Chapter 72 Cave, leaving

You can only practice during the foundation building period, so it's useless to look at it now.

He accepted so many treasures from her without doing anything.

All three of these are priceless treasures for casual cultivators.

If you don't do something, you will really feel uneasy.

Ji Changqing lowered his eyebrows in thought, waved his hand, and retracted the skills into his storage bag.

"Thank you so much, master. I will only ask for what I want from now on, and I will do my best."

"Others are doing their best, how come you have shrunk?"

Qiu Ningyue smiled.

"However, you are not full of lies. I believe in your promise."

She puffed out her cheeks and chewed, her lips glistening with juice. She picked one up and gave it to him: "Eat it."

"Thank you master."

It feels like the master is a foodie.

In the future, you can cultivate some spiritual fruit trees and bribe them with bribes.

Ji Changqing suddenly thought of a question.

"Master, when we arrive at the Hidden Moon Sect, how do we get in?"

He remembered that Huang Maple Valley opened its gates once every ten years to recruit disciples.

I just don’t know what the Hidden Moon Sect is like.

"Just come to the door directly. Just say that you have outstanding spiritual roots, and the guard at the gate will help you test your qualifications."

Qiu Ningyue knew that he was a casual cultivator and might not understand the situation of the sect, so she patiently explained it to him.

The sect recruits disciples once every ten years, including those with three spiritual roots, and there are requirements for cultivation.

Not all three spiritual roots can enter.

Usually thousands of people are recruited at one time.

Not much for a large sect.

And the double spiritual roots themselves are rare.

Come directly to your door, there is no way you can be turned away.

What's more, it's Tianlinggen.

As for the Immortal Ascension Conference, it only happens once every ten years.

But there is an essential difference.

Immortal Assembly.

Each sect has ten quotas to obtain foundation-building pills.

Rogue cultivators who are confident in their strength usually participate in the Immortal Ascension Conference and join a sect.

Instead of delivering it directly to your door.

But the next Immortal Ascension Conference will be held in three years, I heard.

By then the day lily will be cold.

Qiu Ningyue told him that if he wanted to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill, he could only go to the Bloody Forbidden Land.

The Bloody Forbidden Land opens every five years.

The next opening will take another year and a half.

Ji Changqing is wandering around, although Yan Qingqing has a Foundation Building Pill.

But only one person can be allowed to build the foundation.

He has several Taoist companions and will have children in the future.

Obviously not enough.

What he needs is medicine.

The main medicine of the three base-building herbs is the elixir of heaven and earth.

This kind of medicinal material can only survive in special environments, and it cannot grow in ordinary environments.

This means that artificial cultivation cannot be done in the world of immortality.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many immortal cultivators fighting in the Bloody Forbidden Land.

But the Immortal Ring Immortal Field can produce seeds.

Ji Changqing must go in.

At least get some seeds too.

As long as you get one of each type of elixir, there will be countless foundation-building pills in the future.

Ji Changqing now faces two choices.

Or enter the Bloody Forbidden Land in a year and a half.

Or wait for Han Li six years later.

Let’s join the Hidden Moon Sect first.

"When we get to the place, it's almost time for me to return to the sect. It's been a long time since I left here." Qiu Ningyue sighed slightly.

Ji Changqing felt happy after hearing this.

It's good that the master is gone, and she is gone.

Don't be constrained in doing things.

Ji Changqing's expression changed, and finally he said with a look of reluctance: "Are you going back so soon? Why don't you stay a few more days."

"Okay." Qiu Ningyue nodded and agreed: "It's rare for you to be sincere, so I'll spend more time with you, Master."


"Why, don't you want to stay as a teacher?" Qiu Ningyue pursed her lips and looked forward to it.

Ji Changqing looked troubled: "Disciple is naturally reluctant to leave."

Qiu Ningyue waved her hand.

His expression was a little dignified.

"Forget it, I won't tease you anymore, I really have something to do this time."

"Is it a big deal?" Looking at her expression, Ji Changqing calmed down.

"I can't say, this year is the last time our master and disciple meet." Qiu Ningyue said in an indifferent tone.

"In the world of cultivating immortals, no one can guarantee that everything will be safe and sound. There will always be accidents."

"I will keep Qiu Wangshu and Qiu Biluo."

"They were originally prepared for you by the teacher."

"If possible, it is best to wait until they have established the foundation before practicing that skill. The dual cultivation effect will be better." Ji Changqing thought about it and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"You are only in the Qi training stage now, can you protect me as a teacher?"

"Better take care of yourself first."

Qiu Ningyue waved her hands, turned around and stopped looking at him, and started practicing cross-legged.

Ji Changqing opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally fell silent.

Like she said, it was like being in real danger.

During his Qi training period, he couldn't do anything.


three days later.

Passing through Yuejing.

Looking down from the clouds, you can still see that the palace is prosperous and magnificent, and the city is bustling with traffic.

Compared with it, Jiayuan City looks a bit like a small village.

Continue all the way north, flying over Yuejing.The mountains gradually grew in number.

Another day trip.

Surrounded by green mountains, towering into the clouds.

All kinds of birds and animals roar in the mountains and forests.

The ground turned into a sea of ​​trees, with deep mountains and canyons crisscrossing it, and not a single human habitation in sight.

This place is far away from the ordinary world.

It is difficult for ordinary people to survive in this environment.

Ji Changqing clearly felt that there was plenty of spiritual energy here.

At least several times that of Jiayuan City.

If you practice in this environment, your speed will increase a lot.

Ji Changqing's mood was slightly rippling, and he began to look forward to it more and more.

Qiu Ningyue finally opened her eyes, and her consciousness sensed that there was a formation restriction nearby.

If you want to come here, it should be near the cover of the Moon Covering Sect.

Can't go any further.

With her cultivation level, it would be easy for those old monsters to detect abnormalities.

The crane led everyone around and circled the mountains.

Qiu Ningyue's consciousness explored the surrounding environment. She was looking for a suitable location to make a cave for Ji Changqing.

This is the outskirts of the Hidden Moon Sect, although the spiritual energy is not as strong as the front.

But you can avoid encountering foundation-building monks.

Generally, when the foundation is established, a cave can be opened within the sect.

There are many caves dozens of miles ahead.

It seems that there are really many foundation-building monks in the Hidden Moon Sect.

Qiu Ningyue searched for several hours and compared hundreds of places, but she still hadn't made a decision.

I feel that this mountainside is well hidden and that the top of the mountain is rich in aura.

It was Ji Changqing who asked her why and asked her to choose a place with the best concealment.

The intensity of spiritual energy nearby will not differ much.

Safety always comes first.

The waterfall in front of you is like the Milky Way hanging upside down.

Qiu Ningyue gathered her magic power with her fingers, and with a slight flick, the waterfall opened like a curtain, revealing the hole behind it.

Unexpectedly, there is a natural cave behind the waterfall.

It's just that the entrance is small and dark, and can only allow one person to pass through.

It was overgrown with weeds and had no way to get down, and the rocks above our heads were extremely wet and dripping with water.

Qiu Ningyue smelled a musty smell and frowned slightly.

With a wave of his hand, a burst of purple energy poured in like a strong wind, and the weeds in the passage instantly withered, turned into powder, and dissipated in the air.

Ji Changqing stretched out his hand and touched the rock wall. The stream of light was bright, but there was no trace of dust.

This spell is really powerful for cleaning.

After everyone entered, they were amazed.

Not only the weeds, but also all kinds of insects, ants, snakes and beasts in the passage have disappeared.

After walking hundreds of steps, we arrived inside the cave.

The space is quite large.

It's just a little dark.

Qiu Ningyue arranged the cave abode easily, her movements were skillful and she didn't hesitate at all.

From cleaning the cave, arranging light sources, arranging furniture, to the final formation.

All in one go.

This level of proficiency is something that no one with hundreds of caves can achieve.

It only took less than two hours to arrange everything.

Qiu Ningyue handed the formation and disk to Ji Changqing.

"This is a great formation that covers the sky and the sun. Its defense is not strong, but its perception of confusion is very strong."

"Without the formation disk, even in the late stage of pill formation, it would be difficult to sense this."

"You can practice here with peace of mind."

Another valuable treasure.

After Ji Changqing thanked him, he felt extremely heavy in his hand.

"The mountain gate of Hidden Moon Sect is in the northwest, thirty kilometers away. It should be easy to find the highest mountain peak."

"It's time for me to leave. If nothing else happens, I should come back to see you within two years."

Qiu Ningyue explained to the Qiu sisters and took the crane to the west.

Ji Changqing stood outside the cave to see him off, bowing to the horizon.

She came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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