Chapter 87 Free to come and go, honey

"Is this the Hidden Moon Sect?"

Ji Changqing came to Feng Wu so suddenly that he didn't have time to explain, so he brought her.

But Feng Wu still guessed where it was.

As soon as she entered the room, she felt the rich spiritual energy.

It is too obvious that the world of Demon Refining Pot is as barren as a desert for those who cultivate immortality.

Suddenly came to an oasis, all pores can relax.

Ji Changqing nodded, she has always been smart.

"The spiritual energy here is so rich." Feng Wu obviously likes this very much.

Ji Changqing feels that he should really get some spiritual eyes in the future.

Otherwise, the Demon Refining Pot will feel like abandoning the dog.

"Let's go back first, and then I will find a way to bring you into the sect."


There is also a pill-forming boss here, so we can’t let him go too far.

Ji Changqing brought Feng Wu here for verification.

Even if you haven’t been anywhere!
It can also be reached through another person! !
After Feng Wu nodded, she used the teleportation talisman as Ji Changqing said and disappeared into the practice room.

Just in case, Ji Changqing did not follow.

He turned his hand and offered up a dozen diamond talismans, which could all be turned into teleportation talismans.

Ji Changqing was about to take action, but felt it was inappropriate and put it away again.

Replace it with a rejuvenation charm.

It's such a waste to use the Diamond Talisman.

It takes several hours to successfully draw one.

The rejuvenation charm is still cheaper.

Even blank talisman paper will do.

It's just that there are runes on the talisman.

It can hide the teleportation runes of the Demon Refining Pot very well.

Ji Changqing activated the Demon Refining Pot and used his magic power to leave a teleportation rune on the reverse side of the Rejuvenation Talisman.

Fifty copies were made in a row.

That's enough for now.

Ji Changqing recited the formula and teleported it back to the Demon Refining Pot.

Feng Wu was waiting nearby. When Ji Changqing came back, she gave him the teleportation talisman.

Ji Changqing later wanted to join the Hidden Moon Sect.

In the Demon Refining Pot space, you can easily do this by using this teleportation talisman.

Such and such, it is not a complicated operation.

He easily got one, the Teleportation Talisman of the Hidden Moon Sect.

This is another incredible new discovery.

He can record the coordinates at any time through the teleportation talisman.

When Ji Changqing comes in, he uses the teleportation charm.

No teleportation talisman needed to go out!

This will give you a teleportation talisman with a space mark.

No matter where you are next time.

In the demon refining pot, use this teleportation talisman.

They will all return to the Hidden Moon Sect!
For the sake of safety.

Ji Changqing teleported back and forth alone.

A total of twelve are left, which are the teleportation talismans of the Hidden Moon Sect.

The next step is the second step.

Caihuan was still breastfeeding in the courtyard, shooting her bow left and right, and was very busy.

Ji Changqing originally planned to call her, but after thinking about it, he decided not to disturb her.

Otherwise, he will be scolded again and said that the father is indifferent.

Ji Changqing said something, and Yu'er gave him the teleportation talisman.

This picture of hers is from the cave outside the Hidden Moon Sect.

Ji Changqing took Feng Wu and recited the formula,

Teleportation flashes.

The two of them looked familiar with the cave hall.

Ji Changqing looked surprised.

Really back!
Across the Yanyue Sect's great formation, it was teleported dozens of miles away and arrived in a moment.

The key is that Feng Wu is also here.

She has never used this teleportation talisman!
What this means, I'm afraid only he knows.

It won’t just be him in the future.

As long as Ji Changqing keeps the teleportation charm, there is no need to worry about their safety.

Hold on for 1 minute and you can go to another place in the blink of an eye.

Don't be afraid of people staying where you are.

Doesn't help much in combat.


When it comes to escaping, no one can rush!
The key is that it takes 1 minute to teleport and cannot be moved, which is a bit troublesome.

Feng Wu was also familiar with the journey. She took the rejuvenation talisman and teleported it back alone.

Ji Changqing came in without consuming the teleportation charm.

Feng Wu handed him the teleportation talisman.

On the outskirts of the Hidden Moon Sect, I got a teleportation talisman.

Ji Changqing teleported out again and appeared in the peripheral cave.

Last time I came in from the periphery, and this time I came out from the periphery.

The coordinates of the Hidden Moon Sect are lost.

If it weren't for the advance, I would have left the Moon Covering Sect's teleportation talisman.

He couldn't get in.

Using the same method, Ji Changqing brushed twenty teleportation charms.

In and out forty times.

It took nearly an hour to activate the teleportation array.

The demon refining pot is so convenient.

Ji Changqing plans to take over the cave and the formation that covers the sky.

Think about it and forget it.It's safer to keep it out.

Get down to business.

My mind is much more relaxed.

These two findings are so important.

Even if they are allowed to join other sects, Ji Changqing doesn't have to worry.

Ji Changqing returns to the world of Demon Refining Pot.

Come to the yard, lie down on the bamboo chair and bask in the sun.

Several Taoist monks were breastfeeding.

Little Fuyao was almost half a month old, and Ji Changqing came over.

"Fuyao, be good and call me daddy."


"She is so young, how can she say that? She will have to wait at least a month." Yu'er laughed angrily at someone.

Ji Changqing taught her to call her daddy, but she could only say Baba.

Daddy's pronunciation was too forced for her.

But hearing that Baba was familiar made him happy.

Obviously only 19 years old.

Ji Changqing felt like he was old.

Blink already has five children.

Some monks are hundreds of years old, but they are still alone, leaving no trace in this world.

However, it is indeed a problem for children to drink milk.

If you want to drink, you must drink the best.

Ji Changqing stood up and Yu'er asked him where he was going.

"Get milk for the kids."

Ji Changqing left a message, activated the teleportation talisman of the Hidden Moon Sect, and returned to the training room smoothly.

Nangong Ping in the courtyard is busy making pastries again.

This time, there was a beehive next to her.

Some fist-sized bees, yellow and round in body.

Going in and out of the beehive, it was very busy.

It looks a bit bluffing.

Nangong Ping used the magic of controlling objects, scraping honey from the bee board, and flew into the honey pot drop by drop.

Ji Changqing found it strange and squatted aside.

They say technology changes life.

This cultivation of immortality is not bad either.

He walked over to the honey pot, dipped his fingers in the honey, and licked it.

So sweet.

But it's really mellow and very rich.

I feel like adding some honey to the milk would be better.

"Senior sister, why do you make cakes every time you come out?"

Nangong Ping slapped his dishonest hand away.

"You've already finished it. That's all I have. I also need to study new pastries. Without pastries, Master will be angry."

"It's very scary when Master is angry." Nangong Ping whispered.

"Really? Why don't you raise more bees?" Ji Changqing still wanted to know. Eating this honey is indeed addictive.

The monk didn't care about the problem of tooth decay, and his stomach wasn't bad either.

It can be eaten as a meal without any problem.

"It's not that easy to stand and talk without waist pain. This is called the Flowing Golden Spirit Bee, a first-level mid-level spiritual beast."

"Just these dozen of them took me decades of hard work to cultivate."

"Half of them died during this period." Nangong Ping said, feeling a little depressed.

"Intermediate spirit beast?" Ji Changqing grabbed one casually, held it in his hand and squeezed it. The belly was fleshy and the hair was pricking his hands.

The buttocks are spiked, as long as a little finger, black with a metallic sheen, and look very poisonous.

"Be gentle, don't kill it." Nangong Ping snatched it back, it was very precious.

"It's obvious that he doesn't even reach the lower level." Ji Changqing looked at her with his cheeks propped up.

"I'm talking about the queen bee."

"These are worker bees, not yet adults."

"I heard that it takes 50 years of training to reach adulthood before you can reach the lower level."

"But not even Qilin Pavilion."

"They haven't been trained as well as I have."

"Isn't this kind of bee a spiritual beast? Why is it so difficult to cultivate?"

Ji Changqing had no time to understand the knowledge about controlling insects.

Nangong Ping had previously said that he had been recuperating a bit, which was in his impression.

The vitality of spiritual beasts should be stronger.

"Stupid, it's just because it's a spiritual beast that it's difficult to cultivate." Nangong Ping collected honey while giving him some popular science.

"The only things these bees eat are the elixir pollen and the honey they produce."

"If we collect too much honey, they will easily starve to death."

"If we don't collect them, Master will have no cakes to eat."

"They are so big that even ordinary elixir pollen cannot be eaten."

"Just rely on my two acres of elixir."

"These dozen or so are already the largest number. If there are any more, they will starve to death."

“If you want to cultivate a real queen bee, you need vast fields of medicine.”

"And the medicinal age must be very high, otherwise the flowers will be too small and useless."

"So the culprit is Senior Nangong?" Ji Changqing immediately came to the conclusion.

"Shh! Shh!"

Nangong Ping was startled and looked around with a guilty conscience.

"Keep your voice down, Master will hear you."

Ji Changqing nodded and looked behind her.

"Ping'er, what did you say that I could hear?"


Nangong Ping was stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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