Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 61: One family is happy, one person is sad.

Chapter 61: Hundreds of families are happy, but one is sad.

After Yan Qingqing left, Ji Changqing took Han Xiaomei back.

Back in the carriage, a stack of elixirs in my hand was a surprise.

Ji Changqing sat down cross-legged and looked at it. The first picture was of Huang Long Dan. Han Xiaomei leaned over curiously.

There is no need to read this, just hand it to Miss Han and continue reading.

The second golden marrow pill, the introduction on the paper says, can cleanse the menstruation and cut the marrow, strengthen the foundation and strengthen the body, and it has miraculous effects when taken below the tenth level of Qi training.

This is what Ji Changqing wants, with this prescription.

Even the four spiritual roots can be maintained to the tenth level of Qi training.

The formula contains a lot of names of medicinal ingredients, as well as precise formula proportions.

Most of them are common medicinal materials.

However, for some medicinal materials, the fonts are darkened and emphasized.

These all have requirements on the age of the medicine.

Marking the tenth year has the best effect.

The third blood elixir cleanses the meridians and cuts the marrow, strengthens the body and cultivates the vitality, and has miraculous effects on Qi training below the tenth level.

The main medicinal material is Blood Spirit Grass, which must be fifty years old for the best effect. Other requirements are not that high.

There are actually three prescriptions for strengthening the foundation and cultivating the Yuan!It also has the effect of cleansing the menstruation and cutting the marrow.

Now even the five spiritual roots have hope.

Ji Changqing was full of surprises.You can eat it in different ways in the future without repeating it.

There are a few more good prescriptions after that.

Qingling Powder: A rare detoxifying medicine in the world.

Nourishing Essence Pill: A magical elixir that has miraculous effects on internal and external injuries.

Huangliwan: bird food.

Bigu Pill: Low-level monks do not need to eat for a short period of time after taking this pill.

Albizia Julibrissin: Taking it can make people enter hallucinations and feel like they are in heaven.

Ji Changqing couldn't help but sigh, Yan Qingqing is really a sweet-hearted person.

Xiaomei Han pointed to the last one and asked curiously: "Brother Ji, what kind of elixir is this?"

"How is your recent cultivation progress?" Ji Changqing asked, changing the subject.

Miss Han: "There are no jelly beans, it feels so slow."

"It's okay, I'll have it home soon."

After the New Year.

Jiayuan City is covered with a layer of red makeup, red lanterns are hung high, and the couplet stickers on the doors and windows are replaced with new ones.

Crowds of people flock to the streets. They have been busy for a year. In these few days, they can eat well and wear good clothes.

The coldness of the world of immortality and the heat of the secular world.

When Han Yunping came here, he felt like time and space were confused.

However, he discovered many casual cultivators along the way, all pretending to be ordinary people.

He loves to join in the fun, and it seems that he is not an ordinary person.

"Brother, I want to eat candied haws on a stick." Han Yunzhi stared at the hawker, his eyes fixed on him.

Han Yunping chuckled: "We'll be arriving at Ji's Mansion soon. Let's save our stomachs and go have a big meal."

"I wonder if Brother Ji is back."

"If we don't come back, we will all eat dirt."

Han Yunping was speechless, while Yunzhi drew a talisman and finally got a little better and earned some spiritual stones, but he disappeared while playing.

You can't afford the finished talisman paper, so you need a few spiritual stones to reach it.

If you want to achieve something in Fulu, you will fail a hundred times or a thousand times.

Only then can you gradually master it.

And the success rate is not very high, this is just a talisman.

Generally, there are only aristocratic families and sects.

Only a few talisman masters can be found.

Rogue cultivators shouldn't touch it. They only have a few spiritual stones in their entire wealth, so why should they buy talismans for practice?

Only Ji Changqing can get a few seven-star grass plants every month.

Moreover, if Han Yunzhi has a good talisman pen, the success rate can be greatly improved.

Only in this way can you earn some spiritual stones.

Han Yunping's ultimate goal is to practice elixirs instead.

After trading a few Huanglong Pills with Ji Changqing, Yunzhi also successfully broke through to the sixth level of Qi training.

When they meet, the boy will probably be very surprised.

Quarter House.

The Chinese New Year has passed, but today is even more lively than the Chinese New Year.

The head of the Ji family, Ji Changqing, is finally back.

Mrs. Yan immediately ordered a big banquet to catch the wind and wash away the dust.

There were hundreds of wine tables set up in Ji's house, and all the relatives and friends came to the banquet, and the seats were packed.

Dining room.

Compared with the bustling courtyard, this house is where the main family banquet is held.

There are less than two tables to sit at.

They are all the family members of Taoist monk Ji Changqing.There are also the Han brothers and sisters.

Han Yun had a straight face and couldn't smile. He pinched his cheeks and frowned, trying hard to figure it out.

What kind of qualifications do you have? You can practice Qi at the seventh level in less than half a year.

I can't understand it.

He was thinking about how long it took him to practice the seventh level of Qi.

Five years?

Or ten years?

Because it's been so long, my memories are a little blurry.

Ji Changqing just came back last night, with flowers and candles in the bridal chamber and a spring supper.

The protagonist is naturally Han Xiaomei.

Extra large jade bed.

Several sisters were there, and she couldn't let go. She didn't expect people in the city to have such fun.

Are all people in the city like this?

Take care of yourself and cultivate immortality along the way.

Miss Han also sheds her worldliness, and her body is small and exquisite.


Ji Changqing was lying on his back.

He slept until three o'clock in the morning before being served and dressed and brought to the dining room.

The Han brothers and sisters happened to come to the door at this time, so they were invited to come in and have a meal together.

There are only two tables in the dining room.

At one table were his aunt and uncle, Fatty Han, Jin Can and others.

At one table were Ji Changqing and a group of Taoist monks, six in total, and four master wives.

Han Yunping and Han Yunzhi came to the table and were dumbfounded.

Except for him and Ji Changqing, they were all stunningly beautiful.

He doesn't care about beautiful women, he only cares about Ji Changqing.

This kid is silent and has practiced Qi at the seventh level.

Moreover, the person sitting on his left is practicing the Sixth Level of Qi Dzogchen.

Although the right side only has the second level of Qi training, the other three are all at the fifth level of Qi training.

How come there are so many female cultivators around him?

Han Yunzhi had reason to suspect that he came to the Immortal Cultivation Sect because of his beauty.

Otherwise it cannot be explained.

Ji Changqing glanced at him and saw that he was in a daze.

"Brother Han, don't be too restrained. Treat this as your own home. You should eat and drink when you should."

Han Yunping had an empty stomach and was ready to have a big meal. As soon as he came in, he was full of doubts and how could he be in the mood to eat.

"It's a joke, I know how to be restrained. I have to make you poor today." After being reminded by Ji Changqing, Han Yunping realized that he was here to make a living.

Ji Changqing smiled and said softly with inner strength: "Thank you all for coming. I, Ji, am very happy."

"I believe that the Ji family will usher in prosperity with our efforts."

"Everyone eat and drink to your heart's content. Today, you won't come home until you're drunk."

His voice spread from the dining hall to every corner of Ji Mansion. After a brief silence, the crowd at the banquet burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Oh! !
The cheers shocked the passers-by outside the walls of Ji Mansion and turned their heads again and again.

Only a mother and son on the third floor of Damenmen Pharmacy could see that inside Ji's Mansion, there was already a sea of ​​people and enthusiasm.

Han Yunping had a complicated look on his face when he heard the shouts outside. Although he was a mortal family, it was really lively.

After eating, the sun just went down.

Everyone walked out of the gate of Ji's Mansion and returned home covered in stars and moonlight, extremely drunk.

After the servants finished eating, they began to clean the battlefield.

Ji Changqing brought the Han brothers and sisters to the hall.

Have tea and chat.

"Sister Yunzhi, I haven't seen you for several months and I miss you very much."

Han Yunzhi's cheeks were flushed and she called Brother Ji in a soft voice.

Han Yunping glared at him, thinking he didn't exist?
"You seduced the nun, and you seduced my sister."

"I asked you why there are so many female nuns in your family."

Ji Changqing did not explain, but smiled slightly: "Brother Han, it's been a long time since we last met."

Han Yun was expressionless: "I don't like men."

Ji Changqing: "..."

Han Yunping glanced at him and said calmly: "Oh, by the way, I also want to congratulate you. You suddenly practiced Qi to the seventh level. I was shocked by you."

"I just got lucky and made a breakthrough by chance. It's not worth mentioning. Why did Brother Han come here this time?"

Seeing him change the topic, Han Yun flattened his molar teeth and made a crunching sound.


I was lucky last time, and I was lucky again this time.

(End of this chapter)

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