Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers.

Chapter 420 The Heart of Tianhai!

Points: 113 million+!

Retracting his thoughts and looking at the points that had reached the exchange conditions for the Heart of Tianhai, Lin Tianwei did not hesitate and directly opened the exchange list, searched for the Heart of Tianhai and exchanged it.

For him, points may have many uses, but exchanging them for a Tianhai Heart is the greatest use.

What's more, he still has enough time to earn points, so there is no need to feel sorry for the 100 million points.

As if it was shocked by Lin Tianwei's huge move, even the Law Arena, which was always quick to respond, paused for a moment this time.

After a moment, he slowly reminded:
"Please confirm whether you want to spend 100 million points to redeem the Heart of the Sea."

"Warm reminder: Once the Heart of Tianhai is exchanged, it cannot be withdrawn, so please choose carefully."

Exchanging for the Heart of Tianhai was the result of Lin Tianwei's careful consideration. Naturally, he could not back down at this time, and he immediately chose to confirm it without hesitation.

"Ding, congratulations on spending 100 million points to exchange for the Heart of the Sea."

No more? Then what?

Lin Tianwei was really speechless. After he confirmed the exchange, the Law Arena just gave such a light reminder and there was no further news.

Do I not need to fill in my delivery address?

However, just when Lin Tianwei was extremely confused, he suddenly had a feeling and chose to log off instantly.

Just when Lin Tianwei's consciousness returned to his body, a green light cut through the space and flew straight in front of Lin Tianwei.

Holding the green light tightly in his claws, Lin Tianwei automatically obtained the following information before he even had time to check the information of the green light through the Eye of Insight:

The Heart of Tianhai is a magical object that contains a large number of life laws. It has the magical effect of reshaping the body and improving the level of life.

One of the most powerful secret treasures in the universe, the Heart of Tianhai, which can reshape the body and improve the level of life, was held in Lin Tianwei's hands.

If other cosmic monsters knew about this, they would probably go crazy with jealousy.

Although there was no instruction manual, Lin Tianwei knew how to use it the moment he saw the Heart of Tianhai.

You just need to let your body absorb the Heart of Tianhai, and then you can reshape your body and improve your life level with the help of the powerful life laws contained in it.

As for the reshaping effect and the effect of improving the life level, it depends entirely on how the user uses it.

However, the Heart of Tianhai is one of the most powerful secret treasures in the universe, and it specializes in reshaping the body and improving the level of life.

Even if the user makes mistakes again, the user's life level will be guaranteed to be raised to level nine.

In other words, with just a Heart of Tianhai, Lin Tianwei can at least raise his life level to eight levels.

Such a terrifying effect is well worth the 100 million points required to redeem the Heart of Tianhai, as well as the difficulty of obtaining these 100 million points.

Looking at the plain emerald in his hand, Lin Tianwei finally chose to put it into the Tiger Fang Space.

Before he had a perfect plan to reshape his body, Lin Tianwei would not rashly use the Heart of Tianhai to do such a wasteful thing.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei came to the waiting room again.

Materials, I need more research materials.

Only with more research materials can one formulate a method that can perfectly reshape one's body.


Perhaps it had been a long time since a cosmic monster had exchanged the Heart of Tianhai, and this major event, which should have shocked the entire universe, happened quietly, and almost no cosmic monsters knew about it.

As the creator of the Heart of Tianhai, God King Tianhai was naturally the first person to know the news that the Heart of Tianhai had been exchanged.

"After tens of millions of years, a genius who can redeem the Heart of Tianhai has finally appeared."

"It's a pity that I am now trapped in the alien battlefield and cannot return to the Law Arena to investigate the situation of this genius immediately."

"I hope he can grow up quickly and become the backbone of our virtual world."

"I am still a little too optimistic. Distant water cannot quench immediate thirst. It will take who knows how many tens of thousands of years for him to grow up."

"It's not helpful at all for the current situation on the alien battlefield."

After talking to himself for a few sentences, Tianhai God King finally gave up his attention to Lin Tianwei.

The emergence of a new genius might be worthy of attention, but it is not as important as the extremely chaotic alien battlefield in front of us.

Another being that knew that the Heart of Tianhai had been exchanged was naturally the Phoenix.

As an old villain who has lived for billions of years just to exchange for a Heart of Tianhai, improve his life level, and reach the pinnacle of bird life, the Phoenix Bird is naturally particularly concerned about the Heart of Tianhai.

Especially when his points were about to exceed 100 million and he could soon exchange them for a Tianhai Heart.

However, he never expected that the Heart of Tianhai that he had been longing for would be exchanged by someone else just when he was about to accumulate enough points.

As the most precious treasure in the universe, capable of changing destiny, even if the God King of Tianhai wants to condense a Heart of Tianhai, he needs to consume his own essence.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, there will only be one Heart of Tianhai stored in the Law Arena as a backup.

This resulted in the Heart of Tianhai being out of stock after Lin Tianwei exchanged it.

Even if Phoenix Bird had obtained enough points, he could not continue to exchange for the second Heart of Tianhai.

How could this situation not drive him crazy?
That was the angry cry of the Phoenix Bird, roaring: "Who is it, who stole my Tianhai Heart at this most critical moment!"

"Could it be Lin? After all, I haven't heard of any genius cosmic monster rising in the Law Arena recently."

"No, it definitely can't be the Heart of Tianhai that Lin exchanged."

"How could a cosmic beast that loves wasting time in the Law Arena have 100 million points?"

"Only a cosmic behemoth like me, who seizes every minute and every second to match, and accumulates countless years of experience, can possibly raise enough points to exchange for the Heart of the Sea."

"Wilbur? Boss?"

"Don't let me know which one of you did this, or I'll make sure you don't get hurt."

"You will know what the wrath of the Phoenix is!"

Even the Phoenix Bird would never have thought that the truly correct answer had been ruled out at the very first moment.


On the other side, after a long wait, the matching system that seemed dead finally moved.

"Ding, congratulations on your successful match. Your opponent is Val."

"Name: Frost.

Rank: 56.

Rating: Extraordinary (300% bonus to challenge points after winning)."

"Please confirm whether to enter the arena."

Frost? The name was familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before. However, this did not affect Lin Tianwei's decision to start the match.

I just hope that this cosmic beast named Frost can be a little easier to deceive, so that I can learn more secrets about cosmic beasts at the top life level.

"Ding, due to the phantom left by Frost for the ancient strongman, the default choice will be confirmed to enter the arena."

"Ding, the competition has started. The venue for this competition is: Chaos Realm."

It was familiar chaotic territory again.

Lin Tianwei discovered that these powerful cosmic beasts seemed to prefer the realm of chaos as their arena.

Lin Tianwei didn't care about this.

After all, for him, even in a chaotic field it would not affect the performance of his strength.

As the competition began, Lin Tianwei gradually saw his opponent, the cosmic beast named Frost.

The beast lives up to its name!

This cosmic monster named Frost is like an ice sculpture, floating quietly in the chaotic realm, so cold and terrifying.

Its image is somewhat similar to the previous red dragon, except that it is ice blue all over, and looks more like a giant frost dragon.

A frost dragon made of ice.

While Lin Tianwei was waiting for the time to end, Azeya was also busy and exhausted.

He could never have imagined that Lin Tianwei would not give him much rest time at all. In just half a day, the second competition started.

Not only that, the opponent is even more terrifyingly strong. He is Frost, who is ranked 56th and possesses an ice field that can freeze everything.

Odds? What odds are good?
Azeya was so anxious that he scratched his head, but he couldn't think of a suitable compensation ratio.

Although Frost is very powerful, Lin Tianwei is also a rising star. He does not play by the rules at all and is always able to defeat those cosmic beasts that seem more powerful than him.

With the two colliding, Azea really doesn't know how to set the odds.

But time waits for no one, and Azea didn't have much time to wait. In the end, he gritted his teeth and chose the odds of ten to one.

If Lin Tianwei wins, he will get ten times the compensation, and if Han Shuang wins, he will get one tenth the compensation.

No matter how well Lin Tianwei performed in the first two games, and even forced Val to use the Ten Thousand Thunder Burial, it still could not change Azeya's mind and make him value Lin Tianwei more.

After all, the ranking is there, and no one would think that Lin Tianwei, who is ranked lower, can win.

You know, among the top 100 cosmic behemoths in the Law Arena, even a difference in ranking by one person can make a world of difference in strength, not to mention the ranking gap of up to dozens in front of us.

The gap in strength between Lin Tianwei and Han Shuang must be terrifyingly huge.

Even so, this time no cosmic behemoth dared to shout "Long live financial management".

Lin Tianwei has used his strength to tell these financial management parties that investment is risky and financial management requires caution.

The result of not believing in yourself is that you will lose everything.

It is also because of this that even though Frost is more visible, not many cosmic beasts are betting on it this time.

They were afraid that Lin Tianwei would suddenly turn into a Yuanjing assassin and stab their wallets in the back.

Only Rocky and Torre still maintained a mysterious confidence in Lin Tianwei and placed crazy bets like the craziest gamblers.

However, facts will prove that their choice is extremely correct, and the reason they are crazy is because their rationality has reached its limit.

The waiting time passed in a flash, and the competition officially began.

The moment the competition started, Lin Tianwei heard a terrible freezing sound in his ears. It was a terrifying power that could even freeze space.

Facing the cosmic behemoths ranked in the top 100, even Frost, who was a phantom, did not dare to be negligent and chose to release the ice field as soon as the competition began.

The ice-blue light representing the ice field began to erode the space frantically, and in an instant it arrived at Lin Tianwei's location, intending to freeze Lin Tianwei into an ice cube.

It is impossible to freeze, it will never freeze in this life, it seems like I can only resist it with difficulty.

In order to collect more information about the top life-level cosmic beasts, the movie star Lin Tianwei is online again.
This time he only used 5% of his strength, barely releasing a little faint golden light under the blockade of the ice field, trying to resist the severe coldness of the ice field.

How dare the light of a firefly compete with the bright moon?

Under the relentless pressure of the ice-blue light, the golden light representing Lin Tianwei's domain was defeated and soon invaded his body surface, freezing his reddish-brown bear hair into ice spikes.

All the giant beasts in the universe took this for granted and did not feel surprised at all.

Even Lin Tianwei's opponent Han Shuang thought so, and just frantically increased the output of the ice field, trying to completely freeze Lin Tianwei into ice chips.

However, Lin Tianwei seemed to be blessed by heaven. No matter how hard Han Shuang tried, he could not completely extinguish the golden light on Lin Tianwei's body and destroy it completely.

That bit of golden light seemed like the most tenacious fire of life. Although it was weak and seemed to be extinguished at the slightest touch, it continued to burn and would never go out.

Han Shuang tried hard for a long time but only froze off a few of Lin Tianwei's hairs.

Han Shuang finally lost his patience in the stalemate and decided to take action himself to crush Lin Tianwei to death.

His body is so huge and Lin Tianwei's body is so weak.

He believed that under the suppression of the ice field, killing Lin Tianwei would be a matter of just one claw.

Thinking of this, Han Shuang quickly came to where Lin Tianwei was and slapped Lin Tianwei's position with one claw.

The wait is now!

Lin Tianwei, who showed weakness to the enemy, finally exhausted Han Shuang's patience, forcing him to give up the distance advantage and come directly in front of him.

Lin Tianwei gritted his teeth and pretended to use all his strength. He had no intention of cheating and launched a counterattack, slapping Han Shuang with his claws.


With a loud bang, the first collision between the two beasts came to fruition.

Click, click,

That was the sound of ice breaking continuously. Lin Tianwei's terrifying power actually directly destroyed one of Han Shuang's arms.

The broken arm was like ice, instantly raising a cloud of icy dust in the ice field, which looked barely gorgeous.

However, Lin Tianwei was obviously feeling very uncomfortable. One of his arms was pulled down weakly, and he looked completely disabled.

The first physical clash between the two beasts ended in an evenly matched battle.

But this is obviously just a superficial phenomenon.

Because right in front of Lin Tianwei, under the gaze of countless spectators, Frost's destroyed arm actually began to absorb the surrounding icy power and was completely healed in an instant.

Healed into a complete arm. (End of this chapter)

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