Chapter 95 Ice and Fire Twin Rhinoceros
There are dozens of cows, large and small, on a lawn similar to a football field.

Various moos sounded in my ears from time to time.

These cattle were put out for display at the request of the customers.

Ji Changqing and the two walked around in a circle and came to the dairy area.

Most of the monks who visit here are in pairs.

Very few people buy it alone.

Because Nangong Ping was there, another clerk immediately came to ask what he needed.

"What kind of cows are there?" Nangong Ping didn't say she wouldn't buy it this time, because if they left, the two of them would be blinded.

Since Ji Changqing wanted to buy it, he asked for it for him.

“We currently have three types of cows in our store.”

"The first type of cow is characterized by a large amount of milk."

"With the amount of milk produced every day, one milk can feed dozens of babies."

"Don't worry at all, you'll be hungry."

“And it’s cheap and affordable.”

This time the person who came was a middle-aged female cultivator, who was obviously much more proficient in professional skills.

"The second type of cow is characterized by milk that tastes good and is slightly sweet."

"Even adult monks like to drink several bowls of it every day."

"Some babies who are picky eaters like this best."

The middle-aged female cultivator saw the two people's indifferent reaction and just nodded slightly. She was not sure whether they really wanted to buy it or came over to take a look.

Because the price of this last one is on the high side, few people will buy it.

"This third category is relatively rare."

"It is the offspring of our ancestor's unique spiritual beast, the Ice-Fire Phantom Rhinoceros and the cow."

"Not only does it produce enough milk and tastes good, but the milk is also a spiritual thing."

"If a baby drinks it, he will be immune to all diseases and strong, and his cultivation will also have an accelerated effect."

“It’s just that the price is a little bit higher.”

Descendants of level four spirit beasts, it's not a bad idea.

Ji Changqing was somewhat moved: "Can you show it to me?"

"That's it." The middle-aged female cultivator stretched out her hand and pointed at a pair of monks not far away and the cow beside them.

Ji Changqing noticed this very early.

But there was someone next to him, so he didn't come over.

The body size alone is nearly two meters long, with a tall body, well-proportioned structure, thin skin, short and thin coat, and a thick tail.

The coat color is different from the black and white of ordinary cows. Its main color is fiery red, but its spots are pure white.

Her breasts were huge, like balloons filled with water, hanging under her belly, with four finger-length breasts standing straight up.

The young Taoist couple looked at it for a long time but didn't buy it.

The middle-aged female cultivator wanted to take Nangong Ping there to put some pressure on them.

Competition makes things appear scarce, so she only lets one end go.

Ji Changqing walked in for observation and was stared at inexplicably by the female cultivator opposite.

The other party was actually a foundation-building monk like Nangong Ping.

The Token of the Disciple of the Hidden Moon Sect reads: Jin Fengming
"Why, fellow Taoists, you also want to buy it?" Jin Fengming crossed his arms and said to Nangong Ping.

Seeing that the other party also had foundation-building cultivation, she restrained her words a lot and did not directly chase him away.

Nangong Ping said calmly: "Come and take a look, I haven't decided yet."

Jin Fengming said a little angrily: "This is just a mid-level spirit beast. They offered 88 spirit stones, but I counter-offered [-] and didn't sell it."

The clerk came over and explained earnestly: "Uncle, our store refuses to bargain. The prices are all set by our ancestors. How can we dare to change them easily?"

Ji Changqing didn't expect such an operation.

Jin Fengming sneered at the clerk: "I advise fellow Taoists not to buy it. It's totally not worth it. A hundred spiritual stones can be used to buy a high-level magic weapon."

She completely ignored the clerk's complaints and instead advised Nangong Ping.

This kind of operation made the clerk curse secretly, "Who is it?" But she didn't dare to offend the Jin family.

Ji Changqing naturally will not let her words affect his judgment: "Is this the best cow in your store?"

"Yes." The clerk smiled bitterly: "In fact, it is already very affordable. It is a descendant of a fourth-level spiritual beast. And the milk it produces can also help its children speed up their cultivation." "Yes." Ji Changqing nodded, and poured out 88 spiritual stones. It is also within the acceptable range.

It's a bit more expensive, but that's okay.

Ji Changqing would naturally not withhold milk for her children.

The main one is the best.

"You don't really want to buy it, do you?" Jin Fengming looked uncertain and frowned slightly at Ji Changqing.

She had kindly reminded her, but the other party completely ignored her, which made her a little annoyed.

Seeing Ji Changqing nodding, Nangong Ping nodded and said, "If fellow Taoist don't buy it, then we'll take it."

"Is this the last one in your store?" Jin Fengming turned to ask the clerk, and the female clerk nodded quickly.

"Then I want it."

Originally, although Jin Fengming was interested in him, she was still a little hesitant. Since the other party was so disrespectful, she naturally felt disgusted with Nangong Ping.

As for the male Taoist companion next to her, he kept smiling with her from beginning to end without saying a word.

Ji Changqing glanced at him, still practicing Qi to perfect his cultivation. Seeing him, the man nodded slightly.

It seems that this thigh is not that easy to hug, and I have no say at all.

The female clerk was beaming with joy. Sure enough, her experience was correct.

Regardless of the process, her goal is always to buy the cow.

Nangong Ping didn't expect the other party to decide so easily.

Seeing that she had been bargaining for a long time before, I didn't expect her personality to be so impulsive.

Jin Fengming took out a bag of spiritual stones and took out twelve. After the female clerk took them, she took the cow away.

Before leaving, she glanced at the two of them with a slightly satisfied look. On the contrary, the male cultivator next to her just smiled politely.

Now the best cattle are gone.

Ji Changqing looked back and started to have a headache.

"Are there any good cows? It's better if they have higher bloodline."

"Higher bloodline? I'll look for it, please wait a moment." The female clerk's voice was brisk. It was obvious that this business was beneficial to her.

She returned to the sales shelf and got some spirit animal bags for Ji Changqing.

As a result, Ji Changqing was not satisfied with the cows that were released.

It's a far cry from the previous one, just a few sizes smaller.

"That's all?" Ji Changqing was a little disappointed. He had no choice but to buy an ordinary one first.

The female clerk also looked helpless. These two men obviously looked richer, but none of them satisfied them.

"There are two more. Their blood is very pure, but they are still calves." She still had the last spirit animal bag in her hand, but no one bought these two after being put away for nearly two months.

After they were released, two calves appeared on the lawn, one red and one white.

All solid colors.

Ji Changqing really likes the color.

It's just that he can't even stand firmly on the road. His four hooves are folded in half and he lies motionless on the ground, as if he was just born.

The female clerk said bravely: "These two are picky eaters and only eat spiritual grass leaves, so they look a little thin."

"If you train them carefully, it's possible that they won't become second-level spiritual beasts until they reach adulthood."

"If it's so good, why don't you cultivate it and sell it instead?"

When Ji Changqing asked about the key point, she hesitated for a long time: "To be honest, the family already has enough spiritual beasts, how can there be so many spiritual grass leaves to supply."

"If you want to buy it, I can give you a [-]% discount."

"Originally, each one contains fifty spirit stones."

"Now only seventy."

"You can take both of them."

"It's useless for us to buy this kind of milk! We don't know how long we have to wait for milk. Junior brother, let's just buy one." Nangong Ping was really afraid that he would buy it. In her eyes, it was a complete waste of energy. stone.

Ji Changqing stared at it for a while.

"You don't really want to buy it."

"Sixty spirit stones, this is the lowest price." Knowing this was her last chance, the female clerk gritted her teeth and offered the lowest price.

"Okay, I want this pair, and an ordinary cow." Ji Changqing planned to buy it from the beginning, but he didn't expect that Nangong Ping said it would be ten cheaper.

(End of this chapter)

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