Chapter 107 Idiot, of course it’s because of you
"Thank you."

Xia Zhi took the sour plum juice and took a big sip. The spicy taste in her mouth subsided slightly.

On the other side, Shen Jiangqi also brought a glass of sour plum juice.

When Xia Zhi was hurt just now, he was about to hand over the pickled plum juice.

But it was a beat slower.

In the end, Xia Zhi drank Fu Jinye’s sour plum juice.

Shen Jiangqi put down the sour plum juice in his hand and cheered up again, "Xia Xia, if you can't eat spicy food, just eat less. Don't force yourself."

Xia Zhi nodded, "Brother Shen, what you said makes sense.

I just gave it a try.

Not next time. "

"Want to try the oil dish?" Fu Jinye suddenly said, "Shacha sauce is also good."

"No, I can do it myself." Xia Zhi refused.

Looking at Xia Zhi who deliberately distanced herself from him, Fu Jinzhi had some vague suspicions.

Ye Qi urged them to stop chatting and drink together.

After drinking a glass of beer, Xia Zhi's cheeks began to turn red.

She has been like this since she was a child.

As long as you touch alcohol, your cheeks will definitely turn red.

This followed her father.

However, Xia Zhi's drinking capacity does not stop there.

After changing glasses, the seven people drank five bottles of beer.

Not much.

He can't even stay full of water.

Except Xia Zhi.

"Fu Jinye, have you mutated?" Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye with drunken eyes, wagging her fingers, "How come you have.
one, two
Four heads? "

"That's strange, Fu Jinye, how did you do it?"

"Fu Jinye, why don't you speak?"

"Uuuuuuuuuah, Fu Jinye, you bastard! You bastard, you still dare to appear in my dream."

"Fu Jinye, let me tell you, I will never forgive you in this life!"

"You are a scumbag and a heartless man! You started in chaos and ended up giving up. You abandoned your wife and children. You are outraged by both humans and gods!"

The drunk Xia Zhi grabbed Fu Jinye and kept talking.

Cry for a while and laugh for a while.

Everyone was very confused.

Zhou Yiran asked doubtfully, "What is Xia Zhi talking about?"

Listening to her tone, why does it seem like she and Fu Jinye are very familiar?
Ye Qi smoothed things over and said, "Maybe Xia Zhi is a fan of our Best Actor Fu, so she often dreams about him."

Zhou Yiran understood, "That's it.

I didn’t expect her drinking capacity to be so small. "

"Yes." Ye Qi nodded in agreement, "Imano, if not, Xia Zhi will be left to you. You can help us take her home."

Shen Jiangqi objected, "It's not appropriate."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, he coughed lightly and explained, "What I mean is that Xia Xia is dishonest when she is drunk and is prone to drunkenness.

How about we send her back together. "

Ye Qi took a deep look at Shen Jiangqi.

The person involved, Xia Zhi, had no idea what was going on.

She was still leaning against Fu Jinye, "Fu Jinye, you smell so good."

At this moment, she looked like a female hooligan.

He walked directly in front of Fu Jinye and made eye contact.


Fu Jinye was forcefully kissed!
Fu Jinye was forcefully kissed by the drunk Xia Zhi! ! !
Fortunately they chose a private room.

Seeing this scene, everyone was not calm.

Several people who knew Fu Jinye's thoughts were happy for him.

People who didn't know Fu Jinye's thoughts were murmuring in their hearts.

Is there really something going on between these two people?
"Fu Jinye, where is this?" Xia Zhi looked around with disgust, but pressed her body tightly against Fu Jinye, "Shall we go home?

I'm so sleepy and want to go home and sleep. "

Fu Jinye's throat was swelling up and down, and he said hoarsely, "Okay, let's go home." He stood up, picked up Princess Xia Zhi, and then apologized to everyone, "Sorry, we're going back first.

Eat slowly and see you tomorrow. "

Fu Jinye hugged Xia Zhi and prepared to leave.

Ye Qi stopped him and reminded him, "Are you going out like this?"

Although the people on the island are simple and honest.

But it is inevitable that someone will take a photo and post it online.

At that time, he couldn't explain it even if he wanted to.

"It doesn't matter." Fu Jinye said calmly.

He didn't mind at all that the scandal between him and Xia Zhi would be spread.

Ye Qi realized it.

Really, what is she worried about?

Maybe Fu Jinye wants the scandal between the two to get worse.

Shen Jiangqi was a little disappointed.

It's more because of Xia Zhi's attitude.

It seemed that wherever Fu Jinye appeared, Xia Zhi's eyes would not fall on anyone else.

Especially after being drunk, her heart was completely inclined to Fu Jinye.

Shen Jiangqi even suspected that Xia Zhi had forgotten them all.

Xia Xia, is Fu Jinye that important in your heart?
Zhou Yiran watched Fu Jinye leave with Xia Zhi in his arms, a trace of resentment flashing in his eyes.

Xia Zhi is really a cunning woman.

I just drank a few beers and I am so drunk. Who would believe it? !
If she had known that Fu Jinye was so easy to conquer, she shouldn't have pretended to be reserved.

Zhou Yiran's teeth were broken and she felt so regretful!

Fu Jinye left after settling the bill downstairs.

The person who collected the money was an older grandma.

She doesn't know Fu Jinye.

Seeing Fu Jinye hugging Xia Zhi tenderly, he kindly reminded, "Young man, next time you take your wife out to drink less, she will get drunk."

Fu Jinye nodded politely, "Well, I know, I won't do it next time."

Xia Zhi rubbed herself in Fu Jinye's arms uncomfortably, "Aren't you home yet?"

Fu Jinye looked down at her with gentle eyes, "Almost.

We're going home now. "

Watching the two people leave, the old man couldn't help but say, "Young people today are much happier than they were back then."

Fu Jinye carried Xia Zhi home.

Halfway through, Xia Zhi felt a little uncomfortable.

She patted Fu Jinye's back, and Fu Jinye quickly reacted and put him down.

Xia Zhi squatted on the side of the road, her stomach churning.

I retched for a long time but didn't spit it out.

Very uncomfortable.

She staggered to her feet, and when the evening breeze blew, she seemed to wake up a lot.

"Fu Jinye?" Xia Zhi walked towards Fu Jinye in a daze, "Why are you here?"

Fu Jinye frowned slightly, is he still not fully awake?

Fu Jinye asked, "Xia Zhi, do you still remember where this is?"

Xia Zhi was in a daze for a moment and said, "On the island, we are recording a program!"

It seems that he has not completely lost consciousness.

"But." Xia Zhi spoke again.

Fu Jinye looked at her quietly, waiting for her next words.

Xia Zhi said, "Why did you show up?

Don’t you want to participate in variety shows?
Why did you come to this show? "

"Finally asked?" Fu Jinye poked Xia Zhi between the eyebrows helplessly, "How long did you think you could endure it?"

"Don't change the topic!" Xia Zhi pointed at Fu Jinye and spoke very forcefully, "You must explain to me clearly why you participated in this show today, otherwise you can sleep outside tonight!"

Fu Jinye was so cute by her childish behavior that he couldn't help but rub her hair, "Idiot, of course it's because of you."

(End of this chapter)

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