Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 88 Details in the Valley of the Hidden Moon Sect

Chapter 88 Details in the Valley of the Hidden Moon Sect

"Senior." Ji Changqing stood up and held his hands.

Originally, he was thinking about how to ask Nangong Ping for a pair of these bees.

There seems to be no chance now.

Nangong Wan nodded slightly: "I just went out and happened to be back. I didn't specially listen to your conversation."

I just heard it both times.

As a Dan-Jie senior, there was no need to explain.

She just explained.

Neither of them believed it yet...

"Master, what's the matter?" Nangong Ping quickly took over the topic and asked.

"It's not a big deal. It's the same as in previous years."

"In less than a year, the Bloody Forbidden Land is about to open."

"The sect has issued some weapon refining tasks, asking us to help and refine a batch of top-level magic weapons as rewards."

"I want my disciples to actively sign up and participate in the Bloody Forbidden Land."

Nangong Wan is obviously in a good mood today and tells the truth.

Because for this kind of task, you can earn spiritual stones and the rewards are high.

Even if it takes some time to practice.

Still very cost effective.

Ji Changqing's eyes lit up. The top-level magic weapon was a good thing, and it was refined by Elder Jie Dan.

"Senior, are all the disciples participating, or are there any conditions?"

"The materials required for the top-level magic weapon are extremely precious."

"It requires at least materials from second-level monsters and above. Even the sect can't come up with much."

"There is a high probability that this year will be the same as in previous years."

"A maximum of ten top-level items, ten high-level items mixed together, put in a storage bag and drawn by lots for you to draw."

"The selection order is based on the level of cultivation."

"So if you want to participate, it's best to practice your Qi to perfection before going. Generally, the top-level magic weapons have different handles and can easily be taken away first."

The excitement in his eyes was clear at a glance, and there was only expectation, without any fear or fear.

Nangong Wan knew that he was determined to go.

So please be as detailed as possible.

At the same time, he also set a goal for him to practice Qi to perfection.

"Ping'er, please tell Changqing the details about the Bloody Forbidden Land." Nangong Wan left a sentence and drifted away.

"Yes, Master." Nangong Ping understood, and she didn't explain in detail until they left.

"The magical weapons master practiced are usually in the shape of a ring." Nangong Ping's first words made Ji Changqing's eyes brighten.

It turned out to be the case.

This is to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

This isn't drawing lots, it's clearly the family's children who have priority.

He could know that other family disciples would also know very well what magical weapons their ancestors practiced.

Nangong Ping kept talking and told everything he knew.

Ji Changqing also had a clear understanding of the Bloody Forbidden Land.

According to past practice, low-level disciples of the seven major sects can enter the forbidden areas.

No more than 25 people allowed.

It can only be less but not more.

In the past few times, because the death rate was too high, there were simply not enough people to gather.

Often only a dozen people take part in the Blood Trial.

So twenty magic weapons are completely enough.

Next year's Bloody Forbidden Land should be similar.

It’s the least competitive pressure ever.

Ji Changqing had to go, and there was a demon refining pot.

Let’s solve the child’s milk problem first, and then prepare for the war, the Bloody Forbidden Land.

After Nangong Ping finished speaking, the honey was also scraped and filled into three jars.

"It should be enough for a few months. I hope it can last longer." Nangong Ping was a little worried because the honey production was still a bit too little.

"Sister, when you make pastries, don't you add milk to the flour?" Ji Changqing asked with purpose.


This was the first time Nangong Ping heard that pastries were made with milk.

"If you use milk instead of water, it might taste better. Senior sister, do you want to try it?"

Ji Changqing is not making it up, many desserts add milk.

It’s just that Nangong Ping prefers to use spiritual spring water.

It doesn’t matter which one tastes better.

"Sounds good."

"Why are you interested in pastries?" Nangong Ping suddenly reacted.

"Is there any purpose?"

"Sister, I'm still smart. I want to buy some spiritual beasts." Ji Changqing didn't bother to beat around the bush, it wasn't anything shameful. "Tch, I thought you wanted to study pastries and please the master!" Nangong Ping was a little disappointed.

He even sighed and shook his head, looking angry.

Ji Changqing was ashamed and wanted to say something, you have such a big idea.

But being reminded by her seemed like a good idea.

There is a saying that goes well, if you want to win a person's heart, first capture her stomach.

Nangong Wan rewards gold, good-looking person, good figure, temperament, and also has alchemy cultivation.

For immortal cultivators, age is not a problem.

However, this is not something that should be considered at the moment, as it is somewhat unrealistic.

"What spiritual beast do you want to buy?"

"I want to go take a look, but I haven't decided yet. Senior sister, let's go together."

Ji Changqing wants to invite Nangong Ping to go with him.

I have never been to Zongfang City in Biyue.

Secondly, she is a foundation-building monk.

"Junior brother, I'm very busy..." Before she could finish speaking, Ji Changqing took out a spiritual stone.

Nangong Ping's flying magic weapon is a jade Ruyi.

It is shaped like a long-handled hook, and the hook head is as flat as a bay leaf. It feels smooth to the touch, like touching silk satin, and looks crystal clear and shiny.

The two of them flew through the air on Yu Ruyi, and the cave formation flashed.

After more than two months, it finally came out.

Ji Changqing changed into a green shirt and hung a token on his waist, which read Ji Changqing and on the reverse side were the three characters of Hidden Moon Sect.

Now he can be considered a true disciple of the Hiding Moon Sect.

"Follow me soon." Although Nangong Ping still had a lot of things to do.

Two spirit stones.

Let her be the guide.

If it makes sense, that's fine.

Ji Changqing likes to reason the most.

As soon as you leave the cave, you will see a sea of ​​white clouds, cranes singing in unison, and the surrounding area is like a fairyland.

Hundreds of fairy mountains, like giant fingers, tower into the clouds.

The fairy mountain is covered with palaces, resplendent and magnificent, and various immortal residences are endless.

"That is the main hall where the master lives. All new disciples need to visit."

Nangong Ping pointed to a mountain peak on the left. There was a huge group of attics there, which was particularly eye-catching.

Ji Changqing remembered it, nodded and asked: "Senior sister, do you want me to go? The master has never seen anything."

"You can do whatever you want." Nangong Ping curled his lips.

I knew he was Tianlinggen, or I heard about it in Fangshi.

Everyone knew that there was a Tianlinggen coming from the Hidden Moon Sect, but she didn't know, and neither of them told her.

While speaking.

There are more and more monks coming and going.

Auras flickered all around, and various flying instruments trailed long wakes, swishing across the sky.

Countless monks shuttled above and below the two of them.

The excitement in the valley can be seen.

Ji Changqing unfolded his consciousness and discovered some details.

Most of these fellow monks would look at him when they passed by, especially the token on his waist.

There is another special feature of the Hidden Moon Sect.

Most of them are in pairs, traveling together.

I feel like in Yanyue Sect, even single people are too embarrassed to go out.

"That's the Kung Fu Hall. It's a place where basic skills are taught to new disciples. Some senior brothers will be here to guide you in practicing spells and the like."

Yu Ruyi flew over several mountain tops, and Nangong Ping pointed to another place, which was like a knife-cut mountain peak.

The top of the mountain is flat, with several large open spaces, like a martial arts arena.

Ji Changqing looked down and watched. The male cultivator was wearing a green shirt and the female cultivator was wearing a purple shirt.

Thousands of disciples are practicing cross-legged in the clouds on the top of the mountain.

No one was laughing or joking, which was awe-inspiring.

"This is the Baiji Hall. This is where the sect issues tasks. Generally, new disciples need to take care of miscellaneous tasks."

Nangong Ping pointed to a fairy mountain opposite the Chuan Gong Hall.

There are many pavilions on the top of the mountain, which are much smaller than the main hall of the leader, but there are many disciples coming in and out, and they come and go in a hurry.

"The mountains around here have a lot of minerals, so we can take on mining tasks."

"Some are full of orchards and medicine gardens. Some are raising spiritual animals."

"You can take on any mission you want."

After listening to Nangong Ping's introduction, Ji Changqing had a general understanding of the Hidden Moon Sect.

"That's the internal market of our Biyue Sect, and it's not open to casual cultivators."

Nangong Ping pointed to the center of the mountains, where a particularly eye-catching fairy mountain sat.

(End of this chapter)

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