Chapter 79 Nangong Wan

Nangong Wan: Charm 49 (+28) (peerless)

Taoist Companion Reward: Talent: Samsara (Soul Strength +100%, Charm +10)

Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Reincarnation Pill*1
Another golden bubble!
Ji Changqing looked at it several times to confirm that he saw it correctly, it was not orange.

A talent, plus a pill.

It's outrageous that it's gold.

Moreover, Ji Changqing has this kind of talent himself.

Talent: Traveler (soul strength +100%, charm +10)

Ji Changqing admitted that the increase in soul strength is indeed useful.

Not only is the soul strengthened, but the consciousness is doubled.

This kind of talent can strengthen oneself, which is not bad.

It just feels like it, compared with the Demon Refining Pot and the Palm Heaven Bottle.

The bubble rating is a bit exaggerated.

Ji Changqing followed him onto the ring without asking any questions.

It was just a little unexpected that he met Nangong Wan so easily.

She was wearing a veil and her appearance could not be seen clearly.

Ji Changqing didn't squint, but he didn't look around at her either.

To avoid giving a bad impression.

He always values ​​first impressions.

He also has no shortage of Taoist companions.

He subconsciously thought that in his current state, it would be more reliable to think more about cultivation than Nangong Wan as a Taoist companion.

Although Nangong Wan turned her back to him, she was always paying attention to Ji Changqing.

Seeing that his eyes were clear and he was neither humble nor arrogant, he didn't ask any nonsense words.

The dissatisfaction in his heart has dissipated a lot, and he is also an innocent person.

Nangong Wan sighed secretly.

Take him and leave the mountain gate in the eyes of many juniors.

Seeing people leaving, the monks from the Hidden Moon Sect began to talk about it.

"Is that Master Nangong?"

"I heard that Grandmaster Nangong also has Heavenly Spiritual Roots."

"It seems we have no chance. Such a good junior brother, I still want to choose him for the Double Cultivation Ceremony."

"Don't you have a Taoist companion?"

"I've already guessed it. In the past, the spiritual roots were allocated to the leader's lineage."

Some family monks knew the inside story, secretly transmitted messages, and started chatting with the Taoist monks next to them.

In their opinion, the only one who has a good relationship with the great elder is Nangong Wan.

Nangong Wan does not have any family power, and has not even found a Taoist couple for so many years.

It's no wonder that the great elder is relieved of her.

The Grand Elder's deadline is approaching and he will definitely not accept any disciples.

The two disciples would not be willing to leave Tianlinggen to the family.

The most likely outcome will fall on Nangong Wan.

It's a pity that she only cultivates the alchemy, and when the great elder leaves, she will be unable to support herself.

Several Danjie elders were observing in secret.

It is definitely not a good thing for them that the Hidden Moon Sect suddenly has a spiritual root.

The Banyue Sect is the strongest sect in the Yue Kingdom.

They don't have any sense of crisis.

There are only so many sect resources in total.

Every time there is an additional elder, a large part of the resources will be taken away.

Just take the Foundation Building Pill as an example.

The share will be smaller, and there will be fewer family disciples and foundation builders in the future.

It's okay if you get Tianlinggen, but if you don't get it, that's a bad thing.

As for the increased strength of the sect, it would not be of any benefit to them.

You can't attack other sects.

The seven factions of the Yue Kingdom have already formed a balance.

Once the Hidden Moon Sect dares to take action, other sects will unite.

This is also how weak sects survive.

Nangong Wan ignored those fellow disciples who were spying secretly.

Ji Changqing really held his breath, said nothing, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Nangong Wan looked angry and funny.

"Is there nothing you want to ask?"

Ji Changqing opened his eyes: "You can't change anything even if you ask. I'm just a young monk practicing Qi. I will go wherever my senior takes me."

"You can see clearly." Nangong Wan rolled her beautiful eyes.

She was silent for a while and asked: "Have you found a Taoist companion in the secular world?"

Ji Changqing nodded, wanting to see that his Yuanyang was missing, so he asked this question.

Nangong Wan frowned slightly.

"If I say that I will accept you as my direct disciple, will you agree?" She asked tentatively.

Ji Changqing was silent for a while, shook his head and said, "I forgive this junior for refusing."

"If the senior conquered by force, then the senior didn't say anything."

Ji Changqing still has some doubts about Qiu Ningyue, so he immediately added something.Nangong Wan turned her back to him and rolled her eyes again: "I just wanted to compliment you, forget it, practice with me first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

She is clearly over a hundred years old, but her temperament is still that of a little girl.

"Thank you for your understanding, senior. I will be evergreen in the next season. May I ask my senior's name?"

"Nangong Wan."

"Remember." She specifically warned.

Ji Changqing nodded slightly: "Thank you, Senior Nangong, for telling me."

"Where are you from?"

"People from Lanzhou."

"Where are you from Lanzhou?"

"From Lanzhou."

Nangong Wan: "."

Nangong Wan might have had no one to chat with for too long, but she actually started chatting with him.

Not only were they asked where he was from and who his ancestors were, but he was even asked about his Taoist companions.

This is a household check-style question.

If Ji Changqing doesn't want to go back, he just goes through with it.

Nangong Wan's personality is much better than Qiu Ningyue's.

She will not bully the younger generation with her hands and feet.

The two chatted for a while, then rose from the clouds and came to a cave.

I didn't see her take out any formation disks.

The two entered the large formation, the purple shield flashed, the space changed, and the two successfully entered the cave.

Immortal cultivators all talk about caves, but Ji Changqing thought they were all in caves.

Unexpectedly, she built many mansions on the top of the mountain directly in the open air.

It looks like an ancient imperial palace.

The furniture inside is also antique.

It's just that the large array of caves outside blocked spiritual perception and even vision.

It looks like an ordinary mountain.

"From now on, you can practice hard here and don't go anywhere." Nangong Wan warned.

"Can't we go down the mountain?" Ji Changqing asked specifically. After all, he still had a group of Taoist companions.

Without the elixir, their cultivation progress would be very slow.

Seeing the strength of the Hidden Moon Sect, he was eager to develop the family's power.


Nangong Wan objected: "You don't know how many people are staring at you."

"The news about your Tianlinggen will soon spread."

"Even in the sect, it is not necessarily safe. Practice well and wait until you build the foundation."

Seeing that what she said made sense, Ji Changqing had no choice but to nod.

There is nothing we can do about the elixir.

When Ji Changqing left, each person left a diamond talisman.

That's no ordinary diamond talisman
The reverse side of the diamond talisman has the rune imprint of the teleportation talisman, which is actually a teleportation talisman.

Ji Changqing has long considered the special nature of Tianlinggen.

Just in case I really can't get it off, I'll keep it as a backup plan.

Ji Changqing only needs to pass through Xiantian and tell them how to activate it.

Even if they are thousands of miles apart, two people can meet in the world of the pot.

The function of the demon refining pot is simply too convenient.

The only drawback is that both parties have to find a safe time and place to teleport.

As for whether the demon refining pot will be exposed, there is no need to worry.

Ji Changqing can divide a small area in space.

as a transfer point.

It is equivalent to a small secret realm.

In the secret realm, let alone see the demon refining pot itself.

I can't even get out of this corner of the world, I can't feel it.

Ji Changqing has experimented that he can put the demon refining pot into the bubble space and teleport.

It's a pity that teleportation takes time, otherwise it would be a good way to save one's life. Once teleported, no one can find him.

The spiritual energy in the space is thin and temporarily uninhabitable.

And it will be teleported back in place, fearing that people will squat down.

There is only one maid in the cave.

Nangong Ping.

She was probably the maid kept by Nangong Wan.

When she saw Nangong Wan bringing a strange male cultivator into the cave, her expression was wonderful.

Nangong Wan coughed lightly: "Ping'er, take him to choose a good training room."

Nangong Ping: "Yes."

"You will take care of his daily life from now on."


"One more thing, don't take him out of the cave."

Nangong Ping responded solemnly: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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