Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 92 Opening a shop to earn spiritual stones

Chapter 92 Opening a shop to earn spiritual stones
"I don't know when it will be sold." Ji Changqing is in urgent need of spiritual stones to get milk for his children.

He came to the window and took a look through the gap. Most of the monks gathered outside had dispersed.

However, a small group of people saw Liangsheng coming out and surrounded him again.

"Shopkeeper, where is Ji Changqing?"

"Everyone is gone, we can let him down."

"That's right. We are not evil cultivators. Let him come down and we can have a good chat."

Liangsheng glanced at them and arranged the talismans one by one.

"If you all bought these talismans, you might be able to see him again. Otherwise, you should go practice. It's a waste of time to hang around here."

These good-looking female cultivators found that the only items he displayed were the Rejuvenation Talisman and the Diamond Talisman.

"Two rejuvenation talismans and one spirit stone."

"A diamond talisman contains seven spiritual stones."

Liangsheng put the talismans on the shelf and said the price without looking back.

A broad-minded female cultivator asked: "Are these two the only ones?"

"We don't need the Rejuvenation Talisman, right?"

The slender female cultivator next to her curled her lips and said: "We are not male cultivators. This kind of talisman is only used in mining. Why should we buy it?"

"That's right, let Changqing come out."

"If you don't want to buy a rejuvenation talisman, this diamond talisman is not bad either." Liangsheng was sitting on a stool and patiently selling the product.

"It can also be used in battle, and the Bloody Forbidden Land will be opened soon. If you don't buy it now, the price will increase later."

"That's where only devils go."

"That's right, it seems like a long life."

"The diamond talisman is good, but it's too expensive and I can't afford it."

"Let Changqing come down." There was a single female cultivator who never forgot the topic and didn't care about the talisman at all.

Ji Changqing observed the store for a while and found that no one was sold.

But when he thought about it, he felt that this was normal.

There should be very few battles in the Hidden Moon Sect. There is no need for such things at all.

Moreover, the Diamond Talisman only contains seven spiritual stones, and there are at least ten spiritual stones in the market outside.

This completely shows that the demand is not large, causing the price to fall all the way.

"Actually, sometimes it's easy to sell." Seeing that he was so concerned about business issues, Zhao Mingyue couldn't help but say.

"Oh? What do you say?" Ji Changqing closed the window and returned to the desk.

Nangong Ping smiled and pinched her delicate face: "Don't worry, my junior brother won't eat you."

Zhao Mingyue's cheeks were slightly red. After a while, she calmed down and spoke in detail: "Most of the buyers of this kind of defensive talisman are male cultivators or some businessmen."

"They often go out of the sect and need this kind of thing for self-defense."

"It's easier to sell when you meet a merchant. The price of talismans in the market outside is high, so they will buy them and resell them."

"It mainly depends on whether the market sells well outside."

"These are what my father told us. If it's peaceful outside, draw some auxiliary talismans. If it's chaotic, draw defense talismans and more attack talismans."

"So if it's a defensive talisman, it should be easy to sell in our market."

"It seems like your father is quite business-minded." Nangong Ping joked.

Ji Changqing smiled and nodded: "That's indeed the truth."

"What about the elixir? How much spiritual stone is it worth to strengthen the body and strengthen the body?"

"You don't want to sell elixirs, do you?" Nangong Ping looked at him eagerly upon hearing this.

"That's what I worked hard to grow for a long time."

"That's all I asked, how could I sell the elixir that is so precious?" Ji Changqing was speechless, knowing that she would be anxious.

Zhao Mingyue tilted her head and thought about it and said: "High-quality elixirs that strengthen the foundation and strengthen the essence, such as Huanglong Dan and Golden Marrow Pills, can be sold for more than two spiritual stones."

Ji Changqing nodded and replied: "That's more expensive than the market outside."

"Definitely." Nangong Ping curled his lips and said, "You don't even think about how many disciples we have in the Moon Covering Sect."

"They don't need anything, but they are indispensable for elixirs. Every month they do chores, and all the spiritual stones they earn are spent on elixirs."

"In our city, the elixir shops are the least." Zhao Mingyue reminded in a low voice: "Basically, there are spiritual stones, but it is difficult to buy elixirs."

Nangong Ping also sighed slightly, she still has the right to speak in this regard.

"The growth cycle of elixirs is too long and has strict requirements on the growth environment. The key is to take careful care."

"With insufficient spiritual energy, Huang Jingzhi, which is ten years old as medicine, may need to be cultivated for hundreds of years before the leaves can change color and mature." "Fortunately, our ancestors have spiritual eyes, so they can open up two acres of better spiritual fields."

"No wonder the medicinal materials are so scarce. It turns out that the age of the medicine is not how long the medicinal materials have grown." This is the first time Ji Changqing has heard of it.

"That's for sure. If it were that easy, just plant it all over the mountains and wild fields. There would be no shortage of medicinal materials. And it would be difficult to grow without spiritual fields. It wouldn't work at all."

Nangong Ping crossed his arms, obviously proud of his two acres of spiritual land.

Ji Changqing nodded: "Yes"

Several people chatted while drinking tea.

After waiting for nearly an hour, Nangong Ping went downstairs and asked several times.

Only ten rejuvenation charms have been sold so far.

Some male cultivators bought it for mining.

One diamond talisman was not sold.

Ji Changqing took a look and realized that waiting like this was not an option.

Not to mention the time it takes to practice, I still don’t know when it will be sold.

Ji Changqing thought about it and decided that he still had to do some promotion.

He took out a bottle of Huanglong Pill and handed it to Zhao Mingyue.

"Give it to your dad and tell him there will be a discount today."

"For every ten spiritual stones consumed, you will receive a Huanglong Pill. This event is only for one day."

"Send the elixir, it should be sold soon, I'll go right away." Zhao Mingyue opened her mouth, a little surprised, but still gave the elixir as he said.

"So you still have pills." Nangong Pingqing snorted.

"Senior sister, I didn't sell what you gave me." Ji Changqing laughed dryly.

"You are smart, otherwise I would definitely tell my master." Nangong Ping pouted in a rather cute voice.

"The store is holding an event, senior sisters and brothers, come and have a look."

Liangsheng shouted loudly from downstairs, shaking the whole building.

Ji Changqing and Nangong Ping looked at each other and walked to the window. To avoid unnecessary trouble, he put on the white fox mask again.

Then push the windows open one by one.

"Buy the talisman and get the elixir for free!"

“First come first served, only one bottle available, so hurry up if you want to buy it!”

Liangsheng was full of vitality, and compared to the previous state, he was completely different.

Ji Changqing's arrival gave him hope again.

He walked out of the shop directly and came to the middle of the street in Fangshi and shouted.

"Really or not, sending elixirs?"

"What kind of elixir did the boss give me?"

"Isn't it Hehuansan?" someone speculated.

When the monks of the Hidden Moon Sect heard about the elixir, they came like a cat smelling dried fish.

Even the customers from the nearby store, who were originally planning to buy, put down their belongings and gathered around.

"It's not Hehuan Powder, it's a high-quality elixir for strengthening the body and cultivating the essence, Huanglong Dan."

"I actually gave you Huanglong Pill!"

"Come on, let me go."

Once he saw that there was a large crowd, Liangsheng walked out of the crowd and returned to the shop.

"The male cultivators will go aside and join in the fun." Some female cultivators saw that there were too many people and were afraid that they wouldn't be able to grab a spot.

"That's right. What do you want to do if you squeeze in?"

"Here, we also want to buy talismans."

"Go away, go away, I want to take advantage of you as soon as I see you." A female foundation-building cultivator glared at him.

The male Qi practitioner, being watched by others, blushed with shame and his neck was thick.

He also wanted to say, you have already established the foundation, what do you want Huang Longdan for?It's just that he couldn't say the words that came to his lips. For the sake of his own life, he buried his head and ran away.

Liangsheng glanced at him and remained silent. This was how the Biyue Sect was, and the status of male cultivators was ordinary.

The law of the jungle exists everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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