Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 67: The Layers of Spiritual Beast Mountain

Chapter 67: Thousand Layers of Spiritual Beast Mountain Routine
The Ice Toad is a lower-level monster with a docile personality.

It will spit out cold air when frightened. If you raise it more, its power will be quite good.

Seeing that no one was buying it, the middle-aged female cultivator was not in a hurry.

She pulled out a wooden box, the size of a pencil case.

Then another Ice Toad was released.

The difference is that this ice toad has three icicles on its head, like a crown.


As soon as it appeared, the frogs croaked loudly and low, and the cold air all over the body caused the wooden boards under their feet to condense into ice, which tended to spread to the surrounding areas.

Its frog cry resonated with more than a dozen ice toads at its feet.


In the restaurant, I heard the sound of frogs, and the lingering sound lingered.

Sensing signs of the cold air spreading, the nearby cultivators retreated one after another.


The middle-aged female cultivator nodded. Seeing that the effect was achieved, she accepted the large Ice Toad.

"Everyone, I believe everyone has seen it too."

"An ordinary ice toad is a first-level low-level monster."

"However, as long as it is raised properly, it can condense its bloodline and advance to the Ice Toad King."

The female cultivator opened the wooden box as she spoke. What was inside the box was not a pencil, but a bunch of white flesh worms, intertwined and squirming.

"This is a white jade flesh insect, specially used to raise ice toads."

"As long as you keep raising it for a period of time, there is a great hope that the ice toad will advance."

"Now, if you buy one, you will get a box of white jade flesh worms for free."

What a great thing, it’s free.

Some casual cultivators were a little moved when they heard that buy one get one free.

The most important thing is that after eating, there is still hope to advance.

"What will happen if the white jade meat worms are eaten?"

Someone in the corner of the crowd raised doubts.

"Good question!" The female cultivator seemed to be waiting for this.

Many casual cultivators also felt that the key was being asked, so they turned their heads and looked in the direction of Ji Changqing.

Qiu Ningyue held her chin and tilted her head to pretend not to know.

The sentence just now was from a male voice, and the voice came from Ji Changqing's direction.

Even Han Yunping thought it was Ji Changqing who said it.

Ji Changqing is like eating coptis. What he said just now was clearly said by Qiu Ningyue beside him.

Her voice changed to a male voice.

And he is proficient in ventriloquism, and the words do not come from the mouth.

This led many casual cultivators to think it was him.

An innocuous remark would not attract special attention.

It was just too quiet just now, and someone suddenly interrupted. It was inevitable that some people turned around curiously to see who it was.

Her words immediately triggered the middle-aged female cultivator's combo of attacks.

"Then let me introduce you to the city of Spirit Beast Mountain, fifty kilometers northwest of Jiayuan City."

"Buy this kind of white jade insect. You can find it everywhere in the market. It is of high quality and low price. If you want a map, you can get one from me for free."

Free again.

Spirit Beast Mountain is too generous.

Seeing that everyone was still hesitant, the female cultivator continued: "Don't underestimate this low-level spiritual beast. It can not only be used in combat, but can also be used at home."

"In summer, just placing it in the wing can cool down the temperature, and it can also chill food and wine."

"Many monks must have never tried the cool wine. Wine-loving monks should not miss it."

"Although spells can work, most of them are too powerful and will destroy the original flavor. The cold energy of the Ice Toad is relatively mild."

"If you have an heir at home, you can also buy it as a pet. It has a docile personality and can not only accompany the heir, but also protect the heir."

After she finished speaking, her heart moved because she was afraid of the heat and loved to enjoy wine, and even more so the family monk, who loved wine.

But Ji Changqing is different.

He has all three.

He was a bit ready to move when he said it.

Unfortunately, I won’t buy it.

Ten spiritual stones, isn’t it crazy to buy this thing?

"I'll have one."

"I want two."

Giving away things for free is an advantage, and there is also a chance to advance. The appearance of the Ice Toad King is also eye-catching, and it has so many uses.

Ten spirit stones are so worth it.

Only the man who made the first quotation suffered a loss of blood and became the victim in everyone's eyes.

Ji Changqing discovered that most of the people he bought were monks from their families. They were uniformly dressed and brought up families. Even their children were monks.

Most casual cultivators want to buy it, but are short of money.

There were more than a dozen on the ground, and they were quickly traded.

Easily earned more than 100 spirit stones.

You know, even the disciples of the seven sects only need about three spiritual stones to do chores every month.Just sell a few frogs for a few years of contribution, no wonder Spirit Beast Mountain comes to collect wool.

Not only that, they also want to continue cutting leeks and handing out maps in a roundabout way, so they have to organize a group directly to visit the city for consumption.

Ji Changqing glanced at Qiu Ningyue without leaving any trace, knowing why she was sitting in the corner.

The impression of high quality and low price was formed, a hot situation started, and the subsequent transaction was extremely smooth.

The hottest part was on the top floor. The two women just stuck their heads in the middle without saying a word. The disciples around them brought everything they had and everything was sold out in the blink of an eye.

Ji Changqing had just started on this level, and he floated down from the top floor. During the fall, he even glanced in his direction.

Because the storage bag was emptied, some casual cultivators left the venue.

Some monks still stayed, showing each other trading items and each getting what they needed.

On Ji Changqing's floor, the middle-aged female cultivator continued to display various spiritual beasts.

Run fast, chasing the wind rabbit.

Its front teeth are extremely sharp and it is an expert at cutting down trees.

What Ji Changqing thought of was that it seemed good for delivering express delivery, but it was a pity that his IQ was not very good.

Breathing fire and making flames, flame rat.

Can smelt metal.

A good hand at cooking and grilling.

Infinitely powerful, the iron-walled ape.

He is proficient in digging mountains and digging roads, felling trees and building houses.

Originally they were all low-level spiritual beasts, but when the female cultivator told them, they seemed to be quite good.

Some family businesses do require this.

Ji Changqing only likes three kinds of spiritual beasts.

The first type, earthworms, are good at drilling holes and softening the soil.

It is a must-have for spiritual fields. Its excrement can make spiritual fields more fertile and is very popular among family monks.

Almost as soon as they were taken out, they were all sold out.

The second type: golden silkworm, the silk is tough, the clothes made of it are warm in winter, cool in summer, dust-proof and fire-resistant.

Explosion-proof clothing is a must-have for monks.

Unfortunately, they are also extremely popular, and each one has a spiritual stone and is sold out in an instant.

Others include spirit animal pigs, spirit animal beef cattle, and spirit animal cows.

The meat is all delicious, and the milk produced by the cows is also extremely delicious.

Ji Changqing wants to buy all of these.

Now he still eats common food.

I have never seen a spiritual beast before.

Unfortunately, Spirit Beast Mountain does not accept the trade of talismans, only spiritual stones and elixirs.

These two are the hard currency.

The gold-eating beast Han Yunping mentioned was a lizard whose saliva could corrode rocks and purify ores.

Unfortunately, it was bought by someone. Han Yunping talked to the buyer, but he didn't accept the talisman and didn't intend to resell it.

Han Yunping left in good spirits and came back in despair. It was obvious that he was a little disappointed, but there was nothing he could do.

"Do you need this spiritual beast?"

Qiu Ningyue, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

Han Yunping was a little overjoyed when he heard her tone: "Fellow Taoist, do you have one?"

Qiu Ningyue nodded and glanced at Ji Changqing calmly: "Yes, yes, but in Fangshi, you can come anytime if you need it."

After speaking, he gave Han Yunping a jade slip with information on her shop and Hefang City address.

"I'll definitely go after I've raised all the spiritual stones."

This is really a turn of events, no wonder Han Yunping is so excited.

While the two were talking, Ji Changqing took the opportunity to look at Qiu Ningyue.

The eyes are slender, the nose is a bit broad but not flat, and the lips are slightly thick.

This can save a man's face, but if it's a woman's, it's just ordinary.

It's not nearly as beautiful, but it's not ugly either.

His facial features are average, and his figure is obscured.

Only the hair is like the weeping willows facing the wind by the river, with clear roots and unusual grace.

There are no traces of adhesion on the facial skin, and it looks like her original appearance.

Ji Changqing believes in bubbles and will not go wrong.

Han Yunping felt that she was very pleasing to the eye at this time, and even announced his name: "My surname is Han, how do you call me Taoist fellow Taoist?"

"Oh?" Qiu Ningyue seemed a little surprised: "Your surname is Han? We have an elder Jiedan in Spirit Beast Mountain, also named Han. Maybe you two have some connection."

Han Yunping waved his hands and said with a smile: "If my family had an ancestor of Jiedan, it wouldn't be like this now."

Qiu Ningyue: "Fellow Taoist Han is a casual cultivator?"

Han Yunping's lips moved slightly and he was about to blurt out, when Ji Changqing kicked him without leaving any trace under the table.

When strangers offer small favors, they are easy to take advantage of, dig deep into their hearts, and communicate with each other candidly.

Han Yunping's character makes him suffer easily.

Ji Changqing had to remind him.

(End of this chapter)

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