Chapter 93 Shangguan Yan, the first fund

"Why do you get one elixir for ten spirit stones?"

Liangsheng carried out the promotion as Ji Changqing said, but as soon as he finished speaking, someone became entangled.

"In this case, wouldn't it be necessary to buy six rejuvenation charms to get just enough?"

"That's right. We don't need the Rejuvenation Talisman at all. It would be a waste to buy it."

"If you buy a diamond talisman and get a pill for free, I can buy one."

"In that case, I want it too."

People gathered in front of the shop to watch the female nuns and Liangsheng bargaining.

"No." Liangsheng shook his head, and then suggested: "If it doesn't work, you can buy three and get two for free."

"Doesn't that cost twenty spirit stones? I can't afford that much." With ten spirit stones, they can still take advantage of it.

If it was twenty, they immediately became entangled.

It always feels a bit unworthy.

"I think it's better to get a pill with a diamond talisman." The foundation-building female cultivator said coldly.

"Since you are going to do promotions, you must show some sincerity. What kind of business can such a stingy Bala do?"

"That's right, how about it, boss."

"No!" Liangsheng shook his head without thinking. He couldn't make the decision on this kind of thing.

Ji Changqing didn't say anything, how could he dare to change it privately.

"Shangguan Yan."

The two looked down from the second-floor window.

Nangong Ping obviously noticed that the one who was leading the heckles had her name on the token on his waist.

"She has a shop nearby. Why come to our place to join in the fun?" Nangong Ping raised his eyebrows, obviously unhappy with her.

Ji Changqing pursed his lips and said through the voice: "That's not surprising. Otherwise, how could she be interested in Huang Longdan as a foundation builder?"

Nangong Ping reacted immediately: "You mean she wants to buy it back and sell it in her own store?"

Ji Changqing nodded slightly, this was the only possibility.

"If you do this, I dare say no one will buy it, and we don't need the rejuvenation charm." Shangguan Yan crossed his arms and sneered.

Ji Changqing stared at the purple bubbles above her head.

Shangguan Yan: Charm 44 (+20) (peerless)

Taoist Companion Reward: Family Title: Talisman Family (talisman success rate +20%, talisman drawing speed +20%)

Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Talent Pill (talisman)*1
The reward is actually the same as Zhao Mingyue's, but I don't know if the effect of this title can be upgraded and stacked.

The strangest thing is that she has built a foundation and still has air bubbles. Judging from her age, she is at most 25.

It is very rare in the Hidden Moon Sect.

oh!Forgot, there is another one in the cave.

But his personality is a bit bad.

It seems that he is not suitable to be a Taoist companion.

However, from upstairs, she could see that there was quite a lot of stuff in her tightly clamped belly pocket.

Nangong Ping noticed his gaze, glared at him, and covered his eyes to prevent him from looking.

"Watch out for the eye of the needle."

Ji Changqing was speechless, that kind of thing didn't exist.

Shangguan Yan?

Nangong Ping was watching from the side, it was really hard for him to make a move.

Otherwise, he really wanted to invite her up and have a good chat.

Ask her why she doesn't have a Taoist companion.

Liangsheng was sitting on the bench, the old god was there, looking like Jiang Taigong fishing.

Turning a deaf ear to her words.

How could she not recognize Shangguan Yan?
In this market place, the two shops next to her are hers.

She just said this to prevent others from buying, so she could make more money through bargaining.

If you sell a diamond talisman outside, you can earn at least one spiritual stone. If you give it a yellow dragon pill as a gift.

You can earn at least three spirit stones.

Her calculations were quite loud.

Liangsheng had no choice but to remind: "When other shop owners get the news, you may not get a single pill."

Shangguan Yan was stunned for a moment, looked around, and felt nervous when he saw people coming from other shops.

She gritted her teeth secretly and threw out a heavy white bag with a bang, hitting the display cabinet.

The mouth of the bag was loosened, revealing a pile of spiritual stones.

The spirit stone emitted blue light in the air, and the female cultivators around him took a breath and swallowed.

So many spirit stones!

Shangguan Yan pointed to the Vajra Talisman on the wall shelf and said, "I want these ten, now, right away."

Liangsheng smiled slightly: "Thank you for your patronage."

The female cultivators around looked at the uncle blankly. Didn't they agree that no one would buy it?

Why did you take the lead in wrapping things up?

They were immediately upset, and they shouldn't have hesitated at that time.

Liangsheng used his spiritual sense to sense it and counted seventy pieces, no more and no less.

He smiled slightly, waved his right hand, and the spirit stone bag disappeared instantly.Then he got up, packed the talismans, and presented them with jade bottles.

Shangguan Yan opened the jade bottle and smelled it, with a strange expression.

She originally thought that if it wasn't a high-quality product, she would take the opportunity to attack it, but she didn't expect it to be better than expected.

There is only one possibility, every elixir is up to standard and no corners are cut.

Only by practicing this kind of fine elixir.

made money.

Shangguan Yan calmly put away the talisman and the medicine bottle.

"If you say no on the surface, isn't your body quite honest?" Nangong Ping wrinkled his nose and snorted, quite proudly.

Seeing the pile of sparkling spiritual stones, he reluctantly forgave her previous behavior.

It was also the first time for Ji Changqing to see so many spirit stones. The feeling of making money was really refreshing.

It is simply worthless.

He only paid a little time cost.

Ji Changqing stared at Shangguan Yan. The purple bubbles above his head looked extremely eye-catching now.

Once you get this spiritual stone, you will have a sense of reality.

I think it would be nice to draw talismans.

The title of Fu Lu Family speeds up the drawing efficiency by at least 40.00%.

It seems that I will have to work harder in the future.

"Senior sister, are seventy spirit stones enough to buy Zero Beast?" Ji Changqing asked immediately before Shangguan Yan and the others left.

Nangong Ping then remembered that Ji Changqing was here to buy a spiritual beast, and she began to think about it.

"It depends on what kind of spirit beast it is. Top-level spirit beasts are priceless and very rare. They require at least hundreds of spirit stones."

"The upper level ranges from dozens to two hundred. It is not too rare. There have been monks in the Bloody Forbidden Land who have gone in to catch them."

"Although it is a bit troublesome to cultivate."

Ji Changqing thought about the big horned cow before going down the level: "It shouldn't be able to reach the upper level. An ordinary cow spirit beast will do."

"That's no problem at all." Nangong Ping was relieved instead, fearing that the spirit beast he bought would destroy all the spirit stones he just got.

"That's it."


Ji Changqing shook his head. He originally wanted to sell some more talismans.

Spiritual stones are like money to monks, with a fatal temptation.

Now that it's enough, let's figure it out slowly.

Not in a hurry.

Shangguan Yan left happily, but he didn't expect to pick it up casually.

"Boss, are there any more diamond talismans? I'll give you three."

"I'll take three, too."

"No more." Liangsheng waved his hand, "Isn't there a rejuvenation talisman? I'll give you the elixir as usual."

"Tch, who wants the reply talisman?"

"When is the boss's next promotion?"

The female cultivators who gathered around saw that they had finished buying the diamond talismans and dispersed, but some people obviously did not give up.

Liangsheng shook his head and said he didn't know.

As soon as the female cultivators dispersed, the male cultivators in the outer circle gathered around them.

Most of them are practicing Qi at the seventh or eighth level.

He has a strong build, short hair, and his robes are messy.

At first glance, it seems that he often takes on mining tasks.

It was a physical job.

It is also a deep mining operation, which is usually a place with thin spiritual energy.

In case the spiritual energy is exhausted.

The rejuvenation charm can save someone's life at a critical moment.

This is the experience and lessons of our predecessors.

Keep at least one for self-defense.

They all come in groups to buy.

Even if one person can't use them all, he can still trade them with his fellow miners when he goes to the mines.

They are all underground, who cares whether you gather and trade.

As the male cultivator left.

Ji Changqing asked Zhao Mingyue to make up ten more rejuvenation charms, making up a total of sixty.

It sold out instantly.

The last three Huanglong Pills were also given away.

When Liangsheng went up to the second floor.

A full hundred spirit stones.

Covering the entire desk.

 Thank you very much eE
  Reward 1666 reading coins.

(End of this chapter)

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