Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 76 Getting to know Shangguan and the Zhao family

Chapter 76 Getting to know Shangguan and the Zhao family

Ji Changqing unfolded his consciousness and walked down the river.

Under his consciousness, the green light sword under his feet was a little eye-catching, and he changed it to the Xuantian Sword.

If it weren't for the rugged mountain road, Ji Changqing felt that riding a bull would be safer.

The light reflected from the river surface illuminated his hazy figure.

The mask looked a little suspicious, so I thought about it and put it away.

After tidying up my clothes a little, I found a mirror and looked in the mirror. I nodded with satisfaction.

At first glance, he looks like a decent person.


Ji Changqing ascended into the air with his sword, and everyone said that he could see far from the height he stood.

But when we rose to a thousand feet high in the sky, we couldn't see anything except clouds and mist.

I could only vaguely see several high mountains shrouded in clouds and mist, blocking all sight.

And the higher it flies, the faster the mana flows away.

He could only descend to a low altitude, take a piece of Huiqi Powder, and fly towards the mountain.

After flying for dozens of miles, the sect failed to find it, and the spiritual energy became increasingly thinner.

Ji Changqing realized that he was going in the opposite direction, or had passed by, so he turned back.

We walked around for several hours until noon.

I found wisps of green smoke rising from the bank of the forest river, and it looked like someone was lighting a fire.

And there are quite a few.

Ji Changqing saw it from a kilometer away.

He quickly put away his flying sword and hid in the treetops nearby to observe from a distance.

Just in case of an accident, I hold a diamond talisman in my hand and can activate it at any time.

Unless there is a foundation period for one kilometer, it should be difficult to detect.


Just when he thought this, two birds flew towards him, crossed an afterimage, and flew to the tree in the blink of an eye.

The two yellow birds didn't come close, and circled the big tree, chirping.

It's actually a spiritual beast.

Ji Changqing's heart tightened, realizing that he had been discovered.

Just as he was about to moisten his skin, a young man flew up from the green smoke, emerged from the woods, and came towards him with a sword.

The man is in a green shirt, about 20 years old, with a handsome smile and a ninth level of Qi cultivation.

I saw him coming alone, and I didn't notice any hostility.

Ji Changqing is not in a hurry. He is lost and wants to find a monk to ask for directions.

"Fellow Daoist, I want to join the Moon Covering Sect." The man crossed his arms, raised his head and stood upright. He smiled when he spoke, looking sunny and handsome.

The pair of yellow birds flew obediently to his shoulders.

When Ji Changqing heard this, he seemed to have met his rightful owner.

Judging from his attire, he looks a bit like a martial artist.

Ji Changqing pushed aside the leaves, flew out, cupped his hands slightly, and asked politely: "Fellow Taoist, I am a monk of the Hiding Moon Sect."

The young man took a closer look, lost his focus slightly, lowered his arms, and returned the salute: "Yue Yue Sect, Shangguan Junsheng."

Finally no more wandering around.

Ji Changqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief and introduced himself: "Rogue cultivator, Ji Changqing."

"Your surname is Ji?" Shangguan Junsheng murmured softly, looking him up and down.

In my impression, among the immortal cultivating families nearby, there should be no Ji family.

But his appearance is really stunning.

He has practiced Qi at the seventh level at a young age and is a casual cultivator, so he must have good spiritual abilities.

When the arrogant female cultivators from the sect saw this person, they didn't know what to think of their expressions.

Shangguan Junsheng couldn't help but look forward to it.

"I want to join the Hidden Moon Sect." Shangguan Junsheng asked in a determined tone.

Ji Changqing nodded slightly.

"Come with me." He said and turned around with his sword.

Facing a strange monk, exposing his back was probably because he was confident in his own strength and identity.

Ji Changqing held the Vajra Talisman tightly in her palms and followed him, always keeping a few body distances.

Shangguan Junsheng saw his movements in his eyes.

Most of these casual cultivators who have survived to this day are cautious, but this one is even more cautious. They all say they are from the Hidden Moon Sect, and they act like they are guarding against thieves.

"Senior brother, I would like to advise you, if you enter the sect in the future, try to stay aloof."

Ji Changqing asked in confusion: "Why is this?"

Shangguan Junsheng looked at him twice and patiently explained: "You may not know that in our sect, the status of female cultivators is generally higher than that of male cultivators. Some dual cultivation techniques are passed on to women but not to men."

"If male cultivators want to practice cultivation, they can only rely on female cultivators."

"Based on your appearance, if you are not aloof, Dinglu will not be so, but there will definitely be many female cultivators coming to your door."

"That's really troublesome. Thank you, senior brother, for reminding me." Ji Changqing put away his expression and became serious.

Shangguan Junsheng's eyes twitched. For some reason, it seemed to have the opposite effect. His cold appearance made him more attractive.

Approaching the green smoke, Ji Changqing hovered with his sword and did not move forward.

His spiritual consciousness sensed that there were at least thirty casual cultivators on the river bank, as well as a woman in purple.

Shangguan Junsheng turned around in confusion: "Don't worry, those monks are all people like you who want to join the sect."

Seeing that he still had doubts, he smiled and explained: "Our sect has a large-scale mystery array."

"Not just any monk can get close at will."

"Without our guidance, it would be difficult for casual cultivators to find the sect's location."

"We have accepted the mission from the sect and are responsible for bringing in loose cultivators nearby."

Ji Changqing was speechless. No wonder he walked around in circles and searched for several hours without any clue.

"Junior brother, do you have spirit stones?" Shangguan Jun was afraid that he would be suspicious, so he continued: "We are not taking you to the sect to do good deeds. We have two spirit stones for each person, and the price is clearly marked."

"This task is considered a hidden benefit. If my junior brother takes over this task in the future, it can be the same. The sect will acquiesce."

No wonder he is so active and even raises two searching birds.

The pay for this mission is not low.

Thirty casual cultivators would be worth 60 yuan of spirit stones.

It doesn't matter if you think about it, it's impossible to receive such a mission.

Is your surname Shangguan?

Seeing his hesitation, Shangguan Junsheng thought he didn't have two spiritual stones.

There are many such casual cultivators, and as long as they are not family cultivators, they rarely see spiritual stones.

"It's okay if you don't have spiritual stones, elixirs, medicinal materials, or magic weapons."

Shangguan Junsheng lowered his head and looked at the Xuantian Sword at his feet.

Although it is a low-grade magic weapon, I can make do with it if I have no other choice.

Ji Changqing has ten spirit stones.

But he didn't want to give it.

Spiritual stones, like elixirs, are hard currency and can be used in many places.

Such as formations, training, puppets, etc.

Ji Changqing has no shortage of elixirs, medicinal materials, talismans, and even spiritual beasts.

Only the spirit stone is difficult to deal with.

When dealing with others, you will try to cause trouble.

The elixir has not been refined.

Ji Changqing thought for a while and took out a ten-year-old seven-star grass from his storage bag.

"Senior brother, I don't have any spiritual stones. This is a medicinal plant that I was lucky enough to find after a lot of hard work. I don't know if it's enough."

Shangguan Junsheng took it and took a look. He naturally recognized the Seven Star Grass. The roots looked like they were just unearthed. The leaves looked good, well preserved and had a strong medicinal fragrance.

At least ten years!
Shangguan Junsheng estimated that after turning it over, there were twelve talismans and five spiritual stones. This one could make at least seven talismans.

made money!

Shangguan Junsheng leisurely tightened the storage bag: "Follow me, my Taoist companion is here, don't worry, those casual cultivators don't dare to act recklessly."

Ji Changqing nodded and followed.

"Why so slow?" The woman in purple asked, raising her eyebrows.

Shangguan Junsheng scratched his head and stepped forward, quickly took out the seven-star grass, and said with a smile, "Isn't this collecting the toll for the lady?"

The woman in purple checked her eyes and then turned her eyes to Chi Ji Changqing.

He was about to say something, but when he saw his appearance, he swallowed his words again, got up and walked towards Ji Changqing.

Shangguan Junsheng smiled bitterly, knowing that his wife would react like this, which made Ji Changqing become colder.

He had no choice but to follow.

Not only her, but also the casual cultivators eating grilled fish nearby all looked sideways.

After Ji Changqing landed, he stood at the outermost edge of the crowd without saying a word, looking at them lightly without any unnecessary expression on his face.

"Madam, his name is Ji Changqing, a casual cultivator." Shangguan Junsheng introduced her.

"this is me……"

"Did I let you say it?"

Shangguan Junsheng choked.

"My name is Zhao Xian'er, Taoist friend, your surname is yours."

Zhao Xianer is pretty and has a good figure, but her lips are thin and her eyebrows are slightly pointed.

He seems a bit mean and hard to get along with.

There are no bubbles, just a mortal one.

Ji Changqing suddenly lost interest.

"Ji Changqing, casual cultivator."

(End of this chapter)

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