Doupo: Rebirth of Hai Xinyan, many children, many blessings!

Chapter 150 Ye Hao’s identity, Yaochen’s disciple

Chapter 150 Ye Hao’s identity, Yaochen’s disciple

Chapter 1: Ye Hao’s identity, Yaochen’s disciple

this night.

Whether it is for Cao Ying, or for Dan Chen and Bai Wei, it is destined to be a very long time.

All three are feeling.

It was obviously just one night, but it felt like I had been here for half a month!

This hard work has paid off significantly.

Among them, the soul realms of Dan Chen and Bai Wei have successfully reached the middle stage of the spiritual realm.

Even Dan Chen was only one step away from breaking through to the late spiritual realm.

For the two.

It's all a big surprise!

In contrast.

Cao Ying had paid a lot of price and hard work before.

Naturally, you get more!
The first is the soul realm, but it took one step before Dan Chen and Bai Wei to reach the perfection of the spiritual realm!


Cao Ying got more information on how to use soul power.

And these cultivation methods.

It is more precious and mysterious than the secret method collected in the Dan Pagoda, and it makes Cao Ying feel like she has found a treasure.

of course.

Cao Ying also knew that for Ye Hao, these so-called secret methods

It's just the tip of the iceberg revealed under the other party's countless mysterious veils.

Especially after knowing that he really just spent one night last night.

In Cao Ying's eyes.

This man who has taken over his body and mind is naturally becoming more and more mysterious!
So much so that in the eyes of others, this enchanting girl from the Cao family was almost blatantly entangled with Ye Hao these days!
It also made many young heroes in the Dan Pagoda see their goddess throw themselves into the arms of a man, all of them were filled with grief and anger, and their eyes were broken!
But this.

For Ye Hao, it didn't have much impact.


When faced with various overtures from the major families in Danta, as well as insinuating inquiries about the origins of his apprenticeship.

Their responses were unanimous.

"Master Yaochen!"

have to say.

The name Yaochen also has a very special meaning in Danta.

Perhaps not many people of the younger generation know this name, but for people of the older generation.

But I also remember this former Danhui champion.

Suddenly a little stunned.

"A disciple of Yao Chen... no wonder he has such a demonic talent!"

"It seems that this little guy has obtained the true inheritance of Yao Chen. He is better than his master."

"I heard that this guy Yaochen died a few years ago,"

"Unexpectedly, not only did he not die, but he secretly cultivated a disciple without saying a word."

"It seems..."

"I also want this little guy to give us old friends a surprise!"

of course.

Among these people.

But there was a beautiful woman, muttering Yao Chen's name, with a hint of memory in her eyes.

As for the woman's identity.

It was Xuanyi, one of the three giants of Danta.

In fact, some of the older generation figures in the Dan Pagoda also knew very well what Xuan Yi had been unable to achieve after practicing medicine so hard.

But this time.

Neither Xuan Yi nor these people thought about meeting Ye Hao, a disciple of Yao Chen.

After all, the elixir meeting is around the corner.

They should consider avoiding suspicion anyway.

At the same time, he did not want their interference to affect Ye Hao's performance.

I don't know.

At the moment, Ye Hao is also indulging in the gentle land and doesn't take Danhui's affairs to heart at all.

after all.

He came here only for Cao Ying and others.

The remaining goals.

That is to say, the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo ranked ninth on the list of strange fires in the Danta Conqueror! ——
Today's Shengdan City.

As we get closer and closer to Danhui, the flow of people becomes more and more terrifying.

Not only during the day, but also at night the noise is loud.

As the flow of people increased, countless people from all walks of life naturally mixed in, and some strange and weird things were spread in these places.

And among them, there are some real treasures.

of course.

This requires sufficient eyesight.

Otherwise, it is not impossible to be fooled by mermaids and use worthless gadgets!

As for Ye Hao.

Originally I didn't care about these things.

I just thought that in this Dan Pagoda, there seemed to be a nine-color rough stone once in the plot.

If only I could get this nine-color rough stone.

On the contrary, it can be brought back to Cai Die for use, so that the opponent can evolve his bloodline into a nine-color sky-swallowing python earlier.

But unfortunately.

After spending an afternoon wandering around several trading areas, I didn't get much. At most, I just found a few rare medicinal plants.

But right now.

With the Ye family sponsoring various precious medicinal materials for free, Ye Hao naturally didn't care about it.

"Looks like..."

"We really have to wait until the Alchemist Fair to see if we can find something like that."

in the next two days.

Ye Hao naturally continued to accompany Cao Ying, Dan Chen and Bai Wei to study the knowledge of medicine refining.

after all.

Ye Xinlan and Han Xue are both pregnant successfully.

It also allows Ye Hao to focus on Cao Ying, Dan Chen and Bai Wei.

have to say.

The three of them were originally somewhat hostile to each other.

Perhaps it was because they studied together, but they quickly became close friends.

under these circumstances.

It’s finally time for the alchemist trade fair to start.
The so-called alchemist trade fair is naturally not as mixed as other trade fairs.

If you want to divide the trade fair into three, six or nine grades.

So the trade fair that Ye Hao and others are going to this time should be considered to be of the upper class.

Far from comparable to those small trading sessions the day before.


Behind this trade fair, there is also the support of Danta, which is why it has developed so powerfully.

Because of this.

When items are exchanged in this trade fair, things like murder and swindling will rarely occur.

After all, it is within this Dan territory.

No one can escape Danta's pursuit!

"Alchemist Fair,"

In front of us is a building that covers a vast area. There is already a lot of traffic and people coming and going in front of the gate.

Countless people wearing alchemist robes.

Under the envious eyes of the surrounding people, he successfully passed through the heavy guards at the entrance of the trade fair and entered it.

"Let's go,"

This time, Ye Hao was naturally followed by Cao Ying, Bai Wei, and Dan Chen.

When I learned that Ye Hao planned to come to the trade fair.

Originally, Cao Ying planned to accompany him.

However, even Dan Chen, who is the most "socially afraid" among the three, is not willing to let the good sisters have this kind of time with Ye Hao alone!
and so.

In the end, it became three people who accompanied Ye Hao.

have to say.Cao Ying and Bai Wei, two beauties with different looks and completely different styles, held Ye Hao's arms one on the left and the other on the right.

Next to her was Dan Chen, a girl with a loli face and a figure like a royal sister.

a time.

After Ye Hao entered the trade fair, he became the focus of everyone!

after all.

Many people are no strangers to Cao Ying and others.

After seeing my own goddess,

She actually doesn’t mind sharing the same man with other people!
They are also a little impatient to know which guy is so lucky to be able to hug everyone and enjoy the blessings of everyone!
This look.

Many people first felt ashamed of themselves.

Not to mention anything else, No. [-]'s handsome face alone instantly killed many people present.

After all, many alchemists are somewhat unkempt, and many of those who can become seventh or eighth grade alchemists are over fifty years old.

How can he compare to Ye Hao, a handsome young man whose looks are comparable to those of readers?
Not to mention,

Ye Hao also wore a seventh-grade alchemist badge.

In addition, he participated in the assessment on behalf of the Ye family before and after, and defeated Cao Ying, the famous witch of the Cao family, in one fell swoop.

It also allowed many people to see Ye Hao's talent and strength in refining medicine.

In addition, he has the title of Yaochen's disciple.

all in all,
Although a group of people are unwilling to do so,

But they could only watch Ye Hao and his party enter the trade fair.

behind the gate.

It is a spacious and cool passage.

And passing through this passage is an extremely vast hall.

In the hall, there are many neatly arranged stone platforms, just like street vendors.

Behind the stone platform.

Some figures who looked like stall owners were sitting cross-legged with lazy expressions, not looking like businessmen at all.

of course.

They are indeed not.

The flow of people in the hall is also quite terrifying, and most of them are wearing alchemist robes.

Many alchemists are wandering in this vast hall.

Occasionally, I would stop in front of some stone platforms and carefully look at the objects placed on the stone platforms.

If there is someone he likes, he will stop and start negotiating with the stall owner to exchange terms.

"This alchemist trade fair is also divided into hierarchical areas. This is only the third-level area. The second-level area is on the second floor, and the first-level area is on the top floor."

"But to enter it, certain conditions are required."

Cao Ying was obviously quite familiar with this trade fair, so she also explained.

"To enter the second floor, you need to reach the level of a sixth-grade alchemist, and for the third floor, you need to be at least a seventh-grade level or a Dou Zun to enter."

"Go directly to the third floor!"

Although the valuable things in the stone platform present are more than one level higher than those in the trade fair outside.


Under the sweep of soul power, there was nothing Ye Hao was looking for.

There wasn't even much worth stopping for.


You also need to go to the trading area on the third floor to check it out.


For Cao Ying and others, this trade fair is lively.

But for what they need, just say hello to the family, and someone will try their best to collect it.

As for saying.

Something that even the family's strength cannot collect.

A treasure of that level,
Trying to find it in this trade fair is like looking for a needle in a haystack!


Since it was Ye Hao who wanted to come, they would naturally not ruin each other's enjoyment! ——
At the stairwell to the top floor, there were two old men standing here.

Although the two of them do not have alchemist badges on their chests, they are still strong men of the Douzong!
A strong man from the fighting sect.

In the northwest of the Dou Qi Continent, and even in places like the Black Horn Region, there are giants who can establish a sect.

Yet now.

In the Dan Pagoda, he is treated as a gatekeeper.

When I saw Ye Hao and his group, I especially noticed that Ye Hao, Cao Ying, Bai Wei, and even Dan Chen, who seemed to be the youngest, were all wearing a seventh-grade alchemist badge.

a time.

The two people, who were still looking solemn at first, suddenly became smiling.

"It turns out to be Miss Cao Ying, these are..."

"They're all my friends,"

In response to the two people's inquiries, Cao Ying hugged Ye Hao's arm but had no intention of letting go.

The two old men looked at this scene with understanding in their hearts.

"Several, please follow me..."

The top floor of the legendary alchemist trade fair is not spacious compared to the two floors below.

But the decoration is extremely thoughtful.

Light blue warm jade is spread out and spread over the top floor.

Step on it with the soles of your feet.

A faint warmth flows into the soles of the feet, making people feel comfortable all over.

There are very few people on the top floor covered with warm jade.

At a glance.

Just a few dozen people.

It's just that among these people, almost all of them are strong enough to cause some sensation, and are at least seventh-grade alchemy masters!
And then noticed the arrival of Ye Hao and others.

Although many people looked surprised, they didn't show any signs of losing their composure!

"If you need anything, you might as well talk to me,"

The old man leading the way also spoke.

"I'm just waiting to take a look,"

Ye Hao also spoke casually, while his soul power swept the field.

of course.

With his heavenly soul realm, coupled with various secret techniques.

Even the person with the most acute soul perception present would find it difficult to detect this and would only regard it as his own illusion.

after this.

Ye Hao came to the north corner of the top floor.

There is a jade platform here, and a cold air spreads out from the platform.

There are some medicinal materials, scrolls, and even elixirs scattered on the jade platform.

And it doesn’t look like anything ordinary.

There are many people around the jade platform, obviously very interested in the things on it.

As for the owner of this place, he is a gray-haired old man.

The old man was slovenly, lying on the jade platform with a lazy look on his face. He ignored the onlookers around him and picked his ears unscrupulously.


On Ye Hao's side, when he saw the jade platform where the old man was, he also discovered his target this time.

It was a small piece of copper.

"How does the old gentleman plan to exchange for this piece of copper?"

"A volume of prescriptions for seventh-grade high-grade elixirs."

The sloppy old man smiled and said, it is rare for anyone to be interested in this thing.

"Ha ha,"

After hearing this answer, Ye Hao couldn't help but turn around and leave.

"and many more,"

As for the old man, he seemed to have no idea that he was shouting prices all over the place.

The young man in front of me had no intention of counter-offering, and just gave up without any agreement!

"Why don't young people have any patience?"


"Today I have a destiny with you, a volume of seven-grade intermediate-level elixir prescriptions, and it can't be that kind of useless prescription, how about it?"

This can be regarded as the old man's bottom line.

Although he didn't know the value of this copper piece, he could see that it was an ancient thing.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let it go for so long, and he would have refused to let go!
(End of this chapter)

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