Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 78: Warm and hospitable Yanyue Sect

Chapter 78: Warm and hospitable Yanyue Sect

Everyone turned around in search of the sound and saw two women in palace clothes flying out of the gate of the ancient building.

Also purple, their clothes are more gorgeous.

"Uncle Zhao, Uncle Li!"

Zhao Xian'er and several other disciples of the Moon Covering Sect came forward one after another and bowed their hands in greeting.

They looked extremely respectful, and it was obvious that the two of them had unusual identities.

Ji Changqing felt a slight sense of oppression from them.

It can also be known from their names that the two of them are at least senior foundation builders.

The two women nodded slightly, with a proud attitude, and glanced at the casual cultivators present with frosty expressions on their faces.

"It's such a mess, how can it be decent?"

Uncle Zhao's words spread throughout the courtyard, and the sound waves carried the pressure of spiritual consciousness, shocking everyone into silence.

Zhao Xianer and others quickly asked them to line up and stepped forward one by one to test their spiritual roots.

The team is divided into four columns.

Ji Changqing waited for them to line up, then set off slowly and stood at the end of Zhao Xianer's row.

He wanted to do the last test to make them happy first, otherwise it would be too shocking.

While they were queuing up, the two uncles scanned it with their spiritual consciousness and nodded secretly.

This time, the number of people was good, and the quality of the male practitioners was not bad, but it was a bit small, and the majority were female practitioners.

When they scanned to the end and saw Ji Changqing, they were all happy.

Uncle Zhao walked towards him and asked softly: "Where is it? What is it called?"

"Lanzhou Loose Cultivator, Ji Changqing." Ji Changqing didn't want to call himself a follower, so he had to say Lanzhou.

Other casual cultivators around him also noticed him.

They all looked at each other.

Uncle Zhao circled around him, even took a hand, raised his chin, and looked at him carefully.

"She looks pretty good. Come with me. You will be the first to test."

Ji Changqing looked at Shangguan Junsheng, is this what you call aloof?

Shangguan Junsheng shifted his gaze, as if he had nothing to do with me.

"Don't worry, even if you have three spiritual roots, I can make an exception and let you be my Taoist companion."

Uncle Li next to her heard the voice transmission to her clearly.

Secretly lamenting that someone is shameless. The Taoist monk has just died, but he wants to eat young grass.

Then he glared at her Shizhi. He was really useless and useless. Such a good idea was snatched away by others.

The woman in purple surnamed Li looked innocent.

Ji Changqing was brought to the forefront and was the first to test his qualifications.

Feeling the gaze, he turned his back to everyone.

The two uncles didn't do any ink, and each took out a transparent glass ball magic weapon.

He said nothing and let them line up.

A female cultivator came forward and took the spiritual root test with Ji Changqing.

She dragged the glass ball in her palm to output magic power.

In the glass ball, two light groups, one red and one green, emerged.

Uncle Li nodded slightly and shouted in a clear voice: "Fire and wood have double spiritual roots, qualified."

The crowd should have been surprised, but now they fell into an eerie silence.

She was a little surprised that there was no movement next to her, so she turned her head and rolled her eyes.

She froze.

Pupils constricted.

gold! !
Uncle Zhao was stunned for a long time, his lips trembled, and he said word by word: "Gold, gold, Tianlinggen!"

"This is impossible!"

"It's actually Tianlinggen."

"Didn't you say it happens once in a hundred years? You can't be lying, right? Maybe I also have Tianlinggen."

"Quick, go and inform Master!" Uncle Li immediately realized the importance of this matter.

This person is no longer something they can handle.

After she finished speaking, all the disciples of the Hidden Moon Sect rushed to their family's land and must notify their ancestors as soon as possible.

The scene became riotous at one point.

Everyone's focus is concentrated.

Master Zhao was afraid that there might be something wrong with the magic ball, so he tested it several times with Master Li's.

Without exception, all gold.

They also tried to test themselves, and there was no problem with the magic ball.

The problem is this casual cultivator.

The Heavenly Spirit Root has not appeared in the Hidden Moon Sect for hundreds of years.

Today, they actually met them.


Fearing that something might happen to him, Ji Changqing was invited to the ancient building alone by the two women.

Spiritual roots are no longer in the mood to test.

The disciples outside were left hanging like this.

Zhao Xianer and others rushed back to the clan area and notified the elders as soon as possible.As the commotion in the sect became louder and louder, it spread to hundreds and thousands, and everyone knew that a Tianlinggen had arrived at the mountain gate.

In less than a quarter of an hour, various magical instruments flickered in the clouds, and monks of all levels were crowded outside the ancient building.

When they heard the news, they came, scaring the casual cultivators so much that they huddled in the corner and trembled.

The people standing outside were all qi-training monks, and the foundation-building seniors crowded in, most of them female cultivators.

Ji Changqing was drinking tea well, but now he can't even move his fingers.

I don’t know who started it, but touched him, and then got out of control and everyone surrounded him.

They all want to find him as a Taoist couple.

Originally, the ratio of men to women in the Biyue Sect was seriously imbalanced.

Now that a Tianlinggen has arrived and is extremely beautiful, they will naturally seize the opportunity.

Fortunately, the sect's movement alerted some retreat elders.

They flew out of the cave, turned into escaping light, rushed into the sky, and arrived at the mountain gate in the blink of an eye.

"All go out."

An old voice sounded in the hall. It was originally noisy, but it became quiet in the blink of an eye.

"Yes, elder." They bowed respectfully, with a hint of unwillingness in their expressions.

The hall returned to calm.

Ji Changqing stood up and sat down, adjusting his clothes. Fortunately, he protected his cheeks to keep his innocence.

These women are simply crazy.

And that coldness is of no use at all.

If you don’t have the strength, you can only be manipulated by others.

"Little friend."

A lazy voice sounded in my ears out of thin air.

When Ji Changqing heard the sound, he noticed that a strange old man gradually appeared on the seat next to him.

He wore a blue shirt that had been patched several times, had slightly short hair, and carried a white washed green cloth bag around his waist.

He seems to be a very clean person.

But his face was greasy and dark, and his true appearance could not be seen.

Like a person who goes to the mines to dig out coal and hasn't had a bath in months.

The old man raised his hand and poured a cup of tea. The back of his outstretched hand was greasy and shiny.

Ji Changqing suspected that mosquitoes would break their legs if they stood on them.

That's what he thought, but obviously, this person was extraordinary.

"Senior." He stood up and was about to say hello when he sat down.

"We at Biyue Sect are hospitable and don't engage in such nonsense."

It's quite enthusiastic.

Ji Changqing introduced himself.

"My surname is Qiong, you can just call me Senior Qiong."

He has an easy-going attitude and doesn't look like an ancestor of the Pill Formation.

"Senior Qiong." As soon as Ji Changqing finished speaking, his wrist was pinched.

The greasy feeling, like the yellow dirt on the rim of the toilet, was so greasy that he almost got goosebumps.

Fortunately, he just used his spiritual sense to investigate.

"It's a good seedling." Old Monster Qiong sighed, "If I were a hundred years younger, I would have to fight for it no matter what."

As soon as he finished speaking, several of the Pill Formation Ancestors who were escaping towards him froze.

An old female voice accurately sounded in the ears of several people from a hundred miles away from the entire sect: "Come to the sect hall."

Ji Changqing didn't hear any sound.

"Little friend, please wait here for a moment. You should be out in a while."

Before he could finish his words, the person disappeared out of thin air.

With this elusive movement, Ji Changqing didn't feel safe at all around him.

Even if he had left, the monks from the Hiding Moon Sect outside the door did not dare to come in again.

Uncle Zhao and Uncle Li's faces were all red.

This time he has obviously made a great contribution and should be able to get a lot of contributions.

They continued to practice casually and test their spiritual roots.

It's like winning a lottery, looking forward to another heavenly spiritual root, or another spiritual root.

Many monks from the Hiding Moon Sect flew into the air to watch.

This much attention was brought about only by one person.

These casual cultivators are under great pressure.

When the results came out one by one, not even half of the twin spiritual roots were left.

The person who was tested felt extremely disappointed and ashamed under the strong contrast.

Ji Changqing no longer dares to go out, fearing that others will eat him alive.

Fortunately, it wasn't him who was watching.

After an unknown amount of time, the teapots were all emptied, and a woman in imperial attire, with a purple veil on her pretty face and a ring of flames at her feet, appeared in the hall.

"follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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