Chapter 108 Drinking Memories
Xia Zhi's eyes flickered, and she pointed at Fu Jinye and yelled, "Liar!"

Fu Jinye was scolded innocently and looked at Xia Zhi doubtfully, "Why do you say that?"

Could this be the reason why Xia Zhi left in the first place?
Xia Zhi refused to explain any more.

She swayed forward.

Upon seeing this, Fu Jinye strode directly to her side and picked her up.

Xia Zhi fluttered twice in Fu Jinye's arms, "Let me go, you big liar!"

Fu Jinye spoke forcefully, "Don't let go.

Unless you tell me what I lied to you about. "

What else can I lie to?
Xia Zhi cursed: She didn't have money to cheat Fu Jinye.

He must have deceived her feelings!


Don't let it go.

She was too lazy to walk on her own.

On the front foot, Fu Jinye carried Xia Ran to the bed.

Now, he carried Xia Zhi to the bed again.

As soon as she lay down on the bed, Xia Zhi turned over, wrapped herself in a quilt and fell asleep.

Fu Jinye sat by the bed and stared at her sleeping face for a long time.

It wasn't until there was a knock on the door outside that he reluctantly left.

Before leaving, Fu Jinye helped Xia Zhi tuck in the quilt.

His cold hand brushed her cheek, his eyes were gentle, and he said in a deep voice, "Good night."

Xia Zhi closed her eyes and showed no reaction.

Until the sound of the door closing sounded.

After some time, she slowly opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the door in confusion.

Xia Zhi rolled over on the bed, her eyes filled with thick fog that could not be resolved.

Suddenly, she sat up and sighed.

What is this all about!

Yu Qian will carefully observe Fu Jinye's emotions.

"Brother Fu, Madam is looking for you."

She handed her mobile phone to Fu Jinye, which still showed "Call in progress".

Fu Jinye took the phone and walked aside, "Hello."

A female voice came from the other end of the phone, "You still know how to answer the phone.

What did you do?
I called you several times, why didn't you answer? "

"Having dinner with friends." Fu Jinye said calmly.

Ms. Song, Fu Jinye’s mother, said “Oh”, “When will you come home?”

"In two days."

"Isn't the variety show finished?"

Fu Jinye did not expect that Ms. Song would pay attention to his program.

He coughed lightly and said, "Well, I still have some work to do."

To prevent Ms. Song from asking further questions, Fu Jinye changed the subject and said, "Mom, what do you want from me?"

"Can't I come to you if nothing happens?" Ms. Song said angrily, "I have something to do, and you have to help me."

It was a rare occasion for Ms. Song to speak to him, so Fu Jinye naturally agreed.

I thought I was going to hang up the phone, but Ms. Song suddenly said, "What's going on between you and that Xia Zhi?

And that kid named Xia Ran, could he really be your illegitimate son?

Or is he your father's illegitimate son? "

Seeing that Ms. Song was getting more and more outrageous, Fu Jinye pinched his eyebrows and emphasized, "It's not an illegitimate child."

"Hey, I'm here, okay, I'll be right over."

On the other end of the phone, Ms. Song seemed very busy.

She hurriedly told Fu Jinye, "Don't forget what I told you" and hung up the phone.

Fu Jinye sighed.

It seemed that Ms. Song didn't listen to what he said.

Returning the phone to Yu Qian, Fu Jinye prepared to go back to the room.

Yu Qian suddenly stopped him, "Brother Fu, you and Sister Xia Zhi."

Fu Jinye glanced over, and Yu Qian shut up obediently and stopped talking about this matter.

"Don't interfere in our affairs in the future." Fu Jinye said coldly, "You are my assistant now, not my mother's assistant."

Yu Qian nodded, "Okay, Brother Fu. I understand."

Looking at Fu Jinye's leaving figure, Yu Qian let out a long sigh.

Shouldn't she get involved between mother and son?
The next day.Xia Zhi got up from bed early in the morning.

To be honest, she actually didn't sleep well that night.

I lay in bed tossing and turning, but couldn't fall asleep.

In the end, he could only get involved with Rong Yun, who was abroad.

Fortunately it was daytime over there.

The two chatted until very late, and Xia Zhi finally fell asleep.

Early the next morning, she woke up naturally.

When I have something on my mind, I really get less sleep.

Xia Zhi took a simple shower and then started packing her luggage.

She packed a lot yesterday, so she quickly packed up the rest.

After doing all this, Xia Zhi came to Ranbao's room.

Ranbao is still sleeping.

After quietly closing the door, Xia Zhi came downstairs to prepare breakfast.

"You're awake." Fu Jinye's voice sounded, and Xia Zhi was shocked.

She slowly turned her head and saw Fu Jinye cutting bread in the kitchen.

"There's honey water on the table, drink it."

Xia Zhi picked up the water cup and took a sip. The water temperature was just right, "Why did you get up so early?"

"I haven't slept all night." Fu Jinye said truthfully.

Xia Zhi felt a little guilty inexplicably and her eyes dodged, "What's wrong?"

It shouldn't have anything to do with him not sleeping all night, right?

Xia Zhi pursed her lips and continued to drink water.

Fu Jinye said, "I helped Ms. Song handle the work all night."

"Ms. Song?" Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye doubtfully.

Fu Jinye explained: "My mother."

It turned out to be the case.

She thought he was Fu Jinye's partner.

Seeing Fu Jinye preparing breakfast, Xia Zhi couldn't help but ask, "Then what are you going to make for breakfast if you don't catch up on your sleep?"

"It doesn't matter, I can sleep on the plane just as well.

But you, do you still remember what happened after you were drunk last night? "

Xia Zhi shook her head, "I don't remember."

Immediately, she showed a horrified expression, "I didn't do anything extraordinary, right?"

She remembered what happened in the second half of last night.

But the first half of the story after drunkenness
Thinking of her not-so-good wine, Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye with an innocent face.

"Don't look at me." Fu Jinye turned his head and opened the fire to prepare the omelette.

Early in the morning, accidents can easily happen.

Especially when she looked at him like this.

Xia Zhi is not a roundworm, so she naturally doesn't know what Fu Jinye is thinking.

The phone vibrated.

Xia Zhi clicked on an unread WeChat message.

[Ye Qi: Xia Xia, are you awake? 】

Xia Zhi replied quickly.

[Xia Zhi: Well, I’m awake. 】

[Ye Qi: Let me show you a good thing [smile.jpg]]

Xia Zhi suddenly had a bad feeling.

Could she choose not to see it?
Unfortunately, she didn't have the right to refuse.

After Ye Qi sent the message, he immediately sent several photos.

In the last photo, she held Fu Jinye's face and kissed him.

The first few pictures show the process of her forcibly kissing Fu Jinye, which can also be called "evidence".

【Xia Zhi:.】

[Xia Zhi: You should be the only one who saw it, right? 】

Xia Zhi asked, feeling a bit self-deceiving.

How could it be possible that Ye Qi was the only one who saw everyone having dinner together? !
What are drunk people most afraid of?
What scares you most is having someone help you remember it the next day.

He also produced evidence that you went crazy while drunk.

Xia Zhi just wants to go back to her room, huddle under the quilt, and not see anyone else!
(End of this chapter)

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