Chapter 68 Apprenticeship
Han Yunping was kicked, and his enthusiasm gradually faded.

I realized that I was a bit on top, and for some reason, I felt that the other person was very kind and sincere, so I answered all my questions without hesitation.

Han Yunping's attitude changed, leaving Qiu Ningyue speechless.

She pursed her lips unnoticeably.

The table fell silent again.

In the center of the crowd, the transaction continued.

After the spiritual beast is traded, it becomes the magic weapon.

Three female cultivators presented various colorful flying instruments on the table.

Most of them have more than ten spirit stones.

Those who wanted to buy came forward one after another.

There are shapes like a green leaf, a wine gourd, a small jade boat, and a lotus platform.

All kinds, everything.

Ji Changqing discovered that they were all low-level magic weapons, so he stopped paying too much attention to them.

The same was true for the previous spirit beasts, all of them were first-level and low-level without exception.

However, these things are rare for casual cultivators.

With their financial resources, it would be just right to buy these.

After drinking a few cups of tea, the Spirit Beast Mountain disciples left.

Leave individual cultivators behind to trade freely.

Sitting across from Ji Changqing at the table was a young man with a square face.

Three levels of Qi training.

There are hundreds of casual cultivators here, and nearly [-]% are in this realm.

Most of the casual cultivators have pseudo-spiritual roots. It is normal for the pseudo-spiritual roots to be stuck on the third level of Qi training.

Like Master Jinguang, he is middle-aged.

He used to be a monk in the family and even had talismans, but he was still at the third level of Qi training and couldn't make any progress.

Han Yunping's three spiritual roots are rare.

The square-faced young man, who didn't even have a storage bag, carefully took out a roll of cloth from his arms.

Everyone thought it was some kind of treasure.

The red cloth opened two corners, and it turned out to be a bamboo.

The bamboo is as thick as chopsticks, jade-colored, and has distinct joints.

If it weren't for the soil on the roots, everyone would have thought it was a jade product.

"Heirloom jade bamboo, I don't know what it is, but it must be a treasure. Is there any fellow Taoist who wants to trade it?" After the square-faced man finished speaking, he glanced around.

I found that only Qiu Ningyue had a smile on her lips: "Do you want it, fellow Taoist?"

Ji Changqing was a little surprised why she didn't leave yet.

Qiu Ningyue shook her head: "This thing is called White Polygonatum. The bamboo tube is generally used to hold wine. The longer it is stored, the more mellow the wine will be. It is best if it is over a hundred years. Unfortunately, you are just a seedling."

Han Yunping was originally very interested, but when he heard that it would take hundreds of years, he suddenly lost interest.

The rest of the casual cultivators at this table no longer pay attention. They will all be buried in the earth in a hundred years. What are they doing here?

The square-faced monk's smile froze. Others didn't know what it was, but he could just sit down and raise the price.

Who wants it now? If you don’t buy it, forget it and ruin it.

He glanced at Fang Lingshoushan's clothes and saw all his anger.

"The Talisman of Rejuvenation, which can be used to restore physical strength, is the only one I have."

Ji Changqing choked when he spoke, took out the talisman from his arms, put it on the table, and held it with his index finger.

He really wants the White Polygonum Bamboo. Anyway, he has the Heaven Palm Vase, the year and so on.

After he finished speaking, Han Yunping was stunned for a while, forgetting not to bring the storage bag, he only had a dozen in his arms.

Qiu Ningyue just raised her eyebrows.

"Fellow Taoist, will this be a deal?" The square-faced monk still wanted to push, but when he saw that the other party was about to put away the talisman, he quickly agreed.

The two stood up and exchanged hands.

Ji Changqing returned the rag to him, and Yuzhu stuffed it away.
His rough attitude was completely opposite to that of the square-faced monk.

It makes people feel as if they just made a transaction and just did it willfully.

There is no special use for Polygonatum odoratum.

Someone takes the lead in making a successful transaction, and the atmosphere gradually opens up.

The monks at other tables also displayed many rare items.

Various animal bones, ores, and fruits.

Everything is available.

There's just nothing good about it.

The monks in the family shook their heads one after another. Some even laughed openly and loudly. They were really a bunch of poor people.

These casual cultivators bowed their heads in shame and dared not speak out in anger.

Finally, the low-level casual cultivators gave way, and the family cultivators gathered in the middle and put the dining tables together to form a special trading circle.

Ji Changqing was already in the corner, so it had nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, several family monks invited them to the center.

One is a seventh-level cultivator, and the other is a ninth-level casual cultivator.

It doesn't look like he is a family monk, which can only mean that his spiritual roots are good.

All these families are thinking of winning over the two of them.

It's just a poor jingle bell, and the only talisman is gone.

Don't join in the fun.

What's strange to Ji Changqing is that Qiu Ningyue hasn't left yet.

And he also came up with something that surprised him very, very much.

Five golden silkworms, five earthworms, some cinnabar, and five talisman pens.

Everything he wanted.

Under the mask, Ji Changqing looked surprised and uncertain.


No, everything cannot be explained by coincidence.

Let’s rule out coincidence first.

Golden silkworms, and earthworms.

If it's not a coincidence, it can only be said that she has been observing and observing his every move.

Look at the details of his body and analyze what he is interested in.It seems that sitting next to him is definitely not a coincidence.

There are too many coincidences in this analysis.

Also, showing that he only cared about Han Yunping at the beginning only made him take it lightly.

If only those two things surprised him.

That talisman pen was something that made him think deeply and fearfully.

Ji Changqing calculated silently in his mind.

There are three Yu'er, the charming one, the younger sister, plus him.


Ji Changqing only has one talisman pen now.
He just needs five talisman pens!
Could it be that, from the beginning, this so-called exchange meeting...

Just thinking of this made him break out in a cold sweat.

"Senior, are you observing me?" Ji Changqing asked carefully through his voice.

Qiu Ningyue turned to look at him, the corners of her mouth gradually rising. This was the first time the two of them looked at each other.

"What do you mean?"

Ji Changqing's heart sank, and the smile on her face clearly said I don't want to pretend anymore.

"These are all what I want. Senior, why bother beating around the bush? If you have anything to say, please speak directly."

Qiu Ningyue stood up, waved her hand casually, turned around and left the table without looking back.

The objects on the table lined up and got into the storage bag.

This action was done in one go.

Flowing clouds and water.

Ji Changqing stood up and left.

Han Yunping was surprised, why as soon as he took it out, the two of them looked at each other and left.

He had no choice but to keep up.

The casual cultivators who stayed at the same table looked at each other.

Going downstairs, the three of them stepped out of the restaurant door one after another.

The square pavement reflects a faint silver light under the moonlight.

Qiu Ningyue walked slowly with her hands behind her back.

Ji Changqing followed behind her silently and found the direction she was walking in. It was along the way.

Han Yunping also followed him and asked him why he left.

Ji Changqing made a "shh" gesture.

He was thinking about one thing. Fortunately, he didn't take out the Heaven Palm Vase or even use it.

This relieved him.

"The mask is off."

Qiu Ningyue's voice is ethereal, like a fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world.

This momentum, this majesty, I feel like I can't even stop the foundation building.

No wonder it wasn't discovered. Who discovered it?

I can only say that I was unlucky to meet a big boss.

Ji Changqing smiled bitterly, raised his head and took off his mask.

Qiu Ningyue looked back, looked up and down for a while, and commented: "The qualifications are qualified, and the just okay."

For the first time, Ji Changqing was evaluated as having just acceptable looks.

But I can't refute, one hundred and nine, I can't afford to offend him.

"My xinxing... is too low-key. Such a good talent is hidden among the mortals."

Ji Changqing didn't refute, what could he do if he didn't have the strength to protect himself.

"You're not stupid mentally. You can detect abnormalities with just a little probing. I thought you would be naive and trade with me."

Ji Changqing remained silent, while Han Yunping looked confused.

what's the situation?
Qiu Ningyue looked at him for a long time and said in a clear voice: "I like to reason the most."

"I never like to beat around the bush, now I give you two choices."

"First, take the initiative to worship me as your teacher."

"Second, I take the initiative to let you become my disciple."

"Now you choose."


Seeing that he had no choice, Ji Changqing couldn't help but said: "Senior, can I ask a question?"

Qiu Ningyue nodded slightly.

"You live a long life this year?"


The autumn moon is about to turn from sunny to cloudy.

"I see you are itchy."

She held out a feather duster.

Ji Changqing used the Wind Control Technique and ran away, as fast as a gust of wind, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Why did he run away? Han Yun was stunned for a moment, and when he turned around, he was the only one left beside him.

Han Yunping suddenly trembled with fright.

Then the adult disappeared out of thin air.

Han Yunping quickly chased after Ji Changqing.

After a while, I heard bursts of screams.

"Master is up!"

"Please accept me as a disciple."

under the moonlight.

Ji Changqing volunteered and bowed her hands, while Qiu Ningyue stood with her hands behind her back and nodded slightly.

What a pair, master and disciple who respect each other like guests.

Han Yunping couldn't help but sigh.

I had a cup of tea and saw this scene by the river.
Ji Changqing resisted with all his strength.

 Read the next few chapters patiently, they seem a bit poisonous, so give it a shot first.

(End of this chapter)

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