Chapter 110 Forced Tao Yuan

Xia Zhi glanced at Tao Yuan apologetically, "I'm sorry, Brother Yuan, maybe our mother and son have no connection with the entertainment industry."

Tao Yuan was helpless.

Xia Zhi is one of the most special girls he has ever seen.

However, such a character is just right for Fu Jinye to be with.

Since he can't make her a partner, it would be nice to form a good relationship.

"It's a bit of a pity." Tao Yuan said, "Actually, your appearance is very good. With a little packaging, you will definitely become popular."

Xia Zhi didn't expect Tao Yuan to praise herself like this.

She expressed her gratitude sheepishly.

Along the way, Tao Yuan talked about some things about the entertainment industry and Fu Jinye.

But he didn't mention signing Xia Zhi again.

After arriving at the community, Tao Yuan found a suitable place to park the car.

After getting off the car, he opened the trunk and helped Xia Zhi carry her luggage.

"Thank you, Brother Yuan." Xia Zhi said gratefully, "Brother Yuan, would you like to sit upstairs and drink a glass of water before leaving?"

"it is good."

Xia Zhi:.
In fact, she was just being polite, but she didn't expect Tao Yuan to actually agree.

But just say yes.

She doesn't lack this glass of water either. ,

Tao Yuan helped Xia Zhi carry the suitcase to the floor where Xia Zhi was.

"How are the security measures in this community?" Tao Yuan asked curiously.

Xia Zhi glanced at him with some doubts, thinking of what Fu Jinye said before.

She muttered in her heart, "It should be pretty good."

The house she bought is a normal house in a normal community.

Nothing special.

In addition to being a little further away from the city center, the house prices are a little cheaper.

It was too close to the city center and she couldn't afford it.

"Well, you should be careful these two days." Tao Yuan said.

"Okay." Xia Zhi nodded.

open the door.

A familiar breath came over him.

Xia Zhi's whole body relaxed instantly.

Sure enough, a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own doghouse.

She was not very tired at first, but when she got home, she suddenly felt a little tired and just wanted to lie down.

Because there are still guests here.

Xia Zhi took the suitcase from Tao Yuan and put it in the living room, then arranged for people to sit down.

She went to the refrigerator to look for a drink.

"Can orange juice be okay?" Xia Zhi asked.

Tao Yuan nodded, "I can do it. I can drink whatever I want."

Xia Zhi took out the orange juice and washed three glasses.

Tao Yuan had no intention of leaving, so Xia Zhi sat down and chatted with him.

"I heard that you stopped studying after high school?" Tao Yuan asked curiously.

Xia Zhi nodded, "Well, something happened at that time, so I haven't been studying."

Tao Yuan understood.

Immediately, he spoke again, "Then do you still want to continue studying?

I have some connections and can give you some advice if you want to take the Adult College Entrance Examination.

After all, if you want to survive in this era, academic qualifications are still very important. "

What Tao Yuan said is very pertinent.

Especially since his words are sincere and will not offend anyone at all.

Xia Zhi said truthfully, "Thank you, Brother Yuan, actually I have this plan myself.

I've been studying on my own recently and don't need help for the time being. "

Xu rejected Tao Yuan too many times.

Xia Zhi felt a little sorry.

She added, "If you encounter trouble in the future, you must find Brother Yuan to solve it as soon as possible!"

"it is good."

Tao Yuan nodded, "Since you are Konye's friend, you are also my Tao Yuan's friend.

Between friends, you're welcome.

Calculate for yourself, how many times have you said thank you to me from the time you got in the car to now. "Xia Zhi also felt that the number of times was a bit too much.

But it can't blame her.

Xia Zhi smiled and said, "Brother Yuan is kind-hearted and has been thinking about helping me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have so much to say thank you to!"

Tao Yuan laughed out loud, and the two briefly chatted for a few more words.

Before leaving, Tao Yuan talked about Fu Jinye, "Xia Zhi, between you and Jinye.
In fact, Konno is more innocent than you think.

At least for all the years he has been in the entertainment industry, he has never been in love once.

Sometimes, what he says and does may be a bit rushed, I hope you can understand more.

His starting point is still based on worrying about you. "

Xia Zhi was a little embarrassed. She didn't expect Tao Yuan to say these words suddenly.

"I think it's okay." Xia Zhi said, "Actor Fu has always been very polite to me."

Except kiss her.

However, she kissed him back.

So the two of them still owe each other nothing!
Unfortunately, Xia Zhi forgot.

In a relationship, the result of your coming and going is to accelerate the growth of the relationship, rather than not owing each other anything.

Seeing that Xia Zhi deliberately distanced herself from Fu Jinye, Tao Yuan couldn't say anything else.

He stood up and said goodbye to Xia Zhi.

"It's getting late, I'll leave first." Tao Yuan asked again before leaving, "Pay attention to safety."

"Okay!" Xia Zhi nodded, "Brother Yuan, I'll give it to you."

Send Tao Yuan to the elevator.

Xia Zhi returned to the room.

Ranbao is sitting on the sofa and drinking orange juice obediently.

Xia Zhi walked over and held him in her arms, "Does it taste good?"

"Yeah." Xia Ran nodded, "Is mom tired?"

"Yes." Xia Zhi yawned.

How energetic she was last night, how sleepy she felt now.

"You go play by yourself for a while first. Mom has to catch up on her sleep." Xia Zhi rubbed Xia Ran's hair.

When she got up and went back to her room, she glanced at the door.

He walked over and turned the lock on the door.

"Ranbao, don't open the door no matter who comes for a while, do you understand?"

Xia Ran saw the nervous Xia Zhi and nodded, "Okay."

"Don't worry, mom." Xia Ran showed his little fist, "If you encounter bad people, Ranran will protect mom!"

Xia Zhi was amused by his cute appearance.

Looking at his little pink fist, he couldn't help but joke, "Ranbao needs to eat more and grow up sooner so that he can protect his mother sooner."

Xia Ran curled her lips, feeling unwilling to do so, "Ruan Ran can protect her mother now."

"Okay, our family is the best!"

Xia Zhi knows how to comfort Xia Ran.

After her comfort, Xia Ran cheered up again.

The change in his little face was even greater than the change in the sky in June.
Tao Yuan went downstairs and couldn't wait to turn on his phone after returning to the car.

[Tao Yuan: Xia Zhi’s home address, what are you going to do? 】

He sent his location to Fu Jinye.

Today, Fu Jinye suddenly came to him and asked him to send Xia Zhi home.

This would have been no problem.

But Fu Jinye asked him to record Xia Zhi's home address and send it to him.

Tao Yuan was a little confused, "Aren't you going to give her a gift?"

Fu Jinye shook his head, "No, I have other things to deal with."

"What's going on?" Out of curiosity, Tao Yuanduo asked.

Fu Jinye's eyes suddenly fell on him.

Tao Yuan felt a little scared when he stared at him.

I always feel that Fu Jinye has evil intentions!

In the end, he only said: "You will know when the time comes."

At this time, when exactly is it?
Based on his understanding of Fu Jinye, this kid is definitely a bad guy!

Poor Xia Zhi.

Tao·accomplice·Yuan: A little conscience, but not much.

(End of this chapter)

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