Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 91 The first store of the Hidden Moon Sect

Chapter 91 The first store of the Hidden Moon Sect

Liangsheng watched for a long time, his chest rising and falling, and even though the voice was weak, Ji Changqing still heard a sigh.

He turned towards the two of them and smiled: "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Nangong Ping saw his expression of complete relief and probably guessed what he was going to say next.

"You really want to do this?"

"I can't help it, can I?" Liangsheng said sideways: "Because I failed to protect her, the family has abandoned our father and daughter. This is my punishment."

"I am willing to be punished."

"But Mingyue is innocent, she is still young, and she still has a bright future. I will give everything for her."

Liangsheng's eyes were bloodshot, but his mood was unusually calm.

"Including the ones left by Yanqing?" Nangong Ping's eyes were filled with a hint of unbearability.

"That's right, this shop was given to us by the ancestor of the Zhao family when I got married."

Liang Sheng gently stroked the desk, and the red sand on it was clearly visible, as if a beautiful woman was leaning on him.

"We practiced together and drew talismans together. When Mingyue was born, I vowed to give them a home."

"We spent all our savings to buy it. It is the last memory of Yanqing and I."

There seemed to be infinite light in his eyes at this time, and Nangong Ping knew that it was useless to say anything else.

"However, the most precious thing Yanqing left for me is not it."

"Yanqing is no longer there, and there is no point in keeping it."

As he spoke, he took out a jade slip and threw it to Ji Changqing: "I can use this shop to exchange you for a Foundation Establishment Pill."

"Is this the deed of the store?" Nangong Ping was slightly absent-minded: "It seems that you are really crazy. If an outsider wants to buy it, he will need at least five thousand spiritual stones."

Liangsheng laughed at himself: "It doesn't matter. The Zhao family has stopped supplying the talisman paper. It won't do anything if I keep it. It's better to take Ming Yue and find a pure place to practice with concentration."

"Your master doesn't have any property. I think you should need this."

Ji Changqing held the jade slip and played with it.

Three fingers wide, middle finger long.

After sensing it with my spiritual sense, I found that there was actually a map of the entire city inside.

A shop is marked on the map.

Look at the location and the appearance of the house.

It's clearly this store.

It's amazing.

Is this little thing worth five thousand spirit stones?
That is indeed more valuable than the Foundation Establishment Pill.

However, the Foundation Establishment Pill is even rarer, and in the Yue Kingdom, it is difficult to buy even spiritual stones.

"This." Nangong Ping was a little moved.

He was right. If the master found a Taoist companion in the future, he would indeed need the family property.

“If you don’t have a store, you won’t be able to sell anything.”

"In our market, monks are not allowed to set up street stalls."

"Monks are not allowed to gather in the market and trade privately."

"Is there such a rule?" Ji Changqing was a little surprised before, why there were no street stall features.

Nangong Ping nodded: "This is the sect's rule. Not only that, even outside the market, private trade fairs cannot be held."

Ji Changqing frowned slightly and asked, "Trading is not allowed between monks?"

"You can, but you can't get together."

Ji Changqing thought for a while and understood why the sect did this.

It's nothing more than enclosing territory and creating a monopoly.

These shops should be owned by elders and are family businesses that involve their core interests.

It's no wonder that the sect has some strange rules.

The only ones who suffered were the monks at the lowest level, who were treated like leeks.

"And when you sell things, the store's recycling price is usually [-]%. For the shops on the top floors, it's [-]% or even less than [-]%."

"With this deed, it's easy to sell whatever you want."

Liang Sheng is determined to sell the shop, but this thing has no effect in their hands.

It's better to give your daughter a chance to build a foundation now.

He could think of this, and surely others could too.

There are tens of thousands of disciples of the Hidden Moon Sect, but there are only about a thousand who build the foundation.

How many of them are eager to build foundations?

Once the foundation is established, the minimum benefit is that one's lifespan will exceed [-] years.

Never underestimate their desire for longevity.

In a world of cultivating immortals, slowly waiting for the end of life is the most desperate thing.

That's why some people go to the Bloody Forbidden Land to sacrifice their lives.When two people trade, it can be said that each gets what he needs.

Ji Changqing was naturally attracted to this thing.

"There are still six years left, so why don't you give it to me now?"

Ji Changqing didn't even see the shadow of the Foundation Establishment Pill, so he just took the house deed, which still felt a little inappropriate.

Liangsheng nodded and smiled bitterly: "If I don't trade with you now, I'm afraid there will be no bright moon in the future."

Nangong Ping looked at the two of them and was extremely torn. She wanted to replace Ji Changqing, but she also didn't want her former friend to be homeless.

"Where will you live after changing? Ming Yue probably doesn't know about this."

Nangong Ping said in one sentence, the most difficult part of being a good student.

He couldn't explain to Mingyue why he wanted to move out, and I'm afraid she wouldn't agree either.

"It's okay, there's always a way." Liangsheng smiled a little lonely.

"Changqing, what do you think?" Nangong Ping shook Ji Changqing's arm.

"I understand, let me think about it." Ji Changqing couldn't do anything to her.

He took a sip of tea, considered it for a moment and said, "I can trade with you."

"I've taken the house deed now. As long as I have extra foundation-building pills, I will give them to your daughter."

"Senior sister can vouch for this transaction, so you don't have to worry about us defaulting on our debt."

Liangsheng shook his head: "Of course I'm not worried about this, otherwise I wouldn't take it out now."

"You are Tianlinggen, and your future is unlimited. How could you break the contract just because of a store?"

"Well, in that case." Ji Changqing took out a bunch of talismans and handed them to him, "I'll hire you to be my store manager, and you'll have food and accommodation included."

The talisman he took out.

There are ten diamond talismans.

Thirty rejuvenation charms.

"This is you?"

"Junior brother, where did you get such a talisman?"

The two of them were startled.

how?Not much.

Seeing that the two of them didn't listen at all, they were the store manager.

Ji Changqing had no choice but to repeat it.

"I will give you ten spirit stones every month, including food and accommodation, and you will help me look after the shop."

"We don't need to live here, we just need this shop to operate normally."

"Ten spirit stones per month?" Nangong Ping secretly smacked his lips, "Junior brother, why not let me do it? I can do it too."

"I accept your mission, and I will sell it now." After Liangsheng finished speaking, he picked up the talisman on the table, turned around and went downstairs, all in one smooth motion.

Looking at it, Nangong Ping's beautiful eyes rolled straightly.

"Junior brother, ten spirit stones per month, isn't it too much?"

Everyone is happy with Ji Changqing's plan.

But Nangong Ping became entangled again, feeling a little too prodigal, and she wanted to take care of it.

Ji Changqing shook his head. Ten spiritual stones were nothing in exchange for a reliable store manager.

As soon as he made a dozen talismans, if he really recycled them at [-]%, he would lose far more than ten talismans.

Ten spirit stones are nothing to Ji Changqing.

He is currently short of people, and he is the only Taoist companion in the family.

The Hidden Moon Sect and the others cannot enter for the time being.

In fact, he didn't want to open a store at first, at least he would consider it after building the foundation.

How do you know that it is unintentional?

This is also thanks to Nangong Ping.

Zhao Mingyue walked down while the two were talking, smiled greenly at Ji Changqing, and immediately hid behind Nangong Ping when she saw him.

Everyone talks and she obviously hears it from the beginning.


Liangsheng told her on purpose from the beginning.

This leaky way of talking made it easier for her to accept the truth.

Otherwise, you can use voice transmission to communicate.

Or cast soundproofing.

It's not easy being a father.

(End of this chapter)

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