Doupo: Rebirth of Hai Xinyan, many children, many blessings!

Chapter 149 Refining medicine, Cao Ying’s downfall

Chapter 149: Refining medicine, Cao Ying’s downfall...

Chapter 149: Refining medicine, Cao Ying’s downfall...

Seeing this scene, Ye Hao also had a look of surprise in his eyes.

It doesn't seem to think so.

The Cao Ying in front of her was much more conservative than the other party appeared.

so that.

Just such a close contact caused such a subconscious reaction.


"The enchantress of the Cao family, who has always been fearless, actually gets scared sometimes!"

Mind a move.

Ye Hao also gently lifted Cao Ying's chin and tasted the delicate lips.

After a moment.

Only then did he release his palm again and said with interest.

However this time.

Cao Ying had already become a little dizzy, as if she was drunk, and a blush appeared on her face.

It looks even more delicate and unparalleled.


Noticed a hint of tenderness in Cao Ying's eyes.

Ye Hao was not in a hurry,

Flip your palm.

A medicine refining table and a simple medicine cauldron appeared.

On top of the alchemy table.

There are also some medicinal materials prepared and a prescription for elixirs.


Seeing this, Cao Ying also had a look of doubt in her eyes, as if she didn't understand Ye Hao's intentions.

And there is no telling the truth.

Caressing Cao Ying's cheek, she also looked at the alchemy table in front of her and said meaningfully.

"Don't you want to improve your alchemy skills?"

"Then let me first take a look at how good the legendary enchantress of the Cao family is at refining medicine..."


When Cao Ying heard this, she was also slightly startled.

When it came to refining medicine, she also regained some confidence and walked towards the medicine refining table.

"and many more,"

"How can you make medicine easier by dressing up like this?"

"Put on your clothes first!"

These words also had an irresistible tone.

Cao Ying subconsciously took the clothes in front of her and put them on by some strange combination of circumstances.

Just noticed.

The outfit she wore was too bold and shameful even for her usual habits.

Amazingly, she is dressed in a bunny girl costume!

A leather jacket that looks like a one-piece swimsuit, paired with two slender stockings as thin as cicada wings, and a bunny ear-like decoration on the head.

It was also after Cao Ying put on this outfit.

He didn't even dare to look at Ye Hao!

As for Ye Hao, he was also looking at Cao Ying in front of him with great interest.

After a moment.

It was when the other party was already too shy to raise his head that he said quietly.

"What are you waiting for?"

"The elixir on this alchemy table was carefully prepared by me for you."

"In addition, there are only three medicinal ingredients in total. If all three medicinal ingredients fail, I will be very disappointed with you!"

"If successful..."

"Then within my ability, I can satisfy your request!"

With this export.

Cao Yingcai raised her head slightly, with a flash of light in her eyes.

Just like she thought before.

For Cao Ying, who became an official alchemist at the age of seven, refining elixirs was a matter of great concern.

It is almost a daily routine, as simple as eating and drinking!
and so.

As long as it was a challenge in the field of medicine refining, Cao Ying was arrogant and unrivaled.

Apart from……

He lost to Ye Hao before, and he lost quite completely!

Until now.

It's like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth!

And Cao Ying also understood that this time refining the medicine was not only a test for her by Ye Hao, but also a rare opportunity.

thought here.

Cao Yingcai walked to the medicine refining table and picked up the elixir in her hand.


After seeing clearly the contents of this prescription, Cao Ying, who was familiar with refining medicine, couldn't help but blush.

As an alchemist.

She has also seen all kinds of weird prescriptions.

There are many of them, whether they are medicinal materials or the effects of elixirs, they are quite unpopular elixirs.


This is the first time Cao Ying has seen this type of elixir in her hand.

after all.

This kind of elixir is generally used to enhance happiness, and is not a common elixir.

Just like in the hands of Cao Ying, the elixir called "Ning Yuan Huan Zhen Dan" has even reached the level of a seventh-grade high-level elixir.

It is almost the highest grade among this type of elixir!
And more advanced elixirs.

Not to mention its scarcity and the preciousness of the materials required.

As a kind of elixir with special needs, it is enough for it to achieve a certain effect. The higher the grade, the better.

and so……

As a seventh-grade elixir.

Not only will the Ning Yuan Huan Zhen Dan not harm the user, unlike those so-called tiger and wolf medicines.

It can even have a subtle nourishing effect.

of course.

For a person like Cao Ying, who has never even touched the palm of the opposite sex.

This is also the first time I have come into contact with this kind of elixir.

Not to mention refining!

"What, is there something wrong with this recipe?"

Facing Cao Ying's hesitant look, Ye Hao also raised his eyebrows.

"Not really."

The latter also shook his head slightly.

"In this case,"

"When this Ning Yuan True Pill is successfully refined, you will have to test the medicine yourself."

Ye Hao also reminded him intentionally or unintentionally.


These words.

This made Cao Ying, who was originally blushing, couldn't help lowering her head.


However, Ye Hao also reminded him expressionlessly.

"It's getting late,"

"Don't forget the difficulty of refining this seventh-grade elixir, although it is not as complicated as that of the eighth-grade elixir,"

"But it's not as easy as imagined to ensure the success of refining within three ingredients..."

And Cao Ying heard this.

But she also calmed down her mind slightly, with a serious look in her beautiful eyes, and began to concentrate on dealing with the medicinal materials in front of her.

have to say.

As a famous witch in Danta.

Cao Ying's demon is not limited to her opponent's appearance, she is also quite talented in refining medicine!

At least the skillful technique can be seen when the other party handles the medicinal materials.


Such flowing movements matched Cao Ying's enchanting face, which was full of seriousness at the moment.

But it also gives people a unique appeal!
Under such circumstances.

Ye Hao's heart also moved, and a look of amusement suddenly appeared on his face.

"It seems,"

"The seventh-grade elixir may not be a problem for you..."


"Do you mind if I add a little test to this process?"

These words were spoken before Cao Ying could react.

I felt a huge and familiar soul power sweeping over me, gently brushing my body.

next second.

Cao Ying, who was still looking attentive at first, inevitably felt a slight fluctuation in her heart.

The whole person's reaction seemed to be half a beat too slow.

And in this case.The pill fire controlled by Cao Ying naturally became uncontrollable!

Almost instantly.

The medicinal materials that she had worked so hard to handle were also swallowed up by the elixir fire and turned into a ball of ashes!
And after seeing this scene.

Cao Ying also bit her lip unwillingly.

Although Ye Hao caused trouble in all of this.

But as an alchemist.

In the process of refining medicine, concentration is also the most basic element.

thought here.

Cao Ying couldn't help but calm down, forcing herself to put aside all the distracting thoughts in her mind, and even subconsciously not care about the big soul hand.

After carefully cleaning up the residue in the medicine cauldron.

He took out another batch of medicinal materials and continued to process them seriously.

And see this scene.

Ye Hao couldn't help but show a hint of appreciation.


Cao Ying can be called a genius in refining medicine, and it is not without purpose.

At least the other party's level of concentration in doing things makes many people ashamed.

If it were an ordinary person, in this situation of being interfered by foreign objects.

Not to mention such a delicate task as handling medicinal materials, I'm afraid even the thinking ability will be affected.


After processing the medicinal materials, Cao Ying began the process of refining them.

As for Ye Hao.

Although he still controls the soul palm and makes trouble nearby.

As a result, Cao Ying's pretty face soon became sweaty. It was unknown whether it was caused by the high temperature of the medicine cauldron or her own emotions.


"Let's make it a little more difficult!"

As this thought came to mind, Ye Hao also took action again.


The invisible soul palm seemed to have changed.

It seemed as if it suddenly changed from a palm to an octopus-like tentacle.


At this moment, Cao Ying couldn't help but snorted subconsciously.

The elixir fire in the medicine cauldron naturally fluctuated again.

The medicinal materials that had begun to condense into the prototype of the elixir once again turned into a pile of black ash!
see this scene.

Cao Ying couldn't help showing a look of helplessness.

The sweat on his forehead became more and more obvious, and his whole body seemed to be struggling to support himself.

"What, are you going to admit defeat?"

Ye Hao on the side naturally couldn't help but joked.

"It's so easy to admit defeat..."

"It's not like the witch from the Cao family I know!"

These words are exported.

The confused look in Cao Ying's eyes was instantly replaced by a touch of determination!

after this.

But Cao Ying took another piece of medicinal material, which was also the last material on the medicine refining table.

But even so.

Cao Ying was not timid, but handled it as smoothly as before.

And because of the experience of the first two times.

This time there were no mistakes from beginning to end, and the speed was even much faster than before.

As for Ye Hao.

It also always maintains the time domain and speeds up the process of refining medicine.

And in this case.

But within a moment, the elixir in the Kung Fu Medicine Cauldron was condensed into its prototype again.

Under the burning flame.

Little by little it is getting closer to the round shape.

And this time.

A faint aroma of elixir began to emit from the medicine cauldron.

And the moment I came into contact with this fragrance.

Cao Ying's fair skin seemed to be dyed with a light layer of rouge.

The whole person has become more magnificent, and even his eyes have become a little enchanting, with a hint of charm!


This is because Cao Ying was affected by the medicinal power emitted during the elixir's forming process.


Just a hint of medicinal power can produce such an effect.

And how powerful is the final product?

"It's about to succeed..."

At this moment, looking at the elixir that was about to take shape in the medicine cauldron, Cao Ying's pretty face also showed a hint of excitement.


Ye Hao naturally noticed this.

Mind a move.

The soul power in front of me also changed again and began to spread deeper!
As for Cao Ying, the party concerned.

At this moment, it was like being struck by lightning, and my whole body was trembling slightly.

Even so.

She also gritted her teeth and used her soul power to control the elixir fire in the medicine cauldron, so that the medicinal power inside the elixir could be further integrated.

At the same time, he tried his best to resist this strange feeling.

have to say.

Under the influence of this medicinal fragrance, Cao Ying found that her perception ability seemed to be magnified countless times!
under these circumstances.

Even a slight move may cause her to burn the elixir in the medicine cauldron!
Rao is so.

But he still managed to hold on with a trace of clarity in his mind!

at last.

The aroma in the medicine cauldron became more and more intense, as if it had reached a peak!
It also means that this furnace of elixir is finally completed.

But Cao Ying gritted her teeth slightly and used her last bit of strength.

With a wave of his hand, a round pill flew out of the medicine cauldron!
Looking at the warm elixir in her hand, Cao Ying also cast an excited look at Ye Hao.

"Master, I succeeded."

this moment.

Cao Ying's smooth chin was slightly raised, like a proud white swan!
But the excitement on his face and the look he looked at Ye Hao seemed like a little pet asking for credit from his master!
"very good……"

"In that case, let's start the final step."

And Cao Ying heard this.

After hesitating for a moment, he put the newly prepared elixir into his mouth without hesitation.

And see this scene.

Ye Hao couldn't help but admire the other party's decisiveness.

"As a bonus,"

"Tell me what you want?"

"Is anything ok?"

at this time,
But she saw that Cao Ying's face was also slightly red, just like her skin at the moment.


"I want to know how to improve my soul power so that I can have a powerful soul power like my master!"

For Cao Ying.

Her extraordinary soul power is also something she is proud of.


After feeling the power of Ye Hao's soul, she knew what it meant to be a small witch.
and so.

Cao Ying also wanted to know this secret.


"This method requires a big price...have you thought about it clearly?"

Faced with this inquiry.

However, Cao Ying couldn't help but lick her lips, changing her previous shyness in front of Ye Hao.

However, he used his last bit of strength to step forward and throw himself into Ye Hao's arms.

"It seems like... I have no choice anymore!"

Hearing this, Ye Hao also smiled slightly.

But he picked up Cao Ying unceremoniously and walked towards the room on the side!


Just like Cao Ying said.

Right now she had no choice or no room for rejection.

Not to mention.

Faced with this delicious food delivered to his door, Ye Hao naturally would not let it go.


Feel the majestic soul power sweeping towards you.

this moment.

Cao Ying finally gave up thinking!
(End of this chapter)

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