Chapter 73 Getting Started
Qiu Ningyue rode the crane and disappeared into the sunset on the top of the mountain.

Ji Changqing turned around and entered the waterfall. As soon as he entered the cave entrance, a blue light flashed from the array disk in his hand.

An energy shield appeared in front of him.

This is a protective shield covering the sky and the sun.

If it can confuse perception, Ji Changqing can even hold the array disk.

Even if you spread your consciousness outside the waterfall, you won't be able to detect the existence of the formation.

Even the hole that was originally perceptible disappeared.

Only if the immortal cultivator has a good memory, Ji Changqing can find the location of the cave entrance.

Otherwise, there are cliffs and waterfalls hundreds of feet high. Turn around and look for a small cave entrance.

Although this formation has a small protective area.

The biggest advantage is that it consumes less and does not need to consume spiritual stones.

It will automatically absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to fill the loss.

Considering that Ji Changqing did not have a spirit stone, this was also the reason why Qiu Ningyue chose this formation.

In front of him was a blue shield with silver runes flowing on it.

Ji Changqing observed curiously and touched with his hands.

After studying for a long time, I still haven't figured out what the principle is. This formation is really magical.

Without the guidance of a master, it is probably difficult to learn on your own.

Ji Changqing stopped studying, held the formation disk, and entered the cave entrance. There was no obstruction from his body and he easily penetrated the shield.

After entering, put the array disk into the storage bag.

The passage was originally uneven, but now it has become a balcony corridor, square and square.

Every few feet above the head, a moonstone is inlaid, like a light bulb, illuminating the passage like day.

Qiu Ningyue's craftsmanship is really good. Ji Changqing sighed. The most difficult thing to repay is the favor.

Step forward to the cave.

The vision suddenly opened up, and the hall space was comparable to the size of a classroom.

It was originally empty, but in a blink of an eye it was decorated like a home.

Ji Changqing had one of the storage bags given by Qiu Ningyue and gave it to Yu'er.

Before arriving, it was filled with all kinds of daily necessities, furniture, and clothes.

There were even five bathtubs, lined up against the left wall.

Seeing the tub, I will have to find a way to get hot water for a bath in the future.

As for the wardrobe, there are even more, and the wall on the right is fully covered.

Even the ladies-in-waiting were sorting out the wardrobe and stuffing all kinds of clothes into it.

They spread the clothes on the jade bed, folded them and put them in.

Ji Changqing walked to the center of the cave and sat down on the lounge chair.

Quietly admiring their busy figures.

Ink jade beads, ink colorful rings, and ink phoenix dancing.

Wang Jiaoyan, Han Xiaomei, Han Yunzhi.

Autumn is beautiful, autumn is green.

Li family, Liu family, Yan family, Wang family.

In addition to several master wives, there are currently eight Taoist monks.

It seems like a lot, but it’s actually okay.

Every gang in the secular world has dozens of rooms for concubines.

There are three thousand beauties in the royal harem who cannot be stopped.

Ji Changqing, as a time traveler, also has bubble rewards.

If the family wants to grow stronger, it still has a long way to go.

But the first step is already open.

As for Han Yunzhi, they were the first to know each other and met half a year ago.

Han Yunzhi had a crush on him from the beginning, and Ji Changqing was not blind, but he just didn't reveal it.

Qiu Ningyue also helped Han Yunping enter Spirit Beast Mountain.

After these days of getting along, there is just a layer of window paper missing.

The fact that Han Yunzhi agreed to come with her was enough to explain her attitude, but she was relatively introverted.

If Ji Changqing doesn't take the initiative, it will be difficult for this relationship to go further.

As for the Qiu sisters, they were given as gifts by their master.

This is why the master gives his apprentice a pair of Taoist companions.

Who dares to say that this sect is an evil heretic?

Ji Changqing felt that he could learn from it.

All sons should find a Taoist companion when they reach adulthood.

Find one every year.

It feels a bit rare, so it’s good to find one every month.

Fertilizer does not flow into outsiders' fields.

Many children, many marriages.

Isn’t this reward just awesome?

Family reproduction cannot be achieved by relying on him alone. You also need children and grandchildren, so work hard.

Before he was born, Ji Changqing, his biological father, was already planning welfare for his son.

Look at Yu'er and the others with their big bellies.

Should be soon.

Ji Changqing originally preferred daughters, but at this moment, he hopes to have more sons.

As for daughters, they only have one a year.

Not suitable for this route.

It would be good to devote oneself to the Tao, become the main force of the family, learn alchemy and weapon refining.

But it's too early to think about this.

As for the Hidden Moon Sect, it’s time to make preparations.

Ji Changqing rummaged through his storage bag.For offense, there is a mid-level magic weapon, the Green Light Sword, which is enough for the time being.

Mainly defensive.

Unfortunately, after searching around, there was only one shield, which was still a low-level magic weapon.

Obviously, the defensive dimension is not enough.

In terms of speed, the Wind Fish Treading Boots are the best top-level magic weapon and provide you with a sense of security.

At the spiritual level, the auxiliary magic weapon of the heart mirror provides a sense of security.

The only flaw is the defensive level, fear of sneak attacks, and the spell that limits the body shape.

Ji Changqing thought about it for a while, but it still felt unsafe to come to the door rashly.

It is almost impossible to obtain a defensive magic weapon in a short time.

In this case, it will be safer to draw some diamond talismans.

Ji Changqing's execution ability is pretty good, and he won't waste time anymore if he thinks about it.

However, the source of Seven Star Grass is a problem.

If you enter the Hidden Moon Sect, you can say that you have bought it.

It's hard to explain now.

Yu'er and the others don't need to explain at all, they are already an old couple.

Ji Changqing took out a bunch of them generously, and they didn't ask where they came from.

There are tens of thousands of beads planted in the Immortal Ring Space. In their opinion, these beads are as common as rice.

Does anyone ask where the rice comes from?

The only thing that needs explanation is that the Qiu sisters have not yet practiced dual cultivation.

The contact time is not long, so you have to take precautions when necessary.

Ji Changqing thought for a while and looked at the hall.

We came to the passage again, walked dozens of steps, and estimated that the distance should be enough.

He took out his azure light sword and started chipping away at the wall.

The Qiu sisters had nothing to do, so they were called to help.

He said he wanted to open a practice room.

Caihuan also felt that only the lobby was inconvenient.

They planned to build a kitchen for Yan and the others, and Yu'er and the others also went to help.

The passage walls are constructed together on both sides.

On the left is the practice room and on the right is the kitchen.

The magical weapon offered by the Qiu sisters was somewhat strange, two pairs of golden scissors.

Moreover, the aura of the magic weapon is not weak, at least it is an upper-level magic weapon.

The three of them were already of high cultivation, and their magic weapons were as sharp as clay.

In less than a cup of tea, the prototype of the talisman room was ready.

The door is small and only one person can pass through.

The internal space is square, about nine square meters.

Not too big.

The soil removed is absorbed by the storage bag.

The passage was restored to like new condition.

After the talisman room was built, Ji Changqing asked them to help Caihuan.

Then it was simply decorated, the door was installed, and two tables and chairs were prepared.

Then Han Yunzhi was called alone.

Han Yunzhi doesn't know how many Ji Changqing Seven Star Grass there are.

Last time I got more than 30 beads, and now I have a master. No matter how much I get, she won't be surprised.

The two of them entered the room alone and closed the door.

Seeing him close the door, the little girl's cheeks turned red. Ji Changqing smiled and pulled her to sit down.

"let us start."

Han Yunzhi buried her head even lower, and even her ears turned white and red.

After a while, she nodded.

Ji Changqing just took out a bunch of seven-star grass.

They were all just unearthed and were ten years old.

The leaves are very fresh.

Seeing that he was actually busy, Han Yunzhi bit her lip and started making talismans together.

Ji Changqing smiled secretly.

Han Yunzhi was obviously still a little hesitant.

There's no rush, this is a good time to draw talismans together and cultivate feelings.

Diamond talisman, elementary and intermediate talisman.

It's several times more troublesome than the Rejuvenation Talisman.

Just drawing one takes about an hour.

Xiantian Seven Star Grass is originally more than one year old.

On average, Zhang Tian Ping can ripen seven plants in ten years in one day.

Even if two people practice for one day from morning to night, it is enough.

During practice, Ji Changqing used a gold Zhu pen.

Metallic aura draws diamond talismans.

There is an absolute advantage.

It will definitely be much faster to master.

With the gold Zhu pen, you can draw more Vajra symbols and save some time.

For Han Yunzhi practice, you can use any pen.

Anyway, as long as you improve your proficiency, the success rate doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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