Chapter 109
Ye Qi’s messages continued to come.

[Ye Qi: Xia Xia, originally I didn’t plan to give you these photos, but I think it’s better to help you restore your memory]

[Ye Qi: Don’t worry, I absolutely support you and Fu Jinye]

[Ye Qi: Whatever you want to do, just do it bravely!Don’t be bound by identity]

[Ye Qi: Actually, I feel it.]

Before he finished typing this sentence, Ye Qi received a reply from Xia Zhi.

[Xia Zhi: Sister Qi, this is all a misunderstanding. I was drunk last night. My wine taste is always bad]

[Xia Zhi: There is nothing between me and Fu Jinye]

[Xia Zhi: No one should misunderstand me]

Ye Qi was a little surprised when he saw the message from Xia Zhi.

She also thought that showing these photos to Xia Zhi would promote the relationship between the two.

Unexpectedly, Xia Zhi denied it directly.

Ye Qi deleted the content he originally wanted to type and re-edited it.

[Ye Qi: It’s okay, I’m drunk after all. 】

[Xia Zhi: Well, I hope so. 】

Xia Zhi turned off her phone.

I saw Fu Jinye’s back busy in the kitchen.

She thought again of the photos Ye Qi sent.

God, how could she do such a thing.

Could it be that she had never let go of Fu Jinye in her heart, so she took advantage of the drunkenness.
Xia Zhi held her forehead, luckily she had to be separated from Fu Jinye for a while.

Otherwise, if we continue to get along, it will be embarrassing for everyone.

"Xia Xia?" Fu Jinye said.

Xia Zhi was in a daze and looked at Fu Jinye in confusion, "You called me? What's wrong?"

Fu Jinye put the dinner plate on the dining table, "I also want to ask you what's wrong."

"You have called so many times but there is no response. What are you thinking about?"

Xia Zhi blinked, feeling guilty for some reason, "It's nothing. I'll go get Ranbao up."

She just wanted to escape from Fu Jinye.

As long as you don't face Fu Jinye, anything will be fine.

"Ranbao, wake up."

"Well, mom, it's burning up."

Xia Zhi came to Ranbao's room. He had just finished brushing his teeth and walked out of the bathroom.

Seeing this little man who was almost exactly the same as Fu Jinye, Xia Zhi sighed silently in her heart.

It will all pass.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Xia Ran held Xia Zhi's hand and asked with concern.

Xia Zhi shook her head, "Mom is fine, we are going home today, are Ranbao happy?"

Xia Ran nodded, "Yeah, I'm happy.

As long as I am with my mother, I am happy no matter what I do. "

"So good." Xia Zhi kissed Ranbao on the cheek.

It is enough for her to have a son.

Get rid of everything else!

After breakfast, I simply packed up my things.

News from Director Fan came that the boat to take them away was in place.

Before Xia Zhi pushed her suitcase and left, she took another look at the small courtyard.

She may never come back in this life.

But she really likes this courtyard.

Fu Jinye could see her reluctance.

Along the way, Xia Zhi hugged Xia Ran and either talked to Ye Qi or closed her eyes to rest, obviously deliberately avoiding suspicion with Fu Jinye.

Zhou Yiran mustered up her courage and took the initiative to speak, "Actor Fu, let's add WeChat so that we can contact you easily if we need anything in the future."

Fu Jinye glanced at her lightly, "Isn't there a group?"

Zhou Yiran was embarrassed.

She didn't expect that Fu Jinye would reject her in public.

It's hard for her to say some things in front of everyone, so it's better for them to talk in private.

Ye Qi smoothed things over, "Yes, from now on anyone can talk to the group if they have anything to do.

I will try my best to help if I can. "

"Thank you, Miss Qi."

"Sister Qi is so powerful!"

This topic has been brought up in this way.Zhou Yiran felt unwilling.

She originally wanted Fu Jinye to agree to her friend request in front of everyone.

At this point, she could only add his WeChat number privately.

I don’t know if he will refuse.

Xia Zhi felt sleepy after not sleeping well all night, and she fell asleep all the way.

When she opened her eyes and woke up, the ship had already docked.

Ranbao looked at her eagerly, everyone in the cabin had already left.

Except Fu Jinye.
"Wake up." Fu Jinye said.

Xia Zhi asked with some confusion, "Where are the others?"

"We've all gone back." Guessing what Xia Zhi would ask next, he said directly, "I'll take you home."

"No, no, we can just take a taxi back." Xia Zhi quickly refused.


She originally planned to temporarily cut off contact with Fu Jinye.

What's going on with sending it home?

Fu Jinye explained, "You are different now than before. Many people know you online, so it's better to be careful."


Xia Zhi compromised.

She really couldn't refute Fu Jinye's reason.

"Okay." Xia Zhi nodded, "Sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay." Fu Jinye said.

Fu Jinye sent a message on his mobile phone.

About ten minutes later, a man appeared in the cabin.

When he saw Xia Zhi, he took the initiative to introduce himself, "Hello, I am Tao Yuan, Fu Jinyefa's manager."

"Hello." Xia Zhi stood up and greeted him.

It turns out there are others.

She thought only Fu Jinye would send her back.


Fu Jinye is not what he used to be now, and he must be a hundred times more careful when traveling.

"Let Tao Yuan take you home later." Fu Jinye said, "I still have some things to deal with, so I can't go back with you."

Xia Zhi nodded, hoping that Fu Jinye would leave as soon as possible.

But she couldn't be too obvious, she just said politely, "It's okay, thank you.

be careful on the road. "

"Okay." Fu Jinye nodded.

Before leaving, he came to Tao Yuan and said, "I'll leave her to you."

"Are you still worried about me doing things?" Tao Yuan patted him on the shoulder.

Fu Jinye and Xia Zhi left the cabin.

Tao Yuan drove a black Mercedes-Benz, with Xia Zhi and Xia Ran sitting in the back seat.

"Xia Zhi, please get the navigation to your neighborhood."

Xia Zhi took the mobile phone handed over by Tao Yuan and entered the location of her community.

Tao Yuan started the car and followed the navigation.

On the way, he took the initiative to chat with Xia Zhi, "Xia Zhi, are you interested in being in the entertainment industry?
I should be considered a moderately successful agent.

If you want to enter the entertainment industry, I can help pave the way for you. "

Xia Zhi was a little flattered, "Thank you, Brother Yuan, but I'd better forget it."

She really has little interest in the entertainment industry.

Although artists can make quick money from their work, they also take a lot of risks.

She just participated in a variety show, so she had to be on guard day and night.

Not to mention those artists who are exposed to the public every day.

"Where is Ranbao?" Tao Yuan refused to give up, "Child actors are also very popular now."

Xia Zhi did not refuse immediately. She looked at Ranbao and said, "Baby, do you want to be a star?"

"Can I see my mother every day if I am a celebrity?"

Xia Zhi thought for a moment and said, "Probably not."

Xia Ran refused without thinking, "No.

Ranran doesn’t want to be a star. "

Through the rearview mirror, Tao Yuan looked at the mother and son who were "indifferent to fame and fortune" with some helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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