Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 97: Deceiving the Master and Deceiving Zu Nan Gongping

Chapter 97: Deceiving the Master and Deceiving Zu Nan Gongping

"Fortunately, Master is refining weapons, otherwise you would definitely be scolded if you knew I took you out."

The two of them returned to the backyard of the cave mansion and found no trace of Nangong Wan, so they both breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just a shopping trip, nothing serious." Ji Changqing jumped down.

Nangong Ping waved his hand and took Yu Ruyi back.

The two landed safely, one took off his mask and the other took off his veil.

"Master specially asked us not to go out as much as possible. Did you forget it so quickly?"

The two talked loudly and sang in harmony.

I don't know who to tell.

"It's impossible for Senior Nangong to show up as soon as we talk." Ji Changqing smiled and didn't care.


As soon as he finished speaking, Nangong Ping was stunned.

Her eyes were focused behind Ji Changqing.

Ji Changqing was stunned for a moment and turned around.

There are only two acres of spiritual land and a group of buzzing and industrious bees.

Nangong covered his mouth and chuckled.

Ji Changqing knew he had been fooled.

As a pill-forming monk, Nangong Wan could not detect him with her spiritual sense even if she stood behind him.

In addition, Ji Changqing fell into the trap because he was so elusive the first two times.

"Senior sister, it's wrong to lie to people. It's a shame that I trust you so much." Ji Changqing said with a straight face and speechlessness.

"Who made you so stupid?" Nangong Ping smiled even more happily, but he only smiled for a while. Ji Changqing never responded, just staring behind her without blinking.

"You must be trying to scare me, but I won't fall for it."

"Where have you been?"


Nangong Ping pursed her pink lips and said nothing.

"Senior, don't you want to refine weapons?" Ji Changqing asked with a smile on his face.


Nangong Wan changed into a green plain palace dress, with golden hair pinned to her temples, and the green silk tied up in a fairy bun. Her temperament floated out of the world, unlike a human woman.

Even though Ji Changqing was very restrained, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"I remembered something. I wanted to explain it to Ping'er, but I didn't expect you to slip out of the cave in the blink of an eye." Nangong Wanmei's eyes flickered from side to side, her gaze staying on the two of them.

In fact, after the two left, she stamped her feet in the cave angrily.

Go out and let them come back and be evil again.

If you don't go out, just wait, because you're afraid something will happen to them and they will be abducted by the senior sister.

"Senior, I asked my senior sister to take her to Fangshi to buy some things." Ji Changqing explained.

"Really?" Nangong Wan saw him defending Nangong Ping and responded calmly.

Nangong Ping rolled his eyes at him, feeling that his master was really angry this time.

"Master, I have something to say."

"Yeah." Nangong Wan sat down on Shidun, took out a box of snacks, and listened to her explanation.

"Actually, junior brother goes out all because of his master." Nangong Ping said weakly.

Ji Changqing looked at her calmly.

Senior sister, you are deceiving your master and ancestor.

He only went out to buy cattle.

Nangong Wan moved her hands.

"Junior brother knows you like desserts."

As soon as Nangong Wan's cake was brought to her mouth, she put it down again.

Nangong Ping briefly explained Ji Changqing's previous views on milk replacing spiritual spring water.

"So you went out just to buy cows?"

Nangong Ping's head was like pounding garlic, and he stretched out his hand to signal Ji Changqing to take it out quickly.

Ji Changqing had no choice but to let the ordinary cow go.

Bought it to cover up.

If he takes out milk to drink in the future, at least others will know that he has a cow, so they won't be too surprised.

He really didn't consider what Nangong Ping said at first.

But now I was reminded by her.

Ji Changqing also felt that this cow was bought just for Nangong Wan.

"That's right, Master, look." Nangong Ping took out the cirrus white jade crested hairpin again.

"Junior brother bought this specially for you. It cost more than ten spirit stones."

Nangong Wan took it, glanced at him, and pursed her lips without saying a word.

"Junior brother went out for a trip and only bought cows and hairpins, nothing else."

Speaking of this, even Nangong Ping was stunned for a moment.

Could it be that this is what junior brother thought from the beginning?

Otherwise what would he do if he bought a cow?

"You don't have spiritual stones, so buying these is just a waste."

"This is my junior's intention." Ji Changqing gritted his teeth and rounded. "Okay, I'll take it."

"I forgive you this time. Next time you go out and tell me."

"Master, junior brother is here to surprise you."

Ji Changqing remained silent after hearing this.

Nangong Wan's expression was invisible under her veil, but Nangong Ping still noticed that his master's earlobes were pink.

She snickered secretly in her heart, a hundred-year-old girl is easy to coax.

In this world, who knows her best is Nangong Ping.

Giving gifts may not work for other female nuns, but Nangong Wan has been single for hundreds of years.

No male cultivator has ever given me such a personal gift.

Then Nangong Ping also told the story about the store.

"Originally, junior brother disagreed. After all, the Foundation Establishment Pill is so precious."

"But the boss said that your ancestors don't have any industry. I think you should need this."

"Junior brother agreed immediately."

Nangong Wan felt hot all over after hearing this, stood up and turned around.

"Your mind, I know."


"In the end, the personal relationship between children is secondary. You can't delay your path to immortality because of this kind of thing."

Ji Changqing pursed his lips and said nothing. Was this rejection?

Seeing that he was silent, Nangong Wan bit her pink lips secretly: "Are you really going to the Bloody Forbidden Land?"

Ji Changqing said firmly: "Yes."

Nangong Wan was silent for a while and said: "In a few days, I may have to undergo life-and-death confinement."

"It could be several years."

"However, you don't have to worry. You will be able to get out of seclusion in a few years. Just practice hard."

"Senior, is it so sudden?" Ji Changqing looked up in surprise.

Nangong Ping was also a little surprised, but she suddenly thought of something and calculated that the time was almost up.

"Well, since you have a shop, let Ping'er deliver them and sell these magical artifacts. I happen to be short of some spiritual stones."

Nangong Wan nodded slightly and waved a bunch of magic weapons.

There are various magic weapons including swords, bows, rings, shields, and even spears, ten in total.

All are high-level magic weapons.

"You can choose whatever you like." Nangong Wan saw that he was a little moved and said.

"Thank you senior."

Ji Changqing immediately thanked him and stepped forward.

He really lacks an attack and defense weapon.

Although Nangong Wan can choose as he pleases, Ji Changqing can't take too many.

After all, they want to sell it.

Then you can only choose between attack and defense.

"These are some materials I bought at the market and auction house, and I practice some every year."

"It's just that there has never been a store, so the transaction is a bit awkward. Usually it is handed over directly to the auction house." Nangong Wan explained to him softly.

"I didn't expect Senior to be so good at refining weapons."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said."

Nangong Ping chuckled.

"Senior, I have made my choice." Ji Changqing picked up a golden long bow from the ground.

Three small characters are engraved on the bow body: Sunset Bow.

Originally, Ji Changqing was more inclined to defend.

But the shield only has one side.

The aura is still yellow.

It doesn't match his metallic aura.

On the contrary, it is this sunset bow.

He hit it off right away.

The attributes are consistent, and the aura is also close to the top-level magic weapon.

Moreover, it is a long-range weapon, and the key is that it does not require arrows.

"This sunset bow, I remember the second-level monster Eagle Kite Beast, and the materials on it."

"It's just that I didn't practice it well, otherwise it should be a top-level magic weapon."

"People make mistakes and horses make mistakes. I like this bow very much. Thank you, senior."

"Yeah." Nangong Wan glanced at him without any trace.

"Just a handful, you don't have to be polite if you like it."

Ji Changqing nodded: "Having this fine magic weapon is enough."


"Master, I'm leaving then." Nangong Ping put away the magic weapon, winked at Ji Changqing, and told him to seize the opportunity, and then flew out of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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