Chapter 111 The Man's Trick

[Tao Yuan: I have obtained the address for you, now you should tell me what exactly you are going to do. 】

Not long after sending this message, Tao Yuan received a call from Fu Jinye.

He answered the call immediately, "Hey, what do you want to talk about on the phone?"

Fu Jinye told him exactly what he asked Tao Yuan to do.

After listening, Tao Yuan was completely confused.

He couldn't help but say, "Aren't you afraid that Xia Zhi will kill you if she finds out?"

"Afraid." Fu Jinye said calmly, "But it's worth it."

Tao Yuan:.
"So, if I don't ask that question, will this matter not fall on me?"

Fu Jinye said "Yeah", "Originally I planned to do it myself, but it was too risky.

If anything happens, the main responsibility lies with me.

You are different. "

Tao Yuan smiled but said coldly, "Why do I think there is no difference between the two of us?

After all, in the eyes of others, if I do it, it means you do it. "


Something is not right.

With how cunning Fu Jinye is, how could he be tied up so easily.

That's why he said this on the phone.

The purpose is to prevent useful evidence from being left behind.

I have to say, this guy is really evil.

Tao Yuan regretted it now.

If he hadn't caught Fu Jinye's eye in the crowd at that time, he wouldn't be Fu Jinye's secretary now.

If he were not Fu Jinye's secretary, Fu Jinye would not let him do such a "conscientious" thing.

If he hadn't done such a "conscientious" thing, he wouldn't be so sad.

Fu Jinye's voice came again, "When the matter is completed, the dividend will be doubled at the end of this year."

Tao Yuan immediately turned from sadness to joy, "Okay, Master Fu, I will make arrangements according to your instructions."

It's a joke, it's about Fu Jinye's lifelong happiness.

He must pay attention.

I can only feel wronged to Xia Zhi temporarily, but I may have to experience the fanatical fans next.

Fu Jinye's plan was very simple. Find a few people to pretend to be Xia Zhi's fans. After she goes out, they would ask her for autographs and take photos, making Xia Zhi realize that she now has fans.

In fact, if you follow Tao Yuan's wishes, hiring a few black fans will be more effective.

Probably to scare Xia Zhi, Fu Jinye did not do this.

His purpose was to make Xia Zhi realize that she had fans and stop treating the people around her casually.

Instead of scaring her.

At the same time, just in case, Fu Jinye also sent someone to protect Xia Zhi secretly.

Fu Jinye had already started arranging this matter since the hospital takeout incident.

Tao Yuan had to admire Fu Jinye.

He knows how to trick his wife.

Xia Zhi, who was sleeping, had no idea what was happening.

When she woke up, it was already dark.

Unexpectedly, I slept until the sun went down.

Xia Zhi yawned and sat up from the bed.

"Ran Bao!" She shouted Xia Ran's name loudly.

Hearing this, Xia Ran, who was watching TV in the living room, kicked up her calves and ran to Xia Zhi's room, "What's the matter, Mom?"

"I'm hungry." Xia Zhi looked at Ranbao, "Let's order"

Just when she was about to order takeout, Fu Jinye and Tao Yuan's instructions rang in her ears.

The danger is very dangerous.
Xia Ran answered, "Would you like some takeout?"

Xia Zhi shook her head, "Forget it, I won't order takeout."

She got out of bed and said, "Let's go out and pack some food and come back to eat."

"Okay." Xia Ran nodded.

In order to prevent others from recognizing her, she covered herself up tightly when going out.

He also changed Xia Ran into clothes that he didn't often wear.

The mother and son went out wearing masks.

It was originally to prevent being recognized.As a result, when they went to the street, they turned into conspicuous bags.

On the entire street, they were the only two who covered themselves up the most.

Even wearing a mask.

Those who didn’t know thought something was wrong with the two of them.

"What does Ranbao want to eat?" Xia Zhi asked Xia Ran's opinion.

There is a food street near the community.

There is a wide variety of delicious food here.

Xia Ran thought for a moment and replied, "Mom, let's go eat kimchi soup."

"Okay!" Xia Zhi nodded.

Speaking of which, she hasn't had kimchi soup for a long time.

Although this restaurant is branded as Korean cuisine, the owner is an authentic Chinese.

The taste of their dishes is also more suitable for Chinese stomachs.

The kimchi soup is sour and spicy, but the spiciness is very mild.

It also contains pork belly and lactone tofu.

When Xia Zhi has no appetite, she likes to order her kimchi soup.

"Boss, two portions of kimchi soup to take away."

"Okay, a total of 40 yuan."

After placing the order, Xia Zhi sat in the store holding Ranbao.

"Are you Xia Zhi?"

A little sister suddenly sat next to Xia Zhi and asked in a low voice.

Xia Zhi was shocked.

Even though she was dressed up so discreetly, she was still recognized!
The little sister said excitedly, "Can you sign your name for me?
I really like the "this summer CP" between you and Fu Jinye. You two must be happy together!

Ranbao must be Fu Jinye's biological son, otherwise how could he look so similar! "

Ah hello.

Xia Zhi really wanted to take off her mask and talk to this person.

When did she get together with Fu Jinye?

She didn't really want this sudden blessing.

Also, little sister, do you know too much about the father-son relationship between Ranbao and Fu Jinye?
"Sister Xia Zhi, is that okay?" The little sister stared at Xia Zhi with her round eyes.

Seeing this, Xia Zhi felt a little soft-hearted.

After all, they are their own fans.

And he's so polite and so coquettish, who wouldn't be confused?

"Okay." Xia Zhi whispered, "But don't tell others that I am here."

The little sister nodded and excitedly handed the notebook to Xia Zhi.

Looking at the pen in her hand and the notebook on the table, Xia Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

Are these two things that are closely associated with star chasers these days?

I even took it with me when I went out to eat.

After writing her name, Xia Zhi drew a heart-shaped pattern on her name.

Firstly, it’s for aesthetics.

Secondly, it is also to prevent others from using their signatures to do bad things.

Xia Zhi also accidentally saw it from the video. Generally, celebrities will not sign on blank paper to prevent it from being taken advantage of by malicious people.

Xia Zhi guessed that perhaps artistic signatures could have a similar effect.

"Thank you, Sister Xia Zhi." The little sister put the notebook away excitedly.

Before leaving, she did not forget to wish her well and said, "You and Fu Jinye must be happy. We 'Konye' CP fans will always support you!"

Xia Zhi: Not really.

"Mom is a big star." Xia Ran couldn't help but ask, "Does mom have a lot of fans?"

"Yes." Xia Zhi said with emotion, "I will have to put on makeup when I go out from now on."

This inexplicable idol baggage.

Xia Ran didn't understand, "But mom looks good even without makeup."

In his heart, his mother is the most beautiful girl in the world.

Even more beautiful than the fairies on TV! "

(End of this chapter)

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