Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers.

Chapter 419 Who would be short of those points?

Although Lin Tianwei's Beast King Domain does not have the terrifying lethality of Val's Thunder and Lightning Domain, it also has its own special effects.

That is to deter, to deter those cosmic beasts that are not strong enough and whose willpower is not strong enough.

Although Val is very powerful, he has been pampered since childhood and his willpower is not very strong.

The most important thing is that Lin Tianwei’s position at this time is very critical.

The Dragon Head is the core area of ​​Val's consciousness, and using the Beast King's domain here can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

What's more, Lin Tianwei launched an attack at the moment when Val couldn't afford to play.

Like a golden bullet that could cut through the darkness, Lin Tianwei rushed towards the location of Val's eyes at an extremely fast speed.

The eyes are indeed the windows to the soul.

As long as the glass guarding the window is broken, Lin Tianwei can go straight in and attack Huanglong.

Val, who was originally guiding the lightning field, only felt a terrible pressure suddenly descending, directly suppressing his consciousness, making him unable to even breathe.

This pressure made him feel the threat of death, as if he was being targeted by some natural enemy and might die in the next moment.

Seize the enemy's will, shock the enemy's soul, and capture the enemy's spirit!
This is the true power of Lin Tianwei’s Beast King domain.

At such a critical moment, Val's will was actually taken away by Lin Tianwei, and he became stunned. His fate can be imagined.

Like an indestructible bullet, Lin Tianwei penetrated directly into Val's body through his eyes and began to wreak havoc.

The power of destruction!

The terrifying destructive force gathered in Lin Tianwei's body, destroying everything in its path!

Val's seemingly strong body could not withstand Lin Tianwei's ravages and was soon broken through layer by layer. Lin Tianwei directly broke through to the location of the inner world.

In a sense, the inner world is like the beast core, which is extremely important to all cosmic beasts.

Once the enemy breaks through here, it's basically death.

With just a little bit of guidance, the stars hidden in the world within the body will go out of control, and the violent power will burst out, blowing the host's body into pieces in an instant.

When Val broke free from the shock of the Beast King's domain, he only saw Lin Tianwei's back as he entered the world inside his body.

Despair arose in him, and he knew that he had already lost the competition.

But he was also extremely grateful that this was just a competition and even if he failed it would not be a loss at all.

If I were to encounter such a terrifying opponent in reality, I would really have no hope of survival.

The cosmic beasts of the highest life form? The powerful Razer clan? None of them could protect Val.

However, Val waited and waited, but his death did not come. When he used his mind to perceive, he found that Lin Tianwei was actually taking a sightseeing tour inside his body.

Are you kidding? This is a rare opportunity to visit the body structure of a cosmic behemoth at the top life level. How could Lin Tianwei kill Val with one strike and waste such a precious opportunity?

Anyway, the outcome has been decided, so Lin Tianwei has plenty of time to waste.

So after entering Val's inner world, Lin Tianwei was no longer in a hurry.

There is no doubt that Val possesses the strength of a domain lord, and the world within his body is naturally completely different from that of a cosmic-level powerhouse.

Although it is still the same universe, just a difference in size, Lin Tianwei can feel the power of rules from this universe.

The law of thunder and lightning even replaced possible air and became something omnipresent in this universe.

It is the power of rules that sublimates the universe, makes it more powerful, and allows Val to possess the strength of a domain lord.

Lin Tianwei had also entered Miguier's inner world and explored what changes would occur in the inner world of a realm master.

However, he discovered that Miguier's inner world was no different from the inner world of a cosmic-level ninth-order cosmic beast, and even compared with some geniuses, it was slightly weaker.

The only difference is that the world inside Miguier's body possesses the power of rules.

A large amount of regular force lingers around the largest stars, not only making them run faster but also generating more star power.

It can also be used as a one-time burst of energy, causing a huge impact on a certain area for a short period of time.

It was precisely because of the influence of the power of rules that Miguier was able to kill all the cosmic beasts in an entire area without any effort.

This kind of attack is a fatal blow to the cosmic behemoths that have not mastered the power of rules.

This is why there is a spectacular scene where Miguier directly kills countless cosmic-level ninth-order cosmic beasts.

Compared with Miguel's inner world, Val's inner world carries a higher force of rules, and even begins to cover some planets.

Perhaps after the power of rules fills the entire universe, Val's strength will undergo a qualitative change and achieve the legendary immortality.

However, because there were too few reference objects, Lin Tianwei was unable to verify his guess for a while.

Perhaps only by encountering more and stronger cosmic beasts in the Arena of Laws can Lin Tianwei find a path to immortality.

However, just as Lin Tianwei was about to continue studying Val's inner world, he discovered that Val's inner world suddenly became turbulent.

A terrifying force of thunder and lightning erupted, and it was actually ready to destroy this place directly.

Val is not a good man. After realizing Lin Tianwei's true purpose, he immediately chose to self-destruct.

Want to covet the secrets inside your body?
Even if it is just a virtual body used in the arena of laws, a virtual body that is completely incomparable to the real body in terms of strength, it is not something that Lin Tianwei can get for free.

Knowing that victory was hopeless, Val decisively chose to self-destruct, cutting off Lin Tianwei's chance to continue spying on his secrets.

Although the rules of the Law Arena do not allow suicide, if you encounter an opponent like Lin Tianwei and try to pry into the opponent's secrets, it gives the other party the right to commit suicide.

You can even use the rules of the Law Arena to simply admit defeat and end the competition.

Ten thousand thunder burial!
The terrifying force of thunder erupted, which was the dignified exit that Val prepared for himself.

What's more, if he burst out with all his strength, he might be able to fight Lin Tianwei to a draw, which would not tarnish his own reputation.

Surrender? His dignity would not allow him to surrender unless it was absolutely necessary.

The inner world.

Feeling that this world was about to collapse, Lin Tianwei did not bother to check the situation in the world inside his body, but turned to check the condition of Val's body.

As a cosmic behemoth at the top level of life, although it is impossible for Val to completely replicate his real-world body into the Law Arena, it is enough for Lin Tianwei to gain some inspiration.

Under the powerful force of Ten Thousand Thunder Burial, Lin Tianwei only had time to feel that Val's body seemed to contain a large number of thunder and lightning laws, so he had to use instant movement to leave here.

Although he still has a trump card that can allow him to survive the burial of ten thousand thunders.

But this is obviously not the card that should be used now.

Finally, in a flash of purple lightning, the battle turned into nothingness.

Seeing that the competition had been completely declared over, countless cosmic beasts did not dare to be negligent in the slightest, for fear of missing out on some crucial shot.

Especially those crazy financial planners, they tried to find evidence of Val's victory in this area of ​​nothingness.

Unfortunately, their expectations were doomed to fail, as the Law Arena soon gave the final answer:
"Competition result: Lin wins, Val loses!"

When the result came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Apart from the two beasts who were mysteriously confident in Lin Tianwei, perhaps only Azeya could see the outcome of this battle. Ten Thousand Thunder Burial was the signature skill of the Thunder Snake Clan to kill both parties.

Unless they are forced into a desperate situation, even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, the Thunder Snake Clan will not use Ten Thousand Thunder Burial.

So the outcome has already been decided.

The only difference is whether Lin Tianwei can withstand the power of Ten Thousand Thunders Burial and whether he can survive this horrific tactic of mutual destruction.

A tie kills all!

Azeya was even more eager for a draw, so that he could tell these cosmic beasts who were daydreaming of getting rich all day long what true cruelty was.

of course.

It would be cruel enough if Lin Tianwei won.

At least countless cosmic monsters have been burdened with huge debts, and some may even have to sell themselves to pay them off.

But this is not something Azea needs to worry about.

He respects the fate of others, never meddles in other people's affairs, and never has a naive attitude.


"Ding, congratulations on successfully killing your opponent and winning this competition."

"This competitive attack is rated S. It was an excellent fight. It's a pity that the opponent doesn't seem to be very smart."

"My defensive rating for this competition is: S. Ah, I got electrocuted so badly. Haha, I was just kidding."

"Ding, since your opponent is two levels stronger than you, the overall evaluation of this competition will be raised by two levels."

"Ding, your final overall competitive rating is: SSS, and you will receive 3000% of the points in the end."

"Ding, after calculation, you have earned a total of 5000 million points for this competitive victory (basic points 3000*SSS level rating 5000%*Purgatory difficulty bonus 200%*own top rating bonus*%)."


"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a new target."

"Ding, the talent extraction was successful, and the host obtained the talent: Core Code (Extraordinary) (Incomplete) (29/10000)."

"Remarks: Congratulations to the host for the talent: Core Code (Extraordinary) (Incomplete) collection progress reaching 1704/10000."


"Ding, your evaluation and ranking have been updated and can be viewed through the panel."


"Name: Lin.

Age: 53 years old.

Strength: Universe level seventh level.

Rank: 83.

Points: 113 million+.

Rating: Extraordinary (Challenge Points +500%).

Note: Keep going up in leaps and bounds, your potential is even greater than you think.

But don’t be too proud, the opponents ahead will be even stronger.”


"Ding, since you have entered the top 100 of the leaderboard, the legendary competition is open. You can choose a maximum of 10,000 points as your basic points."


"Ding, due to your strong strength, you have entered the top 100 of the Rule Arena rankings. You can choose to imprint a unique phantom of your own in the Rule Arena."

"After leaving behind a phantom, you will receive 20% of the points you earned from winning the phantom competition as a reward."


"Ding, due to your strong strength, you have entered the top 100 of the Rule Arena rankings. You can choose to turn on the shielding mode."

"When the shielding mode is turned on, your shadow will not appear in the training ground."

It has to be said that as Lin Tianwei's strength grew and his ranking gradually increased, the treatment he received also improved a lot.

You can even choose to engrave a shadow of your own in the Law Arena and use it to earn points for yourself continuously.

Although Lin Tianwei will not be able to access the Law Arena again after he turns 100, the points under his name will not be cleared, but will continue to be retained and used to exchange for some items he needs.


Who would be short of those points?
In response to this, Lin Tianwei chose to refuse without hesitation.

He didn't want to experience what Val had gone through to happen to him.

Compared with the risk of exposing his secrets, Lin Tianwei doesn't care about the points he earns.

However, the following shielding mode made Lin Tianwei frown.

For him, he naturally has to turn on the blocking mode.

But if the top 100 cosmic beasts in the Law Arena can all enjoy such treatment, then doesn’t that mean that his plan to brush Val N times will fail?
Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei quickly entered the training ground and tried to summon the phantom of Val, but received the message that the other party had entered the shielding mode and could not be summoned.

This situation made Lin Tianwei secretly feel that he had miscalculated. If he had known that there was such a thing as a shielding mode, he would not have used a full 10% of his strength in this competition.

I felt good about ending the battle quickly, but apart from some meaningless points, I didn't gain much.

It would be better to show weakness to the enemy, keep them in suspense, and take the opportunity to spy on the secrets of these cosmic beasts at the top level of life.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei decided to be a little more restrained in future competitions.

Before you squeeze all the value out of the other person, you must appear to be weak and vulnerable.

I just hope that those top 100 cosmic beasts won’t be too fragile. They would self-destruct at the slightest disagreement. This really makes Lin Tianwei speechless.

I just don't know why this stupid Phoenix Bird chose not to turn on the shielding mode, allowing Lin Tianwei to repeatedly summon his phantom to gain experience.

However, Lin Tianwei most likely would not have any contact with the Phoenix Bird in the future, so he simply gave up on investigating the matter further.

In fact, the reason why the Phoenix Bird did not turn on the shielding mode was naturally because of its extremely special reincarnation field.

As long as the phoenix bird phantom is given enough time, information can be transmitted through the reincarnation phantom.

In addition, the Phoenix itself is just a flamingo at the fifth level of life, and its strength is only at the eighth level of the star level. Apart from the realm of reincarnation, there is no secret on it at all.

Naturally, he is willing to leave his shadow and start fishing mode.

While those giant cosmic beasts were trying to gain benefits from the Phoenix Bird, wasn't the Phoenix Bird also using its own shadow to perhaps gain benefits?
That is to say, Lin Tianwei, this pervert, was able to completely suppress the Phoenix Bird, so that except for the first time when Lin Tianwei let him go, he could only obtain information, and at other times he could not obtain anything. (End of this chapter)

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