Chapter 80
After Nangong Wan finished her explanation, her eyes shifted to Ji Changqing.

Staring at him, he lowered his eyebrows and thought for a while, and finally just said to practice well.

Ji Changqing nodded, waited for her to leave, and couldn't help but ask: "Senior Sister, is Senior Nangong always like this?"

Nangong Ping covered his mouth and smiled, then made a silencing gesture.

"Come with me, I will take you to the training room."

"Trouble senior sister."

Ji Changqing followed him into a back courtyard. The aroma of medicine filled his nostrils, and he saw several acres of spiritual fields.

Colorful butterflies and bees are busy in the medicinal fields,

When I walked in, I saw that there were various kinds of medicinal materials such as Huang Jingzhi, Blood Spirit Grass and Qixingcao.

Judging from the color of the leaves, most of them are older than ten years.

There are almost no medicines that are hundreds of years old.

"I usually take care of the medicine field here. Junior brother can come anytime if you need anything."

Nangong Ping pointed to the small side room next to the medicine field, which was exquisite and compact.

"This is where I usually practice."

Ji Changqing nodded. He originally wanted to bring out the horns and ask her to help take care of him.

It’s better to forget it now.

She is also quite busy, taking care of the medicine field and also needs to practice.

Then he was taken to a training room.

The training room is inside the cliff.

Ji Changqing pushed open the stone door and felt the rich spiritual energy rushing toward his face, which was several times richer than outside.

In the middle of the room, there is a miniature spring that is constantly gurgling.

"This is?"

Ji Changqing was quite surprised and walked over in a few hurried steps.

Pick up a pool of spring water and observe carefully.

He thought it was just an ordinary training room, but he didn't expect such a good thing.

The rich spiritual energy in this house almost all comes from this spring.

"There are three spiritual spring eyes and master's cave here."

Nangong Ping's tone was a little proud, and then he gave him a little knowledge.

Speaking of spiritual springs, we have to mention the theory of cultivating the spiritual veins and spiritual eyes of the immortal world.

It turns out that spiritual energy is not evenly distributed between heaven and earth.

Some places are extremely dense, and over time, large and small spiritual veins will form.

The big spiritual veins stretch for thousands of miles, and the small ones also stretch for several miles.

But no matter how big or small, once these spiritual veins are formed.

The spiritual energy will be emitted continuously and will never dry up.

And these spiritual veins, where the spiritual energy is the strongest, may form spiritual eyes.

If the spiritual eye can exist for a long time, it will gradually take shape.

Forming the spiritual eye tree, the stone, the spring, and even the best spiritual eye bead.

The spiritual energy emitted by these spiritual eyes is far richer than ordinary spiritual eyes.

Meditating and practicing nearby can speed up your practice by at least [-]% to [-]%.

Most of this magical spiritual eye is in the hands of the elders of the seven sects.

For example, there are more than a dozen spiritual eye objects in Huangfeng Valley, and the Hidden Moon Sect has even more.

As an elder of Danjie, Nangong Wan was only given three items.

One is in her training room and the other is next to the medicine field.

The last piece was placed in this training room and given to Ji Changqing to practice.

What a surprise!

I would also like to thank Master Nangong.

The Hidden Moon Sect really came to the right place.

Taking the medicine of Tianlinggen, coupled with the Eye of Spiritual Spring, the speed was accelerated by [-]%.

He didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

Nangong Ping also saw that he couldn't wait, closed the door for him with a smile, and said that he could come to her anytime if anything happened.

Ji Changqing did not meditate for the first time.

After Nangong Ping leaves, check the stone door carefully.

Use jade to block the upper and lower gaps in the stone door and make sure that the spiritual consciousness cannot detect it, and then relax a little.

These days, he has also saved two drops of towering fortune dew.


Ji Changqing skillfully took out various medicinal materials processing tools from the storage bag.

Regarding refining medicine, he has been studying with Feng Wu.

From knowing nothing to having a photographic memory at the fifth level of Qi Refining, learning is very simple.

At present, he has three kinds of elixirs for strengthening the foundation and cultivating the Yuan, which are miraculous for Qi training up to the tenth level.

Huanglong Pill, Golden Marrow Pill, Blood Spirit Pill.

It has the effects of cleansing the menstruation and cutting the marrow, deepening the Dantian, and expanding the tendons and pulses.

Cleansing the meridians and cutting the marrow increases the qualifications and the speed of cultivation.

Deeply penetrate the Dantian, expand the muscles and pulse, and make the magic power more powerful.

The three kinds of elixirs have already been memorized by heart.

There is a restricted space in Xiantian specifically for him to ripen medicinal materials.

Ji Changqing's physique and spiritual consciousness allowed him to refine this ordinary elixir quickly and accurately.

Mistakes are rare.

In less than an hour, three bottles of each of the three types of elixirs were produced, and there were still some medicinal materials left.

Far enough.

Clean up the battlefield.Ji Changqing couldn't wait to start practicing. He pulled the futon next to the Eye of Spiritual Spring and sat down cross-legged.

Three kinds of elixirs were placed at his feet.

Starting with the golden marrow pills, Ji Changqing poured one, raised his head and swallowed it.

The spiritual energy in the room rushed into his body crazily.

It even produces a weak spiritual whirlpool.

If I absorbed spiritual energy before, I drank milk tea through a straw.

Now we use water pumps to pump the ponds wildly.

This aura is like substance. Every time it circulates for a week, the mana gained is many times more than before.

Finally, I can practice with peace of mind.

Ji Changqing paid no attention to worldly affairs and devoted himself to cultivation.

Lao Liu, Big Horn Cow is just like him. When he is hungry, he eats Bigu Pills.
One pill lasts ten days.

Ji Changqing's exclusive secret recipe of Bigu Dan uses medicinal materials that are more than ten years old.


In the Hidden Moon Sect, the sun rises and sets among the clouds.

The white snow melts, winter comes and spring comes.

Two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Nangong Wan ended a small retreat and came out for some air.

I took out some pastries and tasted them.

Thinking of the little one I brought two months ago, I don’t know how he is doing now.

With his heavenly spiritual root qualifications and the eye of the spiritual spring.

You should reach the eighth level of Qi training anyway.

Nangong Wan stepped into the back courtyard.

Nangong Ping squatted in the spiritual field, turned around when he heard the footsteps, put down the watering can in his hand, and walked over with small steps.

There was some anxiety between his eyebrows.

She told Ji Changqing in a few words,
"He hasn't gone out for two months, doesn't eat or drink?" Nangong Wan frowned slightly.

He was in the period of Qi training and had not yet reached the stage of foundation building.

I haven't even started eating grains yet. How could I go without eating or drinking for such a long time?

Maybe I brought it with me in the storage bag and ate it.

Nangong Wan was a little curious: "Come with me to have a look."

The two went to the stone door and knocked on the iron ring.

Ji Changqing heard the knock on the door and opened his eyes, with a calm expression on his face.

With a wave of his hand, he put the elixir and jade into the storage bag.

Then he took his time and stood up with his knees up. He felt as if there were roots under his feet and he was completely unconscious.

Two months have passed in the blink of an eye, and it is still judged based on the amount of demon blood.

Hearing the noise, Nangong Wan stepped back, and the stone door was pushed open from the inside out.

After the three met, they looked at each other.

"Ten levels of Qi training?"

Nangong Ping was relieved to see that he was fine.

As soon as he saw his cultivation level, his eyes widened and he exclaimed. He realized that his master was still there and quickly covered his mouth.

Nangong Wan noticed it as soon as they met. Not only was he practicing Qi at the tenth level, but he had even broken through to the tenth level. It might have taken several days.

This speed of cultivation can be said to be unheard of.

Not only is he talented, he also likes to practice hard. If she hadn't knocked on the door this time, Ji Changqing probably wouldn't have come out.

Nangong Wan also realized that he seemed to have found a treasure.

At his speed, it wouldn't take long to build the foundation.

"Senior Nangong." Ji Changqing greeted politely and led the two of them into the house.

Nangong Wan nodded slightly and secretly stuffed the cakes into the storage bag. As a senior, she was too embarrassed to eat while the junior was still practicing hard.

The training room was still the same as before, with nothing but the fountain of spiritual eyes and a futon.

"How did you do it, reaching the tenth level of Qi training in two months?" Nangong Wan glanced around and couldn't help but ask.

"Thanks to senior, this eye of spiritual spring greatly increases the speed of cultivation."

"Plus, I still have some pills."

"I see."

If you take pills, that's understandable.

Ji Changqing is now at the tenth level of Qi training and has reached the level where he can take the Foundation Building Pill.

Nangong Wan struggled for a while: "Originally, I planned to tell you later."

"Since you have already practiced Qi to the tenth level, you should also consider foundation building."

"According to the sect's regulations, if you start with Tianlinggen, you can get two foundation-building pills without any conditions."

Ji Changqing's eyes lit up after hearing this, "The benefits of the Moon Covering Sect are pretty good."


Ji Changqing: "..."

"Every five years, there is a round of Foundation Building Pills, and the places have already been allocated."

"According to regulations, Tianlinggen has priority in distribution, but this time, the elders of the sect will not give in unless you join their family."

"The sect has finally decided to postpone your Foundation Establishment Pill for five years."

"It's just Ping'er and me. We don't need the Foundation Establishment Pill, and I can't help you fight for it."

This is a battle of interests between sects and families.

Ji Changqing: "."

It's a joy to write together. After six years, the day lily will be cold.

(End of this chapter)

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