Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 96 Foundation Building Pill, Ding Yan Pill

Chapter 96 Foundation Building Pill, Ding Yan Pill

"This is the seed of Sky Green Grass, the favorite pasture of cattle-like spiritual beasts. If you have a spiritual field, you might be able to try planting it."

After receiving 75 spirit stones, the female clerk gave Ji Changqing a bag of seeds as a gift.

Maybe he was afraid that he would die and then come to make trouble.

The two calves were so weak that they were destined to have a hard time surviving.

Ji Changqing collected the seeds and pressed the spirit beast bag on his waist. The three cows shrank together and flew in.

"see you next time."

"Yeah." Ji Changqing nodded slightly.

Seeing the two walking away, the female clerk was a little surprised. Judging from their words and attitudes, she felt that there was something different about the Taoist couple.

It doesn’t matter if the male cultivator is in charge of the spiritual stone. The female cultivator has already established the foundation, so it’s him who makes the decision.

The two of them walked around and found that there was really nothing to buy, so they planned to go back.

He and Nangong Ping came to the door. Before they could leave the store, a short male cultivator walked in.

Ji Changqing noticed that he was holding a small turtle in each hand.

The little turtle is about the size of a palm.

The color of the head and turtle shell is like an ice sculpture, transparent with a hint of sky blue.

If it weren't for the sliding of his limbs, Ji Changqing would have thought he was frozen.

After the male cultivator entered the door, his eyes were evasive and he looked around.

Ji Changqing felt curious and stopped to see what he was doing when he came in. He didn't feel like he was here to buy cattle.

The male cultivator turned his head and the two looked at each other, but they saw that he was wearing a mask, and Nangong Ping was in the foundation building stage, so he didn't get close.

The clerk saw it and walked towards him.

"The one in his hand seems to be an ice turtle." Nangong Ping just casually glanced at it before. Although he saw it, he didn't think much about it.

Now that I think about its information, I feel a little strange.

"Is he very powerful?" Ji Changqing was not interested in this male cultivator. He was interested in the two little turtles in his hands.

This one looks like a spiritual beast at first glance.

"It's not that great. After growing up, it looks like the top level."

"That's not bad." Ji Changqing has a demon refining pot. This kind of spiritual beast is easy to cultivate.

"Do you know how long it takes to cultivate? In memory, its lifespan is more than 1 years."

"And it's a bit strange, this kind of turtle usually appears in extremely cold areas."

"Our Moon Covering Sect should not have such an environment."

Nangong Ping thought with her brows, she had visited most areas of the entire sect, not to mention walking around.

"Did you bring it to our store for recycling?" The clerk Niu Feifei saw that he was only at the ninth level of Qi training, so she spoke straightforwardly.

"Yes, this is a high-grade spiritual beast. You should want it, right?" The male cultivator pretended to be calm and raised his voice an octave.

"No, our store sells cattle-like spiritual beasts. What do we want from you, a turtle? You go to other stores and have a look." Niu Feifei refused without thinking.

"I'm somewhat interested in this, why not sell it to me." A female voice answered.

The short male cultivator turned around and saw that it was a pair of middle-aged cultivators, both of whom were foundation-building seniors. He was immediately overjoyed. This should be a sale.

Several people used sound isolation techniques and opened their mouths to talk about something.

"Let's go." Nangong Ping felt that there was nothing interesting to see.

Ji Changqing nodded, since someone bought it, forget it.

And there really aren't many spiritual stones on him.

There are about thirty pills left.

"Would you like to go shopping again?" Nangong Ping suggested after leaving the Niu's Spiritual Beast Shop.

Seeing how interested she was, Ji Changqing agreed. Anyway, the cow was bought.

It’s rare to come to Fangshi, so it’s okay to see more.

We walked around for more than an hour afterwards.

I actually saw some good stuff.

For example, foundation-building elixir recipe!

This is what Ji Changqing wants most.

What people didn't expect was that this recipe was surprisingly cheap.

It only takes ten spirit stones to take away.

Ji Changqing thought it was fake at first, so he didn't care.

As a result, I visited several Danfang shops and they were all priced at this price.

After asking Nangong Ping, I found out that the elixir was real.

It's just that because it's so famous, there are too many manuscripts, so it's not valuable.

The major sects also turned a blind eye to this.

Because knowing the prescription is useless.

Chalcedony mushroom, purple monkey flower, and Tianling fruit, these three main herbs are all in the Bloody Forbidden Land.

The Bloody Forbidden Land is controlled by seven factions.

That's why this pill is so cheap.When Ji Changqing wanted to buy it, he was stopped by Nangong Ping.

"Yuelu Palace has plenty of this kind of elixir, and you can copy it with just one spirit stone."

Although Nangong Ping didn't know why he wanted to buy the foundation-building elixir, he couldn't watch him spend the spiritual stones indiscriminately.

Ji Changqing has never been to Yuelu Palace, so he doesn't know the prices, so he thinks they are cheap.

"I've memorized this recipe for a long time. If you want it, I'll copy it to you when I get back to the cave." Nangong Ping saw that he reluctantly put down the recipe, and was really afraid that he would buy it again.

"Senior sister, you are so kind and so diligent and thrifty." Ji Changqing wanted to hug her and kiss her pretty face.

Nangong Ping hummed softly proudly.

"You can tell Master these words when you get back to her soon. She will definitely be very happy."

"Forget it, wait until I can run past."

As long as he can run through it, he really dares to say so.

Ji Changqing found another one he wanted very much in Danfangpu.

Dingyan Dan.

The shop owner said that this elixir can keep people young and beautiful forever.

The asking price is also ten spirit stones.

Ji Changqing turned his head, Nangong Ping nodded in understanding, and the shop owner looked depressed.

These two dozen riddles, seeing that he clearly wanted them, put them down in the blink of an eye and left.

Isn't this a joke?

Nangong Ping passed by a jewelry store and obviously liked it.

Ji Changqing let her choose as she pleased.

This kind of thing is not very expensive.

She chose and visited three stores, and finally settled on a pair of cirrus white jade crested hairpins.

Ji Changqing also thought it looked pretty, so he bought it for her.

Because they are low-level magic weapons, a pair costs fifteen spiritual stones.

Originally each tube required eight.

Buy a pair and get one discount.

After buying it, she stood up while Ji Changqing found a suitable position and helped her pin the crested hairpin in her temples.

"How about it?"

She asked expectantly as she spun around in a circle.

Ji Changqing's eyes lit up and she felt a little surprised. This cirrus white jade crested hairpin, paired with the purple veil on her face, actually gave her a somewhat graceful, gorgeous and mysterious temperament.

Ji Changqing nodded in approval: "That's right. Don't you want to bring the other one?"

People rely on their clothes, and indeed there is some truth to that.

Ji Changqing has seen many stunning beauties.

But if paired with beautiful clothes, it really makes people’s eyes shine.

When he gets spiritual stones in the future, he plans to buy more nice clothes for his fellow Taoists.

The fun aspect can be improved a lot.

Nangong Ping shook his head, and then took off the hairpin.

"Don't you want to bring it?" Ji Changqing asked strangely.

"This one is for Master. I will take it first, she will definitely not accept it."

"I'll tell you when I get back later, Junior Brother, you bought it especially for Master."


Ji Changqing pursed his lips and was speechless.

He had wondered before why Nangong Ping bought a pair.

It turned out to be premeditated.

"The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is in a hurry. I am only in the Qi training stage now, and Senior Nangong is an elder of Danjie. There is a huge difference in realm." Ji Changqing shook his head, feeling that there was no point in sending the hairpin.

"You are wrong to think so. I think Master might be very happy if you take the initiative."

"Since you don't take the initiative, junior brother, then senior sister will help you take the initiative."

"Thank you, senior sister, you really are."

"Let's go back quickly." Nangong Ping couldn't wait.


When Ji Changqing saw her offering Yu Ruyi, he followed her.

The two headed home.

When flying over the talisman shop, I took a look from a distance and found nothing unusual, so I looked away.

After a cup of tea, I came to the top of the familiar fairy mountain.

The formation flashed in the sky above the cave, and the two of them disappeared into it.

(End of this chapter)

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