Chapter 90 The Liangsheng Family

Liangsheng's attitude change was obviously because of Ji Changqing.

Nangong Ping concentrated, thoughtfully, then turned to Ji Changqing and said, "There are many people now, let's go in first to avoid the limelight and don't worry about him."

Ji Changqing looked around, and more and more people gathered to watch the excitement.

I don’t think it’s the right time to go shopping and buy spiritual beasts.

So he nodded and followed Nangong Ping through the passage and entered the store.

"Why are you leaving?"

Seeing Ji Changqing's back disappear, the female cultivators onlookers did not disperse immediately. Instead, they began to discuss among themselves.

Most of them lamented that the rumors were actually true.

After they came in, Liangsheng put down the wooden board, closed the passage, turned around, lifted the curtain, and entered the hall.

Behind the curtain is a bedroom, the bed is by the window, clean and tidy, and there is a handrail staircase on the right.

Nangong Ping was familiar with the road, as if he had been here many times. As soon as he came in, he led him to the second floor.

There is a window at the top of the stairs on the second floor. Looking down through the window, you can see a yard that is not too big or too small.

The yard is surrounded by a fence, and beyond the fence is a cliff.

There is a tall peach tree on the edge of the cliff. The tree is full of pink buds, so beautiful!
Ji Changqing looked at it for a while and found that the scenery in this store was really nice.

Peach trees planted in the clouds!
Everyone else has sea view rooms.

What’s even more amazing here is that it’s like a fairy-view room, with clouds and mist lingering and cranes singing in unison. Watching the sunrise is even more amazing.

Going up to the second floor, there is only one hall, which is spacious and bright.

A girl in a purple shirt was already waiting at the stairs.

The girl has a beautiful appearance, bright eyes and white teeth,
The smooth jade forehead is combed with bangs. Although there is no makeup on the cheeks, the skin is white and greasy, with fragrant peaches and plums, and there is a slight childishness between the eyebrows and eyes.

"Sister Ping'er." Her voice was cowardly and she was petite. Nangong Ping threw herself into her arms as soon as she came up.

When Nangong Ping saw her, his beautiful eyebrows spread. The previous unhappiness disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"No matter how big or small, I have told you many times to call me uncle." Nangong Ping pressed a little between her eyebrows.

"No, there are no outsiders here." Her coquettish voice reached behind her, and Ji Changqing coughed, indicating that there was another person here.

Hearing the sound, she stuck her head out, and the two of them looked at each other. She exclaimed, then retracted into Nangong Ping's arms, burying her head in uncertainty about seeing anyone.

Ji Changqing was glared at by Nangong Ping, and he spread his hands to show his innocence.

Walked to the two of them.

There are several red ropes tied at the end of the girl's hair, tied into a butterfly shape, which vaguely implies that the girl is in the budding age.

Follow Ji Changqing's gaze.

A purple bubble appeared above her head.

Zhao Mingyue: Charm 45 (+16) (peerless)

Taoist Companion Reward: Family Title: Talisman Family (talisman success rate +20%, talisman drawing speed +20%)

Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Talent Pill (talisman)*1
This is the first time Ji Changqing has seen a family title, this type of reward.

This should work for the whole family.

"This is my daughter Mingyue. She hasn't found a Taoist partner yet." Liangsheng held the escalator with one hand, went up to the second floor, and introduced him.

"Junior brother, please come here. Let's talk while drinking tea."

Liangsheng pointed to the desk beside him and held out two sets of tea sets. With a wave of his hand, the tea sets sat down one after another.

Ji Changqing nodded slightly and first came to the window. The cool breeze blew his clothes slightly.

He pressed his cheek against the window and looked down at the street through the gap.

After scanning around, the monks were nearly halfway gone.

When he found someone looking up, Ji Changqing had a slight headache and closed the window.

He turned around and came to the desk and sat down cross-legged.

The tabletop is speckled with spots and dripping marks of red cinnabar.

Ji Changqing reached out and wiped it, and found that it had completely penetrated the table.

From this point of view, they should be able to draw talismans, but the store didn't sell anything.

"Uncle Master, let's go upstairs." Zhao Mingyue found that no one was paying attention, raised her head and whispered to Nangong Ping.

Nangong Ping touched the tip of her hair: "You go up first, we have something to do with Liang Sheng."

"Okay, then hurry up."

Nangong Ping nodded and watched her go upstairs, find a desk, and sit down cross-legged.

Liangsheng showed no expression on his face and offered her another tea set: "Why, don't you trust me?"

"He belongs to Master Nangong. I advise you not to think about everlasting life." Nangong Ping lowered his voice, fearing that Mingyue would hear it.

Ji Changqing raised his brows slightly with a strange expression. Senior Nangong probably didn't say that.

"What's my idea? Aren't you guys here to sell talismans?" Liangsheng didn't even raise his eyelids. He poured a cup of hot tea in a calm manner. "Asking knowingly."

Nangong Ping heard him explain the moon and knew that he was hinting at Ji Changqing since he had not found a Taoist companion yet.

This also made her alert.

Although she believed in the charm of her master, she did not believe in Ji Changqing.

I always feel that he can easily run away from others.

And lately, he has been like a piece of wood, only focusing on cultivation.

"You also know what is going on in my family. Although I am here for Mingyue, it is definitely not for the Taoist companions."

As Liangsheng spoke, he used the floating technique on the full tea cup, pushed it gently, and passed it to Ji Changqing through the air.

When Ji Changqing raised his hand, the teacup automatically floated to the tiger's mouth.

Cup noodle tea, not a drop leaked.

Although he didn't know what riddle the two were playing, he just listened quietly and drank tea.

"Isn't it?" Nangong Ping was a little suspicious, thinking about the meaning of his words between his brows, and suddenly thought of something.

"You are here for the Evergreen Foundation Establishment Pill! Why did your attitude suddenly change?"

"Besides the Foundation Establishment Pill, what else do you think can make my heart move in this world?" Liangsheng was slightly excited, shaking his empty sleeves and smiling, with a hint of desolation in his expression.

For foundation building?
He was already middle-aged and still had perfected his qi training, so it was normal for him to want to build a foundation.

But Ji Changqing didn't have any foundation-building pills at all.

Knowing that it was not a Taoist monk, Nangong Ping also relaxed.

"You are smart. You know that for Tianlinggen disciples, the sect will give you two foundation-building pills."

"Only one Tianling Root is needed to build the foundation."

"That's right!" There was a hint of fanaticism in Liangsheng's eyes.

Nangong Ping shook his head slightly: "Then you should also know about the postponement of the Foundation Establishment Pill, right?"

"Of course I know this. With Mingyue's qualifications, it's not impossible to wait for six years."

"Besides, she is currently practicing at the ninth level of Qi. It will take about the same amount of time to complete her Qi training."

Ji Changqing was silent. He didn't even see the shadow of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Some people just want to book with him.

This shows how scarce this foundation-building pill is.

Moreover, his Zhao family should be from the Hidden Moon Sect family.

Logically speaking, as long as the qualifications are good, the family will allocate one.

Unless they have eaten, the foundation building has failed.

Ji Changqing looked at the tea and secretly guessed.

"This is just your subjective imagination. The Foundation Establishment Pill is everlasting. Even the master will not interfere." Nangong Ping said clearly. It is useless for you to talk to us.

Seeing Liangsheng turn his head to look, Ji Changqing put down the tea cup without any haste.

He naturally listened clearly to the conversation between the two.

Ji Changqing thought for a while.

He will enter the Bloody Forbidden Land next year. If nothing else, this Foundation Establishment Pill should be...

It's better not to plant a flag.

Even if it doesn't go well, there is still a chance in the Bloody Forbidden Land six years later.

It’s not certain whether you can get the two coins given by the sect.

"Although I only need one, there are people around me who can still use it." Ji Changqing has several Taoist monks, and he won't have too much of something like Foundation Establishment Pill.

What's more, can this Liangsheng really afford the Foundation Establishment Pill?

The Foundation Establishment Pill is said to be worth thousands of spiritual stones.

The rejection was evident in his words.

Liangsheng lowered his head and fell silent. His brows knitted together and his eyes moved left and right, as if he was making a decision.

He propped himself up with one hand, said "wait a moment", turned around and went to the stairs.

He lowered his head and looked at the window for a long time.

Ji Changqing turned to look at his back, wondering what he was going to do.

"There is a peach tree in the backyard. He and his Taoist companion planted it 20 years ago." Nangong Ping took the initiative to transmit the message.

"His Taoist companion's name is Zhao Yanqing, and he is also one of my few Taoist friends."

"Nine years ago, the two went to the Bloody Forbidden Land together. She stayed there forever, and Liangsheng also lost an arm and ran out alone."

Ji Changqing was silent after hearing this. The peach blossoms were obviously very beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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