Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 77 The background of the Hidden Moon Sect

Chapter 77 The background of the Hidden Moon Sect

Ji Changqing's attitude was calm, and Shangguan Junsheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how good-looking the man is, his wife is always aloof.

It's not like you have a hot face but a cold butt.

What he didn't know was.

Zhao Xianer was really moved, and even regretted practicing dual cultivation too early.

I'm used to seeing him nod and bend down, but his aloof personality is nothing like those weaklings.

Even if you can't be a Taoist companion, it's great to have someone by your side to keep your eyes peeled.

Seeing that he was serious in speech, Zhao Xianer was not annoyed and chuckled: "Who is He Linggen, Fellow Taoist?"

Ji Changqing hesitated slightly: "Spiritual roots?"

"Spiritual roots are the basis for our cultivation of immortality, allowing us to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

Zhao Xianer knew that he was a casual cultivator and had no knowledge inheritance, so he even explained it to him.

Some casual cultivators also gathered around, and they knew little about spiritual roots.

"The best one is of course Tianlinggen. For hundreds of years, only Elder Nangong has Tianlinggen."

"I heard that it caused a huge sensation at that time, and our Supreme Elder personally came forward to accept him as his personal disciple."

"So far, the Supreme Elder has only accepted three direct disciples."

"Everything has Tianling roots."

This information is not considered secret among the Seven Sects.

There had been a lot of commotion back then, and in the world of immortality, no one knew about it, and no one knew about it.

Some of the female cultivators who gathered around did not know their own spiritual roots.

When Zhao Xianer said this, her eyes were full of yearning and expectation.

Some family monks looked on with cold eyes and laughed secretly. These casual monks also wanted to become Tianlinggen, which was simply a dream.

Their spiritual roots have long been known, so naturally they don’t hope that these people have any good spiritual roots.

"I don't expect any of you to have any spiritual roots."

"Just bring more twin spirit roots." Zhao Xian'er glanced around, then turned his eyes back to Ji Changqing's face, his expression softened a lot.

"Thank you, senior sister, for telling me." Ji Changqing felt tired from saying another word.

After hearing this, his heart sank.

I just hope it doesn't cause too much trouble.

If there really is any Supreme Elder who accepts a disciple, who can withstand it?

As far as he knew, this so-called Supreme Elder was not the ancestor of the Pill Formation.

But the old monster Yuanying.

Even the middle Nascent Soul stage!
She has three apprentices, the first two are Nangong Wan's senior sister and senior brother.

I heard that he is still a Taoist monk.

Except for Nangong Wan, both of them are Yuanying old monsters.

As the head of the seven sects, the Hidden Moon Sect relies on three Nascent Souls to take charge.

Most of the other seven sects only have one Nascent Soul.

Ji Changqing has a pill-forming master, which is enough pressure.

Another Nascent Soul, I really can’t stand it.

He just wants to develop in a low-key manner alone, and then take Taoist companions into the Hidden Moon Sect, or join other sects.

Zhao Xianer nodded slightly: "We will wait for another two days, and there should be other casual cultivators coming."

Ji Changqing was invited to go to the middle, but he refused because he was not used to being surrounded by people.

Zhao Xianer was not angry either, and even moved the bonfire next to him and started chatting with him.

It turns out that this group of people has been waiting here for nearly half a month.

I heard that there are teams in the southeast, northwest, and southeast near the sect.

They all accepted the same mission as Zhao Xianer.

Anyone who can take on such a task must be from a family of Immortal Cultivators of the Hidden Moon Sect, and their ancestors all have at least one Pill-forming Ancestor.

Zhao Xianer told him that there are currently ten alchemy monks in the Hidden Moon Sect.

This is not a secret about cultivating immortals.

Because of the appearance of every monk in the alchemy stage.

Almost every sect holds a celebration and celebrates grandly, and it will soon spread throughout the local immortal world.

The reason why the Hidden Moon Sect can become the number one immortal sect in the Yue Kingdom.

Except for the foundation-building period, which has thousands of disciples, far more than other sects.

The monks in the Dan-formation stage also far outnumbered the other sects in numbers.

Not to mention there are three Nascent Souls.

This is the essence of a sect.

Ji Changqing feels slightly that his Ji family currently has no foundation, and there is still a long way to go.

The reason why Zhao Xianer told them this was more for propaganda.

Let these casual cultivating families know how powerful the Hiding Moon Sect is.

These people must have some unqualified spiritual roots for casual cultivators.

After returning, it will also have a certain publicity effect and attract more casual cultivators to come.

Regardless of whether you meet the qualifications or not, you can earn two spiritual stones by leading the way.

Not only that, this mission also comes with generous sect rewards.

Bring a double spiritual root to the sect and be rewarded with five spiritual stones.

Fifty spiritual roots.Various spirits, depending on the situation.

There can be hundreds of good ones such as three yang bodies.

As for the legendary Tianling Root, it has to be increased ten times.

This is why they, as disciples of aristocratic families, are willing to wait here for half a month even if they don't practice.

The forces of the Hidden Moon Sect are intertwined, and there are too many disciples in the family. This task must be rotated every half month.

There is a reason why Hidden Moon Sect gives out this mission reward.

In the past, some families would secretly test the qualifications of these casual cultivators.

It's obviously a strange spiritual root, fill up the double spiritual roots, and then secretly win over the family.

After the senior officials of the Hidden Moon Sect found out, they couldn't beat him to death with a stick.

In order to prevent these families from messing around, there is such a task.

After hearing this, Ji Changqing even wanted them to fill in the blanks.

It's a pity that this loophole has been closed.

For the next two days, Ji Changqing found a tree hole to camp nearby.

Apart from eating during the day, I rarely go out.

The trees here absorb spiritual energy, and most of them are towering trees, with many tens of feet tall.

When you are hungry, just like them, fish in the river and grill them.

During this period, dozens of casual cultivators also came.

More than half of them were eliminated before they even went to the sect.

It's not because of spiritual roots, but because most of the male cultivators have crooked melons and cracked dates.

The Banyue Sect is not only the first sect in the Yue Kingdom, but also has a cloud of beauties, and even offers marriage partners.

Naturally, there are many casual cultivators who want to take advantage of others.

Three days later, the number of casual cultivators gathered by Zhao Xianer increased from thirty to more than forty.

Most of them have cultivation levels beyond the sixth level of Qi training.

A few have even reached the tenth level of Qi training, the same level as Zhao Xianer.

Seventy percent of them are female nuns.

And most of them are good-looking, and their charm is over thirty, which is outstanding.

Unfortunately, the bubble rewards are nothing outstanding.

There are fewer male cultivators because the requirements for appearance are stricter.

Everything that looked ordinary was brushed off.

This is why the Hidden Moon Sect is so willful.

In the early morning, the first ray of golden sunshine shines from the clouds.

Seeing that the task time has come.

Zhao Xianer sacrificed the flying magic weapon.

A silver whip.

Let the casual cultivators follow and set off towards the sect.

Shangguan Junsheng lowered his head and climbed on cautiously.

Ji Changqing found it interesting and silently followed the team at the end.

During this period, he was invited by Zhao Xianer, but he decisively refused.

He doesn't have any special hobbies.

Ji Changqing turned his back to the sun and shuttled among the clouds and mist.

In just half an hour, we came halfway up a mountain.

Zhao Xianer found a towering tree and made everyone stop.

Then he took out a token, and the token flashed, clearing the clouds and revealing the sun.

There were no towering trees in front of him. Instead, there was a giant ship.

The bow of the ship looks like a golden phoenix, and the hull is carved from sapphire, nearly ten feet high.

The outer wall of the ship is covered with gold foil, depicting dragons and phoenixes, which is extremely luxurious.

The giant ship was moored in the sea of ​​clouds in the valley, but it didn't fall down.

Everyone was stunned and marveled at what kind of miraculous workmanship it was to be able to do this.

"Tianyue Shenzhou, our Hidden Moon Sect, has this kind of large flying magic weapon."

Zhao Xian'er raised her chin slightly, with pride in her tone that anyone could see.

The Tianyue Shenzhou was close to a cliff, which was flattened with a sword and turned into a harbor.

Everyone followed Zhao Xian'er as they flew close to the port. The fog quickly gathered and turned into a towering tree again.

Ji Changqing landed with his feet on the ground, put away his flying sword, and found an obelisk next to the clearing.

The obelisk is several long and tall, with three large golden characters engraved on it.

Concealing the Moon Sect!
This air port is the mountain gate of the Hidden Moon Sect.

To the left of the port, there is a three-story ancient building, which is magnificent and eye-catching.

The air port is a bit like an ancient building courtyard.

Nearly a hundred casual cultivators were waiting in the middle of the courtyard.

The leaders were three women in purple and three men in blue.

See them all coming.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started." A misty female voice came from the ancient building.

(End of this chapter)

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