from his storage bag.

Ji Changqing was delighted, it really happened.

"No one knows when you come out." Ji Changqing asked casually.

"My mother was there at the time."

Yan Qingqing was making secret wine when the telepathic notes flew in.

"But it should be fine. I just put it in the storage bag without letting her listen."

Ji Changqing raised his eyebrows: "Don't you have no silver here?"

He suddenly felt a bad premonition: "No, I'll moisten it first."

"Are you afraid that my mother will come with you?" Yan Qingqing thought of the key point and felt a little reluctant. She didn't know why these days, but all she could think about was him.

I'm not even in the mood to practice, I feel like I'm possessed.

Ji Changqing nodded.

"Let's go now?"

"I don't want to see anyone but you." Ji Changqing kissed her and turned around.

Yan Qingqing shouted angrily: "I haven't drunk the wine yet."

"It's okay. Keep it for me when you refill your cup next time." Ji Changqing thought of something and folded back.

Yan Qingqing thought he had changed his mind.

"Give me another transmission talisman."


Yan Qingqing stood alone on the treetop, watching the bullock cart drive away.

He stood on the roof and waved goodbye, as if it was the first time we met.

A month of longing for each other only resulted in less than a moment of getting along with each other.

Will meet again.

It wasn't until Ji Changqing completely disappeared from sight that Yan Qingqing turned around and left with her sword.

Halfway through, I met the couple head-on.

"Are you following me?" Yan Qingqing was surprised and a little angry.

I didn't expect them to actually come. If it were any later, an accident would inevitably happen.

"Qing'er, aren't we worried about you? It's so dangerous to go out alone at night." The middle-aged man tugged on his beard, feeling a little embarrassed.

Yan Qingqing glanced at them and flew back in silence.

The two couples looked at each other with wry smiles.

However, the woman noticed carefully that Yan Qingqing's lips were abnormal and slightly red and swollen.

It seems it's too late and the brat was not caught!
Ji Changqing didn't know it yet, but because he moisturized quickly, he avoided trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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