Chapter 69 Pulling
"From now on, you will be my, Qiu Ningyue, my only closed disciple."

"There is only one rule in the sect, always respect the master first."

Ji Changqing lowered his head and said yes repeatedly, going in with his left ear and out with the right ear.

Han Yunping walked towards the river bank and couldn't understand how the two of them became master and apprentice all at once.

Qiu Ningyue was still wearing Spirit Beast Mountain clothes, so she should be a senior from Spirit Beast Mountain.

"Have you joined Spirit Beast Mountain?" Han Yunping walked closer and asked softly, with a hint of envy and yearning in his tone.

He has always wanted to join Spirit Beast Mountain.

Ji Changqing looked up at Qiu Ningyue and felt that the cheap master did not look like Spirit Beast Mountain.

Qiu Ningyue put away the feather duster and said through a message: "You will naturally know in the future. There is no benefit in telling you now."

"As long as you know that your teacher comes from the world of cultivating immortals and comes from a well-known and upright family."

Is the family decent?
Ji Changqing nodded, although he had some doubts.

Under the moonlight, the silver river surface shimmers with light, and even though it is calm, there is also an undercurrent.

Qiu Ningyue looked at the Grand Canal and asked in a clear voice: "Have you never thought about joining the Immortal Cultivation Sect?"

"I have thought about it." Ji Changqing nodded, "However, the disciple's strength is humble, not to mention the family is young."

Qiu Ningyue said calmly: "With your qualifications, once you enter the sect, you will have to build the foundation sooner or later."

"You Taoist companions are not low in strength. You are still capable of protecting yourself in this world."

Ji Changqing raised his brows and heard something beyond his words: "Master, do you want to take me to the sect?"

"Not stupid, so to speak."

Qiu Ningyue looked back at Dingqing and looked at him: "I don't like to mince words, so as a teacher I just tell the truth."

"I want you to join the Hidden Moon Sect."

The Hidden Moon Sect is the first of the seven major sects in the Yue Kingdom.

The disciples he accepted were all handsome men and women, and the sect practiced martial arts, focusing on dual cultivation.

It once had a deep connection with the Hehuan Sect, but later it developed and separated from the Hehuan Sect.

When Ji Changqing heard about the Hidden Moon Sect, the information flashed through his mind, and he knew whether it was accurate or not.

He didn't even understand it.

Could it be from the Hidden Moon Sect?
It's still possible with her charm.

But what she said overturned this idea.

"There is some connection between our master sect and the Hidden Moon Sect, or there may be a feud between them."

"I came here this time to find out the truth about the Hidden Moon Sect."

After Ji Changqing heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. It's a good thing that the other party has a purpose. What he fears most is that he treats you well for no reason.

Just like Mo Juren's treatment of Han Li, all he wanted was his body.
"Master, do you want me to be the sect's internal leader?"

Qiu Ningyue was a little surprised that he was so calm: "I originally wanted your two nephews to go, but the skills they practice are special and it is easy for others to find suspicion."

"In addition, they are also building a foundation soon. It is almost impossible for casual cultivators to reach this level."

"When I think about it, it still feels wrong."

"Come to Spirit Beast Mountain to see if there are any suitable candidates."

"I didn't expect that meeting you would be our master-disciple fate."

"It's easy for someone with extraordinary talent to enter the Hidden Moon Sect. They never thought that someone would send Tianlinggen as an internal response."

"Secondly, because of your outstanding appearance, they like disciples like you."

"Sanlai is of innocent origin. They will know as soon as they find your whereabouts."

"The Fourth Lai Kung Fu is ordinary, and the popular stuff circulated in Spirit Beast Mountain is very in line with the characteristics of casual cultivators."

"There is no big suspicion about you, except for a few Taoist companions who are a little special."

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Qiu Ningyue waved her hand and said, "No need to explain to me, everyone has a chance, and I don't bother to ask."

"The mission I give you is just one thing. Sneak into the Hidden Moon Sect, try to get some useful information, and serve as an internal response for the sect in the future."

"If possible, find more Taoist companions, preferably above the foundation-building stage. This will also weaken their strength."

"However, there is basically no chance of Elder Jiedan. It is better not to have too much contact with him to avoid being exposed."

"Those of them who have not found a Taoist partner have lived for hundreds of years and have long since turned away from male cultivators."

Ji Changqing nodded silently, she was so meticulous.

It seems that the Hidden Moon Sect must go.

"I will obey the master's instructions, and the disciple will act secretly, but..." Ji Changqing suddenly looked confused.

Qiu Ningyue was originally very satisfied with agreeing so readily, but this sentence let her know that it was not that simple.

"But now, my Taoist couple is about to give birth, which is when they are most vulnerable." "I feel really uneasy about leaving now."

Ji Changqing's expression became more complicated and he was in a dilemma.

Qiu Ningyue frowned slightly and patted his shoulder: "You don't need to worry about this."

"I said it from the beginning, in a secular world like Jiayuan City, your Taoist monk's cultivation can completely protect yourself."

"I'm really worried, I can keep your two nephews here."

"The sooner you go to Hidden Moon Sect, the better. The lower your strength, the less likely you will be suspected."

"But, Master!" Ji Changqing turned around, his expression becoming more complicated: "You have already come to Jiayuan City. How can I rest assured if another one comes?"

Qiu Ningyue also thought for a long time: "I will take them to the area near Hidden Moon Sect and find a cave to place them. When you have established a foothold in Hidden Moon Sect, you can take them there together."

Although Ji Changqing is still worried, he has no choice now: "Then just follow what the master said."

Qiu Ningyue nodded and finally breathed a sigh of relief.


"If you have something to do, let's finish it in one breath!" Qiu Ningyue almost stopped holding back, and there were faint signs of an attack, if it weren't for the fact that there was nothing she could do.

Ji Changqing hurriedly said: "Master, my disciple's strength is low. It's a small matter to be bullied when he enters the Hidden Moon Sect, but it's a big deal to lose the master's face."

"Moreover, if there is a foundation-building senior who targets the disciple and wants to seize his body."

"Disciples are not greedy for life and fear of death. They are just afraid of missing the master and the sect's plan."

What he said was emotional and well-founded, making everyone moved after listening to it.

Qiu Ningyue couldn't help but sigh, what a good disciple who respected his master.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

"Master, neither am I"

"Okay, okay" Qiu Ningyue quickly interrupted his chanting and threw him a storage bag.

"There is a heart mirror inside, which is of little use to me. It is considered as a apprenticeship gift from my master."

"When you encounter a mental spell that seizes the body, as long as you are not in the Nascent Soul stage, it can keep you safe."


Ji Changqing was shocked. Wasn't it lower than pill formation and immune to body seizing?

I didn’t expect her to be so generous, at least she’s a magic weapon.

Ji Changqing took the storage bag and found that there was another thing inside.

Qiu Ningyue said calmly: "There is also a pair of boots inside, the Wind Fish Treading Shoes, which are the top-level magical weapons that your master used to me."

"I remember that back then, I relied on it to escape the pursuit of many enemies. Now I will pass it on to you."

"Thank you master."

"This disciple feels a little uneasy." This sentence is true.

Ji Changqing would have wanted to run away if he hadn't known that she had a big plan.

It's so scary. The top-level magic weapon is also the rarest life-saving magic weapon.

There is no way to get it without two thousand spirit stones.

This is a real waste of money.

Qiu Ningyue found it interesting and said with a smile: "What? I told you to go to the Hidden Moon Sect, but you were not afraid. I gave you two things as a teacher, but you were frightened."

Harvest and output are directly proportional. There is no such thing as a free benefit in this world.

Ji Changqing didn't answer and silently put away his things. Both of them were life-saving, the best of the best.

"As for you." Qiu Ningyue turned to look at Han Yunping.

The two of them had always communicated with each other before, so he was still confused.


Han Yunping hurriedly bowed his hands and spoke nervously. No matter how slow he was, he realized that this might be a senior foundation builder.

"You want to join Spirit Beast Mountain? For the sake of my disciple, I can help you make an introduction."

"Thank you, senior, thank you so much, senior!" Han Yunping was ecstatic, his knees trembled, and he knelt respectfully.

If he wants to join the Seven Sects with his three spiritual roots, the chances are slim.

Now, my long-cherished wish has finally come true.

He looked at Ji Changqing with a grateful expression.

"Senior, I have a younger sister." Halfway through his words, he looked up and saw her frowning slightly, and she seemed to have gone too far.

But then I thought about it. With Yunzhi's talent, he would be able to enter Spirit Beast Mountain on his own in a few years, so he stopped mentioning it.

(End of this chapter)

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