Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 81 Bloody Forbidden Land, Talisman

Chapter 81 Bloody Forbidden Land, Talisman
Although he was happy for nothing, he had no expectations.

Ji Changqing was not too disappointed.

He is not worried about foundation building.

Yan Qingqing still has one, waiting for him.

"You don't seem angry at all?" Nangong Wan felt a little strange about his calmness.

Ji Changqing was noncommittal: "Senior Nangong, can't Tianlinggen break through on its own?"

"No wonder you have nothing to fear."

"In my memory, none of the Heavenly Spiritual Roots have broken through on their own. Even I took Foundation Establishment Pills."

Nangong Wan thought for a moment between her brows.

"However, the bottleneck of the Heavenly Spiritual Root Connection Pill can be broken through on its own, so foundation building is no problem."

"It's just like the pill-forming bottleneck. It takes time and is slowly polished. It can take as short as half a year, as long as a year or even more."

"Perhaps you can take some elixirs to strengthen your body and speed up your breakthrough."

"Then I'll feel more relieved." Ji Changqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are quite open-minded. If it were someone else, a major matter like foundation building would have to be argued with by the sect."

"To the extreme, threatening to join other sects is possible."

Nangong Wan wore a veil and stared at him with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Ji Changqing shrugged: "The sect doesn't owe me anything, and I don't owe the sect anything. It's all mutual benefit."

"If the sect can give it, I will remember it well. If it doesn't, I won't be so shameless as to beg."

Nangong Wan felt the calmness and confidence in his words.

His remarks were extremely sensible.

Ji Changqing can be so rational, what he cares about is not just one or two Foundation Establishment Pills.

What he wanted was the main ingredient of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Several main medicines are the foundation of the sect, and there is a high probability that they can only be produced in the Bloody Forbidden Land.

It's almost impossible to get your hands on it.

Maybe you can entrust someone else to pick some seedlings in the forbidden area.

But there is a risk of exposing the Palm Heaven Vase.

As for other places, only Chaos Xinghai is easier to obtain Foundation Establishment Pills.

Let’s not talk about how to do the formation.

The Chaos Star Sea is definitely more dangerous than the Tiannan Continent.

The later stages of foundation building are not safe.

When you wait for the elixir to be formed, you don’t even know what happens in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

The Bloody Forbidden Land needs to be seriously considered.

In the past two months, Ji Changqing has also been thinking about another thing.

The source of his elixir!
Everything has two sides. The Tianling Root brings convenience and at the same time attracts attention everywhere.

If Ji Changqing had pseudo-spiritual roots, he wouldn't have to go to such trouble. He could just hide in a cave and no one cares about your realm.

With his nerdy personality, I wouldn't expect to see him for several years.

But he was right under Jie Dan's nose now.

Even the entire sect will pay attention to him.

After one or two months of practicing so quickly, I can still forcefully explain that there is still some leftover from before.

It's definitely a problem for long periods of time.

How could a casual cultivator get so many elixirs?

There must be a source of income from spiritual stones in order for people to believe that the source of his elixir is normal.

The way he thought of was to open a random shop in the city.

Regardless of whether you earn spiritual stones or not, at least others know that you have a shop, and that's enough.

Ji Changqing considers his own strength and economic conditions.

It is impossible to complete it in a short time just relying on him.

If you don't reveal your wealth and have no strength, it is a sin to cherish a treasure.

He needs a strong backer, a trustworthy partner.

In front of Senior Nangong, she is the best choice.

Currently, the only thing Ji Changqing can think of is the talisman.

This is the safest thing.

His technique for drawing talismans does not need to be explained too much.

There are always people with extraordinary talents, why, can't it be him, Ji Changqing?

What's more, his Tianlinggen is his greatest talent, and his Talisman talent is better. Isn't it normal for a genius?

Ji Changqing also thought about this matter for a long time.

There may be some risks, but they are much less risky than having a pill for no reason.

Next, we have to make plans for the Bloody Forbidden Land.

He needs spirit stones and buy some good magic weapons.

Ji Changqing stopped being indecisive when he thought about it.

"Senior, I heard from other casual cultivators that in one year, the Bloody Forbidden Land will be opened. It is the place where the most Foundation Establishment Pills can be obtained."

Nangong Ping's expression changed.

Even Nangong Wan next to him looked at him in disbelief.

"You want to go to the Bloody Forbidden Land?
"No, I advise you to give up. It's extremely dangerous there and the mortality rate is extremely high."

"In previous years, more than twenty disciples from each of the seven sects entered, and from some sects, only two or three people came out." "Can you guarantee that those two people are you?"

Although what Nangong Wan said was a bit exaggerated, the Bloody Forbidden Land was a real battlefield.

It is opened every five years, and only disciples below the foundation level can enter.

The death rate among the disciples who entered was more than three-quarters.

There are all kinds of elixirs from heaven and earth inside.

In the country of Yue, the only stable source of the three main medicines of Foundation Establishment Pill is the Bloody Forbidden Land.

The seven sects are building foundation pills to develop their sect strength.

Send disciples in to collect the elixir of heaven and earth.

After entering, all kinds of monsters inside are extremely dangerous.

What needs more attention is the disciples of various sects.

Even everyone is a competitor and not worthy of trust.

Over the past hundreds of years, as the Seven Sects mined it, there were fewer and fewer magical medicines inside.

Competition is also getting fiercer.

This is the main reason.

Rare resources are always an object of competition.

The Bloody Forbidden Land is naturally very dangerous.

However, Ji Changqing does not need to compete with others for mature elixirs.

All he wants is a seedling that no one cares about.

The risk will be reduced several times.

Compared to the elixir, the monster inside is also his biggest target.

Ji Changqing is just planning at the moment.

To enter, or not to enter.

After one year, it depends on your own strength.

But at least you have to plan ahead.

"Thank you for your concern, senior. I'm not sure at the moment, but there's still one year left, and I want to give it a try."

"You are Tianlinggen, and it is impossible for the sect to let you in." Nangong Wan shook his head and asserted.

Ji Changqing was noncommittal: "If this junior is really so important, there is no need to worry about the Foundation Establishment Pill."

"The sect also needs to weigh the interests. If this junior can bring benefits to the sect, the sect will let me in."

"In addition to the elders, they probably want me to go in the most."

Nangong Wan didn't think too deeply at first, but Ji Changqing said this.

It seemed like no one except her and the master would object.

If Ji Changqing comes out alive and brings more elixirs, everyone will be happy.

If Ji Changqing had not come out, the elders might have heaved a sigh of relief.

Nangong Wan figured this out and had no choice but to do so. This was the cruelest aspect of the world of immortality.

"Do you really want to enter the Bloody Forbidden Land?"

Ji Changqing pondered for a while: "There is a high probability that he will enter. It depends on how strong the junior is in a year."

Nangong Wan nodded: "If you really want to go in, your strength must be approved by me."

Ji Changqing felt the concern in her words.

For a person who has just been in contact with someone for a long time, giving good advice is a very valuable quality.

Ordinary people will most likely look at you with cold eyes, not caring about themselves.

The closer the relationship is, the more superficially you will persuade him not to go, but in your heart you will hope that he will go quickly.

Only a few people are like her.

This also shows that Senior Nangong is at least not bad-hearted.

Ji Changqing has been laying the groundwork for a long time. He said this just to have a reason for the next step.

He stopped beating around the bush and took out five talismans.

"This is the Vajra Talisman!"

Nangong Wan took it and checked it. The spiritual energy inside was abundant and stable, and they were all high-quality products.

This value is not low. I didn't expect that he, a casual cultivator, would have so many diamond talismans.

Nangong Wan is considered the poorest among many alchemy monks.

In addition to Jie Dan, the family has spread, with various shops and countless assets.

Nangong Wan is the only one whose biggest source of income is the annual salary from his position as a sect elder.

She doesn't kill people and seize treasures, and she loses her family.

I usually concentrate on practicing.

Apart from the occasional sect mission, there are really not many sources of spiritual stones.

From her magic weapon, it can be seen that Nangong Wan is really not rich.

As a natal magical weapon, the Suzaku Ring's attack power is actually inferior to that of a brick talisman.

To know.

The power of the talisman is only one-tenth of the magic weapon!

The Suzaku Ring itself is not a defensive weapon.

Even if it is not a full attack type, it still prefers to attack and control magic weapons.

Not only that, she also has very few talismans, only some control-type and intermediate talismans.

(End of this chapter)

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