Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 94 Buying Cows at the Spiritual Beast Shop

Chapter 94 Buying Cows at the Spiritual Beast Shop
A pile of spiritual stones on the desk locked the four people's eyes tightly.

"There are a hundred spirit stones." Nangong Ping was already thinking about what to buy in his mind.

Ji Changqing had already thought about what he wanted to buy. With a wave of his hand, the spiritual stones were arranged in a straight line one by one and put into the spiritual stone bag.

After putting it away in the storage bag, Ji Changqing took out a rabbit mask and gave it to her.

"I have a veil." Nangong Ping shook his head.

After she finished speaking, she turned over her hands and took out a purple veil.

He tilted his head and lifted up his black hair, and hung the earrings on the back of his ears.

Nangong Ping straightened her veil, and under her curved eyelashes, only a pair of autumn-like eyes showed: "How is it?"

Ji Changqing nodded and sighed: "Exactly the same."

Except for the hairstyle and the veil, she really looks like Nangong Wan, especially her eyes.

"Yes, Master said so too."

Ji Changqing nodded again, probably knowing why Nangong Wan only took her in.

Nangong Ping actually has bubbles, but they are blue.

Nangong Ping: Charm 48 (+18) (peerless)

Taoist Companion Reward: Change Pill*100
Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Change Pill*10
The Transformation Pill doesn't have much effect upon hearing it, so Ji Changqing didn't pay much attention to it before.

Now I feel like it might be useful.

Like now.

"Uncle Master, are you ready to leave?" Zhao Mingyue asked reluctantly.

"Well, I still want to go shopping with Changqing." Nangong Ping pinched her pink face.

"I want to go too."

"Practice well and I will take you out to play after you build your foundation."

"Okay." Zhao Mingyue pouted, obviously reluctant.

"Listen to your uncle." Liangsheng smiled, then turned to Ji Changqing and asked, "Should our shop accept some, recycle the talismans, and customize the talismans?"

"How is the recycling business?" Ji Changqing's first consideration is that recycling requires spiritual stones.

He only has one hundred spirit stones on him right now to recycle, but he doesn't know if they will be enough.

"It doesn't seem to be very good." Liangsheng rubbed the back of his head with embarrassment, "There are a lot of talisman shops in Fangshi."

If there was business, he wouldn't have to sleep.

"That won't be necessary for the time being." Ji Changqing was not disappointed, "Is the talisman customized?"

"Occasionally, monks will send talismans and ask me to draw designated talismans."

"If it's successful, we usually charge [-]% of the price of the talisman as a handling fee." Liangsheng specifically explained the rules for customizing talismans in the store.

"Some stores even charge [-]% or even [-]% of the price."

"It's just that their success rate is higher. For small shops like ours, it rarely exceeds [-]%, otherwise there will be no business."

"That's okay. If business comes, take it if you can. If there's no business, just practice hard." Ji Changqing looked at Mingyue. The little girl was still acting coquettishly with Nangong Ping, wanting her to take her out.

"Mingyue, go practice quickly." Liangsheng said angrily.

"Oh." Zhao Mingyue reluctantly let go of Nangong Ping and secretly stuck out her tongue at Ji Changqing as she went upstairs.

The little tongue she stuck out moved up and down between her lips, quite flexibly.

The tongue coating is pink and tender, and the crystal in the mouth is shiny. You can see that your body is in good health.

Ji Changqing smiled and pretended not to see it.

"This girl, I seldom care about her..." Liangsheng was afraid that Ji Changqing would blame her.

"It's okay, it's quite cute." Ji Changqing waved his hand, then turned and went downstairs.

Liangsheng personally escorted them downstairs. Knowing that they would not be disturbed, he deliberately opened the back door of the shop.

Ji Changqing came to the backyard and took a look at the peach blossom tree. It was indeed beautiful.

Then he sacrificed a Xuantian Sword and flew away from the shop with Nangong Ping.

After the others left, Liangsheng silently returned to the shop, dug out the talisman books left by Yanqing, and began to study.

"Senior sister, where should we buy spiritual beasts?" There was a whistling wind in his ears, and Ji Changqing controlled the Xuantian Sword and stopped in the clouds.

Nangong Ping thought for a while: "There should be a spirit animal shop that sells cattle. Don't you have a house deed? There should be a map in it."

"Yes!" Ji Changqing took out the jade slip, immersed his consciousness in it, and immediately found a house.

According to the map, Ji Changqing flew half a circle around Fangshi Fairy Mountain and rose to the fourth level.

Only then did I find a spiritual animal shop that specializes in selling cattle.

"Niu's spiritual beast?"

Ji Changqing raised his head and glanced at the plaque. It was quite special. "These mid-level shops in Fangshi are all family businesses."

Nangong Ping had heard all about this shop.

"We have an elder named Huang Niu in the Moon Covering Sect. I heard that he has a fourth-level spiritual beast called Ice and Fire Phantom Rhinoceros."

Ji Changqing was slightly surprised: "Level [-] is already in the late stage of foundation building, right?"

"That's right, even a hundred of you may not be able to defeat one of his cows." Nangong Ping rolled his eyes and looked at him with a smile.

Ji Changqing disagreed: "In a few years, you will definitely not be able to say this."

"You are quite confident!" Nangong Ping turned to look at the crowded shop.

"I heard that their cattle have a special breeding method."

"The milk produced is not only delicious, but also has spiritual power."

"Most of the people from the Biyue Sect who have children will come here to buy one for their children."

"No wonder there are so many people, let's go in too."

Nangong Ping nodded and walked in beside him.

When Ji Changqing walked in, he discovered that this store covered an extremely large area.

At least two hundred square meters.

Not to mention a house with three bedrooms and one living room, a house with six bedrooms and two living rooms can be built.

The key is that the inside is like a football field, covered with grass.

And there is only one hall.

Even the roof is leaky.

But when you look up, you can see a lavender protective shield, and the spiritual energy is flowing, not even a breath of wind can blow in.

As soon as the two of them entered the door, a sharp-eyed clerk came over.

The clerk is a female cultivator, in her twenties, with a baby face and a tenth level of Qi cultivation.

The token on the waist reads: Niu Feifei
She glanced at Ji Changqing and Nangong Ping, one was practicing Qi and the other was building foundation.

It is very consistent with the characteristics of the Hidden Moon Sect. In a pair of Taoist couples, the female cultivator is generally higher in cultivation and has more say.

She chose to walk to Nangong Ping and asked:
"Uncle Master, you are here to buy spiritual animals. We have almost all kinds of cattle here."

"There are spiritual beasts ranging from the first level to the second level."

"What type do you need?"

Nangong Ping shook his head and said with a smile: "You are mistaken, it's not me, it's my junior brother who wants to buy it."

"Ah." Niu Feifei's cheeks turned red, "I'm very sorry for disturbing you, Uncle Master. If you need anything, please feel free to watch."

She left after speaking.

It seems that he has no intention of serving Ji Changqing one-on-one.

Seeing Ji Changqing's depressed look, Nangong Ping guessed what he was thinking and chuckled: "You are only in the qi training period. She obviously doesn't think you can buy any good spiritual beasts."

"I'm very busy, okay?"

Ji Changqing said nonchalantly: "Let's go check out the shelves."

There is a layer of shelves on the outer circle of the hall. On the shelves are not cows, but spirit animal bags.

The spirit beast bag is banned and only the clerk can remove it.

Next to each spirit beast bag is a jade slip.

The jade slips contain all the information about the spiritual beasts.

Ji Changqing didn't have a shopping guide.

I had to check the shelves one by one.

When I walked in, I discovered that the shelves are also divided into areas.

There is a dairy area, a beef cattle area, and a spiritual pet area.

Among them, in the spiritual pet area, there are cattle from the first and lower levels to the second level.

As for the dairy and beef cattle areas, the highest level is only the first-level intermediate level.

Among them, the beef cattle area accounts for half of the country.

Ji Changqing walked around and found that most of the monks who came in were here for the beef cattle.

The spiritual pet area is the smallest, the price is the highest, and there are few customers.

Obviously, cattle-like spiritual pets are not popular with everyone.

On the contrary, they all like to eat beef.

(End of this chapter)

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